@@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ used template filters:
If ``value`` is ``['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']``, the output will be ``4``.
- Strips all [X]HTML tags. For example::
+ Formats the value like a "human-readable" file size (i.e. ``'13 KB'``,
+ ``'4.1 MB'``, ``'102 bytes'``, etc). For example::
- {{ value|striptags }}
+ {{ value|filesizeformat }}
- If ``value`` is ``"<b>Joel</b> <button>is</button> a
- <span>slug</span>"``, the output will be ``"Joel is a slug"``.
+ If ``value`` is 123456789, the output would be ``117.7 MB``.
Again, these are just a few examples; see the :ref:`built-in filter reference
<ref-templates-builtins-filters>` for the complete list.