v0.23.0.rst 2.8 KB

  1. v0.23.0 release notes
  2. =====================
  3. New features
  4. ------------
  5. * Upgraded to Wagtail 2.16
  6. * Calendar/Events:
  7. * Add link to the page in the body of ``ical`` downloads for that event.
  8. * Add 15 minute reminder to ``ical`` downloads.
  9. * The project has formally changed names from "CodeRed CMS" to "Wagtail CRX".
  10. This is short for Wagtail + CodeRed Extensions. To accurately reflect our
  11. alignment with Wagtail there are a number of visual changes:
  12. * New docs theme, based on the Wagtail theme.
  13. * Removed "powered by CodeRed" logo at bottom of Wagtail admin.
  14. * Style of the Wagtail admin more closely matches stock Wagtail.
  15. Bug fixes
  16. ---------
  17. * Fix the ``CODERED_BANNER`` :doc:`setting </reference/django_settings>`
  18. not showing up in the Wagtail admin.
  19. * Image blocks are no longer scaled larger than the original image size.
  20. Previously, they were forced to 100% of the container size, which made small
  21. icons etc. look too large.
  22. Maintenance
  23. -----------
  24. * Upgrade dependency ``django-bootstrap4`` to version 22.1
  25. * Remove traces of old AMP code.
  26. * Removed some of our CSS customizations in the Wagtail admin, in preparation
  27. for UI changes coming in Wagtail 3.
  28. Upgrade considerations
  29. ----------------------
  30. * Wagtail is now using a new search backend.
  31. * Specify the `new default in your settings <https://docs.wagtail.org/en/stable/releases/2.15.html#database-search-backends-replaced>`_.
  32. * Next, you will need to run the `update_index command <https://docs.wagtail.org/en/stable/reference/management_commands.html#update-index>`_.
  33. * Other upgrade considerations for `Wagtail 2.15 <https://docs.wagtail.org/en/stable/releases/2.15.html#upgrade-considerations>`_.
  34. * Other upgrade considerations for `Wagtail 2.16 <https://docs.wagtail.org/en/stable/releases/2.16.html#upgrade-considerations>`_.
  35. * Font Awesome (``wagtailfontawesome``) has been removed as a dependency. You
  36. should remove this from your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` and/or ``requirements.txt``
  37. file (unless you are using it elsewhere in your code).
  38. * Social Media Settings were removed. These were unused in the system. If you
  39. happen to be using them in your project code, you should create a copy of the
  40. ``SocialMediaSettings`` model in your local project code, and migrate data to
  41. it, before upgrading. `This change shows what was removed <https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms/pull/482/files#diff-f2b3f43b8ce0d03ffdd2f133da2f81e186e25c063e374f731727820aa9c14713L20>`_.
  42. * You may need to generate migrations in your app, and apply migrations with:
  43. .. code-block:: text
  44. python manage.py makemigrations website
  45. python manage.py migrate
  46. Supported software
  47. ------------------
  48. * Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
  49. * Django 3.2
  50. Thank you!
  51. ----------
  52. Thanks to everyone who contributed to `0.23.0 on GitHub <https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms/milestone/33?closed=1>`_.