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- Tutorial Part 11: Password-Protected Pages
- ==========================================
- Finally, let
- permissions to be able to access when they visit the website. Maybe you want to hide a document page
- for special bulk pricing or an information page for customers behind a password. There is an easy way to do this from within the CMS.
- Navigate to the page that you want to add password-protection. (In this case "Bulk Sales") You need to either save it as a draft or publish
- it before you can access the Password-Protect feature. Go to the settings tab in the editing screen.
- The default setting for **Privacy** is Public, which means that the page will be available to view for anyone
- who comes to the website once it has been published. You can change this by clicking on the **Set page privacy** button and revealing the pop-up that
- has more Privacy options, shown below.
- .. figure:: images/tut11/page_privacy_modal.jpeg
- :alt: Privacy options pop-up.
- The Privacy options pop-up screen.
- .. note::
- Any privacy setting that you set on a parent or landing page is applied to all of the child or sub-pages as well.
- Select the level of privacy that you want.
- * **Private, accessible to logged-in users**: Only available to those who are logged into the CMS
- * **Private, accessible with the following password**: Only available from the frontend with a password that you set
- * **Private, accessible to users in specific groups**: Only available to groups that you set in the CMS, like Moderators or Editors
- For a simple way to protect content on your site from unauthorized readers, select **Private, accessible with the following password**
- and choose a password. If the page doesn
- super-complex. Our password Password-Protected page.
- .. figure:: images/tut11/password_protected.jpeg
- :alt: Password Protected Page
- The Privacy options pop-up screen.
- You can set up password-protected pages for sales presentations or to share private or specialized,
- but not sensitive, information.