@@ -0,0 +1,7639 @@
+# Generated by Django 5.1.6 on 2025-02-06 23:56
+import wagtail.fields
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ("testapp", "0007_auto_20210910_1614"),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name="eventoccurrence",
+ options={
+ "ordering": ["sort_order"],
+ "verbose_name": "CodeRed Event Occurrence",
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name="articleindexpage",
+ name="show_captions",
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name="articleindexpage",
+ name="show_images",
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name="articleindexpage",
+ name="show_meta",
+ ),
+ migrations.RemoveField(
+ model_name="articleindexpage",
+ name="show_preview_text",
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="articleindexpage",
+ name="body",
+ field=wagtail.fields.StreamField(
+ [("hero", 88), ("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)],
+ blank=True,
+ block_lookup={
+ 0: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [("", "Default")],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 1: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Custom CSS Class",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 2: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Custom ID", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 3: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 4: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": True, "label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 5: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Background images scroll slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth.",
+ "label": "Parallax Effect",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 6: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"required": False},
+ ),
+ 7: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": False,
+ "label": "Tile background image",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 8: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Background color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 9: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Text color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 10: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 11: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Always expanded"),
+ (
+ "sm",
+ "sm - Expand on small screens (phone, 576px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "md",
+ "md - Expand on medium screens (tablet, 768px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "lg",
+ "lg - Expand on large screens (laptop, 992px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "xl",
+ "xl - Expand on extra large screens (wide monitor, 1200px)",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "help_text": "Screen size at which the column will expand horizontally or stack vertically.",
+ "required": False,
+ "verbose_name": "Column Breakpoint",
+ },
+ ),
+ 12: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("column_breakpoint", 11),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 13: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Automatically size"),
+ ("12", "Full row"),
+ ("6", "Half - 1/2 column"),
+ ("4", "Thirds - 1/3 column"),
+ ("8", "Thirds - 2/3 column"),
+ ("3", "Quarters - 1/4 column"),
+ ("9", "Quarters - 3/4 column"),
+ ("2", "Sixths - 1/6 column"),
+ ("10", "Sixths - 5/6 column"),
+ ("1", "Twelfths - 1/12 column"),
+ ("5", "Twelfths - 5/12 column"),
+ ("7", "Twelfths - 7/12 column"),
+ ("11", "Twelfths - 11/12 column"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Column size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 14: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.html_blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font"},
+ ),
+ 15: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Category",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 16: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Label",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 17: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_category", 15),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_label", 16),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 18: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Page link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 19: (
+ "wagtail.documents.blocks.DocumentChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Document link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 20: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Other link", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 21: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Title", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 22: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-primary", "Primary"),
+ ("btn-secondary", "Secondary"),
+ ("btn-success", "Success"),
+ ("btn-danger", "Danger"),
+ ("btn-warning", "Warning"),
+ ("btn-info", "Info"),
+ ("btn-link", "Link"),
+ ("btn-light", "Light"),
+ ("btn-dark", "Dark"),
+ ("btn-outline-primary", "Outline Primary"),
+ ("btn-outline-secondary", "Outline Secondary"),
+ ("btn-outline-success", "Outline Success"),
+ ("btn-outline-danger", "Outline Danger"),
+ ("btn-outline-warning", "Outline Warning"),
+ ("btn-outline-info", "Outline Info"),
+ ("btn-outline-light", "Outline Light"),
+ ("btn-outline-dark", "Outline Dark"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Style",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 23: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-sm", "Small"),
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("btn-lg", "Large"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 24: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 25: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image"},
+ ),
+ 26: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("image", 25)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 27: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Alternate text to show if the image doesn’t load",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 28: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("image", 25),
+ ("alt_text", 27),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 29: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "form_classname": "monospace",
+ "icon": "code",
+ "label": "HTML",
+ },
+ ),
+ 30: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("downloadable_file", 19),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 31: (
+ "wagtail.embeds.blocks.EmbedBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Link to a YouTube/Vimeo video, tweet, facebook post, etc.",
+ "label": "URL",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 32: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("url", 31)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 33: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Quote Text", "required": True, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 34: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Author", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 35: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("text", 33), ("author", 34)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 36: ("wagtail.contrib.table_block.blocks.TableBlock", (), {}),
+ 37: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("table", 36)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 38: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Address or search term used to find your location on the map.",
+ "label": "Search query",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 39: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": 'Map title for screen readers, ex: "Map to Goodale Park"',
+ "label": "Map title",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 40: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use place ID.",
+ "label": "Google place ID",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 41: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": 14,
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use zoom. 1: World, 5: Landmass/continent, 10: City, 15: Streets, 20: Buildings",
+ "label": "Map zoom level",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 42: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("search", 38),
+ ("map_title", 39),
+ ("place_id", 40),
+ ("map_zoom_level", 41),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 43: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a preview of pages that are children of the selected page. Uses ordering specified in the page’s LAYOUT tab.",
+ "label": "Parent page",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 44: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.ClassifierTermChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Only show pages that are classified with this term.",
+ "label": "Classified as",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 45: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": 3, "label": "Number of pages to show"},
+ ),
+ 46: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("indexed_by", 43),
+ ("classified_by", 44),
+ ("num_posts", 45),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 47: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a mini preview of the selected page.",
+ "label": "Page to preview",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 48: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("page", 47)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 49: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Accordion",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 50: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("accordion", 49)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 51: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("coderedcms/blocks/card_block.html", "Card"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head.html",
+ "Card with header",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_foot.html",
+ "Card with footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head_foot.html",
+ "Card with header and footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_blurb.html",
+ "Blurb - rounded image and no border",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_img.html",
+ "Cover image - use image as background",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 52: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 51),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 53: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 54: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Subtitle", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 55: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "features": [
+ "bold",
+ "italic",
+ "ol",
+ "ul",
+ "hr",
+ "link",
+ "document-link",
+ ],
+ "label": "Body",
+ },
+ ),
+ 56: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("Links", 24)]],
+ {"blank": True, "label": "Links", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 57: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 52),
+ ("image", 53),
+ ("title", 21),
+ ("subtitle", 54),
+ ("description", 55),
+ ("links", 56),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 58: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Carousel",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 59: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("carousel", 58)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 60: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.FilmStrip",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 61: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("film_strip", 60)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 62: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.CollectionChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image Collection", "required": True},
+ ),
+ 63: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("collection", 62)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 64: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Modal heading",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 65: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 66: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font", "label": "Simple Text", "max_length": 255},
+ ),
+ 67: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("text", 66), ("button", 24)]],
+ {"label": "Modal footer", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 68: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("header", 64),
+ ("content", 65),
+ ("footer", 67),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 69: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Heading", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 70: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 71: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Name", "max_length": 255, "required": True},
+ ),
+ 72: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Description", "required": False, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 73: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Any text here. Include currency sign if desired.",
+ "label": "Price",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 74: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("image", 70),
+ ("name", 71),
+ ("description", 72),
+ ("price", 73),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 75: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("item", 74)]],
+ {"label": "Items"},
+ ),
+ 76: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("heading", 69), ("items", 75)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 77: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.ReusableContent",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 78: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("content", 77)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 79: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ("accordion", 50),
+ ("card", 57),
+ ("carousel", 59),
+ ("film_strip", 61),
+ ("image_gallery", 63),
+ ("modal", 68),
+ ("pricelist", 76),
+ ("reusable_content", 78),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 80: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 12), ("column_size", 13), ("content", 79)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 81: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("content", 80)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 82: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 81)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 83: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_group.html",
+ "Card group - attached cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_deck.html",
+ "Card deck - separate cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_columns.html",
+ "Card masonry - fluid brick pattern",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 84: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 83),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 85: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("card", 57)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 86: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 84), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 85)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 87: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 88: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("fluid", 4),
+ ("is_parallax", 5),
+ ("background_image", 6),
+ ("tile_image", 7),
+ ("background_color", 8),
+ ("foreground_color", 9),
+ ("content", 87),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ },
+ null=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="articlepage",
+ name="body",
+ field=wagtail.fields.StreamField(
+ [
+ ("text", 0),
+ ("button", 13),
+ ("image", 16),
+ ("image_link", 18),
+ ("html", 19),
+ ("download", 20),
+ ("embed_video", 22),
+ ("quote", 25),
+ ("table", 27),
+ ("google_map", 32),
+ ("page_list", 36),
+ ("page_preview", 38),
+ ("accordion", 40),
+ ("card", 47),
+ ("carousel", 49),
+ ("film_strip", 51),
+ ("image_gallery", 53),
+ ("modal", 58),
+ ("pricelist", 66),
+ ("reusable_content", 68),
+ ],
+ blank=True,
+ block_lookup={
+ 0: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.html_blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font"},
+ ),
+ 1: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [("", "Default")],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 2: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Custom CSS Class",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 3: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Custom ID", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 4: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Category",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 5: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Label",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 6: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 1),
+ ("custom_css_class", 2),
+ ("custom_id", 3),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_category", 4),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_label", 5),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 7: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Page link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 8: (
+ "wagtail.documents.blocks.DocumentChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Document link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 9: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Other link", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 10: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Title", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 11: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-primary", "Primary"),
+ ("btn-secondary", "Secondary"),
+ ("btn-success", "Success"),
+ ("btn-danger", "Danger"),
+ ("btn-warning", "Warning"),
+ ("btn-info", "Info"),
+ ("btn-link", "Link"),
