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- Text Block
- ==========
- The text block allows the user to create formatted text with headers, lists, links, and media.
- This is one of the most versatile editors. It's best to try out all the options to get a feel for what all it can do.
- Below is an example
- Example: See Below
- Field Reference
- ---------------
- The text block does not have specific fields. It has a space for writing content with formatting options
- in the format bar, such as:
- * bold or italic -- font style formatting
- * H2, H3, H4 -- titles and subtitles
- * numbered list or bullet list
- * horizontal line or line break
- * embed, link, document, or image -- media content that can be embedded in the block
- * undo and redo -- helpful in case you make a mistake or change your mind while writing
- .. figure:: images/text_block_edit.jpeg
- :alt: A text block with some of the options you have in the editor.
- A text block with some text.
- .. figure:: images/text_block_preview.jpeg
- :alt: The text block the above editor produced.
- The text block the above editor produced.