base.html 719 B

  1. {% extends "wagtailadmin/base.html" %}
  2. {% load wagtailimages_tags wagtailsettings_tags %}
  3. {% block furniture %}
  4. {% include "wagtailcrx/includes/codered_banner.html" %}
  5. {{ block.super }}
  6. {% endblock %}
  7. {# NOTE: this must be on a single line, otherwise Django templates will create
  8. whitespace, and wagtail will think the whitespace is the custom logo! #}
  9. {% block branding_logo %}{% if settings.wagtailcrx.LayoutSettings.logo %}<div class="codered-logo-container {{settings.wagtailcrx.LayoutSettings.navbar_color_scheme}}">{% image settings.wagtailcrx.LayoutSettings.logo max-300x300 as logo_image %}<img src="{{ logo_image.url }}" class="codered-logo-custom" alt="Dashboard"/></div>{% endif %}{% endblock %}