@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ Ramiro Morales
Honza Král
Honza first discovered Django in 2006 and started using it right away,
- first for school and personal projects and later in his full time job. He
+ first for school and personal projects and later in his full-time job. He
contributed various patches and fixes mostly to the newforms library,
newforms admin and, through participation in the Google Summer of Code
project, assisted in creating the :ref:`model validation
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ Marc Tamlyn
documentation at DjangoCon EU 2012, and also helped to develop `CCBV`_, an
additional class based view reference tool.
- Marc is currently a full time parent, part time developer, and lives in
+ Marc is currently a full-time parent, part-time developer, and lives in
Oxford, UK.
.. _CCBV: http://ccbv.co.uk/