@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+v0.20.0 release notes
+Bug fixes
+* Fix rich text toolbar in Wagtail admin when scrolling long blocks of text.
+* Always create valid element IDs in templates when random generation is
+ required (i.e. modal blocks).
+* Fix rendering of modal button to be valid HTML.
+New features
+* Upgraded to Wagtail 2.11
+* Upgraded to Bootstrap 4.6.0
+Upgrade considerations
+* You may need to alter your initial ``website`` migration if you run into any
+ issues after updating. See `Wagtail 2.11 release notes
+ <https://docs.wagtail.io/en/stable/releases/2.11.html#run-before-declaration-needed-in-initial-homepage-migration>`_.
+Thank you!
+Thanks to everyone who contributed to `0.20.0 on GitHub <https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms/milestone/27?closed=1>`_.