+ ("btn-light", "Light"),
+ ("btn-dark", "Dark"),
+ ("btn-outline-primary", "Outline Primary"),
+ ("btn-outline-secondary", "Outline Secondary"),
+ ("btn-outline-success", "Outline Success"),
+ ("btn-outline-danger", "Outline Danger"),
+ ("btn-outline-warning", "Outline Warning"),
+ ("btn-outline-info", "Outline Info"),
+ ("btn-outline-light", "Outline Light"),
+ ("btn-outline-dark", "Outline Dark"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Style",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 12: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-sm", "Small"),
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("btn-lg", "Large"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 13: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("page_link", 7),
+ ("doc_link", 8),
+ ("other_link", 9),
+ ("button_title", 10),
+ ("button_style", 11),
+ ("button_size", 12),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 14: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 1),
+ ("custom_css_class", 2),
+ ("custom_id", 3),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 15: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image"},
+ ),
+ 16: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("image", 15)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 17: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Alternate text to show if the image doesn’t load",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 18: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("page_link", 7),
+ ("doc_link", 8),
+ ("other_link", 9),
+ ("button_title", 10),
+ ("image", 15),
+ ("alt_text", 17),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 19: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "form_classname": "monospace",
+ "icon": "code",
+ "label": "HTML",
+ },
+ ),
+ 20: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("button_style", 11),
+ ("button_size", 12),
+ ("button_title", 10),
+ ("downloadable_file", 8),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 21: (
+ "wagtail.embeds.blocks.EmbedBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Link to a YouTube/Vimeo video, tweet, facebook post, etc.",
+ "label": "URL",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 22: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("url", 21)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 23: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Quote Text", "required": True, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 24: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Author", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 25: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("text", 23), ("author", 24)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 26: ("wagtail.contrib.table_block.blocks.TableBlock", (), {}),
+ 27: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("table", 26)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 28: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Address or search term used to find your location on the map.",
+ "label": "Search query",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 29: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": 'Map title for screen readers, ex: "Map to Goodale Park"',
+ "label": "Map title",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 30: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use place ID.",
+ "label": "Google place ID",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 31: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": 14,
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use zoom. 1: World, 5: Landmass/continent, 10: City, 15: Streets, 20: Buildings",
+ "label": "Map zoom level",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 32: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 14),
+ ("search", 28),
+ ("map_title", 29),
+ ("place_id", 30),
+ ("map_zoom_level", 31),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 33: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a preview of pages that are children of the selected page. Uses ordering specified in the page’s LAYOUT tab.",
+ "label": "Parent page",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 34: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.ClassifierTermChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Only show pages that are classified with this term.",
+ "label": "Classified as",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 35: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": 3, "label": "Number of pages to show"},
+ ),
+ 36: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 14),
+ ("indexed_by", 33),
+ ("classified_by", 34),
+ ("num_posts", 35),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 37: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a mini preview of the selected page.",
+ "label": "Page to preview",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 38: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("page", 37)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 39: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Accordion",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 40: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("accordion", 39)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 41: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("coderedcms/blocks/card_block.html", "Card"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head.html",
+ "Card with header",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_foot.html",
+ "Card with footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head_foot.html",
+ "Card with header and footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_blurb.html",
+ "Blurb - rounded image and no border",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_img.html",
+ "Cover image - use image as background",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 42: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 41),
+ ("custom_css_class", 2),
+ ("custom_id", 3),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 43: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 44: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Subtitle", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 45: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "features": [
+ "bold",
+ "italic",
+ "ol",
+ "ul",
+ "hr",
+ "link",
+ "document-link",
+ ],
+ "label": "Body",
+ },
+ ),
+ 46: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("Links", 13)]],
+ {"blank": True, "label": "Links", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 47: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 42),
+ ("image", 43),
+ ("title", 10),
+ ("subtitle", 44),
+ ("description", 45),
+ ("links", 46),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 48: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Carousel",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 49: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("carousel", 48)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 50: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.FilmStrip",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 51: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("film_strip", 50)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 52: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.CollectionChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image Collection", "required": True},
+ ),
+ 53: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("collection", 52)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 54: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Modal heading",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 55: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 0),
+ ("button", 13),
+ ("image", 16),
+ ("image_link", 18),
+ ("html", 19),
+ ("download", 20),
+ ("embed_video", 22),
+ ("quote", 25),
+ ("table", 27),
+ ("google_map", 32),
+ ("page_list", 36),
+ ("page_preview", 38),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 56: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font", "label": "Simple Text", "max_length": 255},
+ ),
+ 57: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("text", 56), ("button", 13)]],
+ {"label": "Modal footer", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 58: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 14),
+ ("button_style", 11),
+ ("button_size", 12),
+ ("button_title", 10),
+ ("header", 54),
+ ("content", 55),
+ ("footer", 57),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 59: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Heading", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 60: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 61: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Name", "max_length": 255, "required": True},
+ ),
+ 62: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Description", "required": False, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 63: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Any text here. Include currency sign if desired.",
+ "label": "Price",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 64: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 14),
+ ("image", 60),
+ ("name", 61),
+ ("description", 62),
+ ("price", 63),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 65: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("item", 64)]],
+ {"label": "Items"},
+ ),
+ 66: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("heading", 59), ("items", 65)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 67: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.ReusableContent",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 68: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("content", 67)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ },
+ null=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="eventindexpage",
+ name="body",
+ field=wagtail.fields.StreamField(
+ [("hero", 88), ("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)],
+ blank=True,
+ block_lookup={
+ 0: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [("", "Default")],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 1: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Custom CSS Class",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 2: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Custom ID", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 3: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 4: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": True, "label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 5: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Background images scroll slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth.",
+ "label": "Parallax Effect",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 6: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"required": False},
+ ),
+ 7: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": False,
+ "label": "Tile background image",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 8: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Background color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 9: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Text color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 10: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 11: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Always expanded"),
+ (
+ "sm",
+ "sm - Expand on small screens (phone, 576px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "md",
+ "md - Expand on medium screens (tablet, 768px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "lg",
+ "lg - Expand on large screens (laptop, 992px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "xl",
+ "xl - Expand on extra large screens (wide monitor, 1200px)",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "help_text": "Screen size at which the column will expand horizontally or stack vertically.",
+ "required": False,
+ "verbose_name": "Column Breakpoint",
+ },
+ ),
+ 12: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("column_breakpoint", 11),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 13: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Automatically size"),
+ ("12", "Full row"),
+ ("6", "Half - 1/2 column"),
+ ("4", "Thirds - 1/3 column"),
+ ("8", "Thirds - 2/3 column"),
+ ("3", "Quarters - 1/4 column"),
+ ("9", "Quarters - 3/4 column"),
+ ("2", "Sixths - 1/6 column"),
+ ("10", "Sixths - 5/6 column"),
+ ("1", "Twelfths - 1/12 column"),
+ ("5", "Twelfths - 5/12 column"),
+ ("7", "Twelfths - 7/12 column"),
+ ("11", "Twelfths - 11/12 column"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Column size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 14: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.html_blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font"},
+ ),
+ 15: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Category",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 16: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Label",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 17: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_category", 15),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_label", 16),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 18: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Page link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 19: (
+ "wagtail.documents.blocks.DocumentChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Document link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 20: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Other link", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 21: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Title", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 22: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-primary", "Primary"),
+ ("btn-secondary", "Secondary"),
+ ("btn-success", "Success"),
+ ("btn-danger", "Danger"),
+ ("btn-warning", "Warning"),
+ ("btn-info", "Info"),
+ ("btn-link", "Link"),
+ ("btn-light", "Light"),
+ ("btn-dark", "Dark"),
+ ("btn-outline-primary", "Outline Primary"),
+ ("btn-outline-secondary", "Outline Secondary"),
+ ("btn-outline-success", "Outline Success"),
+ ("btn-outline-danger", "Outline Danger"),
+ ("btn-outline-warning", "Outline Warning"),
+ ("btn-outline-info", "Outline Info"),
+ ("btn-outline-light", "Outline Light"),
+ ("btn-outline-dark", "Outline Dark"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Style",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 23: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-sm", "Small"),
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("btn-lg", "Large"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 24: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 25: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image"},
+ ),
+ 26: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("image", 25)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 27: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Alternate text to show if the image doesn’t load",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 28: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("image", 25),
+ ("alt_text", 27),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 29: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "form_classname": "monospace",
+ "icon": "code",
+ "label": "HTML",
+ },
+ ),
+ 30: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("downloadable_file", 19),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 31: (
+ "wagtail.embeds.blocks.EmbedBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Link to a YouTube/Vimeo video, tweet, facebook post, etc.",
+ "label": "URL",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 32: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("url", 31)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 33: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Quote Text", "required": True, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 34: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Author", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 35: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("text", 33), ("author", 34)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 36: ("wagtail.contrib.table_block.blocks.TableBlock", (), {}),
+ 37: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("table", 36)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 38: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Address or search term used to find your location on the map.",
+ "label": "Search query",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 39: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": 'Map title for screen readers, ex: "Map to Goodale Park"',
+ "label": "Map title",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 40: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use place ID.",
+ "label": "Google place ID",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 41: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": 14,
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use zoom. 1: World, 5: Landmass/continent, 10: City, 15: Streets, 20: Buildings",
+ "label": "Map zoom level",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 42: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("search", 38),
+ ("map_title", 39),
+ ("place_id", 40),
+ ("map_zoom_level", 41),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 43: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a preview of pages that are children of the selected page. Uses ordering specified in the page’s LAYOUT tab.",
+ "label": "Parent page",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 44: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.ClassifierTermChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Only show pages that are classified with this term.",
