v0.12.0.rst 1.2 KB

  1. v0.12.0 release notes
  2. =====================
  3. New features
  4. ------------
  5. * New block ``{% block no_results %}`` in ``location_index_page.html`` template for adding custom HTML
  6. when there are no search results in the Store Finder.
  7. * New default home page template at ``coderedcms/pages/home_page.html`` for developer convenience.
  8. This template provides a "blank slate" to be extended and customized as needed.
  9. Bug fixes
  10. ---------
  11. * Fix caching issues with form pages and password-protected pages.
  12. * Allow default ordering of child pages in **Layout > Order child pages by** setting. This new setting
  13. respects Wagtail's manual child page ordering feature.
  14. * Only show live pages in navbar
  15. * Respect ordering of **Layout > Order child pages by** setting for navbar links.
  16. * Form page template now shows title by default.
  17. Maintenance
  18. -----------
  19. * Documentation improvements for store locator and importer.
  20. Upgrade considerations
  21. ----------------------
  22. * ``location_index_page.html`` has changed. If you are extending it, please update your local file as appropriate.
  23. * You should clear the cache in **Settings > Cache** after upgrading to 0.12.
  24. * You will need to run ``python manage.py migrate`` after upgrading to 0.12.