@@ -0,0 +1,1023 @@
+Base and abstract pages used in CodeRed CMS.
+import json
+import os
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.files.uploadedfile import InMemoryUploadedFile, TemporaryUploadedFile
+from django.core.files.storage import FileSystemStorage
+from django.core.mail import send_mail, EmailMessage
+from django.core.paginator import Paginator
+from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
+from django.db import models
+from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
+from django.template import Context, Template
+from django.utils import timezone
+from django.utils.html import strip_tags
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
+from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import (
+ HelpPanel,
+ FieldPanel,
+ FieldRowPanel,
+ InlinePanel,
+ MultiFieldPanel,
+ ObjectList,
+ PageChooserPanel,
+ StreamFieldPanel,
+ TabbedInterface)
+from wagtail.core.fields import StreamField
+from wagtail.core.models import PageBase, Page, Site
+from wagtail.core.utils import resolve_model_string
+from wagtail.contrib.forms.edit_handlers import FormSubmissionsPanel
+from wagtail.contrib.forms.forms import WagtailAdminFormPageForm
+from wagtail.images.edit_handlers import ImageChooserPanel
+from wagtail.contrib.forms.models import FormSubmission
+from wagtail.search import index
+from coderedcms import schema, utils
+from coderedcms.blocks import (
+ OpenHoursBlock,
+ StructuredDataActionBlock)
+from coderedcms.forms import CoderedFormBuilder, CoderedSubmissionsListView
+from coderedcms.models.wagtailsettings_models import GeneralSettings, LayoutSettings, SeoSettings
+from coderedcms.settings import cr_settings
+def get_page_models():
+class CoderedPageMeta(PageBase):
+ def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
+ super().__init__(name, bases, dct)
+ if 'amp_template' not in dct:
+ cls.amp_template = None
+ if 'search_db_include' not in dct:
+ cls.search_db_include = False
+ if 'search_db_boost' not in dct:
+ cls.search_db_boost = 0
+ if 'search_filterable' not in dct:
+ cls.search_filterable = False
+ if 'search_name' not in dct:
+ cls.search_name = cls._meta.verbose_name
+ if 'search_name_plural' not in dct:
+ cls.search_name_plural = cls._meta.verbose_name_plural
+ if 'search_template' not in dct:
+ cls.search_template = 'coderedcms/pages/search_result.html'
+ if not cls._meta.abstract:
+class CoderedPage(Page, metaclass=CoderedPageMeta):
+ """
+ General use page with caching, templating, and SEO functionality.
+ All pages should inherit from this.
+ """
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name = _('CodeRed Page')
+ # Do not allow this page type to be created in wagtail admin
+ is_creatable = False
+ # Templates
+ # The page will render the following templates under certain conditions:
+ #
+ # template = ''
+ # amp_template = ''
+ # ajax_template = ''
+ # search_template = ''
+ ###############
+ # Content fields
+ ###############
+ cover_image = models.ForeignKey(
+ 'wagtailimages.Image',
+ null=True,
+ blank=True,
+ on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
+ related_name='+',
+ verbose_name=_('Cover image'),
+ )
+ ###############
+ # Index fields
+ ###############
+ # Subclasses can override this to enabled index features by default.
+ index_show_subpages_default = False
+ # Subclasses can override this to query on a specific
+ # page model, rather than the default wagtail Page.
+ index_query_pagemodel = 'wagtailcore.Page'
+ # Subclasses can override these fields to enable custom
+ # ordering based on specific subpage fields.