+ "label": "Classified as",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 45: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": 3, "label": "Number of pages to show"},
+ ),
+ 46: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("indexed_by", 43),
+ ("classified_by", 44),
+ ("num_posts", 45),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 47: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a mini preview of the selected page.",
+ "label": "Page to preview",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 48: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("page", 47)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 49: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Accordion",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 50: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("accordion", 49)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 51: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("coderedcms/blocks/card_block.html", "Card"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head.html",
+ "Card with header",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_foot.html",
+ "Card with footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head_foot.html",
+ "Card with header and footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_blurb.html",
+ "Blurb - rounded image and no border",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_img.html",
+ "Cover image - use image as background",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 52: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 51),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 53: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 54: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Subtitle", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 55: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "features": [
+ "bold",
+ "italic",
+ "ol",
+ "ul",
+ "hr",
+ "link",
+ "document-link",
+ ],
+ "label": "Body",
+ },
+ ),
+ 56: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("Links", 24)]],
+ {"blank": True, "label": "Links", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 57: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 52),
+ ("image", 53),
+ ("title", 21),
+ ("subtitle", 54),
+ ("description", 55),
+ ("links", 56),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 58: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Carousel",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 59: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("carousel", 58)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 60: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.FilmStrip",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 61: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("film_strip", 60)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 62: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.CollectionChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image Collection", "required": True},
+ ),
+ 63: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("collection", 62)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 64: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Modal heading",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 65: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 66: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font", "label": "Simple Text", "max_length": 255},
+ ),
+ 67: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("text", 66), ("button", 24)]],
+ {"label": "Modal footer", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 68: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("header", 64),
+ ("content", 65),
+ ("footer", 67),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 69: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Heading", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 70: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 71: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Name", "max_length": 255, "required": True},
+ ),
+ 72: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Description", "required": False, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 73: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Any text here. Include currency sign if desired.",
+ "label": "Price",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 74: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("image", 70),
+ ("name", 71),
+ ("description", 72),
+ ("price", 73),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 75: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("item", 74)]],
+ {"label": "Items"},
+ ),
+ 76: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("heading", 69), ("items", 75)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 77: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.ReusableContent",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 78: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("content", 77)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 79: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ("accordion", 50),
+ ("card", 57),
+ ("carousel", 59),
+ ("film_strip", 61),
+ ("image_gallery", 63),
+ ("modal", 68),
+ ("pricelist", 76),
+ ("reusable_content", 78),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 80: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 12), ("column_size", 13), ("content", 79)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 81: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("content", 80)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 82: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 81)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 83: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_group.html",
+ "Card group - attached cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_deck.html",
+ "Card deck - separate cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_columns.html",
+ "Card masonry - fluid brick pattern",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 84: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 83),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 85: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("card", 57)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 86: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 84), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 85)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 87: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 88: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("fluid", 4),
+ ("is_parallax", 5),
+ ("background_image", 6),
+ ("tile_image", 7),
+ ("background_color", 8),
+ ("foreground_color", 9),
+ ("content", 87),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ },
+ null=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="eventpage",
+ name="body",
+ field=wagtail.fields.StreamField(
+ [("hero", 88), ("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)],
+ blank=True,
+ block_lookup={
+ 0: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [("", "Default")],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 1: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Custom CSS Class",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 2: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Custom ID", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 3: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 4: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": True, "label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 5: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Background images scroll slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth.",
+ "label": "Parallax Effect",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 6: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"required": False},
+ ),
+ 7: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": False,
+ "label": "Tile background image",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 8: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Background color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 9: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Text color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 10: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 11: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Always expanded"),
+ (
+ "sm",
+ "sm - Expand on small screens (phone, 576px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "md",
+ "md - Expand on medium screens (tablet, 768px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "lg",
+ "lg - Expand on large screens (laptop, 992px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "xl",
+ "xl - Expand on extra large screens (wide monitor, 1200px)",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "help_text": "Screen size at which the column will expand horizontally or stack vertically.",
+ "required": False,
+ "verbose_name": "Column Breakpoint",
+ },
+ ),
+ 12: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("column_breakpoint", 11),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 13: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Automatically size"),
+ ("12", "Full row"),
+ ("6", "Half - 1/2 column"),
+ ("4", "Thirds - 1/3 column"),
+ ("8", "Thirds - 2/3 column"),
+ ("3", "Quarters - 1/4 column"),
+ ("9", "Quarters - 3/4 column"),
+ ("2", "Sixths - 1/6 column"),
+ ("10", "Sixths - 5/6 column"),
+ ("1", "Twelfths - 1/12 column"),
+ ("5", "Twelfths - 5/12 column"),
+ ("7", "Twelfths - 7/12 column"),
+ ("11", "Twelfths - 11/12 column"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Column size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 14: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.html_blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font"},
+ ),
+ 15: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Category",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 16: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Label",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 17: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_category", 15),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_label", 16),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 18: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Page link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 19: (
+ "wagtail.documents.blocks.DocumentChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Document link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 20: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Other link", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 21: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Title", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 22: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-primary", "Primary"),
+ ("btn-secondary", "Secondary"),
+ ("btn-success", "Success"),
+ ("btn-danger", "Danger"),
+ ("btn-warning", "Warning"),
+ ("btn-info", "Info"),
+ ("btn-link", "Link"),
+ ("btn-light", "Light"),
+ ("btn-dark", "Dark"),
+ ("btn-outline-primary", "Outline Primary"),
+ ("btn-outline-secondary", "Outline Secondary"),
+ ("btn-outline-success", "Outline Success"),
+ ("btn-outline-danger", "Outline Danger"),
+ ("btn-outline-warning", "Outline Warning"),
+ ("btn-outline-info", "Outline Info"),
+ ("btn-outline-light", "Outline Light"),
+ ("btn-outline-dark", "Outline Dark"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Style",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 23: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-sm", "Small"),
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("btn-lg", "Large"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 24: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 25: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image"},
+ ),
+ 26: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("image", 25)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 27: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Alternate text to show if the image doesn’t load",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 28: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("image", 25),
+ ("alt_text", 27),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 29: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "form_classname": "monospace",
+ "icon": "code",
+ "label": "HTML",
+ },
+ ),
+ 30: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("downloadable_file", 19),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 31: (
+ "wagtail.embeds.blocks.EmbedBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Link to a YouTube/Vimeo video, tweet, facebook post, etc.",
+ "label": "URL",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 32: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("url", 31)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 33: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Quote Text", "required": True, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 34: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Author", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 35: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("text", 33), ("author", 34)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 36: ("wagtail.contrib.table_block.blocks.TableBlock", (), {}),
+ 37: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("table", 36)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 38: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Address or search term used to find your location on the map.",
+ "label": "Search query",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 39: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": 'Map title for screen readers, ex: "Map to Goodale Park"',
+ "label": "Map title",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 40: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use place ID.",
+ "label": "Google place ID",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 41: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": 14,
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use zoom. 1: World, 5: Landmass/continent, 10: City, 15: Streets, 20: Buildings",
+ "label": "Map zoom level",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 42: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("search", 38),
+ ("map_title", 39),
+ ("place_id", 40),
+ ("map_zoom_level", 41),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 43: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a preview of pages that are children of the selected page. Uses ordering specified in the page’s LAYOUT tab.",
+ "label": "Parent page",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 44: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.ClassifierTermChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Only show pages that are classified with this term.",
+ "label": "Classified as",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 45: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": 3, "label": "Number of pages to show"},
+ ),
+ 46: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("indexed_by", 43),
+ ("classified_by", 44),
+ ("num_posts", 45),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 47: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a mini preview of the selected page.",
+ "label": "Page to preview",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 48: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("page", 47)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 49: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Accordion",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 50: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("accordion", 49)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 51: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("coderedcms/blocks/card_block.html", "Card"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head.html",
+ "Card with header",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_foot.html",
+ "Card with footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head_foot.html",
+ "Card with header and footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_blurb.html",
+ "Blurb - rounded image and no border",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_img.html",
+ "Cover image - use image as background",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 52: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 51),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 53: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 54: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Subtitle", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 55: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "features": [
+ "bold",
+ "italic",
+ "ol",
+ "ul",
+ "hr",
+ "link",
+ "document-link",
+ ],
+ "label": "Body",
+ },
+ ),
+ 56: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("Links", 24)]],
+ {"blank": True, "label": "Links", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 57: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 52),
+ ("image", 53),
+ ("title", 21),
+ ("subtitle", 54),
+ ("description", 55),
+ ("links", 56),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 58: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Carousel",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 59: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("carousel", 58)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 60: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.FilmStrip",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 61: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("film_strip", 60)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 62: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.CollectionChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image Collection", "required": True},
+ ),
