# {{ sitename }} website Code for site at: http://{{ domain }} ## Getting started Make sure Python 3.5 or higher is installed on your system. Open this directory in a command prompt, then: 1. Install the software, and the dev tooling: ``` pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt ``` 2. Build the Sass: ``` python manage.py sass -g website/static/website/src/custom.scss website/static/website/css/ ``` To build the Sass automatically whenever you change a file, add the `--watch` option and run it in a separate terminal. To build a compressed/minified production version, add the `-t compressed` option. For more options, see [django-sass](https://github.com/coderedcorp/django-sass/). 3. Run the development server: ``` python manage.py runserver ``` 4. Go to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser, or http://localhost:8000/admin/ to log in and get to work! ## Documentation links * To customize the content, design, and features of the site see [Wagtail CRX](https://docs.coderedcorp.com/wagtail-crx/). * For deeper customization of backend code see [Wagtail](http://docs.wagtail.io/) and [Django](https://docs.djangoproject.com/). * For HTML template design see [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/). --- Made with ♥ using [Wagtail](https://wagtail.io/) + [CodeRed Extensions](https://www.coderedcorp.com/cms/)