+ index_order_by_default = '-first_published_at'
+ index_order_by_choices = (
+ ('-first_published_at', _('Date first published, newest to oldest')),
+ ('first_published_at', _('Date first published, oldest to newest')),
+ ('-last_published_at', _('Date updated, newest to oldest')),
+ ('last_published_at', _('Date updated, oldest to newest')),
+ ('title', _('Title, alphabetical')),
+ ('-title', _('Title, reverse alphabetical')),
+ )
+ index_show_subpages = models.BooleanField(
+ default=index_show_subpages_default,
+ verbose_name=_('Show list of child pages')
+ )
+ index_order_by = models.CharField(
+ max_length=255,
+ choices=index_order_by_choices,
+ default=index_order_by_default,
+ verbose_name=_('Order child pages by'),
+ )
+ index_num_per_page = models.PositiveIntegerField(
+ default=10,
+ verbose_name=_('Number per page'),
+ )
+ ###############
+ # Layout fields
+ ###############
+ custom_template = models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ max_length=255,
+ choices=None,
+ verbose_name=_('Template')
+ )
+ ###############
+ # SEO fields
+ ###############
+ og_image = models.ForeignKey(
+ 'wagtailimages.Image',
+ null=True,
+ blank=True,
+ on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
+ related_name='+',
+ verbose_name=_('Open Graph preview image'),
+ help_text=_('The image shown when linking to this page on social media. If blank, defaults to article cover image, or logo in Settings > Layout > Logo')
+ )
+ struct_org_type = models.CharField(
+ default='',
+ blank=True,
+ max_length=255,
+ choices=schema.SCHEMA_ORG_CHOICES,
+ verbose_name=_('Organization type'),
+ help_text=_('If blank, no structured data will be used on this page.')
+ )
+ struct_org_name = models.CharField(
+ default='',
+ blank=True,
+ max_length=255,
+ verbose_name=_('Organization name'),
+ help_text=_('Leave blank to use the site name in Settings > Sites')
+ )
+ struct_org_logo = models.ForeignKey(
+ 'wagtailimages.Image',
+ null=True,
+ blank=True,
+ on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
+ related_name='+',
+ verbose_name=_('Organization logo'),
+ help_text=_('Leave blank to use the logo in Settings > Layout > Logo')
+ )
+ struct_org_image = models.ForeignKey(
+ 'wagtailimages.Image',
+ null=True,
+ blank=True,
+ on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
+ related_name='+',
+ verbose_name=_('Photo of Organization'),
+ help_text=_('A photo of the facility. This photo will be cropped to 1:1, 4:3, and 16:9 aspect ratios automatically.')
+ )
+ struct_org_phone = models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ max_length=255,
+ verbose_name=_('Telephone number'),
+ help_text=_('Include country code for best results. For example: +1-216-555-8000')
+ )
+ struct_org_address_street = models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ max_length=255,
+ verbose_name=_('Street address'),
+ help_text=_('House number and street. For example, 55 Public Square Suite 1710')
+ )
+ struct_org_address_locality = models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ max_length=255,
+ verbose_name=_('City'),
+ help_text=_('City or locality. For example, Cleveland')
+ )
+ struct_org_address_region = models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ max_length=255,
+ verbose_name=_('State'),
+ help_text=_('State, province, county, or region. For example, OH')
+ )
+ struct_org_address_postal = models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ max_length=255,
+ verbose_name=_('Postal code'),
+ help_text=_('Zip or postal code. For example, 44113')
+ )
+ struct_org_address_country = models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ max_length=255,
+ verbose_name=_('Country'),
+ help_text=_('For example, USA. Two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code is also acceptible https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1')
+ )
+ struct_org_geo_lat = models.DecimalField(
+ blank=True,
+ null=True,
+ max_digits=10,
+ decimal_places=8,
+ verbose_name=_('Geographic latitude')
+ )
+ struct_org_geo_lng = models.DecimalField(
+ blank=True,
+ null=True,
+ max_digits=10,
+ decimal_places=8,
+ verbose_name=_('Geographic longitude')
+ )
+ struct_org_hours = StreamField(
+ [
+ ('hours', OpenHoursBlock()),
+ ],
+ blank=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Hours of operation')
+ )
+ struct_org_actions = StreamField(
+ [
+ ('actions', StructuredDataActionBlock())
+ ],
+ blank=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Actions')
+ )
+ struct_org_extra_json = models.TextField(
+ blank=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Additional Organization markup'),
+ help_text=_('Additional JSON-LD inserted into the Organization dictionary. Must be properties of https://schema.org/Organization or the selected organization type.')
+ )
+ ###############
+ # Search
+ ###############
+ search_fields = [
+ index.SearchField('title', partial_match=True, boost=3),
+ index.SearchField('seo_title', partial_match=True, boost=3),
+ index.SearchField('search_description', boost=2),
+ index.FilterField('title'),
+ index.FilterField('id'),
+ index.FilterField('live'),
+ index.FilterField('owner'),
+ index.FilterField('content_type'),
+ index.FilterField('path'),
+ index.FilterField('depth'),
+ index.FilterField('locked'),
+ index.FilterField('first_published_at'),
+ index.FilterField('last_published_at'),
+ index.FilterField('latest_revision_created_at'),
+ index.FilterField('index_show_subpages'),
+ index.FilterField('index_order_by'),
+ index.FilterField('custom_template'),
+ ]
+ ###############
+ # Panels
+ ###############
+ content_panels = (
+ Page.content_panels +
+ [
+ ImageChooserPanel('cover_image'),
+ ]
+ )
+ layout_panels = [
+ MultiFieldPanel(
+ [
+ FieldPanel('custom_template')
+ ],
+ heading=_('Visual Design')
+ ),
+ MultiFieldPanel(
+ [
+ FieldPanel('index_show_subpages'),
+ FieldPanel('index_num_per_page'),
+ FieldPanel('index_order_by'),
+ ],
+ heading=_('Show Child Pages')
+ )
+ ]
+ promote_panels = [
+ MultiFieldPanel(
+ [
+ FieldPanel('slug'),
+ FieldPanel('seo_title'),
+ FieldPanel('search_description'),
+ ImageChooserPanel('og_image'),
+ ],
+ _('Page Meta Data')
+ ),
+ MultiFieldPanel(
+ [
+ HelpPanel(
+ heading=_('About Organization Structured Data'),
+ content=_("""The fields below help define brand, contact, and storefront
+ information to search engines. This information should be filled out on
+ the site’s root page (Home Page). If your organization has multiple locations,
+ then also fill this info out on each location page using that particular
+ location’s info."""),
+ ),
+ FieldPanel('struct_org_type'),
+ FieldPanel('struct_org_name'),
+ ImageChooserPanel('struct_org_logo'),
+ ImageChooserPanel('struct_org_image'),
+ FieldPanel('struct_org_phone'),
+ FieldPanel('struct_org_address_street'),
+ FieldPanel('struct_org_address_locality'),
+ FieldPanel('struct_org_address_region'),
+ FieldPanel('struct_org_address_postal'),
+ FieldPanel('struct_org_address_country'),
+ FieldPanel('struct_org_geo_lat'),
+ FieldPanel('struct_org_geo_lng'),
+ StreamFieldPanel('struct_org_hours'),
+ StreamFieldPanel('struct_org_actions'),
+ FieldPanel('struct_org_extra_json'),
+ ],
+ _('Structured Data - Organization')
+ ),
+ ]
+ settings_panels = Page.settings_panels
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Inject custom choices and defalts into the form fields
+ to enable customization by subclasses.
+ """
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ klassname = self.__class__.__name__.lower()
+ template_choices = cr_settings['FRONTEND_TEMPLATES_PAGES'].get('*', ()) + \
+ cr_settings['FRONTEND_TEMPLATES_PAGES'].get(klassname, ())
+ self._meta.get_field('index_order_by').choices = self.index_order_by_choices
+ self._meta.get_field('custom_template').choices = template_choices
+ if not self.id:
+ self.index_order_by = self.index_order_by_default
+ self.index_show_subpages = self.index_show_subpages_default
+ @classmethod
+ def get_edit_handler(cls):
+ """
+ Override to "lazy load" the panels overriden by subclasses.
+ """
+ return TabbedInterface([
+ ObjectList(cls.content_panels, heading='Content'),
+ ObjectList(cls.layout_panels, heading='Layout'),
+ ObjectList(cls.promote_panels, heading='SEO', classname="seo"),
+ ObjectList(cls.settings_panels, heading='Settings', classname="settings"),
+ ]).bind_to_model(cls)
+ def get_struct_org_name(self):
+ """
+ Gets org name for sturctured data using a fallback.
+ """
+ if self.struct_org_name:
+ return self.struct_org_name
+ return self.get_site().site_name
+ def get_struct_org_logo(self):
+ """
+ Gets logo for structured data using a fallback.
+ """
+ if self.struct_org_logo:
+ return self.struct_org_logo
+ else:
+ layout_settings = LayoutSettings.for_site(self.get_site())
+ if layout_settings.logo:
+ return layout_settings.logo
+ return None
+ def get_template(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Override parent to serve different templates based on querystring.
+ """
+ if 'amp' in request.GET and hasattr(self, 'amp_template'):
+ seo_settings = SeoSettings.for_site(request.site)
+ if seo_settings.amp_pages:
+ if request.is_ajax():
+ return self.ajax_template or self.amp_template
+ return self.amp_template
+ if self.custom_template:
+ return self.custom_template
+ return super(CoderedPage, self).get_template(request, args, kwargs)
+ def get_index_children(self):
+ """
+ Override to return query of subpages as defined by `index_` variables.
+ """
+ if self.index_query_pagemodel:
+ querymodel = resolve_model_string(self.index_query_pagemodel, self._meta.app_label)
+ return querymodel.objects.child_of(self).order_by(self.index_order_by)
+ return super().get_children().live()
+ def get_context(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Add child pages and paginated child pages to context.
+ """
+ context = super().get_context(request)
+ if self.index_show_subpages:
+ all_children = self.get_index_children()
+ paginator = Paginator(all_children, self.index_num_per_page)
+ page = request.GET.get('p', 1)
+ try:
+ paged_children = paginator.page(page)
+ except:
+ paged_children = paginator.page(1)
+ context['index_paginated'] = paged_children
+ context['index_children'] = all_children
+ return context
+# Abstract pages providing pre-built common website functionality, suitable for subclassing.
+# These are abstract so subclasses can override fields if desired.
+class CoderedWebPage(CoderedPage):
+ """
+ Provides a body and body-related functionality.
+ This is abstract so that subclasses can override the body StreamField.
+ """
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name = _('CodeRed Web Page')
+ abstract = True
+ template = 'coderedcms/pages/web_page.html'
+ # Child pages should override based on what blocks they want in the body.
+ # Default is LAYOUT_STREAMBLOCKS which is the fullest editor experience.
+ body = StreamField(LAYOUT_STREAMBLOCKS, null=True, blank=True)
+ # Search fields
+ search_fields = (
+ CoderedPage.search_fields +
+ [index.SearchField('body')]
+ )
+ # Panels
+ content_panels = (
+ CoderedPage.content_panels +
+ [StreamFieldPanel('body'),]
+ )
+ @property
+ def body_preview(self):
+ """
+ A shortened, non-HTML version of the body.
+ """
+ # add spaces between tags for legibility
+ body = str(self.body).replace('>', '> ')
+ # strip tags
+ body = strip_tags(body)
+ # truncate and add ellipses
+ return body[:200] + "..."
+class CoderedArticlePage(CoderedWebPage):
+ """
+ Article, suitable for news or blog content.
+ """
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name = _('CodeRed Article')
+ abstract = True
+ template = 'coderedcms/pages/article_page.html'
+ amp_template = 'coderedcms/pages/article_page.amp.html'
+ # Override body to provide simpler content
+ body = StreamField(CONTENT_STREAMBLOCKS, null=True, blank=True)
+ caption = models.CharField(
+ max_length=255,
+ blank=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Caption'),
+ )
+ author = models.ForeignKey(
+ settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL,
+ null=True,
+ blank=True,
+ editable=True,
+ on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
+ related_name='articles',
+ verbose_name=_('Author'),
+ )
+ author_display = models.CharField(
+ max_length=255,
+ blank=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Display author as'),
+ help_text=_('Override how the author’s name displays on this article.'),
+ )
+ date_display = models.DateField(
+ null=True,
+ blank=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Display publish date'),
+ )
+ def get_author_name(self):
+ """
+ Gets author name using a fallback.
+ """
+ if self.author_display:
+ return self.author_display
+ if self.author:
+ return self.author.get_full_name()
+ return ''
+ def get_pub_date(self):
+ """
+ Gets published date.
+ """
+ if self.date_display:
+ return self.date_display
+ return ''
+ def get_description(self):
+ """
+ Gets the description using a fallback.
+ """
+ if self.search_description:
+ return self.search_description
+ if self.caption:
+ return self.caption
+ if self.body_preview:
+ return self.body_preview
+ return ''
+ search_fields = (
+ CoderedWebPage.search_fields +
+ [
+ index.SearchField('caption', boost=2),
+ index.FilterField('author'),
+ index.FilterField('author_display'),
+ index.FilterField('date_display'),
+ ]
+ )
+ content_panels = (
+ CoderedWebPage.content_panels +
+ [
+ MultiFieldPanel(
+ [
+ FieldPanel('caption'),
+ ],
+ _('Additional Content')
+ ),
+ MultiFieldPanel(
+ [
+ FieldPanel('author'),
+ FieldPanel('author_display'),
+ FieldPanel('date_display'),
+ ],
+ _('Publication Info')
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+class CoderedArticleIndexPage(CoderedWebPage):
+ """
+ Shows a list of article sub-pages.
+ """
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name = _('CodeRed Article Index Page')
+ abstract = True
+ template = 'coderedcms/pages/article_index_page.html'
+ index_show_subpages_default = True
+ show_images = models.BooleanField(
+ default=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Show images'),
+ )
+ show_captions = models.BooleanField(
+ default=True,
+ )
+ show_meta = models.BooleanField(
+ default=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Show author and date info'),
+ )
+ show_preview_text = models.BooleanField(
+ default=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Show preview text'),
+ )
+ layout_panels = (
+ CoderedWebPage.layout_panels +
+ [
+ MultiFieldPanel(
+ [
+ FieldPanel('show_images'),
+ FieldPanel('show_captions'),
+ FieldPanel('show_meta'),
+ FieldPanel('show_preview_text'),
+ ],
+ heading=_('Child page display')
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+class CoderedFormPage(CoderedWebPage):
+ """
+ This is basically a clone of wagtail.contrib.forms.models.AbstractForm
+ with changes in functionality and extending CoderedWebPage vs wagtailcore.Page.
+ """
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name = _('CodeRed Form Page')
+ abstract = True
+ template = 'coderedcms/pages/form_page.html'
+ landing_page_template = 'coderedcms/pages/form_page_landing.html'
+ base_form_class = WagtailAdminFormPageForm
+ form_builder = CoderedFormBuilder
+ submissions_list_view_class = CoderedSubmissionsListView
+ ### Custom codered fields
+ to_address = models.CharField(
+ max_length=255,
+ blank=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Email form submissions to'),
+ help_text=_('Optional - email form submissions to this address. Separate multiple addresses by comma.')
+ )
+ subject = models.CharField(
+ max_length=255,
+ blank=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Subject'),
+ )
+ save_to_database = models.BooleanField(
+ default=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Save form submissions'),
+ help_text=_('Submissions are saved to database and can be exported at any time.')
+ )
+ thank_you_page = models.ForeignKey(
+ 'wagtailcore.Page',
+ null=True,
+ blank=True,
+ on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
+ related_name='+',
+ verbose_name=_('Thank you page'),
+ help_text=_('The page users are redirected to after submitting the form.'),
+ )
+ button_text = models.CharField(
+ max_length=255,
+ default=_('Submit'),
+ verbose_name=_('Button text'),
+ )
+ button_style = models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ choices=cr_settings['FRONTEND_BTN_STYLE_CHOICES'],
+ default=cr_settings["FRONTEND_BTN_STYLE_DEFAULT"],
+ max_length=255,
+ verbose_name=_('Button style'),
+ )
+ button_size = models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ choices=cr_settings['FRONTEND_BTN_SIZE_CHOICES'],
+ default=cr_settings["FRONTEND_BTN_SIZE_DEFAULT"],
+ max_length=255,
+ verbose_name=_('Button Size'),
+ )
+ button_css_class = models.CharField(
+ max_length=255,
+ blank=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Button CSS class'),
+ help_text=_('Custom CSS class applied to the submit button.'),
+ )
+ form_css_class = models.CharField(
+ max_length=255,
+ blank=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Form CSS Class'),
+ help_text=_('Custom CSS class applied to <form> element.'),
+ )
+ form_id = models.CharField(
+ max_length=255,
+ blank=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Form ID'),
+ help_text=_('Custom ID applied to <form> element.'),
+ )
+ form_golive_at = models.DateTimeField(
+ blank=True,
+ null=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Form go live date/time'),
+ help_text=_('Date and time when the FORM goes live on the page.'),
+ )
+ form_expire_at = models.DateTimeField(
+ blank=True,
+ null=True,
+ verbose_name=_('Form expiry date/time'),
+ help_text=_('Date and time when the FORM will no longer be available on the page.'),
+ )
+ content_panels = (
+ CoderedWebPage.content_panels +
+ [
+ FormSubmissionsPanel(),
+ InlinePanel('form_fields', label="Form fields"),
+ MultiFieldPanel(
+ [
+ PageChooserPanel('thank_you_page'),
+ FieldPanel('button_text'),
+ FieldPanel('button_style'),
+ FieldPanel('button_size'),
+ FieldPanel('button_css_class'),
+ FieldPanel('form_css_class'),
+ FieldPanel('form_id'),
+ ],
+ _('Form Settings')
+ ),
+ MultiFieldPanel(
+ [
+ FieldPanel('save_to_database'),
+ FieldPanel('to_address'),
+ FieldPanel('subject'),
+ ],
+ _('Form Submissions')
+ ),
+ InlinePanel('confirmation_emails', label=_('Confirmation Emails'))
+ ]
+ )
+ settings_panels = (
+ CoderedPage.settings_panels +
+ [
+ MultiFieldPanel(
+ [
+ FieldRowPanel(
+ [
+ FieldPanel('form_golive_at'),
+ FieldPanel('form_expire_at'),
+ ],
+ classname='label-above',
+ ),
+ ],
+ _('Form Scheduled Publishing'),
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ @property
+ def form_live(self):
+ """
+ A boolean on whether or not the <form> element should be shown on the page.
+ """
+ return (self.form_golive_at is None or self.form_golive_at <= timezone.now()) and \
+ (self.form_expire_at is None or self.form_expire_at >= timezone.now())
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ if not hasattr(self, 'landing_page_template'):
+ name, ext = os.path.splitext(self.template)
+ self.landing_page_template = name + '_landing' + ext
+ def get_form_fields(self):
+ """
+ Form page expects `form_fields` to be declared.
+ If you want to change backwards relation name,
+ you need to override this method.
+ """
+ return self.form_fields.all()
+ def get_data_fields(self):
+ """
+ Returns a list of tuples with (field_name, field_label).
+ """
+ data_fields = [
+ ('submit_time', _('Submission date')),
+ ]
+ data_fields += [
+ (field.clean_name, field.label)
+ for field in self.get_form_fields()
+ ]
+ return data_fields
+ def get_form_class(self):
+ fb = self.form_builder(self.get_form_fields())
+ return fb.get_form_class()
+ def get_form_parameters(self):
+ return {}
+ def get_form(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ form_class = self.get_form_class()
+ form_params = self.get_form_parameters()
+ form_params.update(kwargs)
+ return form_class(*args, **form_params)
+ def get_landing_page_template(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.landing_page_template
+ def get_submission_class(self):
+ """
+ Returns submission class.
+ You can override this method to provide custom submission class.
+ Your class must be inherited from AbstractFormSubmission.
+ """
+ return FormSubmission
+ def process_form_submission(self, request, form):
+ """
+ Accepts form instance with submitted data, user and page.
+ Creates submission instance.
+ You can override this method if you want to have custom creation logic.
+ For example, if you want to save reference to a user.
+ """
+ processed_data = {}
+ # Handle file uploads
+ for key, val in form.cleaned_data.items():
+ if type(val) == InMemoryUploadedFile or type(val) == TemporaryUploadedFile:
+ # Save the file and get its URL
+ file_system = FileSystemStorage(
+ location=cr_settings['PROTECTED_MEDIA_ROOT'],
+ base_url=cr_settings['PROTECTED_MEDIA_URL']
+ )
+ filename = file_system.save(file_system.get_valid_name(val.name), val)
+ processed_data[key] = file_system.url(filename)
+ else:
+ processed_data[key] = val
+ # Get submission
+ form_submission = self.get_submission_class()(
+ form_data=json.dumps(processed_data, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder),
+ page=self,
+ )
+ # Save to database
+ if self.save_to_database:
+ form_submission.save()
+ # Send the mails
+ if self.to_address:
+ self.send_summary_mail(request, form, processed_data)
+ if self.confirmation_emails:
+ for email in self.confirmation_emails.all():
+ from_address = email.from_address
+ if from_address == '':
+ from_address = GeneralSettings.for_site(request.site).from_email_address
+ template_body = Template(email.body)
+ template_to = Template(email.to_address)
+ template_from_email = Template(from_address)
+ template_cc = Template(email.cc_address)
+ template_bcc = Template(email.bcc_address)
+ template_subject = Template(email.subject)
+ context = Context(self.data_to_dict(processed_data))
+ message = EmailMessage(
+ body=template_body.render(context),
+ to=template_to.render(context).split(','),
+ from_email=template_from_email.render(context),
+ cc=template_cc.render(context).split(','),
+ bcc=template_bcc.render(context).split(','),
+ subject=template_subject.render(context),
+ )
+ message.content_subtype = 'html'
+ message.send()
+ return processed_data
+ def send_summary_mail(self, request, form, processed_data):
+ """
+ Sends a form submission summary email.
+ """
+ addresses = [x.strip() for x in self.to_address.split(',')]
+ content = []
+ for field in form:
+ value = processed_data[field.name]
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ value = ', '.join(value)
+ content.append('{0}: {1}'.format(field.label, utils.attempt_protected_media_value_conversion(request, value)))
+ content = '\n'.join(content)
+ send_mail(
+ self.subject,
+ content,
+ GeneralSettings.for_site(Site.objects.get(is_default_site=True)).from_email_address,
+ addresses
+ )
+ def data_to_dict(self, processed_data):
+ """
+ Converts processed form data into a dictionary suitable
+ for rendering in a context.
+ """
+ dictionary = {}
+ for key, value in processed_data.items():
+ dictionary[key.replace('-', '_')] = value
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ dictionary[key] = ', '.join(value)
+ return dictionary
+ def render_landing_page(self, request, *args, form_submission=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Renders the landing page.
+ You can override this method to return a different HttpResponse as
+ landing page. E.g. you could return a redirect to a separate page.
+ """
+ if self.thank_you_page:
+ return redirect(self.thank_you_page.url)
+ context = self.get_context(request)
+ context['form_submission'] = form_submission
+ return render(
+ request,
+ self.get_landing_page_template(request),
+ context
+ )
+ def serve_submissions_list_view(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Returns list submissions view for admin.
+ `list_submissions_view_class` can bse set to provide custom view class.
+ Your class must be inherited from SubmissionsListView.
+ """
+ view = self.submissions_list_view_class.as_view()
+ return view(request, form_page=self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def serve(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ form = self.get_form(request.POST, request.FILES, page=self, user=request.user)
+ if form.is_valid():
+ form_submission = self.process_form_submission(request, form)
+ return self.render_landing_page(request, form_submission, *args, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ form = self.get_form(page=self, user=request.user)
+ context = self.get_context(request)
+ context['form'] = form
+ return render(
+ request,
+ self.get_template(request),
+ context
+ )
+ preview_modes = [
+ ('form', _('Form')),
+ ('landing', _('Thank you page')),
+ ]
+ def serve_preview(self, request, mode):
+ if mode == 'landing':
+ request.is_preview = True
+ return self.render_landing_page(request)
+ return super().serve_preview(request, mode)