+ 63: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("collection", 62)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 64: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Modal heading",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 65: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 66: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font", "label": "Simple Text", "max_length": 255},
+ ),
+ 67: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("text", 66), ("button", 24)]],
+ {"label": "Modal footer", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 68: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("header", 64),
+ ("content", 65),
+ ("footer", 67),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 69: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Heading", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 70: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 71: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Name", "max_length": 255, "required": True},
+ ),
+ 72: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Description", "required": False, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 73: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Any text here. Include currency sign if desired.",
+ "label": "Price",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 74: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("image", 70),
+ ("name", 71),
+ ("description", 72),
+ ("price", 73),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 75: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("item", 74)]],
+ {"label": "Items"},
+ ),
+ 76: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("heading", 69), ("items", 75)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 77: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.ReusableContent",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 78: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("content", 77)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 79: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ("accordion", 50),
+ ("card", 57),
+ ("carousel", 59),
+ ("film_strip", 61),
+ ("image_gallery", 63),
+ ("modal", 68),
+ ("pricelist", 76),
+ ("reusable_content", 78),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 80: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 12), ("column_size", 13), ("content", 79)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 81: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("content", 80)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 82: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 81)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 83: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_group.html",
+ "Card group - attached cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_deck.html",
+ "Card deck - separate cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_columns.html",
+ "Card masonry - fluid brick pattern",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 84: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 83),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 85: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("card", 57)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 86: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 84), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 85)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 87: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 88: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("fluid", 4),
+ ("is_parallax", 5),
+ ("background_image", 6),
+ ("tile_image", 7),
+ ("background_color", 8),
+ ("foreground_color", 9),
+ ("content", 87),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ },
+ null=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="formpage",
+ name="body",
+ field=wagtail.fields.StreamField(
+ [("hero", 88), ("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)],
+ blank=True,
+ block_lookup={
+ 0: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [("", "Default")],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 1: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Custom CSS Class",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 2: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Custom ID", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 3: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 4: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": True, "label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 5: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Background images scroll slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth.",
+ "label": "Parallax Effect",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 6: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"required": False},
+ ),
+ 7: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": False,
+ "label": "Tile background image",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 8: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Background color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 9: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Text color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 10: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 11: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Always expanded"),
+ (
+ "sm",
+ "sm - Expand on small screens (phone, 576px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "md",
+ "md - Expand on medium screens (tablet, 768px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "lg",
+ "lg - Expand on large screens (laptop, 992px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "xl",
+ "xl - Expand on extra large screens (wide monitor, 1200px)",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "help_text": "Screen size at which the column will expand horizontally or stack vertically.",
+ "required": False,
+ "verbose_name": "Column Breakpoint",
+ },
+ ),
+ 12: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("column_breakpoint", 11),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 13: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Automatically size"),
+ ("12", "Full row"),
+ ("6", "Half - 1/2 column"),
+ ("4", "Thirds - 1/3 column"),
+ ("8", "Thirds - 2/3 column"),
+ ("3", "Quarters - 1/4 column"),
+ ("9", "Quarters - 3/4 column"),
+ ("2", "Sixths - 1/6 column"),
+ ("10", "Sixths - 5/6 column"),
+ ("1", "Twelfths - 1/12 column"),
+ ("5", "Twelfths - 5/12 column"),
+ ("7", "Twelfths - 7/12 column"),
+ ("11", "Twelfths - 11/12 column"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Column size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 14: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.html_blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font"},
+ ),
+ 15: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Category",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 16: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Label",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 17: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_category", 15),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_label", 16),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 18: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Page link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 19: (
+ "wagtail.documents.blocks.DocumentChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Document link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 20: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Other link", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 21: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Title", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 22: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-primary", "Primary"),
+ ("btn-secondary", "Secondary"),
+ ("btn-success", "Success"),
+ ("btn-danger", "Danger"),
+ ("btn-warning", "Warning"),
+ ("btn-info", "Info"),
+ ("btn-link", "Link"),
+ ("btn-light", "Light"),
+ ("btn-dark", "Dark"),
+ ("btn-outline-primary", "Outline Primary"),
+ ("btn-outline-secondary", "Outline Secondary"),
+ ("btn-outline-success", "Outline Success"),
+ ("btn-outline-danger", "Outline Danger"),
+ ("btn-outline-warning", "Outline Warning"),
+ ("btn-outline-info", "Outline Info"),
+ ("btn-outline-light", "Outline Light"),
+ ("btn-outline-dark", "Outline Dark"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Style",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 23: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-sm", "Small"),
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("btn-lg", "Large"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 24: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 25: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image"},
+ ),
+ 26: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("image", 25)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 27: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Alternate text to show if the image doesn’t load",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 28: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("image", 25),
+ ("alt_text", 27),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 29: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "form_classname": "monospace",
+ "icon": "code",
+ "label": "HTML",
+ },
+ ),
+ 30: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("downloadable_file", 19),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 31: (
+ "wagtail.embeds.blocks.EmbedBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Link to a YouTube/Vimeo video, tweet, facebook post, etc.",
+ "label": "URL",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 32: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("url", 31)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 33: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Quote Text", "required": True, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 34: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Author", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 35: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("text", 33), ("author", 34)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 36: ("wagtail.contrib.table_block.blocks.TableBlock", (), {}),
+ 37: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("table", 36)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 38: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Address or search term used to find your location on the map.",
+ "label": "Search query",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 39: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": 'Map title for screen readers, ex: "Map to Goodale Park"',
+ "label": "Map title",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 40: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use place ID.",
+ "label": "Google place ID",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 41: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": 14,
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use zoom. 1: World, 5: Landmass/continent, 10: City, 15: Streets, 20: Buildings",
+ "label": "Map zoom level",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 42: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("search", 38),
+ ("map_title", 39),
+ ("place_id", 40),
+ ("map_zoom_level", 41),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 43: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a preview of pages that are children of the selected page. Uses ordering specified in the page’s LAYOUT tab.",
+ "label": "Parent page",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 44: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.ClassifierTermChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Only show pages that are classified with this term.",
+ "label": "Classified as",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 45: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": 3, "label": "Number of pages to show"},
+ ),
+ 46: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("indexed_by", 43),
+ ("classified_by", 44),
+ ("num_posts", 45),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 47: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a mini preview of the selected page.",
+ "label": "Page to preview",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 48: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("page", 47)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 49: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Accordion",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 50: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("accordion", 49)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 51: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("coderedcms/blocks/card_block.html", "Card"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head.html",
+ "Card with header",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_foot.html",
+ "Card with footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head_foot.html",
+ "Card with header and footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_blurb.html",
+ "Blurb - rounded image and no border",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_img.html",
+ "Cover image - use image as background",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 52: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 51),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 53: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 54: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Subtitle", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 55: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "features": [
+ "bold",
+ "italic",
+ "ol",
+ "ul",
+ "hr",
+ "link",
+ "document-link",
+ ],
+ "label": "Body",
+ },
+ ),
+ 56: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("Links", 24)]],
+ {"blank": True, "label": "Links", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 57: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 52),
+ ("image", 53),
+ ("title", 21),
+ ("subtitle", 54),
+ ("description", 55),
+ ("links", 56),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 58: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Carousel",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 59: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("carousel", 58)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 60: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.FilmStrip",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 61: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("film_strip", 60)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 62: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.CollectionChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image Collection", "required": True},
+ ),
+ 63: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("collection", 62)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 64: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Modal heading",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 65: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 66: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font", "label": "Simple Text", "max_length": 255},
+ ),
+ 67: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("text", 66), ("button", 24)]],
+ {"label": "Modal footer", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 68: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("header", 64),
+ ("content", 65),
+ ("footer", 67),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 69: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Heading", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 70: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 71: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Name", "max_length": 255, "required": True},
+ ),
+ 72: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Description", "required": False, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 73: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Any text here. Include currency sign if desired.",
+ "label": "Price",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 74: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("image", 70),
+ ("name", 71),
+ ("description", 72),
+ ("price", 73),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 75: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("item", 74)]],
+ {"label": "Items"},
+ ),
+ 76: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("heading", 69), ("items", 75)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 77: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.ReusableContent",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 78: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("content", 77)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 79: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ("accordion", 50),
+ ("card", 57),
+ ("carousel", 59),
+ ("film_strip", 61),
+ ("image_gallery", 63),
+ ("modal", 68),
+ ("pricelist", 76),
+ ("reusable_content", 78),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 80: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 12), ("column_size", 13), ("content", 79)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 81: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("content", 80)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 82: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 81)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 83: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_group.html",
+ "Card group - attached cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_deck.html",
+ "Card deck - separate cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_columns.html",
