@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+v4.0.0 release notes
+New features
+* Support Wagtail 6.0 and 6.1.
+* Support Python 3.8 to 3.12.
+* Update Bootstrap to 5.3.3
+* New: Ability to disable built-in Navbar, Footer, Analytics Settings, and CRX Settings. See :doc:`/reference/django_settings`.
+* New: enhancements to ``pro`` project template:
+ * Includes new custom Navbar and Footer snippets. Built-in CRX Navbar and Footer are disabled. This is the recommended approach as it will be much more customizable for professional website builds.
+ * Fix missing Filmstrip sass module.
+* Improvements to rich text rendering:
+ * Left and right image positions now have a max-width of 40%. This makes the images look more natural when laid out on the page.
+ * Full-width images will use the full size of the image, centered, rather than forcing the image to 100% width. This looks much more natural for small images or icons.
+ * Headings will now break to a new line below a left or right aligned image. This is a more expected behavior.
+ * These are all CSS-only changes, and therefore can be easily overridden as needed.
+* Improve rendering of search form. Removed the green check icon, which is unexpected on a single-field form.
+Bug fixes
+* Fix template error (Server 500 error) when a page is deleted which is referenced in a Page Preview block.
+Upgrade considerations
+After upgrading, be sure to generate and apply new migrations as so:
+.. code-block::
+ python manage.py makemigrations
+ python manage.py migrate
+Be sure to also review the API changes below, and the `Wagtail 6 upgrade considerations <https://docs.wagtail.org/en/stable/releases/6.0.html#upgrade-considerations-removal-of-deprecated-features-from-wagtail-4-2-5-1>`_.
+Theme dropdown removed
+**Theme** dropdown has been removed from **Settings > CRX Settings**. If you were using it, you can manually add a Bootswatch theme by adding/editing the following to: ``website/templates/coderedcms/pages/base.html``:
+.. code-block:: django
+ {% block frontend_assets %}
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="your bootswatch theme here">
+ {% endblock %}
+The appropriate href for the ``<link>`` tag can be found here: https://cdnjs.com/libraries/bootswatch
+Template tag changes
+``crx_settings`` and ``django_settings`` filters have been removed (these were identical functions). They have been replaced with a more useful template tag ``django_setting``. Find and replace them in your templates.
+Before (with the example ``TIME_ZONE`` setting):
+.. code-block:: django
+ <span>{{ "TIME_ZONE"|crx_settings }}</span>
+ <span>{{ "TIME_ZONE"|django_settings }}</span>
+.. code-block:: django
+ {% django_setting "TIME_ZONE" as time_zone %}
+ <span>{{ time_zone }}</span>
+Block changes
+* ``button_title`` has been moved from ``ButtonMixin`` to ``BaseLinkBlock``. In practice, these two are used together and this change has no effect.
+* ``get_title`` utility function added to ``LinkStructValue``. This will generate a title based on ``button_title``, page title, or document title.
+These two changes provide great utility to the new custom Navbar in the ``pro`` template.
+Thank you!
+Thanks to everyone who contributed to `4.0.0 on GitHub <https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms/milestone/54?closed=1>`_.