@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ from django.db.models.constants import LOOKUP_SEP
from django.db.models.aggregates import refs_aggregate
from django.db.models.expressions import ExpressionNode
from django.db.models.fields import FieldDoesNotExist
+from django.db.models.lookups import Transform
from django.db.models.query_utils import Q
from django.db.models.related import PathInfo
from django.db.models.sql import aggregates as base_aggregates_module
@@ -1028,13 +1029,16 @@ class Query(object):
# Add the aggregate to the query
aggregate.add_to_query(self, alias, col=col, source=source, is_summary=is_summary)
- def prepare_lookup_value(self, value, lookup_type, can_reuse):
+ def prepare_lookup_value(self, value, lookups, can_reuse):
+ # Default lookup if none given is exact.
+ if len(lookups) == 0:
+ lookups = ['exact']
# Interpret '__exact=None' as the sql 'is NULL'; otherwise, reject all
# uses of None as a query value.
if value is None:
- if lookup_type not in ('exact', 'iexact'):
+ if lookups[-1] not in ('exact', 'iexact'):
raise ValueError("Cannot use None as a query value")
- lookup_type = 'isnull'
+ lookups[-1] = 'isnull'
value = True
elif callable(value):
@@ -1055,40 +1059,54 @@ class Query(object):
# stage. Using DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS isn't nice, but it is the best we
# can do here. Similar thing is done in is_nullable(), too.
if (connections[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS].features.interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls and
- lookup_type == 'exact' and value == ''):
+ lookups[-1] == 'exact' and value == ''):
value = True
- lookup_type = 'isnull'
- return value, lookup_type
+ lookups[-1] = ['isnull']
+ return value, lookups
def solve_lookup_type(self, lookup):
Solve the lookup type from the lookup (eg: 'foobar__id__icontains')
- lookup_type = 'exact' # Default lookup type
- lookup_parts = lookup.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
- num_parts = len(lookup_parts)
- if (len(lookup_parts) > 1 and lookup_parts[-1] in self.query_terms
- and (not self._aggregates or lookup not in self._aggregates)):
- # Traverse the lookup query to distinguish related fields from
- # lookup types.
- lookup_model = self.model
- for counter, field_name in enumerate(lookup_parts):
- try:
- lookup_field = lookup_model._meta.get_field(field_name)
- except FieldDoesNotExist:
- # Not a field. Bail out.
- lookup_type = lookup_parts.pop()
- break
- # Unless we're at the end of the list of lookups, let's attempt
- # to continue traversing relations.
- if (counter + 1) < num_parts:
- try:
- lookup_model = lookup_field.rel.to
- except AttributeError:
- # Not a related field. Bail out.
- lookup_type = lookup_parts.pop()
- break
- return lookup_type, lookup_parts
+ lookup_splitted = lookup.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
+ if self._aggregates:
+ aggregate, aggregate_lookups = refs_aggregate(lookup_splitted, self.aggregates)
+ if aggregate:
+ return aggregate_lookups, (), aggregate
+ _, field, _, lookup_parts = self.names_to_path(lookup_splitted, self.get_meta())
+ field_parts = lookup_splitted[0:len(lookup_splitted) - len(lookup_parts)]
+ if len(lookup_parts) == 0:
+ lookup_parts = ['exact']
+ elif len(lookup_parts) > 1:
+ if not field_parts:
+ raise FieldError(
+ 'Invalid lookup "%s" for model %s".' %
+ (lookup, self.get_meta().model.__name__))
+ return lookup_parts, field_parts, False
+ def build_lookup(self, lookups, lhs, rhs):
+ lookups = lookups[:]
+ while lookups:
+ lookup = lookups[0]
+ next = lhs.get_lookup(lookup)
+ if next:
+ if len(lookups) == 1:
+ # This was the last lookup, so return value lookup.
+ if issubclass(next, Transform):
+ lookups.append('exact')
+ lhs = next(lhs, lookups)
+ else:
+ return next(lhs, rhs)
+ else:
+ lhs = next(lhs, lookups)
+ # A field's get_lookup() can return None to opt for backwards
+ # compatibility path.
