Browse Source

Dropped safeguards against very old versions of gettext.

gettext 0.19 was released in 2014.
Claude Paroz 6 months ago

+ 2 - 2

@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
         if find_command(self.program) is None:
             raise CommandError(
-                "Can't find %s. Make sure you have GNU gettext "
-                "tools 0.15 or newer installed." % self.program
+                f"Can't find {self.program}. Make sure you have GNU gettext "
+                "tools 0.19 or newer installed."
         basedirs = [os.path.join("conf", "locale"), "locale"]

+ 6 - 21

@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ from import (
 from django.utils.encoding import DEFAULT_LOCALE_ENCODING
 from django.utils.functional import cached_property
-from django.utils.jslex import prepare_js_for_gettext
 from django.utils.regex_helper import _lazy_re_compile
 from django.utils.text import get_text_list
 from django.utils.translation import templatize
@@ -35,8 +34,8 @@ def check_programs(*programs):
     for program in programs:
         if find_command(program) is None:
             raise CommandError(
-                "Can't find %s. Make sure you have GNU gettext tools 0.15 or "
-                "newer installed." % program
+                f"Can't find {program}. Make sure you have GNU gettext tools "
+                "0.19 or newer installed."
@@ -80,9 +79,7 @@ class BuildFile:
     def is_templatized(self):
-        if self.domain == "djangojs":
-            return self.command.gettext_version < (0, 18, 3)
-        elif self.domain == "django":
+        if self.domain == "django":
             file_ext = os.path.splitext(self.translatable.file)[1]
             return file_ext != ".py"
         return False
@@ -99,11 +96,7 @@ class BuildFile:
         if not self.is_templatized:
             return self.path
-        extension = {
-            "djangojs": "c",
-            "django": "py",
-        }.get(self.domain)
-        filename = "%s.%s" % (self.translatable.file, extension)
+        filename = f"{self.translatable.file}.py"
         return os.path.join(self.translatable.dirpath, filename)
     def preprocess(self):
@@ -117,9 +110,7 @@ class BuildFile:
         with open(self.path, encoding="utf-8") as fp:
             src_data =
-        if self.domain == "djangojs":
-            content = prepare_js_for_gettext(src_data)
-        elif self.domain == "django":
+        if self.domain == "django":
             content = templatize(src_data, origin=self.path[2:])
         with open(self.work_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
@@ -349,11 +340,6 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
             self.msgattrib_options = self.msgattrib_options[:] + ["--no-location"]
             self.xgettext_options = self.xgettext_options[:] + ["--no-location"]
         if options["add_location"]:
-            if self.gettext_version < (0, 19):
-                raise CommandError(
-                    "The --add-location option requires gettext 0.19 or later. "
-                    "You have %s." % ".".join(str(x) for x in self.gettext_version)
-                )
             arg_add_location = "--add-location=%s" % options["add_location"]
             self.msgmerge_options = self.msgmerge_options[:] + [arg_add_location]
             self.msguniq_options = self.msguniq_options[:] + [arg_add_location]
@@ -636,12 +622,11 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
         if self.domain == "djangojs":
-            is_templatized = build_file.is_templatized
             args = [
-                "--language=%s" % ("C" if is_templatized else "JavaScript",),
+                "--language=JavaScript",