+ "Card masonry - fluid brick pattern",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 84: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 83),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 85: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("card", 57)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 86: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 84), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 85)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 87: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 88: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("fluid", 4),
+ ("is_parallax", 5),
+ ("background_image", 6),
+ ("tile_image", 7),
+ ("background_color", 8),
+ ("foreground_color", 9),
+ ("content", 87),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ },
+ null=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="formpagefield",
+ name="choices",
+ field=models.TextField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="Comma or new line separated list of choices. Only applicable in checkboxes, radio and dropdown.",
+ verbose_name="choices",
+ ),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="formpagefield",
+ name="default_value",
+ field=models.TextField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="Default value. Comma or new line separated values supported for checkboxes.",
+ verbose_name="default value",
+ ),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="formpagefield",
+ name="field_type",
+ field=models.CharField(
+ choices=[
+ (
+ "Text",
+ [
+ ("singleline", "Single line text"),
+ ("multiline", "Multi-line text"),
+ ("email", "Email"),
+ ("number", "Number - only allows integers"),
+ ("url", "URL"),
+ ],
+ ),
+ (
+ "Choice",
+ [
+ ("checkboxes", "Checkboxes"),
+ ("dropdown", "Drop down"),
+ ("radio", "Radio buttons"),
+ ("multiselect", "Multiple select"),
+ ("checkbox", "Single checkbox"),
+ ],
+ ),
+ (
+ "Date & Time",
+ [
+ ("date", "Date"),
+ ("time", "Time"),
+ ("datetime", "Date and time"),
+ ],
+ ),
+ (
+ "File Upload",
+ [
+ (
+ "file",
+ "Secure File - login required to access uploaded files",
+ )
+ ],
+ ),
+ ("Other", [("hidden", "Hidden field")]),
+ ],
+ default="singleline",
+ max_length=16,
+ verbose_name="field type",
+ ),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="locationindexpage",
+ name="body",
+ field=wagtail.fields.StreamField(
+ [("hero", 88), ("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)],
+ blank=True,
+ block_lookup={
+ 0: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [("", "Default")],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 1: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Custom CSS Class",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 2: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Custom ID", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 3: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 4: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": True, "label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 5: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Background images scroll slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth.",
+ "label": "Parallax Effect",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 6: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"required": False},
+ ),
+ 7: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": False,
+ "label": "Tile background image",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 8: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Background color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 9: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Text color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 10: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 11: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Always expanded"),
+ (
+ "sm",
+ "sm - Expand on small screens (phone, 576px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "md",
+ "md - Expand on medium screens (tablet, 768px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "lg",
+ "lg - Expand on large screens (laptop, 992px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "xl",
+ "xl - Expand on extra large screens (wide monitor, 1200px)",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "help_text": "Screen size at which the column will expand horizontally or stack vertically.",
+ "required": False,
+ "verbose_name": "Column Breakpoint",
+ },
+ ),
+ 12: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("column_breakpoint", 11),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 13: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Automatically size"),
+ ("12", "Full row"),
+ ("6", "Half - 1/2 column"),
+ ("4", "Thirds - 1/3 column"),
+ ("8", "Thirds - 2/3 column"),
+ ("3", "Quarters - 1/4 column"),
+ ("9", "Quarters - 3/4 column"),
+ ("2", "Sixths - 1/6 column"),
+ ("10", "Sixths - 5/6 column"),
+ ("1", "Twelfths - 1/12 column"),
+ ("5", "Twelfths - 5/12 column"),
+ ("7", "Twelfths - 7/12 column"),
+ ("11", "Twelfths - 11/12 column"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Column size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 14: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.html_blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font"},
+ ),
+ 15: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Category",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 16: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Label",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 17: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_category", 15),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_label", 16),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 18: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Page link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 19: (
+ "wagtail.documents.blocks.DocumentChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Document link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 20: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Other link", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 21: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Title", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 22: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-primary", "Primary"),
+ ("btn-secondary", "Secondary"),
+ ("btn-success", "Success"),
+ ("btn-danger", "Danger"),
+ ("btn-warning", "Warning"),
+ ("btn-info", "Info"),
+ ("btn-link", "Link"),
+ ("btn-light", "Light"),
+ ("btn-dark", "Dark"),
+ ("btn-outline-primary", "Outline Primary"),
+ ("btn-outline-secondary", "Outline Secondary"),
+ ("btn-outline-success", "Outline Success"),
+ ("btn-outline-danger", "Outline Danger"),
+ ("btn-outline-warning", "Outline Warning"),
+ ("btn-outline-info", "Outline Info"),
+ ("btn-outline-light", "Outline Light"),
+ ("btn-outline-dark", "Outline Dark"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Style",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 23: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-sm", "Small"),
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("btn-lg", "Large"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 24: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 25: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image"},
+ ),
+ 26: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("image", 25)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 27: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Alternate text to show if the image doesn’t load",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 28: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("image", 25),
+ ("alt_text", 27),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 29: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "form_classname": "monospace",
+ "icon": "code",
+ "label": "HTML",
+ },
+ ),
+ 30: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("downloadable_file", 19),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 31: (
+ "wagtail.embeds.blocks.EmbedBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Link to a YouTube/Vimeo video, tweet, facebook post, etc.",
+ "label": "URL",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 32: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("url", 31)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 33: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Quote Text", "required": True, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 34: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Author", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 35: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("text", 33), ("author", 34)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 36: ("wagtail.contrib.table_block.blocks.TableBlock", (), {}),
+ 37: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("table", 36)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 38: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Address or search term used to find your location on the map.",
+ "label": "Search query",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 39: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": 'Map title for screen readers, ex: "Map to Goodale Park"',
+ "label": "Map title",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 40: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use place ID.",
+ "label": "Google place ID",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 41: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": 14,
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use zoom. 1: World, 5: Landmass/continent, 10: City, 15: Streets, 20: Buildings",
+ "label": "Map zoom level",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 42: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("search", 38),
+ ("map_title", 39),
+ ("place_id", 40),
+ ("map_zoom_level", 41),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 43: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a preview of pages that are children of the selected page. Uses ordering specified in the page’s LAYOUT tab.",
+ "label": "Parent page",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 44: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.ClassifierTermChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Only show pages that are classified with this term.",
+ "label": "Classified as",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 45: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": 3, "label": "Number of pages to show"},
+ ),
+ 46: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("indexed_by", 43),
+ ("classified_by", 44),
+ ("num_posts", 45),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 47: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a mini preview of the selected page.",
+ "label": "Page to preview",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 48: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("page", 47)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 49: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Accordion",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 50: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("accordion", 49)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 51: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("coderedcms/blocks/card_block.html", "Card"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head.html",
+ "Card with header",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_foot.html",
+ "Card with footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head_foot.html",
+ "Card with header and footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_blurb.html",
+ "Blurb - rounded image and no border",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_img.html",
+ "Cover image - use image as background",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 52: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 51),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 53: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 54: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Subtitle", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 55: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "features": [
+ "bold",
+ "italic",
+ "ol",
+ "ul",
+ "hr",
+ "link",
+ "document-link",
+ ],
+ "label": "Body",
+ },
+ ),
+ 56: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("Links", 24)]],
+ {"blank": True, "label": "Links", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 57: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 52),
+ ("image", 53),
+ ("title", 21),
+ ("subtitle", 54),
+ ("description", 55),
+ ("links", 56),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 58: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Carousel",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 59: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("carousel", 58)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 60: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.FilmStrip",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 61: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("film_strip", 60)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 62: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.CollectionChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image Collection", "required": True},
+ ),
+ 63: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("collection", 62)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 64: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Modal heading",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 65: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 66: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font", "label": "Simple Text", "max_length": 255},
+ ),
+ 67: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("text", 66), ("button", 24)]],
+ {"label": "Modal footer", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 68: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("header", 64),
+ ("content", 65),
+ ("footer", 67),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 69: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Heading", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 70: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 71: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Name", "max_length": 255, "required": True},
+ ),
+ 72: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Description", "required": False, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 73: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Any text here. Include currency sign if desired.",
+ "label": "Price",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 74: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("image", 70),
+ ("name", 71),
+ ("description", 72),
+ ("price", 73),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 75: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("item", 74)]],
+ {"label": "Items"},
+ ),
+ 76: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("heading", 69), ("items", 75)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 77: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.ReusableContent",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 78: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("content", 77)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 79: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ("accordion", 50),
+ ("card", 57),
+ ("carousel", 59),
+ ("film_strip", 61),
+ ("image_gallery", 63),
+ ("modal", 68),
+ ("pricelist", 76),
+ ("reusable_content", 78),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 80: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 12), ("column_size", 13), ("content", 79)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 81: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("content", 80)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 82: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 81)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 83: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_group.html",
+ "Card group - attached cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_deck.html",
+ "Card deck - separate cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_columns.html",
+ "Card masonry - fluid brick pattern",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 84: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 83),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 85: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("card", 57)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 86: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 84), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 85)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 87: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 88: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("fluid", 4),
+ ("is_parallax", 5),
+ ("background_image", 6),
+ ("tile_image", 7),
+ ("background_color", 8),
+ ("foreground_color", 9),
+ ("content", 87),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ },
+ null=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="locationpage",
+ name="body",
+ field=wagtail.fields.StreamField(
+ [
+ ("text", 0),
+ ("button", 13),
+ ("image", 16),
+ ("image_link", 18),
+ ("html", 19),
+ ("download", 20),
+ ("embed_video", 22),
+ ("quote", 25),
+ ("table", 27),
+ ("google_map", 32),
+ ("page_list", 36),
+ ("page_preview", 38),
+ ("accordion", 40),
+ ("card", 47),
+ ("carousel", 49),
+ ("film_strip", 51),
+ ("image_gallery", 53),
+ ("modal", 58),
+ ("pricelist", 66),
+ ("reusable_content", 68),
+ ],
+ blank=True,
+ block_lookup={
+ 0: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.html_blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font"},
+ ),
+ 1: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [("", "Default")],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 2: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Custom CSS Class",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 3: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Custom ID", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 4: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Category",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 5: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Label",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 6: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 1),
