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- Customize the design of your website
- ====================================
- After installation, you are greeted by a barebones website.
- There are a few settings you will want to change to add your own branding.
- Site name
- ---------
- This is shown by default in the navbar, and also added to the title attribute of each page.
- This can be changed in Settings > Sites > localhost. Hostname and port only need to be changed
- when running in production.
- Site settings
- -------------
- Under Settings > Sites in the Wagtail Admin, you will want to make sure this setting is up
- to date with the proper Hostname and Port. Failure to do so can cause the Preview button on
- pages to return a 500 error.
- Logo & icon
- -----------
- The logo that appears in the navbar, the wagtail admin, and your favicon can be set in
- Settings > Layout. Here you can also change navbar settings (based on Bootstrap CSS framework).
- Menu / navigation bars
- ----------------------
- Navbars are top navigation elements that create a "main menu" experience. Navbars are managed
- as snippets. They render from top down based on the order they were created in.
- Footers
- -------
- Similar to Navbars, footers are also managed as snippets and also render top down based on
- the order they were created in.
- Custom CSS
- ----------
- A django app called ``website`` has been created to hold your custom changes. In website/static/
- there are custom.css and custom.js files that get loaded on every page by default. Adding
- anything to these files will automatically populate on the site and override any default styles.
- By default, Bootstrap 4 and jQuery are already included on the site.
- Custom HTML templates
- ---------------------
- The templates directory inside the ``website`` app is empty by default. Any templates you put
- in here will override the default coderedcms templates if they follow the same name and directory
- structure. This uses the standard Django template rendering engine. For example, to change the
- formatting of the article page, copy ``coderedcms/templates/coderedcms/pages/article_page.html``
- to ``website/templates/coderedcms/pages/article_page.html`` and modify it.