v0.19.0.rst 3.4 KB

  1. CodeRed CMS 0.19.0 release notes
  2. ================================
  3. Bug fixes
  4. ---------
  5. * Support custom image models by correctly using ``WAGTAILIMAGES_IMAGE_MODEL``
  6. versus hard-coding ``wagtailimages.Image``.
  7. * Fix custom CSS class and Google Maps API key in Google Map block.
  8. * ``coderedcms start`` now pins the version of CodeRed CMS in the generated
  9. ``requirements.txt`` file.
  10. New features
  11. ------------
  12. * Upgraded to Wagtail 2.9
  13. * Upgraded to Bootstrap 4.5 and jQuery 3.5.1
  14. * Button and Link blocks can now link to fragments. See new :doc:`block
  15. documentation </features/blocks/index>`.
  16. * ``coderedcms start`` no longer creates a boilerplate Dockerfile. This has
  17. been replaced with a more thorough guide: :doc:`/how_to/docker`.
  18. * The boilerplate ``.scss`` files created when starting a new SASS project have
  19. been simplified. See upgrade considerations below if you'd like to simplify
  20. your ``.scss`` files created from an older version of CodeRed CMS.
  21. * New guide: :doc:`/how_to/headers_and_footers`
  22. * As of 0.19, we will no longer maintain separate versions of docs for each
  23. release. The single stable docs will contain notes for each feature if that
  24. feature is changed, added, or removed in a particular release.
  25. Upgrade considerations
  26. ----------------------
  27. * For Wagtail 2.9 ``SiteMiddleware`` and ``request.site`` are deprecated.
  28. Custom code in your project should be updated as so:
  29. * In python, replace ``request.site`` with ``Site.find_for_request(request)``.
  30. * In Python, to load a site setting, replace
  31. ``Setting.for_site(request.site)`` with ``Setting.for_request(request)``.
  32. * In HTML templates, replace ``request.site`` with:
  33. .. code-block:: html
  34. {% load wagtailcore_tags %}
  35. {% wagtail_site as site %}
  36. <p>Your site name is: {{site.site_name}}</p>
  37. * Following these changes, you should then remove
  38. ``wagtail.core.middleware.SiteMiddleware`` from the Django ``MIDDLEWARE``
  39. (in ``settings/base.py``)
  40. * If you have overridden ``coderedcms/pages/base.html``, you may need to update
  41. references to ``jquery-3.4.1`` to ``jquery-3.5.1``.
  42. * If using SASS, you may need to update your ``custom.scss`` and/or
  43. ``_variables.scss`` files accordingly to support Bootstrap 4.5. To see what
  44. you might need to change, see `the files from our sass starter project`_. Or
  45. to continue using Bootstrap 4.3, `download a copy of the Bootstrap 4.3
  46. sources`_ and change the references in your ``custom.scss`` to use these
  47. files.
  48. * It is assumed that all CodeRed CMS sites prior to 0.19 are using the built-in
  49. Wagtail Image model, as this was previously hard-coded in CodeRed CMS. If (and
  50. only if) you plan to switch to a custom image model, a custom data migration
  51. will be necessary. This migration would follow the same process as any other
  52. Wagtail installation; there is nothing unique relating to CodeRed CMS.
  53. * You may need to run ``python manage.py makemigrations website`` and
  54. ``python manage.py migrate`` after upgrading.
  55. .. _the files from our sass starter project: https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms/tree/master/coderedcms/project_template/sass/website/static/website/src
  56. .. _download a copy of the Bootstrap 4.3 sources: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/getting-started/download/
  57. Thank you!
  58. ----------
  59. Thanks to everyone who contributed to `0.19.0 on GitHub <https://github.com/coderedcorp/coderedcms/milestone/26?closed=1>`_.