@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ from django.test import TestCase, override_settings
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from .models import (
- CustomUser, CustomUserNonUniqueUsername, CustomUserWithFK, Email,
- UserProxy,
+ CustomUser, CustomUserNonUniqueUsername, CustomUserWithFK,
+ CustomUserWithM2M, Email, Organization, UserProxy,
@@ -500,6 +500,87 @@ class CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase(TestCase):
+ @override_settings(AUTH_USER_MODEL='auth_tests.CustomUserWithM2m')
+ def test_fields_with_m2m(self):
+ new_io = StringIO()
+ org_id_1 = Organization.objects.create(name='Organization 1').pk
+ org_id_2 = Organization.objects.create(name='Organization 2').pk
+ call_command(
+ 'createsuperuser',
+ interactive=False,
+ username='joe',
+ orgs=[org_id_1, org_id_2],
+ stdout=new_io,
+ )
+ command_output = new_io.getvalue().strip()
+ self.assertEqual(command_output, 'Superuser created successfully.')
+ user = CustomUserWithM2M._default_manager.get(username='joe')
+ self.assertEqual(user.orgs.count(), 2)
+ @override_settings(AUTH_USER_MODEL='auth_tests.CustomUserWithM2M')
+ def test_fields_with_m2m_interactive(self):
+ new_io = StringIO()
+ org_id_1 = Organization.objects.create(name='Organization 1').pk
+ org_id_2 = Organization.objects.create(name='Organization 2').pk
+ @mock_inputs({
+ 'password': 'nopasswd',
+ 'Username: ': 'joe',
+ 'Orgs (Organization.id): ': '%s, %s' % (org_id_1, org_id_2),
+ })
+ def test(self):
+ call_command(
+ 'createsuperuser',
+ interactive=True,
+ stdout=new_io,
+ stdin=MockTTY(),
+ )
+ command_output = new_io.getvalue().strip()
+ self.assertEqual(command_output, 'Superuser created successfully.')
+ user = CustomUserWithM2M._default_manager.get(username='joe')
+ self.assertEqual(user.orgs.count(), 2)
+ test(self)
+ @override_settings(AUTH_USER_MODEL='auth_tests.CustomUserWithM2M')
+ def test_fields_with_m2m_interactive_blank(self):
+ new_io = StringIO()
+ org_id = Organization.objects.create(name='Organization').pk
+ entered_orgs = [str(org_id), ' ']
+ def return_orgs():
+ return entered_orgs.pop()
+ @mock_inputs({
+ 'password': 'nopasswd',
+ 'Username: ': 'joe',
+ 'Orgs (Organization.id): ': return_orgs,
+ })
+ def test(self):
+ call_command(
+ 'createsuperuser',
+ interactive=True,
+ stdout=new_io,
+ stderr=new_io,
+ stdin=MockTTY(),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ new_io.getvalue().strip(),
+ 'Error: This field cannot be blank.\n'
+ 'Superuser created successfully.',
+ )
+ test(self)
+ @override_settings(AUTH_USER_MODEL='auth_tests.CustomUserWithM2MThrough')
+ def test_fields_with_m2m_and_through(self):
+ msg = (
+ "Required field 'orgs' specifies a many-to-many relation through "
+ "model, which is not supported."
+ )
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(CommandError, msg):
+ call_command('createsuperuser')
def test_default_username(self):
"""createsuperuser uses a default username when one isn't provided."""
# Get the default username before creating a user.