v0.10.0 release notes ===================== New features ------------ * NEW event & calendar pages! See :doc:`/features/page_types/event_pages`. * NEW "Embed Media" block replacing the "Embed Video" block. Embed Media supports YouTube, Vimeo, Tweets, Facebook posts, GitHub gists, Spotify, Etsy, Tumblr, and dozens of other sources. * NEW tags on all ``CoderedPage`` pages. Tags provide a global and flexible way of organizing and categorizing content. More tagging features coming soon. * NEW color picker available in the wagtail admin. Use ``wagtailcrx.fields.ColorField`` on your models or ``wagtailcrx.widgets.ColorPickerWidget`` on Django form fields. * NEW official documentation! More user and how-to guides coming soon. Available at https://docs.coderedcorp.com/wagtail-crx/. * Updated to Wagtail 2.3. * Added support for Django 2.1. Supports Django 1.11 through 2.1. * Added additional template blocks in ``wagtailcrx/pages/base.html`` for easier extending. Bug fixes --------- * Modals no longer require a footer. Maintenance ----------- * Replace Wagtail version with CodeRed CMS version in admin. * Replace built-in cache with `wagtail-cache <https://github.com/coderedcorp/wagtail-cache/>`_. Upgrade considerations ---------------------- * Some template blocks added to ``wagtailcrx/pages/web_page.html`` in 0.9 were removed and replaced with more general blocks in ``wagtailcrx/pages/base.html``. * "Formatted Code" block (``wagtailcrx.blocks.CodeBlock``) was removed. If needed, use a 3rd party block instead such as `wagtailcodeblock <https://github.com/FlipperPA/wagtailcodeblock>`_, or use the new "Embed Media" block with GitHub gists. * ``CODERED_CACHE_PAGES`` setting replaced with ``WAGTAIL_CACHE``. * ``CODERED_CACHE_BACKEND`` setting replaced with ``WAGTAIL_CACHE_BACKEND``. * Existing projects must add ``wagtailcache`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` in project settings. * Existing projects must make and apply new migrations.