latestpages.rst 1.9 KB

  1. Latest Pages Block
  2. ==================
  3. Creates a list of the most recently published pages with a specified length.
  4. Example: (See below for different template examples.)
  5. .. figure:: images/latest_pages_body.jpeg
  6. :alt: The Latest Pages block as displayed on the website
  7. The Latest Pages block as displayed on the website with the default template (Show body preview selected)
  8. .. note::
  9. Part 7 of the Getting Starting Tutorial has a section that utilizes the **Latest Pages** block.
  10. Field Reference
  11. ---------------
  12. Fields and purposes:
  13. * **Parent Page** - Shows a preview of pages that are children of the selected page. Uses ordering specified in the page’s LAYOUT tab.
  14. * **Classified By** - Filters which pages are displayed by the classifier that you selected
  15. * **Number of Pages to Show** - Limits how many pages are displayed to the number that you selected
  16. Each page is rendered using the page model's "miniview" template.
  17. The template can be overridden per model with the ``miniview_template`` attribute, the default of which is `coderedcms/pages/page.mini.html <https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms/blob/main/coderedcms/templates/coderedcms/pages/pages.mini.html>`_.
  18. .. figure:: images/latest_pages_editor.jpeg
  19. :alt: The Latest Pages block and its settings
  20. The Latest Pages block and its settings
  21. .. figure:: images/latest_pages_preview.jpeg
  22. :alt: The Latest Pages block as displayed on the website
  23. The Latest Pages block as displayed on the website with the default template.
  24. .. versionadded:: 2.1
  25. Miniview templates were added in Wagtail CRX 2.1
  26. .. deprecated:: 2.1
  27. * "Show Body Preview" field was deprecated in 2.1 and will be removed in 3.0.
  28. * The additional built-in templates under this block's **Advanced Settings** are deprecated as of 2.1 and will be removed in 3.0. These have been replaced with identical miniview templates for Article and Form pages.