+ elif len(lookups) > 2:
+ raise FieldError(
+ "Unsupported lookup for field '%s'" % lhs.output_type.name)
+ else:
+ return None
+ lookups = lookups[1:]
def build_filter(self, filter_expr, branch_negated=False, current_negated=False,
can_reuse=None, connector=AND):
@@ -1118,21 +1136,24 @@ class Query(object):
is responsible for unreffing the joins used.
arg, value = filter_expr
- lookup_type, parts = self.solve_lookup_type(arg)
- if not parts:
+ if not arg:
raise FieldError("Cannot parse keyword query %r" % arg)
+ lookups, parts, reffed_aggregate = self.solve_lookup_type(arg)
# Work out the lookup type and remove it from the end of 'parts',
# if necessary.
- value, lookup_type = self.prepare_lookup_value(value, lookup_type, can_reuse)
+ value, lookups = self.prepare_lookup_value(value, lookups, can_reuse)
used_joins = getattr(value, '_used_joins', [])
clause = self.where_class()
- if self._aggregates:
- for alias, aggregate in self.aggregates.items():
- if alias in (parts[0], LOOKUP_SEP.join(parts)):
- clause.add((aggregate, lookup_type, value), AND)
- return clause, []
+ if reffed_aggregate:
+ condition = self.build_lookup(lookups, reffed_aggregate, value)
+ if not condition:
+ # Backwards compat for custom lookups
+ assert len(lookups) == 1
+ condition = (reffed_aggregate, lookups[0], value)
+ clause.add(condition, AND)
+ return clause, []
opts = self.get_meta()
alias = self.get_initial_alias()
@@ -1154,11 +1175,31 @@ class Query(object):
targets, alias, join_list = self.trim_joins(sources, join_list, path)
if hasattr(field, 'get_lookup_constraint'):
- constraint = field.get_lookup_constraint(self.where_class, alias, targets, sources,
- lookup_type, value)
+ # For now foreign keys get special treatment. This should be
+ # refactored when composite fields lands.
+ condition = field.get_lookup_constraint(self.where_class, alias, targets, sources,
+ lookups, value)
+ lookup_type = lookups[-1]
- constraint = (Constraint(alias, targets[0].column, field), lookup_type, value)
- clause.add(constraint, AND)
+ assert(len(targets) == 1)
+ col = Col(alias, targets[0], field)
+ condition = self.build_lookup(lookups, col, value)
+ if not condition:
+ # Backwards compat for custom lookups
+ if lookups[0] not in self.query_terms:
+ raise FieldError(
+ "Join on field '%s' not permitted. Did you "
+ "misspell '%s' for the lookup type?" %
+ (col.output_type.name, lookups[0]))
+ if len(lookups) > 1:
+ raise FieldError("Nested lookup '%s' not supported." %
+ LOOKUP_SEP.join(lookups))
+ condition = (Constraint(alias, targets[0].column, field), lookups[0], value)
+ lookup_type = lookups[-1]
+ else:
+ lookup_type = condition.lookup_name
+ clause.add(condition, AND)
require_outer = lookup_type == 'isnull' and value is True and not current_negated
if current_negated and (lookup_type != 'isnull' or value is False):
@@ -1175,7 +1216,8 @@ class Query(object):
