customize_design.rst 2.1 KB

  1. Customize the design of your website
  2. ====================================
  3. After installation, you are greeted by a barebones website.
  4. There are a few settings you will want to change to add your own branding.
  5. Site name
  6. ---------
  7. This is shown by default in the navbar, and also added to the title attribute of each page.
  8. This can be changed in Settings > Sites > localhost. Hostname and port only need to be changed
  9. when running in production.
  10. Site settings
  11. -------------
  12. Under Settings > Sites in the Wagtail Admin, you will want to make sure this setting is up
  13. to date with the proper Hostname and Port. Failure to do so can cause the Preview button on
  14. pages to return a 500 error.
  15. Logo & icon
  16. -----------
  17. The logo that appears in the navbar, the wagtail admin, and your favicon can be set in
  18. Settings > Layout. Here you can also change navbar settings (based on Bootstrap CSS framework).
  19. Menu / navigation bars
  20. ----------------------
  21. Navbars are top navigation elements that create a "main menu" experience. Navbars are managed
  22. as snippets. They render from top down based on the order they were created in.
  23. Footers
  24. -------
  25. Similar to Navbars, footers are also managed as snippets and also render top down based on
  26. the order they were created in.
  27. Custom CSS
  28. ----------
  29. A django app called ``website`` has been created to hold your custom changes. In website/static/
  30. there are custom.css and custom.js files that get loaded on every page by default. Adding
  31. anything to these files will automatically populate on the site and override any default styles.
  32. By default, Bootstrap 4 and jQuery are already included on the site.
  33. Custom HTML templates
  34. ---------------------
  35. The templates directory inside the ``website`` app is empty by default. Any templates you put
  36. in here will override the default coderedcms templates if they follow the same name and directory
  37. structure. This uses the standard Django template rendering engine. For example, to change the
  38. formatting of the article page, copy ``coderedcms/templates/coderedcms/pages/article_page.html``
  39. to ``website/templates/coderedcms/pages/article_page.html`` and modify it.