@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Your First CodeRed Website: Part 1
+After :doc:`install`, you are greeted with a bare-bones website.
+Let's start filling things out.
+For this tutorial, we will assume the name of your project is ``mysite``.
+Logging in
+Navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin/ and log in with the username
+and password you created with the ``python manage.py createsuperuser`` command.
+After logging in, you will be taken to the admin dashboard, also known as the "Wagtail Admin".
+.. figure:: img/tutorial_admin.png
+ :alt: The admin dashboard.
+ The admin dashboard.
+Changing your site name
+By default, the site name shows up in many different places, including page titles in the browser tab.
+To change the name, go to **Settings > Sites**, and click on the site that is there. Change the
+**Site name** setting and click "Save".
+.. note::
+ There is also a ``WAGTAIL_SITE_NAME`` setting in the ``mysite/settings/base.py`` file. This is really
+ only used for the login screen and on the main Wagtail Admin dashboard. The reason this setting exists
+ is for use with multi-sites. For example, if you have a parent company that operates many separate
+ brand websites within one CMS, then ``WAGTAIL_SITE_NAME`` would be the name of the parent company.
+For my website, I'm going to change **Settings > Sites > Site name** to "Contoso Building Solutions".
+.. figure:: img/tutorial_sitename.png
+ :alt: Changing the site name.
+ Changing the site name.
+And edit ``mysite/settings/base.py`` by changing ``WAGTAIL_SITE_NAME`` as so::
+ WAGTAIL_SITE_NAME = 'Contoso Ltd.'
+Now the admin dashboard and login page show "Contoso Ltd.", and the Home page at http://localhost:8000/
+will show "Contoso Building Solutions".
+Adding your logo
+First, and most important, is the logo. Go to **Settings > Layout**. Here are the site-wide
+visual and design settings for your website. At the top are two settings for your logo and
+favicon. Both will be scaled to fit wherever they are used, but we recommend
+the following image parameters:
+* **Logo:** probably does not need to be any larger than 500x500 pixels, unless you plan to have
+ a giant logo. Any image ratio is fine, logos come in all shapes and sizes. 😀
+* **Favicon:** does not need to be any larger than 200x200 pixels. A 1:1 (square) image ratio is
+ best here - if the image is not square, it will be scaled to a square.
+.. note::
+ We recommend PNG format at 300 DPI so that your logo will look sharp on high resolution
+ mobile devices and retina displays. However, any image format will work.
+After uploading your logo and favicon, click "Save". You should now instantly see your logo
+applied in the dashboard. In a new tab, go to http://localhost:8000/ and you'll see that your
+logo and favicon show up everywhere on your site.
+.. figure:: img/tutorial_logo.png
+ :alt: Adding the logo.
+ Adding the logo.
+.. figure:: img/tutorial_logo_front.png
+ :alt: The logo on our website.
+ The logo on our website.
+Changing navbar and global site colors
+The default style is a light-colored navbar and the standard Bootstrap colors.
+But if you have a white or light colored logo, you might prefer a dark navbar.
+To change the navbar color, go to **Settings > Layout** and alter the following settings:
+* **Navbar color scheme:** Dark
+* **Navbar CSS class:** ``bg-dark`` (or some other CSS class. See
+ `Bootstrap color utilities <https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/utilities/colors/#background-color>`_)
+Click "Save" and go to http://localhost:8000/ to see your new navbar. Great success! There are
+many other settings here for controlling the layout of the navbar. Play with them and pick
+what works best for you. Once again, most of these settings utilize default Bootstrap styles.
+.. figure:: img/tutorial_dark_navbar.png
+ :alt: Our site with a dark navbar.
+ Our site with a dark navbar.
+Beyond the navbar, you can swap out the entire Bootstrap CSS theme in use. We provide a few simple
+themes from `Bootswatch <https://bootswatch.com/>`_. Select an option from the **Theme variant**
+setting, click "Save", and view your site. Pick one that looks best to you. If you are going to be
+doing a lot of heavy CSS customization, you might want to stick with the default to ensure
+compatibility with the Bootstrap documentation.
+For my website, I'm going to change the navbar color scheme back to "Light", CSS class to ``bg-light``,
+and leave the theme variant at the default.