# (col IS NULL OR col != someval)
# <=>
# NOT (col IS NOT NULL AND col = someval).
- clause.add((Constraint(alias, targets[0].column, None), 'isnull', False), AND)
+ lookup_class = targets[0].get_lookup('isnull')
+ clause.add(lookup_class(Col(alias, targets[0], sources[0]), False), AND)
return clause, used_joins if not require_outer else ()
def add_filter(self, filter_clause):
@@ -1189,7 +1231,7 @@ class Query(object):
if not self._aggregates:
return False
if not isinstance(obj, Node):
- return (refs_aggregate(obj[0].split(LOOKUP_SEP), self.aggregates)
+ return (refs_aggregate(obj[0].split(LOOKUP_SEP), self.aggregates)[0]
or (hasattr(obj[1], 'contains_aggregate')
and obj[1].contains_aggregate(self.aggregates)))
return any(self.need_having(c) for c in obj.children)
@@ -1277,7 +1319,7 @@ class Query(object):
needed_inner = joinpromoter.update_join_types(self)
return target_clause, needed_inner
- def names_to_path(self, names, opts, allow_many):
+ def names_to_path(self, names, opts, allow_many=True, fail_on_missing=False):
Walks the names path and turns them PathInfo tuples. Note that a
single name in 'names' can generate multiple PathInfos (m2m for
@@ -1297,9 +1339,10 @@ class Query(object):
field, model, direct, m2m = opts.get_field_by_name(name)
except FieldDoesNotExist:
- available = opts.get_all_field_names() + list(self.aggregate_select)
- raise FieldError("Cannot resolve keyword %r into field. "
- "Choices are: %s" % (name, ", ".join(available)))
+ # We didn't found the current field, so move position back
+ # one step.
+ pos -= 1
+ break
# Check if we need any joins for concrete inheritance cases (the
# field lives in parent, but we are currently in one of its
# children)
@@ -1334,15 +1377,14 @@ class Query(object):
final_field = field
targets = (field,)
+ if pos == -1 or (fail_on_missing and pos + 1 != len(names)):
+ self.raise_field_error(opts, name)
+ return path, final_field, targets, names[pos + 1:]
- if pos != len(names) - 1:
- if pos == len(names) - 2:
- raise FieldError(
- "Join on field %r not permitted. Did you misspell %r for "
- "the lookup type?" % (name, names[pos + 1]))
- else:
- raise FieldError("Join on field %r not permitted." % name)
- return path, final_field, targets
+ def raise_field_error(self, opts, name):
+ available = opts.get_all_field_names() + list(self.aggregate_select)
+ raise FieldError("Cannot resolve keyword %r into field. "
+ "Choices are: %s" % (name, ", ".join(available)))
def setup_joins(self, names, opts, alias, can_reuse=None, allow_many=True):
@@ -1371,8 +1413,9 @@ class Query(object):
joins = [alias]
# First, generate the path for the names
- path, final_field, targets = self.names_to_path(
- names, opts, allow_many)
+ path, final_field, targets, rest = self.names_to_path(
+ names, opts, allow_many, fail_on_missing=True)
# Then, add the path to the query's joins. Note that we can't trim
# joins at this stage - we will need the information about join type
# of the trimmed joins.
@@ -1387,8 +1430,6 @@ class Query(object):
alias = self.join(
connection, reuse=reuse, nullable=nullable, join_field=join.join_field)
- if hasattr(final_field, 'field'):
- final_field = final_field.field
return final_field, targets, opts, joins, path
def trim_joins(self, targets, joins, path):
@@ -1451,17 +1492,19 @@ class Query(object):
# nothing
alias, col = query.select[0].col
if self.is_nullable(query.select[0].field):
- query.where.add((Constraint(alias, col, query.select[0].field), 'isnull', False), AND)
+ lookup_class = query.select[0].field.get_lookup('isnull')
+ lookup = lookup_class(Col(alias, query.select[0].field, query.select[0].field), False)
+ query.where.add(lookup, AND)
if alias in can_reuse:
- pk = query.select[0].field.model._meta.pk
+ select_field = query.select[0].field
+ pk = select_field.model._meta.pk
# Need to add a restriction so that outer query's filters are in effect for
# the subquery, too.
- query.where.add(
- (Constraint(query.select[0].col[0], pk.column, pk),
- 'exact', Col(alias, pk.column)),
- )
+ lookup_class = select_field.get_lookup('exact')
+ lookup = lookup_class(Col(query.select[0].col[0], pk, pk),
+ Col(alias, pk, pk))
+ query.where.add(lookup, AND)
condition, needed_inner = self.build_filter(
('%s__in' % trimmed_prefix, query),