@@ -1172,9 +1172,9 @@ blue.
The name of the GDAL driver used to handle the input file. For ``GDALRaster``\s created
from a file, the driver type is detected automatically. The creation of rasters from
- scratch is a in-memory raster by default (``'MEM'``), but can be altered as
- needed. For instance, use ``GTiff`` for a ``GeoTiff`` file. For a list of file types,
- see also the `GDAL Raster Formats`__ list.
+ scratch is an in-memory raster by default (``'MEM'``), but can be
+ altered as needed. For instance, use ``GTiff`` for a ``GeoTiff`` file.
+ For a list of file types, see also the `GDAL Raster Formats`__ list.
__ https://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html
@@ -1271,9 +1271,9 @@ blue.
.. attribute:: scale
- Pixel width and height used for georeferencing the raster, as a as a
- point object with ``x`` and ``y`` members. See :attr:`geotransform`
- for more information.
+ Pixel width and height used for georeferencing the raster, as a point
+ object with ``x`` and ``y`` members. See :attr:`geotransform` for more
+ information.
>>> rst = GDALRaster({'width': 10, 'height': 20, 'srid': 4326})
>>> rst.scale