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- Latest Pages Block
- ==================
- Creates a list of the most recently published pages with a specified length.
- Field Reference
- ---------------
- Fields and purposes:
- * **Parent Page** - Shows a preview of pages that are children of the selected page. Uses ordering specified in the page’s LAYOUT tab.
- * **Classified By** - Filters which pages are displayed by the classifier that you selected
- * **Number of Pages to Show** - Limits how many pages are displayed to the number that you selected
- Each page is rendered using the page model's "miniview" template.
- The template can be overridden per model with the ``miniview_template`` attribute, the default of which is `coderedcms/pages/page.mini.html <https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms/blob/dev/coderedcms/templates/coderedcms/pages/pages.mini.html>`_.
- .. figure:: img/latestpages1.png
- :alt: The Latest Pages block and its settings.
- The Latest Pages block and its settings.
- .. figure:: img/latestpages2.png
- :alt: The Latest Pages block as displayed on the website.
- The Latest Pages block as displayed on the website.
- .. deprecated:: 2.1
- * "Show Body Preview" field was deprecated in 2.1 and will be removed in 3.0.
- * The additional built-in templates under this block's **Advanced Settings** are deprecated as of 2.1 and will be removed in 3.0. These have been replaced with identical miniview templates for Article and Form pages.