@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+v1.0.0 release notes
+Today we celebrate our 43rd public release of CRX! This is the largest release
+ever with tons of performance improvements that will increase the speed and
+accessibility of your CRX website.
+New features
+* Upgrade to Wagtail 3.
+* Upgrade to Bootstrap 5 (ships with Bootstrap 5.2).
+* Removed jQuery, modernizr, and many other JavaScript improvements.
+* Use WebP image format. If you need to support older browsers released prior to
+ 2020, disable this feature. See :doc:`/how_to/images`.
+* New Accordion snippet and block. See :doc:`/features/snippets/accordions`.
+* Added hidden "skip navigation" link for accessibility.
+* Most settings have been consolidated in the Wagtail admin under
+ **Settings > CRX Settings**
+* Codebase has been formatted with ``black`` to improve readability and
+ maintainability.
+* CRX 1, Wagtail 3, and Bootstrap 5 all drop support for Internet Explorer. If
+ you need to support Internet Explorer, follow the Bootstrap 4 guide below.
+Upgrade instructions
+.. important::
+ It is highly recommended to first upgrade and deploy your site in production
+ with version 0.25 before performing the upgrade to 1.0.
+Updating Python code
+#. Run ``pip install coderedcms==1.0.*`` and update your ``requirements.txt``
+ with ``coderedcms==1.0.*``.
+#. Follow the `Wagtail 3 upgrade instructions
+ <https://docs.wagtail.org/en/stable/releases/3.0.html#upgrade-considerations-changes-affecting-all-projects>`_.
+ This primarily involes running the following tool to update the Wagtail
+ imports:
+ .. code-block:: text
+ wagtail updatemodulepaths
+#. Find and replace the following panels in your Python code:
+ * ``StreamFieldPanel``
+ * ``RichTextFieldPanel``
+ * ``ImageChooserPanel``
+ * ``DocumentChooserPanel``
+ * ``SnippetChooserPanel``
+ with:
+ * ``FieldPanel``
+#. Find all instances of ``StreamField(`` and add the ``use_json_field=True``
+ argument.
+#. Rename ``BASE_URL`` to ``WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL`` in your Django settings.
+#. Find and delete any references to ``ADASettings`` in your Python and HTML
+ code.
+#. Find and replace the following references in both Python and HTML code:
+ * ``GeneralSettings``
+ * ``GoogleApiSettings``
+ * ``MailchimpApiSettings``
+ with:
+ * ``LayoutSettings``
+#. Make and run migrations:
+ .. code-block:: text
+ python manage.py makemigrations
+ python manage.py migrate
+#. Next, choose whether to upgrade to Bootstrap 5, or stay on Bootstrap 4.
+If upgrading your site to Bootstrap 5
+#. Add ``django_bootstrap5`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS``..
+#. If you are not using ``django-bootstrap4`` elsewhere in your project, remove
+ ``bootstrap4`` from ``INSTALLED_APPS``.
+#. In your Django settings file, remove the ``BOOTSTRAP4`` dictionary.
+#. Update your HTML templates to `Bootstrap 5.2 <https://getbootstrap.com/>`_.
+ Compare your custom templates to the stock ones for help:
+ https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms/tree/dev/coderedcms/templates.
+#. Notable template changes:
+ * ``event_index_page.html`` and ``calendar.html`` have changed.
+ * ``location_index_page.html`` has changed.
+ * ``stream_form_page.html`` has changed.
+ * ``form_page.html`` and ``pagepreview_form.html`` have changed to use
+ ``django_bootstrap5`` rendering.
+ * ``article_index_page.html`` and ``article_page.html`` have a new design
+ that is closer to stock Bootstrap.
+ * ``grid_block.html`` now has with a CSS class ``crx-grid`` which
+ adds padding to the top and bottom. This can be disabled in sass builds, or
+ overridden with CSS or in the template.
+ * Blocks no longer render with a ``<div class="block-*">`` wrapper. This may
+ affect custom CSS.
+#. ``pages/base.html`` template has removed ``{% block required_scripts %}``.
+ Delete it from your template if it is present.
+#. If you still rely on jQuery, be sure to add it to your base template in
+ ``{% block custom_scripts %}``. Generally speaking, any instance of the
+ ``custom_scripts`` block should call ``block.super`` to preserve scripts from
+ parent templates as such:
+ .. code-block:: django
+ {% block custom_scripts %}
+ {{ block.super }}
+ <script src="my-script-here.js"></script>
+ {% endblock %}
+#. All CSS class names and JavaScript files beginning with ``codered-`` have
+ been renamed to ``crx-``. Find and replace those in your templates and CSS.
+#. The new templates all use WebP images. See: :doc:`/how_to/images` for options
+ to disable this if needed.
+#. If you are using Sass, update your ``_variables.scss`` and ``custom.scss``
+ files appropriately. As a starting point, update your Sass files to match our
+ project template:
+ https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms/tree/dev/coderedcms/project_template/sass/website/static/website/src.
+If staying on Bootstrap 4
+While we recommend *eventually* upgrading to Bootstrap 5, for larger sites or
+highly customized sites, this can be a lengthy process. We have published a
+`compatibility theme <https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms-bootstrap4>`_
+which preserves all the old Bootstrap 4 templates, CSS, Sass, and JavaScript.
+Do not follow any of the steps above in the Bootstrap 5 section if you are
+staying on Bootstrap 4!
+#. Run ``pip install coderedcms-bootstrap4`` and add to your
+ ``requirements.txt`` file ``coderedcms-bootstrap4==1.*``.
+#. In your Django settings file, add ``coderedcms_bootstrap4`` **ABOVE** the
+ ``coderedcms`` app:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ ...,
+ "coderedcms_bootstrap4",
+ "coderedcms",
+ ...,
+ ]
+Final steps: after deploying
+Locally in development, and after deploying your upgraded site to production,
+you should run the following commands to clean up the site.
+Run migrations (as usual):
+.. code-block:: text
+ python manage.py migrate
+Delete old media renditions:
+.. code-block:: text
+ python manage.py wagtail_update_image_renditions --purge-only
+Update Wagtail search index:
+.. code-block:: text
+ python manage.py wagtail_update_index
+Thank you!
+Thanks to everyone who contributed to `1.0.0 on GitHub <https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms/milestone/1?closed=1>`_.