+ ("custom_css_class", 2),
+ ("custom_id", 3),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_category", 4),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_label", 5),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 7: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Page link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 8: (
+ "wagtail.documents.blocks.DocumentChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Document link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 9: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Other link", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 10: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Title", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 11: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-primary", "Primary"),
+ ("btn-secondary", "Secondary"),
+ ("btn-success", "Success"),
+ ("btn-danger", "Danger"),
+ ("btn-warning", "Warning"),
+ ("btn-info", "Info"),
+ ("btn-link", "Link"),
+ ("btn-light", "Light"),
+ ("btn-dark", "Dark"),
+ ("btn-outline-primary", "Outline Primary"),
+ ("btn-outline-secondary", "Outline Secondary"),
+ ("btn-outline-success", "Outline Success"),
+ ("btn-outline-danger", "Outline Danger"),
+ ("btn-outline-warning", "Outline Warning"),
+ ("btn-outline-info", "Outline Info"),
+ ("btn-outline-light", "Outline Light"),
+ ("btn-outline-dark", "Outline Dark"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Style",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 12: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-sm", "Small"),
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("btn-lg", "Large"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 13: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("page_link", 7),
+ ("doc_link", 8),
+ ("other_link", 9),
+ ("button_title", 10),
+ ("button_style", 11),
+ ("button_size", 12),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 14: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 1),
+ ("custom_css_class", 2),
+ ("custom_id", 3),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 15: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image"},
+ ),
+ 16: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("image", 15)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 17: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Alternate text to show if the image doesn’t load",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 18: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("page_link", 7),
+ ("doc_link", 8),
+ ("other_link", 9),
+ ("button_title", 10),
+ ("image", 15),
+ ("alt_text", 17),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 19: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "form_classname": "monospace",
+ "icon": "code",
+ "label": "HTML",
+ },
+ ),
+ 20: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("button_style", 11),
+ ("button_size", 12),
+ ("button_title", 10),
+ ("downloadable_file", 8),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 21: (
+ "wagtail.embeds.blocks.EmbedBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Link to a YouTube/Vimeo video, tweet, facebook post, etc.",
+ "label": "URL",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 22: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("url", 21)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 23: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Quote Text", "required": True, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 24: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Author", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 25: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("text", 23), ("author", 24)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 26: ("wagtail.contrib.table_block.blocks.TableBlock", (), {}),
+ 27: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("table", 26)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 28: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Address or search term used to find your location on the map.",
+ "label": "Search query",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 29: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": 'Map title for screen readers, ex: "Map to Goodale Park"',
+ "label": "Map title",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 30: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use place ID.",
+ "label": "Google place ID",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 31: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": 14,
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use zoom. 1: World, 5: Landmass/continent, 10: City, 15: Streets, 20: Buildings",
+ "label": "Map zoom level",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 32: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 14),
+ ("search", 28),
+ ("map_title", 29),
+ ("place_id", 30),
+ ("map_zoom_level", 31),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 33: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a preview of pages that are children of the selected page. Uses ordering specified in the page’s LAYOUT tab.",
+ "label": "Parent page",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 34: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.ClassifierTermChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Only show pages that are classified with this term.",
+ "label": "Classified as",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 35: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": 3, "label": "Number of pages to show"},
+ ),
+ 36: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 14),
+ ("indexed_by", 33),
+ ("classified_by", 34),
+ ("num_posts", 35),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 37: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a mini preview of the selected page.",
+ "label": "Page to preview",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 38: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("page", 37)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 39: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Accordion",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 40: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("accordion", 39)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 41: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("coderedcms/blocks/card_block.html", "Card"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head.html",
+ "Card with header",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_foot.html",
+ "Card with footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head_foot.html",
+ "Card with header and footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_blurb.html",
+ "Blurb - rounded image and no border",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_img.html",
+ "Cover image - use image as background",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 42: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 41),
+ ("custom_css_class", 2),
+ ("custom_id", 3),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 43: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 44: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Subtitle", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 45: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "features": [
+ "bold",
+ "italic",
+ "ol",
+ "ul",
+ "hr",
+ "link",
+ "document-link",
+ ],
+ "label": "Body",
+ },
+ ),
+ 46: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("Links", 13)]],
+ {"blank": True, "label": "Links", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 47: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 42),
+ ("image", 43),
+ ("title", 10),
+ ("subtitle", 44),
+ ("description", 45),
+ ("links", 46),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 48: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Carousel",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 49: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("carousel", 48)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 50: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.FilmStrip",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 51: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("film_strip", 50)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 52: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.CollectionChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image Collection", "required": True},
+ ),
+ 53: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("collection", 52)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 54: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Modal heading",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 55: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 0),
+ ("button", 13),
+ ("image", 16),
+ ("image_link", 18),
+ ("html", 19),
+ ("download", 20),
+ ("embed_video", 22),
+ ("quote", 25),
+ ("table", 27),
+ ("google_map", 32),
+ ("page_list", 36),
+ ("page_preview", 38),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 56: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font", "label": "Simple Text", "max_length": 255},
+ ),
+ 57: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("text", 56), ("button", 13)]],
+ {"label": "Modal footer", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 58: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 14),
+ ("button_style", 11),
+ ("button_size", 12),
+ ("button_title", 10),
+ ("header", 54),
+ ("content", 55),
+ ("footer", 57),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 59: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Heading", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 60: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 61: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Name", "max_length": 255, "required": True},
+ ),
+ 62: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Description", "required": False, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 63: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Any text here. Include currency sign if desired.",
+ "label": "Price",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 64: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 14),
+ ("image", 60),
+ ("name", 61),
+ ("description", 62),
+ ("price", 63),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 65: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("item", 64)]],
+ {"label": "Items"},
+ ),
+ 66: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("heading", 59), ("items", 65)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 67: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.ReusableContent",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 68: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 14), ("content", 67)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ },
+ null=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="streamformpage",
+ name="body",
+ field=wagtail.fields.StreamField(
+ [("hero", 88), ("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)],
+ blank=True,
+ block_lookup={
+ 0: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [("", "Default")],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 1: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Custom CSS Class",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 2: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Custom ID", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 3: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 4: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": True, "label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 5: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Background images scroll slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth.",
+ "label": "Parallax Effect",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 6: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"required": False},
+ ),
+ 7: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": False,
+ "label": "Tile background image",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 8: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Background color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 9: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Text color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 10: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 11: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Always expanded"),
+ (
+ "sm",
+ "sm - Expand on small screens (phone, 576px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "md",
+ "md - Expand on medium screens (tablet, 768px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "lg",
+ "lg - Expand on large screens (laptop, 992px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "xl",
+ "xl - Expand on extra large screens (wide monitor, 1200px)",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "help_text": "Screen size at which the column will expand horizontally or stack vertically.",
+ "required": False,
+ "verbose_name": "Column Breakpoint",
+ },
+ ),
+ 12: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("column_breakpoint", 11),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 13: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Automatically size"),
+ ("12", "Full row"),
+ ("6", "Half - 1/2 column"),
+ ("4", "Thirds - 1/3 column"),
+ ("8", "Thirds - 2/3 column"),
+ ("3", "Quarters - 1/4 column"),
+ ("9", "Quarters - 3/4 column"),
+ ("2", "Sixths - 1/6 column"),
+ ("10", "Sixths - 5/6 column"),
+ ("1", "Twelfths - 1/12 column"),
+ ("5", "Twelfths - 5/12 column"),
+ ("7", "Twelfths - 7/12 column"),
+ ("11", "Twelfths - 11/12 column"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Column size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 14: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.html_blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font"},
+ ),
+ 15: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Category",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 16: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Label",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 17: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_category", 15),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_label", 16),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 18: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Page link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 19: (
+ "wagtail.documents.blocks.DocumentChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Document link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 20: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Other link", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 21: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Title", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 22: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-primary", "Primary"),
+ ("btn-secondary", "Secondary"),
+ ("btn-success", "Success"),
+ ("btn-danger", "Danger"),
+ ("btn-warning", "Warning"),
+ ("btn-info", "Info"),
+ ("btn-link", "Link"),
+ ("btn-light", "Light"),
+ ("btn-dark", "Dark"),
+ ("btn-outline-primary", "Outline Primary"),
+ ("btn-outline-secondary", "Outline Secondary"),
+ ("btn-outline-success", "Outline Success"),
+ ("btn-outline-danger", "Outline Danger"),
+ ("btn-outline-warning", "Outline Warning"),
+ ("btn-outline-info", "Outline Info"),
+ ("btn-outline-light", "Outline Light"),
+ ("btn-outline-dark", "Outline Dark"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Style",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 23: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-sm", "Small"),
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("btn-lg", "Large"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 24: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 25: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image"},
+ ),
+ 26: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("image", 25)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 27: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Alternate text to show if the image doesn’t load",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 28: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("image", 25),
+ ("alt_text", 27),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 29: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "form_classname": "monospace",
+ "icon": "code",
+ "label": "HTML",
+ },
+ ),
+ 30: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("downloadable_file", 19),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 31: (
+ "wagtail.embeds.blocks.EmbedBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Link to a YouTube/Vimeo video, tweet, facebook post, etc.",
+ "label": "URL",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 32: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("url", 31)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 33: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Quote Text", "required": True, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 34: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Author", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 35: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("text", 33), ("author", 34)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 36: ("wagtail.contrib.table_block.blocks.TableBlock", (), {}),
+ 37: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("table", 36)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 38: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Address or search term used to find your location on the map.",
