.. _accordion-block: Accordion Block =============== Creates a collapsible section with a button to toggle. Each Accordion has multiple sections or panels. `View example live `_ Example: .. figure:: images/accordion_closed.jpeg :alt: demo accordion closed Demo accordion closed .. figure:: images/accordion_open.jpeg :alt: demo accordion with panel open Demo accordion with panel open Field Reference --------------- Fields and purposes: * **Accordion** - Choose a preexisting accordion snippet, created under snippets. Editor: .. figure:: images/accordion_demo.jpeg :alt: Editing screen for accordion Editing screen for accordion Each Accordion panel needs a name and content. After you make a second panel, arrows will appear to allow you to change the order of the panels. .. figure:: images/accordion_arrows.jpeg :alt: arrows on the accordion panels Arrows on the accordion panels. They appear after you make a second panel. Additional Information in the `bootstrap docs `_