@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from django.utils import six
from .models import (Article, ArticleStatus, Author, Author1, BetterWriter, BigInt, Book,
Category, CommaSeparatedInteger, CustomFF, CustomFieldForExclusionModel,
DerivedBook, DerivedPost, Document, ExplicitPK, FilePathModel, FlexibleDatePost, Homepage,
- ImprovedArticle, ImprovedArticleWithParentLink, Inventory, Person, Post, Price,
+ ImprovedArticle, ImprovedArticleWithParentLink, Inventory, Person, Photo, Post, Price,
Product, Publication, TextFile, Triple, Writer, WriterProfile,
Colour, ColourfulItem, DateTimePost, CustomErrorMessage,
test_images, StumpJoke, Character, Student)
@@ -1856,6 +1856,36 @@ class FileAndImageFieldTests(TestCase):
form = CFFForm(data={'f': None})
+ def test_file_field_multiple_save(self):
+ """
+ Simulate a file upload and check how many times Model.save() gets
+ called. Test for bug #639.
+ """
+ class PhotoForm(forms.ModelForm):
+ class Meta:
+ model = Photo
+ fields = '__all__'
+ # Grab an image for testing.
+ filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(upath(__file__)), "test.png")
+ with open(filename, "rb") as fp:
+ img = fp.read()
+ # Fake a POST QueryDict and FILES MultiValueDict.
+ data = {'title': 'Testing'}
+ files = {"image": SimpleUploadedFile('test.png', img, 'image/png')}
+ form = PhotoForm(data=data, files=files)
+ p = form.save()
+ try:
+ # Check the savecount stored on the object (see the model).
+ self.assertEqual(p._savecount, 1)
+ finally:
+ # Delete the "uploaded" file to avoid clogging /tmp.
+ p = Photo.objects.get()
+ p.image.delete(save=False)
def test_file_path_field_blank(self):
Regression test for #8842: FilePathField(blank=True)