+ 0 - 250

@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-"""JsLex: a lexer for JavaScript"""
-# Originally from
-import re
-class Tok:
-    """
-    A specification for a token class.
-    """
-    num = 0
-    def __init__(self, name, regex, next=None):
- = Tok.num
-        Tok.num += 1
- = name
-        self.regex = regex
- = next
-def literals(choices, prefix="", suffix=""):
-    """
-    Create a regex from a space-separated list of literal `choices`.
-    If provided, `prefix` and `suffix` will be attached to each choice
-    individually.
-    """
-    return "|".join(prefix + re.escape(c) + suffix for c in choices.split())
-class Lexer:
-    """
-    A generic multi-state regex-based lexer.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, states, first):
-        self.regexes = {}
-        self.toks = {}
-        for state, rules in states.items():
-            parts = []
-            for tok in rules:
-                groupid = "t%d" %
-                self.toks[groupid] = tok
-                parts.append("(?P<%s>%s)" % (groupid, tok.regex))
-            self.regexes[state] = re.compile("|".join(parts), re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE)
-        self.state = first
-    def lex(self, text):
-        """
-        Lexically analyze `text`.
-        Yield pairs (`name`, `tokentext`).
-        """
-        end = len(text)
-        state = self.state
-        regexes = self.regexes
-        toks = self.toks
-        start = 0
-        while start < end:
-            for match in regexes[state].finditer(text, start):
-                name = match.lastgroup
-                tok = toks[name]
-                toktext = match[name]
-                start += len(toktext)
-                yield (, toktext)
-                if
-                    state =
-                    break
-        self.state = state
-class JsLexer(Lexer):
-    """
-    A JavaScript lexer
-    >>> lexer = JsLexer()
-    >>> list(lexer.lex("a = 1"))
-    [('id', 'a'), ('ws', ' '), ('punct', '='), ('ws', ' '), ('dnum', '1')]
-    This doesn't properly handle non-ASCII characters in the JavaScript source.
-    """
-    # Because these tokens are matched as alternatives in a regex, longer
-    # possibilities must appear in the list before shorter ones, for example,
-    # '>>' before '>'.
-    #
-    # Note that we don't have to detect malformed JavaScript, only properly
-    # lex correct JavaScript, so much of this is simplified.
-    # Details of JavaScript lexical structure are taken from
-    #
-    # A useful explanation of automatic semicolon insertion is at
-    #
-    both_before = [
-        Tok("comment", r"/\*(.|\n)*?\*/"),
-        Tok("linecomment", r"//.*?$"),
-        Tok("ws", r"\s+"),
-        Tok(
-            "keyword",
-            literals(
-                """
-                           break case catch class const continue debugger
-                           default delete do else enum export extends
-                           finally for function if import in instanceof
-                           new return super switch this throw try typeof
-                           var void while with
-                           """,
-                suffix=r"\b",
-            ),
-            next="reg",
-        ),
-        Tok("reserved", literals("null true false", suffix=r"\b"), next="div"),
-        Tok(
-            "id",
-            r"""
-                  ([a-zA-Z_$   ]|\\u[0-9a-fA-Z]{4})   # first char
-                  ([a-zA-Z_$0-9]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})*  # rest chars
-                  """,
-            next="div",
-        ),
-        Tok("hnum", r"0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+", next="div"),
-        Tok("onum", r"0[0-7]+"),
-        Tok(
-            "dnum",
-            r"""
-                    (   (0|[1-9][0-9]*)     # DecimalIntegerLiteral
-                        \.                  # dot
-                        [0-9]*              # DecimalDigits-opt
-                        ([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?  # ExponentPart-opt
-                    |
-                        \.                  # dot
-                        [0-9]+              # DecimalDigits
-                        ([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?  # ExponentPart-opt
-                    |
-                        (0|[1-9][0-9]*)     # DecimalIntegerLiteral
-                        ([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?  # ExponentPart-opt
-                    )
-                    """,
-            next="div",
-        ),
-        Tok(
-            "punct",
-            literals(
-                """
-                         >>>= === !== >>> <<= >>= <= >= == != << >> &&
-                         || += -= *= %= &= |= ^=
-                         """
-            ),
-            next="reg",
-        ),
-        Tok("punct", literals("++ -- ) ]"), next="div"),
-        Tok("punct", literals("{ } ( [ . ; , < > + - * % & | ^ ! ~ ? : ="), next="reg"),
-        Tok("string", r'"([^"\\]|(\\(.|\n)))*?"', next="div"),
-        Tok("string", r"'([^'\\]|(\\(.|\n)))*?'", next="div"),
-    ]
-    both_after = [
-        Tok("other", r"."),
-    ]
-    states = {
-        # slash will mean division
-        "div": both_before
-        + [
-            Tok("punct", literals("/= /"), next="reg"),
-        ]
-        + both_after,
-        # slash will mean regex
-        "reg": both_before
-        + [
-            Tok(
-                "regex",
-                r"""
-                    /                       # opening slash
-                    # First character is..
-                    (   [^*\\/[]            # anything but * \ / or [
-                    |   \\.                 # or an escape sequence
-                    |   \[                  # or a class, which has
-                            (   [^\]\\]     #   anything but \ or ]
-                            |   \\.         #   or an escape sequence
-                            )*              #   many times
-                        \]
-                    )
-                    # Following characters are same, except for excluding a star
-                    (   [^\\/[]             # anything but \ / or [
-                    |   \\.                 # or an escape sequence
-                    |   \[                  # or a class, which has
-                            (   [^\]\\]     #   anything but \ or ]
-                            |   \\.         #   or an escape sequence
-                            )*              #   many times
-                        \]
-                    )*                      # many times
-                    /                       # closing slash
-                    [a-zA-Z0-9]*            # trailing flags
-                """,
-                next="div",
-            ),
-        ]
-        + both_after,
-    }
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__(self.states, "reg")
-def prepare_js_for_gettext(js):
-    """
-    Convert the JavaScript source `js` into something resembling C for
-    xgettext.
-    What actually happens is that all the regex literals are replaced with
-    "REGEX".
-    """
-    def escape_quotes(m):
-        """Used in a regex to properly escape double quotes."""
-        s = m[0]
-        if s == '"':
-            return r"\""
-        else:
-            return s
-    lexer = JsLexer()
-    c = []
-    for name, tok in lexer.lex(js):
-        if name == "regex":
-            # C doesn't grok regexes, and they aren't needed for gettext,
-            # so just output a string instead.
-            tok = '"REGEX"'
-        elif name == "string":
-            # C doesn't have single-quoted strings, so make all strings
-            # double-quoted.
-            if tok.startswith("'"):
-                guts = re.sub(r"\\.|.", escape_quotes, tok[1:-1])
-                tok = '"' + guts + '"'
-        elif name == "id":
-            # C can't deal with Unicode escapes in identifiers.  We don't
-            # need them for gettext anyway, so replace them with something
-            # innocuous
-            tok = tok.replace("\\", "U")
-        c.append(tok)
-    return "".join(c)

