@@ -287,13 +287,22 @@ like this::
# ...
toppings = models.ManyToManyField(Topping)
-If we would do something like this:
+If we connected a handler like this::
+ def toppings_changed(sender, **kwargs):
+ # Do something
+ pass
+ m2m_changed.connect(toppings_changed, sender=Pizza.toppings.through)
+and then did something like this::
>>> p = Pizza.object.create(...)
>>> t = Topping.objects.create(...)
>>> p.toppings.add(t)
-the arguments sent to a :data:`m2m_changed` handler would be:
+the arguments sent to a :data:`m2m_changed` handler (``topppings_changed`` in
+the example above) would be:
============== ============================================================
Argument Value