+ "label": "Search query",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 39: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": 'Map title for screen readers, ex: "Map to Goodale Park"',
+ "label": "Map title",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 40: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use place ID.",
+ "label": "Google place ID",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 41: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": 14,
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use zoom. 1: World, 5: Landmass/continent, 10: City, 15: Streets, 20: Buildings",
+ "label": "Map zoom level",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 42: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("search", 38),
+ ("map_title", 39),
+ ("place_id", 40),
+ ("map_zoom_level", 41),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 43: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a preview of pages that are children of the selected page. Uses ordering specified in the page’s LAYOUT tab.",
+ "label": "Parent page",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 44: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.ClassifierTermChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Only show pages that are classified with this term.",
+ "label": "Classified as",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 45: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": 3, "label": "Number of pages to show"},
+ ),
+ 46: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("indexed_by", 43),
+ ("classified_by", 44),
+ ("num_posts", 45),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 47: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a mini preview of the selected page.",
+ "label": "Page to preview",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 48: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("page", 47)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 49: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Accordion",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 50: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("accordion", 49)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 51: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("coderedcms/blocks/card_block.html", "Card"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head.html",
+ "Card with header",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_foot.html",
+ "Card with footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head_foot.html",
+ "Card with header and footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_blurb.html",
+ "Blurb - rounded image and no border",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_img.html",
+ "Cover image - use image as background",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 52: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 51),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 53: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 54: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Subtitle", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 55: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "features": [
+ "bold",
+ "italic",
+ "ol",
+ "ul",
+ "hr",
+ "link",
+ "document-link",
+ ],
+ "label": "Body",
+ },
+ ),
+ 56: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("Links", 24)]],
+ {"blank": True, "label": "Links", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 57: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 52),
+ ("image", 53),
+ ("title", 21),
+ ("subtitle", 54),
+ ("description", 55),
+ ("links", 56),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 58: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Carousel",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 59: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("carousel", 58)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 60: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.FilmStrip",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 61: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("film_strip", 60)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 62: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.CollectionChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image Collection", "required": True},
+ ),
+ 63: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("collection", 62)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 64: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Modal heading",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 65: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 66: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font", "label": "Simple Text", "max_length": 255},
+ ),
+ 67: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("text", 66), ("button", 24)]],
+ {"label": "Modal footer", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 68: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("header", 64),
+ ("content", 65),
+ ("footer", 67),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 69: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Heading", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 70: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 71: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Name", "max_length": 255, "required": True},
+ ),
+ 72: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Description", "required": False, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 73: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Any text here. Include currency sign if desired.",
+ "label": "Price",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 74: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("image", 70),
+ ("name", 71),
+ ("description", 72),
+ ("price", 73),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 75: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("item", 74)]],
+ {"label": "Items"},
+ ),
+ 76: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("heading", 69), ("items", 75)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 77: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.ReusableContent",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 78: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("content", 77)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 79: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ("accordion", 50),
+ ("card", 57),
+ ("carousel", 59),
+ ("film_strip", 61),
+ ("image_gallery", 63),
+ ("modal", 68),
+ ("pricelist", 76),
+ ("reusable_content", 78),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 80: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 12), ("column_size", 13), ("content", 79)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 81: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("content", 80)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 82: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 81)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 83: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_group.html",
+ "Card group - attached cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_deck.html",
+ "Card deck - separate cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_columns.html",
+ "Card masonry - fluid brick pattern",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 84: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 83),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 85: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("card", 57)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 86: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 84), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 85)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 87: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 88: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("fluid", 4),
+ ("is_parallax", 5),
+ ("background_image", 6),
+ ("tile_image", 7),
+ ("background_color", 8),
+ ("foreground_color", 9),
+ ("content", 87),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ },
+ null=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="streamformpage",
+ name="form_fields",
+ field=wagtail.fields.StreamField(
+ [("step", 68)],
+ block_lookup={
+ 0: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Name", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 1: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [("", "Default")],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 2: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Custom CSS Class",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 3: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Custom ID", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 4: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": 'The "Custom ID" of another field that that will trigger this field to be shown/hidden.',
+ "label": "Condition Trigger ID",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 5: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": 'The value of the field in "Condition Trigger ID" that will trigger this field to be shown.',
+ "label": "Condition Trigger Value",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 6: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 1),
+ ("custom_css_class", 2),
+ ("custom_id", 3),
+ ("condition_trigger_id", 4),
+ ("condition_trigger_value", 5),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 7: ("wagtail.blocks.CharBlock", (), {"label": "Label"}),
+ 8: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Help text", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 9: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Required", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 10: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [("email", "Email"), ("url", "URL")],
+ "label": "Format",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 11: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Default value", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 12: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("field_label", 7),
+ ("help_text", 8),
+ ("required", 9),
+ ("format", 10),
+ ("default_value", 11),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"group": "Fields"},
+ ),
+ 13: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Default value", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 14: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("field_label", 7),
+ ("help_text", 8),
+ ("required", 9),
+ ("default_value", 13),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"group": "Fields"},
+ ),
+ 15: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("field_label", 7),
+ ("help_text", 8),
+ ("required", 9),
+ ("default_value", 11),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"group": "Fields"},
+ ),
+ 16: ("wagtail.blocks.CharBlock", (), {"label": "Checkbox"}),
+ 17: ("wagtail.blocks.ListBlock", (16,), {}),
+ 18: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("field_label", 7),
+ ("help_text", 8),
+ ("required", 9),
+ ("checkboxes", 17),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"group": "Fields"},
+ ),
+ 19: ("wagtail.blocks.CharBlock", (), {"label": "Choice"}),
+ 20: ("wagtail.blocks.ListBlock", (19,), {}),
+ 21: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("field_label", 7),
+ ("help_text", 8),
+ ("required", 9),
+ ("choices", 20),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"group": "Fields"},
+ ),
+ 22: ("wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock", (), {"required": False}),
+ 23: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("field_label", 7),
+ ("help_text", 8),
+ ("default_value", 22),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"group": "Fields"},
+ ),
+ 24: ("wagtail.blocks.DateBlock", (), {"required": False}),
+ 25: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("field_label", 7),
+ ("help_text", 8),
+ ("required", 9),
+ ("default_value", 24),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"group": "Fields"},
+ ),
+ 26: ("wagtail.blocks.TimeBlock", (), {"required": False}),
+ 27: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("field_label", 7),
+ ("help_text", 8),
+ ("required", 9),
+ ("default_value", 26),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"group": "Fields"},
+ ),
+ 28: ("wagtail.blocks.DateTimeBlock", (), {"required": False}),
+ 29: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("field_label", 7),
+ ("help_text", 8),
+ ("required", 9),
+ ("default_value", 28),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"group": "Fields"},
+ ),
+ 30: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 6),
+ ("field_label", 7),
+ ("help_text", 8),
+ ("required", 9),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"group": "Fields"},
+ ),
+ 31: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.html_blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font"},
+ ),
+ 32: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Category",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 33: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Label",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 34: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 1),
+ ("custom_css_class", 2),
+ ("custom_id", 3),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_category", 32),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_label", 33),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 35: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Page link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 36: (
+ "wagtail.documents.blocks.DocumentChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Document link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 37: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Other link", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 38: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Title", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 39: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-primary", "Primary"),
+ ("btn-secondary", "Secondary"),
+ ("btn-success", "Success"),
+ ("btn-danger", "Danger"),
+ ("btn-warning", "Warning"),
+ ("btn-info", "Info"),
+ ("btn-link", "Link"),
+ ("btn-light", "Light"),
+ ("btn-dark", "Dark"),
+ ("btn-outline-primary", "Outline Primary"),
+ ("btn-outline-secondary", "Outline Secondary"),
+ ("btn-outline-success", "Outline Success"),
+ ("btn-outline-danger", "Outline Danger"),
+ ("btn-outline-warning", "Outline Warning"),
+ ("btn-outline-info", "Outline Info"),
+ ("btn-outline-light", "Outline Light"),
+ ("btn-outline-dark", "Outline Dark"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Style",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 40: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-sm", "Small"),
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("btn-lg", "Large"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 41: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 34),
+ ("page_link", 35),
+ ("doc_link", 36),
+ ("other_link", 37),
+ ("button_title", 38),
+ ("button_style", 39),
+ ("button_size", 40),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 42: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 1),
+ ("custom_css_class", 2),
+ ("custom_id", 3),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 43: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image"},
+ ),
+ 44: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 42), ("image", 43)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 45: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Alternate text to show if the image doesn’t load",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 46: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 34),
+ ("page_link", 35),
+ ("doc_link", 36),
+ ("other_link", 37),
+ ("button_title", 38),
+ ("image", 43),
+ ("alt_text", 45),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 47: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "form_classname": "monospace",
+ "icon": "code",
+ "label": "HTML",
+ },
+ ),
+ 48: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 34),
+ ("button_style", 39),
+ ("button_size", 40),
+ ("button_title", 38),
+ ("downloadable_file", 36),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 49: (
+ "wagtail.embeds.blocks.EmbedBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Link to a YouTube/Vimeo video, tweet, facebook post, etc.",
+ "label": "URL",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 50: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 42), ("url", 49)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 51: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Quote Text", "required": True, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 52: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Author", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 53: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 42), ("text", 51), ("author", 52)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 54: ("wagtail.contrib.table_block.blocks.TableBlock", (), {}),
+ 55: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 42), ("table", 54)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 56: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Address or search term used to find your location on the map.",
+ "label": "Search query",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 57: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": 'Map title for screen readers, ex: "Map to Goodale Park"',
+ "label": "Map title",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 58: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use place ID.",
+ "label": "Google place ID",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 59: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": 14,
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use zoom. 1: World, 5: Landmass/continent, 10: City, 15: Streets, 20: Buildings",
+ "label": "Map zoom level",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 60: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 42),
