@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# RemovedInDjango51Warning.
-The citext PostgreSQL extension supports indexing of case-insensitive text
-strings and thus eliminates the need for operations such as iexact and other
-modifiers to enforce use of an index.
-from django.db import IntegrityError
-from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango51Warning
-from . import PostgreSQLTestCase
-from .models import CITestModel
-class CITextTestCase(PostgreSQLTestCase):
- case_sensitive_lookups = ("contains", "startswith", "endswith", "regex")
- @classmethod
- def setUpTestData(cls):
- cls.john = CITestModel.objects.create(
- name="JoHn",
- email="joHn@johN.com",
- description="Average Joe named JoHn",
- array_field=["JoE", "jOhn"],
- )
- def test_equal_lowercase(self):
- """
- citext removes the need for iexact as the index is case-insensitive.
- """
- self.assertEqual(
- CITestModel.objects.filter(name=self.john.name.lower()).count(), 1
- )
- self.assertEqual(
- CITestModel.objects.filter(email=self.john.email.lower()).count(), 1
- )
- self.assertEqual(
- CITestModel.objects.filter(
- description=self.john.description.lower()
- ).count(),
- 1,
- )
- def test_fail_citext_primary_key(self):
- """
- Creating an entry for a citext field used as a primary key which
- clashes with an existing value isn't allowed.
- """
- with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError):
- CITestModel.objects.create(name="John")
- def test_array_field(self):
- instance = CITestModel.objects.get()
- self.assertEqual(instance.array_field, self.john.array_field)
- self.assertTrue(
- CITestModel.objects.filter(array_field__contains=["joe"]).exists()
- )
- def test_lookups_name_char(self):
- for lookup in self.case_sensitive_lookups:
- with self.subTest(lookup=lookup):
- query = {"name__{}".format(lookup): "john"}
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- CITestModel.objects.filter(**query), [self.john]
- )
- def test_lookups_description_text(self):
- for lookup, string in zip(
- self.case_sensitive_lookups, ("average", "average joe", "john", "Joe.named")
- ):
- with self.subTest(lookup=lookup, string=string):
- query = {"description__{}".format(lookup): string}
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- CITestModel.objects.filter(**query), [self.john]
- )
- def test_lookups_email(self):
- for lookup, string in zip(
- self.case_sensitive_lookups, ("john", "john", "john.com", "john.com")
- ):
- with self.subTest(lookup=lookup, string=string):
- query = {"email__{}".format(lookup): string}
- self.assertSequenceEqual(
- CITestModel.objects.filter(**query), [self.john]
- )
- def test_citext_deprecated(self):
- from django.contrib.postgres.fields import CIText
- msg = "django.contrib.postgres.fields.CIText mixin is deprecated."
- with self.assertRaisesMessage(RemovedInDjango51Warning, msg):
- CIText()