@@ -242,9 +242,7 @@ class HttpRequest:
# If location starts with '//' but has no netloc, reuse the
# schema and netloc from the current request. Strip the double
# slashes and continue as if it wasn't specified.
- if location.startswith("//"):
- location = location[2:]
- location = self._current_scheme_host + location
+ location = self._current_scheme_host + location.removeprefix("//")
# Join the constructed URL with the provided location, which
# allows the provided location to apply query strings to the
@@ -456,7 +454,7 @@ class HttpHeaders(CaseInsensitiveMapping):
def parse_header_name(cls, header):
if header.startswith(cls.HTTP_PREFIX):
- header = header[len(cls.HTTP_PREFIX) :]
+ header = header.removeprefix(cls.HTTP_PREFIX)
elif header not in cls.UNPREFIXED_HEADERS:
return None
return header.replace("_", "-").title()
@@ -724,7 +722,7 @@ def split_domain_port(host):
bits = host.rsplit(":", 1)
domain, port = bits if len(bits) == 2 else (bits[0], "")
# Remove a trailing dot (if present) from the domain.
- domain = domain[:-1] if domain.endswith(".") else domain
+ domain = domain.removesuffix(".")
return domain, port