+ ("search", 56),
+ ("map_title", 57),
+ ("place_id", 58),
+ ("map_zoom_level", 59),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 61: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a preview of pages that are children of the selected page. Uses ordering specified in the page’s LAYOUT tab.",
+ "label": "Parent page",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 62: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.ClassifierTermChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Only show pages that are classified with this term.",
+ "label": "Classified as",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 63: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": 3, "label": "Number of pages to show"},
+ ),
+ 64: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 42),
+ ("indexed_by", 61),
+ ("classified_by", 62),
+ ("num_posts", 63),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 65: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a mini preview of the selected page.",
+ "label": "Page to preview",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 66: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 42), ("page", 65)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 67: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("sf_singleline", 12),
+ ("sf_multiline", 14),
+ ("sf_number", 15),
+ ("sf_checkboxes", 18),
+ ("sf_radios", 21),
+ ("sf_dropdown", 21),
+ ("sf_checkbox", 23),
+ ("sf_date", 25),
+ ("sf_time", 27),
+ ("sf_datetime", 29),
+ ("sf_image", 30),
+ ("sf_file", 30),
+ ("text", 31),
+ ("button", 41),
+ ("image", 44),
+ ("image_link", 46),
+ ("html", 47),
+ ("download", 48),
+ ("embed_video", 50),
+ ("quote", 53),
+ ("table", 55),
+ ("google_map", 60),
+ ("page_list", 64),
+ ("page_preview", 66),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 68: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("name", 0), ("form_fields", 67)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ ),
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="webpage",
+ name="body",
+ field=wagtail.fields.StreamField(
+ [("hero", 88), ("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)],
+ blank=True,
+ block_lookup={
+ 0: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [("", "Default")],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 1: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Custom CSS Class",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 2: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Custom ID", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 3: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 4: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": True, "label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 5: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Background images scroll slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth.",
+ "label": "Parallax Effect",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 6: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"required": False},
+ ),
+ 7: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": False,
+ "label": "Tile background image",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 8: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Background color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 9: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Hexadecimal, rgba, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)",
+ "label": "Text color",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 10: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Full width", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 11: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Always expanded"),
+ (
+ "sm",
+ "sm - Expand on small screens (phone, 576px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "md",
+ "md - Expand on medium screens (tablet, 768px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "lg",
+ "lg - Expand on large screens (laptop, 992px) and larger",
+ ),
+ (
+ "xl",
+ "xl - Expand on extra large screens (wide monitor, 1200px)",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "help_text": "Screen size at which the column will expand horizontally or stack vertically.",
+ "required": False,
+ "verbose_name": "Column Breakpoint",
+ },
+ ),
+ 12: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("column_breakpoint", 11),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 13: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Automatically size"),
+ ("12", "Full row"),
+ ("6", "Half - 1/2 column"),
+ ("4", "Thirds - 1/3 column"),
+ ("8", "Thirds - 2/3 column"),
+ ("3", "Quarters - 1/4 column"),
+ ("9", "Quarters - 3/4 column"),
+ ("2", "Sixths - 1/6 column"),
+ ("10", "Sixths - 5/6 column"),
+ ("1", "Twelfths - 1/12 column"),
+ ("5", "Twelfths - 5/12 column"),
+ ("7", "Twelfths - 7/12 column"),
+ ("11", "Twelfths - 11/12 column"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Column size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 14: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.html_blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font"},
+ ),
+ 15: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Category",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 16: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Tracking Event Label",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 17: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 0),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_category", 15),
+ ("ga_tracking_event_label", 16),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 18: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Page link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 19: (
+ "wagtail.documents.blocks.DocumentChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Document link", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 20: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Other link", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 21: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Title", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 22: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-primary", "Primary"),
+ ("btn-secondary", "Secondary"),
+ ("btn-success", "Success"),
+ ("btn-danger", "Danger"),
+ ("btn-warning", "Warning"),
+ ("btn-info", "Info"),
+ ("btn-link", "Link"),
+ ("btn-light", "Light"),
+ ("btn-dark", "Dark"),
+ ("btn-outline-primary", "Outline Primary"),
+ ("btn-outline-secondary", "Outline Secondary"),
+ ("btn-outline-success", "Outline Success"),
+ ("btn-outline-danger", "Outline Danger"),
+ ("btn-outline-warning", "Outline Warning"),
+ ("btn-outline-info", "Outline Info"),
+ ("btn-outline-light", "Outline Light"),
+ ("btn-outline-dark", "Outline Dark"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Style",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 23: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("btn-sm", "Small"),
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("btn-lg", "Large"),
+ ],
+ "label": "Button Size",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 24: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 25: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image"},
+ ),
+ 26: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("image", 25)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 27: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Alternate text to show if the image doesn’t load",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 28: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("page_link", 18),
+ ("doc_link", 19),
+ ("other_link", 20),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("image", 25),
+ ("alt_text", 27),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 29: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "form_classname": "monospace",
+ "icon": "code",
+ "label": "HTML",
+ },
+ ),
+ 30: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 17),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("downloadable_file", 19),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 31: (
+ "wagtail.embeds.blocks.EmbedBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Link to a YouTube/Vimeo video, tweet, facebook post, etc.",
+ "label": "URL",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 32: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("url", 31)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 33: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Quote Text", "required": True, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 34: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Author", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 35: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("text", 33), ("author", 34)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 36: ("wagtail.contrib.table_block.blocks.TableBlock", (), {}),
+ 37: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("table", 36)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 38: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Address or search term used to find your location on the map.",
+ "label": "Search query",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 39: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": 'Map title for screen readers, ex: "Map to Goodale Park"',
+ "label": "Map title",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 40: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use place ID.",
+ "label": "Google place ID",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 41: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "default": 14,
+ "help_text": "Requires API key to use zoom. 1: World, 5: Landmass/continent, 10: City, 15: Streets, 20: Buildings",
+ "label": "Map zoom level",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 42: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("search", 38),
+ ("map_title", 39),
+ ("place_id", 40),
+ ("map_zoom_level", 41),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 43: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a preview of pages that are children of the selected page. Uses ordering specified in the page’s LAYOUT tab.",
+ "label": "Parent page",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 44: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.ClassifierTermChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Only show pages that are classified with this term.",
+ "label": "Classified as",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 45: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock",
+ (),
+ {"default": 3, "label": "Number of pages to show"},
+ ),
+ 46: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("indexed_by", 43),
+ ("classified_by", 44),
+ ("num_posts", 45),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 47: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Show a mini preview of the selected page.",
+ "label": "Page to preview",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 48: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("page", 47)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 49: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Accordion",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 50: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("accordion", 49)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 51: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ ("coderedcms/blocks/card_block.html", "Card"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head.html",
+ "Card with header",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_foot.html",
+ "Card with footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_head_foot.html",
+ "Card with header and footer",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_blurb.html",
+ "Blurb - rounded image and no border",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/card_img.html",
+ "Cover image - use image as background",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 52: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 51),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 53: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 54: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Subtitle", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 55: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "features": [
+ "bold",
+ "italic",
+ "ol",
+ "ul",
+ "hr",
+ "link",
+ "document-link",
+ ],
+ "label": "Body",
+ },
+ ),
+ 56: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("Links", 24)]],
+ {"blank": True, "label": "Links", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 57: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 52),
+ ("image", 53),
+ ("title", 21),
+ ("subtitle", 54),
+ ("description", 55),
+ ("links", 56),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 58: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.Carousel",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 59: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("carousel", 58)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 60: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.FilmStrip",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 61: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("film_strip", 60)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 62: (
+ "coderedcms.blocks.base_blocks.CollectionChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image Collection", "required": True},
+ ),
+ 63: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("collection", 62)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 64: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "label": "Modal heading",
+ "max_length": 255,
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 65: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 66: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"icon": "cr-font", "label": "Simple Text", "max_length": 255},
+ ),
+ 67: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("text", 66), ("button", 24)]],
+ {"label": "Modal footer", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 68: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("button_style", 22),
+ ("button_size", 23),
+ ("button_title", 21),
+ ("header", 64),
+ ("content", 65),
+ ("footer", 67),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 69: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Heading", "max_length": 255, "required": False},
+ ),
+ 70: (
+ "wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Image", "required": False},
+ ),
+ 71: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Name", "max_length": 255, "required": True},
+ ),
+ 72: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.TextBlock",
+ (),
+ {"label": "Description", "required": False, "rows": 4},
+ ),
+ 73: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.CharBlock",
+ (),
+ {
+ "help_text": "Any text here. Include currency sign if desired.",
+ "label": "Price",
+ "required": True,
+ },
+ ),
+ 74: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("image", 70),
+ ("name", 71),
+ ("description", 72),
+ ("price", 73),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 75: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("item", 74)]],
+ {"label": "Items"},
+ ),
+ 76: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("heading", 69), ("items", 75)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 77: (
+ "wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock",
+ ("coderedcms.ReusableContent",),
+ {},
+ ),
+ 78: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("content", 77)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 79: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("text", 14),
+ ("button", 24),
+ ("image", 26),
+ ("image_link", 28),
+ ("html", 29),
+ ("download", 30),
+ ("embed_video", 32),
+ ("quote", 35),
+ ("table", 37),
+ ("google_map", 42),
+ ("page_list", 46),
+ ("page_preview", 48),
+ ("accordion", 50),
+ ("card", 57),
+ ("carousel", 59),
+ ("film_strip", 61),
+ ("image_gallery", 63),
+ ("modal", 68),
+ ("pricelist", 76),
+ ("reusable_content", 78),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 80: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 12), ("column_size", 13), ("content", 79)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 81: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("content", 80)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 82: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 3), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 81)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 83: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock",
+ [],
+ {
+ "choices": [
+ ("", "Default"),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_group.html",
+ "Card group - attached cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_deck.html",
+ "Card deck - separate cards of equal size",
+ ),
+ (
+ "coderedcms/blocks/cardgrid_columns.html",
+ "Card masonry - fluid brick pattern",
+ ),
+ ],
+ "label": "Template",
+ "required": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ 84: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("custom_template", 83),
+ ("custom_css_class", 1),
+ ("custom_id", 2),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 85: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("card", 57)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 86: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [[("settings", 84), ("fluid", 10), ("content", 85)]],
+ {},
+ ),
+ 87: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock",
+ [[("row", 82), ("cardgrid", 86), ("html", 29)]],
+ {"label": "Content"},
+ ),
+ 88: (
+ "wagtail.blocks.StructBlock",
+ [
+ [
+ ("settings", 3),
+ ("fluid", 4),
+ ("is_parallax", 5),
+ ("background_image", 6),
+ ("tile_image", 7),
+ ("background_color", 8),
+ ("foreground_color", 9),
+ ("content", 87),
+ ]
+ ],
+ {},
+ ),
+ },
+ null=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ]