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+Translation & Multi-Language Support
+Translate the UI
+CodeRed CMS provides all text throughout the UI and templates as translatable
+strings using Django's internationalization system (often abbreviated "i18n").
+To learn more about how translation works, read Wagtail's official `documentation
+<http://docs.wagtail.io/en/latest/advanced_topics/i18n/>`_ on the topic.
+Translate Page Content
+Translation of model fields can be most efficiently and safely achieved via the
+well-known `Wagtail Model Translation <https://github.com/infoportugal/wagtail-modeltranslation>`_
+Please note that, due to CodeRed CMS architecture, some model fields are not exposed
+to the translation package by default, but you can expose these fields in your ``models.py``.
+See below how that would be done for the ``body`` field for a specific ``WebPage``
+model in ``website/models.py``:
+.. code-block:: python
+ class WebPage(CoderedWebPage):
+ body_content_panels = []
+ content_panels = CodredWebPage.content_panels + [
+ StreamFieldPanel('body'),
+ ]
+Changing Language of the Admin Dashboard
+See Wagtail's `translation documentation <http://docs.wagtail.io/en/latest/advanced_topics/i18n/>`_,
+to enable a default language in the administration panel.
+Supported Languages
+CodeRed CMS is currently provided in English (US). However, it supports translation.
+If you use CodeRed CMS in a different language, please consider contributing
+your translations!