v1.0.0 release notes

Today we celebrate our 43rd public release of CRX! This is the largest release
ever with tons of performance improvements that will increase the speed and
accessibility of your CRX website.

New features

* Upgrade to Wagtail 3.

* Upgrade to Bootstrap 5 (ships with Bootstrap 5.2).

* Removed jQuery, modernizr, and many other JavaScript improvements.

* Use WebP image format. If you need to support older browsers released prior to
  2020, disable this feature. See :doc:`/how_to/images`.

* New Accordion snippet and block. See :doc:`/features/snippets/accordions`.

* Added hidden "skip navigation" link for accessibility.

* Most settings have been consolidated in the Wagtail admin under
  **Settings > CRX Settings**.

* Banner color has been changed from red to yellow, and appearance is slightly
  improved in the Wagtail admin.

* Codebase has been formatted with ``black`` to improve readability and

* CRX 1, Wagtail 3, and Bootstrap 5 all drop support for Internet Explorer. If
  you need to support Internet Explorer, follow the Bootstrap 4 guide below.

Upgrade instructions

.. important::

   It is highly recommended to first upgrade and deploy your site in production
   with version 0.25 before performing the upgrade to 1.0.

Updating Python code & Django templates

#. Run ``pip install coderedcms==1.0.*`` and update your ``requirements.txt``
   with ``coderedcms==1.0.*``.

#. Follow the `Wagtail 3 upgrade instructions
   This primarily involves running the following tool to update the Wagtail

   .. code-block:: text

      wagtail updatemodulepaths

#. Find and replace the following panels in your Python code:

   * ``StreamFieldPanel``
   * ``RichTextFieldPanel``
   * ``ImageChooserPanel``
   * ``DocumentChooserPanel``
   * ``SnippetChooserPanel``


   * ``FieldPanel``

#. Find all instances of ``StreamField(`` and add the ``use_json_field=True``

#. Rename ``BASE_URL`` to ``WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL`` in your Django settings.

#. Find and delete any references to ``ADASettings`` in your Python and HTML

#. Find and replace the following references in your Python and HTML code:

   * ``GeneralSettings``
   * ``GoogleApiSettings``
   * ``MailchimpApiSettings``


   * ``LayoutSettings``

#. Find and replace ``codered_banner.html`` with ``crx_banner.html`` in your
   Python and HTML code.

#. Find and replace the following URL names in your Python and HTML code:

   * ``codered_favicon`` with ``crx_favicon``
   * ``codered_robots`` with ``crx_robots``
   * ``codered_search`` with ``crx_search``
   * ``codered_sitemap`` with ``crx_sitemap``

#. Make and run migrations:

   .. code-block:: text

      python manage.py makemigrations
      python manage.py migrate

#. Next, choose whether to upgrade to Bootstrap 5, or stay on Bootstrap 4.

If upgrading your site to Bootstrap 5

#. Add ``django_bootstrap5`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS``..

#. If you are not using ``django-bootstrap4`` elsewhere in your project, remove
   ``bootstrap4`` from ``INSTALLED_APPS``.

#. In your Django settings file, remove the ``BOOTSTRAP4`` dictionary.

#. Update your HTML templates to `Bootstrap 5.2 <https://getbootstrap.com/>`_.
   Compare your custom templates to the stock ones for help:

#. Notable template changes:

   * ``event_index_page.html`` and ``calendar.html`` have changed.

   * ``location_index_page.html`` has changed.

   * ``stream_form_page.html`` has changed.

   * ``form_page.html`` and ``pagepreview_form.html`` have changed to use
     ``django_bootstrap5`` rendering.

   * ``article_index_page.html`` and ``article_page.html`` have a new design
     that is closer to stock Bootstrap.

   * ``grid_block.html`` now has with a CSS class ``crx-grid`` which you can
     target with CSS.

   * Blocks no longer render with a ``<div class="block-*">`` wrapper. This may
     affect custom CSS.

#. ``pages/base.html`` template has removed ``{% block required_scripts %}``.
   Delete it from your template if it is present.

#. If you still rely on jQuery, be sure to add it to your base template in
   ``{% block custom_scripts %}``. Generally speaking, any instance of the
   ``custom_scripts`` block should call ``block.super`` to preserve scripts from
   parent templates as such:

   .. code-block:: django

      {% block custom_scripts %}
      {{ block.super }}
      <script src="my-script-here.js"></script>
      {% endblock %}

#. All CSS class names and JavaScript files beginning with ``codered-`` have
   been renamed to ``crx-``. Find and replace those in your templates and CSS.

#. The new templates all use WebP images. See: :doc:`/how_to/images` for options
   to disable this if needed.

#. If you are using Sass, update your ``_variables.scss`` and ``custom.scss``
   files appropriately. As a starting point, update your Sass files to match our
   project template:

If staying on Bootstrap 4

While we recommend *eventually* upgrading to Bootstrap 5, for larger sites or
highly customized sites, this can be a lengthy process. We have published a
`compatibility theme <https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms-bootstrap4>`_
which preserves all the old Bootstrap 4 templates, CSS, Sass, and JavaScript.

Do not follow any of the steps above in the Bootstrap 5 section if you are
staying on Bootstrap 4!

#. Run ``pip install coderedcms-bootstrap4`` and add to your
   ``requirements.txt`` file ``coderedcms-bootstrap4==1.*``.

#. In your Django settings file, add ``coderedcms_bootstrap4`` **ABOVE** the
   ``coderedcms`` app:

   .. code-block:: python


Final steps: after deploying

Locally in development, and after deploying your upgraded site to production,
you should run the following commands to clean up the site.

Run migrations (as usual):

.. code-block:: text

   python manage.py migrate

Delete old media renditions:

.. code-block:: text

   python manage.py wagtail_update_image_renditions --purge-only

Clear the cache:

.. code-block:: text

   python manage.py clear_wagtail_cache

Update Wagtail search index:

.. code-block:: text

   python manage.py wagtail_update_index

Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who contributed to `1.0.0 on GitHub <https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms/milestone/1?closed=1>`_.