Image Gallery Block

Creates and displays a collage of images from a collection. 

Field Reference 

Fields and purposes:

* **Collection** - Choose the image collection to display as a Gallery

The default collection is ``ROOT`` which will choose all of the images on the site. You can, however, create custom 
image collections. 

How To Create A Collection

1. Go to **Settings > Collections**.

2. Click the **Add a Collection** button on the top right-hand corner.

3. Name the collection and save it.

4. Go to **Images** and click on each image that you want to add to the collection.

5. Choose the desired collection from the dropdown in the image's **Collection** field. 

6. Save the image. 

Once you have created a Collection, it will become available in the Image Gallery block. 

.. figure:: img/image_gallery_block.png
    :alt: Our collection choice for the image gallery block

    Our collection choice for the image gallery block

The images will display in a row. When the image is clicked on, it will become a popup image for better viewing.

.. figure:: img/image_gallery_published.png
    :alt: Our published image gallery

    Our published image gallery