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+CodeRed CMS 0.13.0 release notes
+New features
+* New CMS installations will now cache 301/302 redirects and 404 pages.
+ Existing CMS installations should switch to new wagtail-cache middleware to gain this behavior
+ (see upgrade considerations).
+* **Settings > General > From Email Address** now allows specifying sender name in
+ "Sender Name <sender@example.com>" format.
+* **Settings > Tracking > Track button clicks** now tracks ALL anchor clicks, not just Button Blocks.
+Bug fixes
+* Minor bug fixes to form page template.
+* Minor bug fixes to search page template.
+* Fixed bug that prevented previewing Event page types.
+* Fixed Structured Data error on Event page types.
+* Body previews now properly render HTML entities (apostrophes, non-breaking spaces, etc.).
+* Images in Rich Text Blocks are now properly positioned left/right/full-width on the front-end.
+* Fixed AMP rendering issues with images in Rich Text Blocks.
+* Updated Bootstrap to version 4.3.1, and other JavaScript library updates.
+Upgrade considerations
+* Robots.txt settings were REMOVED from **Settings > General**. If you had custom custom robots.txt specified here,
+ move your robots.txt content to ``website/templates/robots.txt`` file before upgrading.
+* Existing installations must add the new wagtail-cache middleware to ``MIDDLEWARE`` in the Django settings file as
+ described `in wagtail-cache documentation <https://docs.coderedcorp.com/wagtail-cache/stable/getting_started/install.html>`_
+ after upgrading.
+* You will need to run ``python manage.py makemigrations website`` and ``python manage.py migrate`` after upgrading.