+ 2 - 0

@@ -306,6 +306,8 @@ Miscellaneous
 * Adding :attr:`.EmailMultiAlternatives.alternatives` is now only supported via
   the :meth:`~.EmailMultiAlternatives.attach_alternative` method.
+* The minimum supported version of ``gettext`` is increased from 0.15 to 0.19.
 .. _deprecated-features-5.2:
 Features deprecated in 5.2

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1551,7 +1551,7 @@ Django comes with a tool, :djadmin:`django-admin makemessages
     commands from the GNU gettext toolset: ``xgettext``, ``msgfmt``,
     ``msgmerge`` and ``msguniq``.
-    The minimum version of the ``gettext`` utilities supported is 0.15.
+    The minimum version of the ``gettext`` utilities supported is 0.19.
 To create or update a message file, run this command:

+ 0 - 4

@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ from subprocess import run
 from unittest import mock
 from import CommandError, call_command, execute_from_command_line
-from import Command as MakeMessagesCommand
 from import find_command
 from django.test import SimpleTestCase, override_settings
 from django.test.utils import captured_stderr, captured_stdout
@@ -269,9 +268,6 @@ class CompilationErrorHandling(MessageCompilationTests):
             lambda *args, **kwargs: run(*args, env=env, **kwargs),
-            cmd = MakeMessagesCommand()
-            if cmd.gettext_version < (0, 18, 3):
-                self.skipTest("python-brace-format is a recent gettext addition.")
             stderr = StringIO()
             with self.assertRaisesMessage(
                 CommandError, "compilemessages generated one or more errors"

