{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load humanize %} {% load static %} {% block content %}
{% if not_imported_LL %}
{% else %} {% if playlist.has_playlist_changed %}
Refreshing playlist '{{ playlist.name }}', please wait!
{% else %}
{% if not playlist.is_yt_mix %} {% if playlist.auto_check_for_updates %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if playlist.marked_as == "watching" %}
{% include 'intercooler/playlist_watch_message.html' %}
{% endif %}

{{ playlist.name }}
{% if playlist.user_label %}a.k.a {{ playlist.user_label }}{% endif %}

{% if playlist.marked_as != "none" %} {% if playlist.marked_as == "watching" %} {% elif playlist.marked_as == "plan-to-watch"%} {% endif %} {{ playlist.marked_as }} {% endif %}

by {{ playlist.channel_name }}

{% if playlist.description %}

{{ playlist.description|linebreaksbr|urlize }}
{% else %}
No description
{% endif %}

{% if playlist.is_user_owned %}OWNED{% else %}IMPORTED{% endif %} {{ playlist.video_count }} VIDEOS
{% if playlist.is_private_on_yt %}PRIVATE{% else %}PUBLIC{% endif %} {% if playlist.is_yt_mix %}YT MIX{% endif %} {% if playlist.has_unavailable_videos %} {% if playlist.get_watchable_videos_count == 0 %} ALL {% else %} {{ playlist.get_unavailable_videos_count }} {% endif %} VIDEOS ARE UNAVAILABLE {% endif %} {% if playlist.has_duplicate_videos %} {{ playlist.get_duplicate_videos_count }} DUPLICATE VIDEOS {% endif %}
Tags: {% for tag in playlist_tags %} {{ tag.name }} {% endfor %}
Add a tag to this playlist
{% if unused_tags %}
- OR -
{% endif %}

Last updated {{ playlist.updated_at|naturalday }}{{ playlist.num_of_accesses }} clicks

{% if playlist_items.count != 0 %}
{% with channels=playlist.get_channels_list %} {% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% if playlist.video_count > 1 %} {% endif %}
{% if playlist_items.count != 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% if playlist.is_user_owned %}Move or {% endif %}Copy videos to other playlist(s)! 0 videos selected
Loading, please wait...
{% if playlist.is_user_owned %}
{% endif %}
Note: Move will delete the selected videos from this playlist. Copy won't.
0 videos selected
You can select videos by clicking any where on the video box. Selected videos will be highlighted red.
{% if not user.profile.confirm_before_deleting %}
You have set confirm before deleting to False. Buttons below will take effect immediately when clicked.

{% else %} {% if playlist.has_unavailable_videos %}
Clicking on delete unavailable videos button will take immediate effect. All videos labelled unavailable in this playlist will be deleted from your YouTube playlist.
{% endif %} {% if playlist.has_duplicate_videos %}
Clicking on delete duplicate videos button will take immediate effect. All videos labelled duplicate in this playlist will be deleted from your YouTube playlist.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if playlist.has_unavailable_videos %}
{% endif %} {% if playlist.has_duplicate_videos %}
{% endif %}
Deleting, please wait...
Add new videos to this playlist
Note: You can only add 25 videos at a time. Find videos by searching on UnTube or searching on YouTube
Adding videos, please wait...
Create a new playlist with the selected videos 0 videos selected
Creating playlist, please wait...

{% if playlist_items %}
{% for playlist_item in playlist_items|slice:"0:50" %}
  • 50 %}hx-get="{% url 'load_more_videos' playlist.playlist_id order_by|default:"all" page|default:"1" %}" hx-trigger="revealed" hx-swap="afterend" hx-indicator="#load-more-videos-spinner" {% endif %} class="list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center bg-transparent videos" style="background-color: #40B3A2"> {% if playlist_item.video.is_unavailable_on_yt and not playlist_item.video.was_deleted_on_yt %} {% else %}
    {% if playlist_item.video.is_unavailable_on_yt or playlist_item.video.was_deleted_on_yt %} {{ playlist_item.video_position|add:"1" }}. {{ playlist_item.video.name|truncatewords:"16" }}
    VIDEO UNAVAILABLE {% if playlist_item.video.video_details_modified %}WENT PRIVATE/DELETED {{ playlist_item.video.updated_at|naturaltime|upper }}{% endif %}

    {% else %} {{ playlist_item.video_position|add:"1" }}. {{ playlist_item.video.name|truncatewords:"16" }} by {{ playlist_item.video.channel_name }}
    {% if playlist_item.video.has_cc %}CC{% endif %} {% if playlist_item.video.published_at %}added to playlist on {{ playlist_item.published_at }}{% endif %} {% if playlist_item.video.view_count == -1 %}HIDDEN{% else %}{{ playlist_item.video.view_count|intword|intcomma }}{% endif %} {% if playlist_item.video.like_count == -1 %}HIDDEN{% else %}{{ playlist_item.video.like_count|intword|intcomma }}{% endif %} {% if playlist_item.is_duplicate %}duplicate{% endif %} {% if playlist_item.video.playlists.count|add:"-1" != 0 %} found in {{ playlist_item.video.playlists.count|add:"-1" }} other playlist{% if playlist_item.video.playlists.count|add:"-1" > 1 %}s{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if playlist_item.video.video_details_modified %}{% if playlist_item.video.was_deleted_on_yt %}went private/deleted{% else %}added{% endif %} {{ playlist_item.created_at|naturaltime }}{% endif %}

    {% endif %}
    {% if playlist_item.video.is_unavailable_on_yt or playlist_item.video.was_deleted_on_yt %} {% else %} {% if not playlist_item.is_duplicate %} {% endif %} {% if playlist.marked_as == "watching" and not playlist_item.is_duplicate %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
    {% else %}
    Playlist is empty ;-;
    Consider moving/copying videos from other playlists into this playlist.
    - OR -
    Add new videos to this playlist
    Note: You can only add 25 videos at a time. Find videos by searching on UnTube or searching on YouTube
    Adding videos, please wait...
    {% endif %}
    Loading more videos...
    {% endif %} {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}