@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
+Compares code coverage percent of local coverage.xml file to master branch (Azure Pipeline API).
+The working directory in which to search for current coverage.xml.
+ [string] $wd = (Get-Item (Split-Path $PSCommandPath -Parent)).Parent,
+ [string] $org = "coderedcorp",
+ [string] $project = "coderedcms"
+# Hide "UI" and progress bars.
+$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
+# Get latest coverage from master.
+$ApiBase = "https://dev.azure.com/$org/$project"
+$masterBuildJson = (Invoke-WebRequest "$ApiBase/_apis/build/builds?branchName=refs/heads/master&api-version=5.1").Content | ConvertFrom-Json
+$masterLatestId = $masterBuildJson.value[0].id
+$masterCoverageJson = (Invoke-WebRequest "$ApiBase/_apis/test/codecoverage?buildId=$masterLatestId&api-version=5.1-preview.1").Content | ConvertFrom-Json
+foreach ($cov in $masterCoverageJson.coverageData.coverageStats) {
+ if ($cov.label -eq "Lines") {
+ $masterlinerate = [math]::Round(($cov.covered / $cov.total) * 100, 2)
+ }
+# Get current code coverage from coverage.xml file.
+$coveragePath = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter "coverage.xml" $wd
+if (Test-Path -Path $coveragePath) {
+ [xml]$BranchXML = Get-Content $coveragePath
+else {
+ Write-Host "No code coverage from this build. Is pytest configured to output code coverage? Exiting." -ForegroundColor Red
+ exit 1
+$branchlinerate = [math]::Round([decimal]$BranchXML.coverage.'line-rate' * 100, 2)
+Write-Output ""
+Write-Output "Master line coverage rate: $masterlinerate%"
+Write-Output "Branch line coverage rate: $branchlinerate%"
+if ($masterlinerate -eq 0) {
+ $change = "Infinite"
+else {
+ $change = [math]::Abs($branchlinerate - $masterlinerate)
+if ($branchlinerate -gt $masterlinerate) {
+ Write-Host "Coverage increased by $change% 😀" -ForegroundColor Green
+ exit 0
+elseif ($branchlinerate -eq $masterlinerate) {
+ Write-Host "Coverage has not changed." -ForegroundColor Green
+ exit 0
+else {
+ Write-Host "Coverage decreased by $change% 😭" -ForegroundColor Red
+ exit 4