@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+v1.0.3 release notes
+Bug fixes
+* Save stream form submissions in the correct format.
+Note: This bug was introduced in v1.0.0. If you were actively using ``CoderedStreamFormPage`` or ``CoderedStreamFormMixin`` (not the default configuration) with version 1.0.0, 1.0.1, or 1.0.2; and you are getting 500 errors when trying to view stream form submissions in the Wagtail admin, create a migration file with the following code or run it directly.
+.. code-block:: python
+ """
+ Wagtail 3.0 switched ``FormSubmission.form_data`` from
+ ``TextField`` to ``JSONField``. However, after the Wagtail 3 migration
+ ``CoderedStreamForm`` continued to treat it like a ``TextField`` and
+ manually dump stringified JSON into it. This migrations converts any
+ residual strings to JSON.
+ """
+ import json
+ from django.db import migrations
+ from website.models import YOUR_STREAMFORM_PAGE_MODEL as MyStreamFormPage
+ def destringify(apps, schema_editor):
+ for s in MyStreamFormPage.get_submission_class().objects.all():
+ if isinstance(s.form_data, str):
+ print(f"Fixing Submission {s.pk}")
+ s.form_data = json.loads(s.form_data)
+ s.save()
+ class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ("coderedcms", "0035_remove_googleapisettings_site_and_more"),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.RunPython(destringify),
+ ]