@@ -155,3 +155,37 @@ class TimezoneTests(unittest.TestCase):
datetime.datetime(2011, 9, 1, 12, 20, 30))
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
timezone.make_naive(datetime.datetime(2011, 9, 1, 12, 20, 30), CET)
+ @unittest.skipIf(pytz is None, "this test requires pytz")
+ def test_make_aware_pytz_ambiguous(self):
+ # 2:30 happens twice, once before DST ends and once after
+ ambiguous = datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 25, 2, 30)
+ with self.assertRaises(pytz.AmbiguousTimeError):
+ timezone.make_aware(ambiguous, timezone=CET)
+ std = timezone.make_aware(ambiguous, timezone=CET, is_dst=False)
+ dst = timezone.make_aware(ambiguous, timezone=CET, is_dst=True)
+ self.assertEqual(std - dst, datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
+ self.assertEqual(std.tzinfo.utcoffset(std), datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
+ self.assertEqual(dst.tzinfo.utcoffset(dst), datetime.timedelta(hours=2))
+ @unittest.skipIf(pytz is None, "this test requires pytz")
+ def test_make_aware_pytz_non_existent(self):
+ # 2:30 never happened due to DST
+ non_existent = datetime.datetime(2015, 3, 29, 2, 30)
+ with self.assertRaises(pytz.NonExistentTimeError):
+ timezone.make_aware(non_existent, timezone=CET)
+ std = timezone.make_aware(non_existent, timezone=CET, is_dst=False)
+ dst = timezone.make_aware(non_existent, timezone=CET, is_dst=True)
+ self.assertEqual(std - dst, datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
+ self.assertEqual(std.tzinfo.utcoffset(std), datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
+ self.assertEqual(dst.tzinfo.utcoffset(dst), datetime.timedelta(hours=2))
+ # round trip to UTC then back to CET
+ std = timezone.localtime(timezone.localtime(std, timezone.UTC()), CET)
+ dst = timezone.localtime(timezone.localtime(dst, timezone.UTC()), CET)
+ self.assertEqual((std.hour, std.minute), (3, 30))
+ self.assertEqual((dst.hour, dst.minute), (1, 30))