tutorial08.rst 2.4 KB

  1. Tutorial Part 8: SEO Metadata
  2. =============================
  3. Wagtail CRX includes all of the technical tools you need to populate your site
  4. with good SEO data.
  5. Enabling SEO Metadata
  6. ---------------------
  7. To enable or disable different types of metadata, go to **Settings > SEO**. This
  8. will take you to the SEO settings.
  9. .. figure:: img/tutorial_settings_seo_global.png
  10. :alt: Settings admin for SEO.
  11. The Settings admin for SEO.
  12. SEO settings for best practices are already selected for you, but you can change this if you would like.
  13. Adding SEO metadata to your pages
  14. ---------------------------------
  15. Now you will want to add SEO metadata to your pages in the CMS. This can be easily done from the page editor.
  16. In the admin, navigate to the page that you want to add SEO, click the Edit option, and go to the **SEO tab**
  17. at the top of the page editor. These are the options that you will see in the page-level SEO editor for Home page:
  18. .. figure:: img/tutorial_page_seo_options.png
  19. :alt: Page options for SEO.
  20. The page options for SEO in the Home page.
  21. The most important section to fill out is the **Page Meta Data**.
  22. * **Slug**: This is part of the URL. For example, it would be yoursite.com/home, with the "home" being the slug.
  23. * **Page Title**: You could just use your actual page title, but if you want something more specific or search-engine detailed, you can add one specifically for SEO.
  24. * **Search Description**: This is a tagline or brief description of what the page is about. It should contain the most important keyword/s.
  25. * **Open Graph Preview Image**: If people share your page on social media sites, this sets a small photo to display with the page link.
  26. * **Structured Data**: These are a set of fields pertaining to your
  27. organization, such as open hours, address, organization type, etc., which
  28. search engines use for pulling up company information to display in search
  29. results or in maps. Structured Data fields should be added on the Home page,
  30. and also on any page representing a physical location For example, if we had
  31. additional branch locations of our cupcake shop, we would want to add the
  32. relevant structured data on each branch's page.
  33. To save, just **Publish** the page as normal.
  34. For information about metadata best practices, see the `SEO Starter Guide from
  35. Google <https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/7451184?hl=en>`_