+ 1 - 26

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import time
 import warnings
 from io import StringIO
 from pathlib import Path
-from unittest import mock, skipIf, skipUnless
+from unittest import mock, skipUnless
 from admin_scripts.tests import AdminScriptTestCase
@@ -25,10 +25,6 @@ from .utils import POFileAssertionMixin, RunInTmpDirMixin, copytree
 LOCALE = "de"
 has_xgettext = find_command("xgettext")
-gettext_version = MakeMessagesCommand().gettext_version if has_xgettext else None
-requires_gettext_019 = skipIf(
-    has_xgettext and gettext_version < (0, 19), "gettext 0.19 required"
 @skipUnless(has_xgettext, "xgettext is mandatory for extraction tests")
@@ -836,7 +832,6 @@ class LocationCommentsTests(ExtractorTests):
         self.assertLocationCommentNotPresent(self.PO_FILE, None, "")
         self.assertLocationCommentPresent(self.PO_FILE, 5, "templates", "test.html")
-    @requires_gettext_019
     def test_add_location_full(self):
         """makemessages --add-location=full"""
@@ -848,7 +843,6 @@ class LocationCommentsTests(ExtractorTests):
             self.PO_FILE, "Translatable literal #6b", "templates", "test.html"
-    @requires_gettext_019
     def test_add_location_file(self):
         """makemessages --add-location=file"""
@@ -862,7 +856,6 @@ class LocationCommentsTests(ExtractorTests):
             self.PO_FILE, "Translatable literal #6b", "templates", "test.html"
-    @requires_gettext_019
     def test_add_location_never(self):
         """makemessages --add-location=never"""
@@ -871,24 +864,6 @@ class LocationCommentsTests(ExtractorTests):
         self.assertLocationCommentNotPresent(self.PO_FILE, None, "test.html")
-    @mock.patch(
-        "",
-        new=(0, 18, 99),
-    )
-    def test_add_location_gettext_version_check(self):
-        """
-        CommandError is raised when using makemessages --add-location with
-        gettext < 0.19.
-        """
-        msg = (
-            "The --add-location option requires gettext 0.19 or later. You have "
-            "0.18.99."
-        )
-        with self.assertRaisesMessage(CommandError, msg):
-            management.call_command(
-                "makemessages", locale=[LOCALE], verbosity=0, add_location="full"
-            )
 class NoObsoleteExtractorTests(ExtractorTests):
     work_subdir = "obsolete_translations"

+ 0 - 401

@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-"""Tests for jslex."""
-# originally from
-from django.test import SimpleTestCase
-from django.utils.jslex import JsLexer, prepare_js_for_gettext
-class JsTokensTest(SimpleTestCase):
-    LEX_CASES = [
-        # ids
-        ("a ABC $ _ a123", ["id a", "id ABC", "id $", "id _", "id a123"]),
-        (
-            "\\u1234 abc\\u0020 \\u0065_\\u0067",
-            ["id \\u1234", "id abc\\u0020", "id \\u0065_\\u0067"],
-        ),
-        # numbers
-        (
-            "123 1.234 0.123e-3 0 1E+40 1e1 .123",
-            [
-                "dnum 123",
-                "dnum 1.234",
-                "dnum 0.123e-3",
-                "dnum 0",
-                "dnum 1E+40",
-                "dnum 1e1",
-                "dnum .123",
-            ],
-        ),
-        ("0x1 0xabCD 0XABcd", ["hnum 0x1", "hnum 0xabCD", "hnum 0XABcd"]),
-        ("010 0377 090", ["onum 010", "onum 0377", "dnum 0", "dnum 90"]),
-        ("0xa123ghi", ["hnum 0xa123", "id ghi"]),
-        # keywords
-        (
-            "function Function FUNCTION",
-            ["keyword function", "id Function", "id FUNCTION"],
-        ),
-        (
-            "const constructor in inherits",
-            ["keyword const", "id constructor", "keyword in", "id inherits"],
-        ),
-        ("true true_enough", ["reserved true", "id true_enough"]),
-        # strings
-        (""" 'hello' "hello" """, ["string 'hello'", 'string "hello"']),
-        (
-            r""" 'don\'t' "don\"t" '"' "'" '\'' "\"" """,
-            [
-                r"""string 'don\'t'""",
-                r'''string "don\"t"''',
-                r"""string '"'""",
-                r'''string "'"''',
-                r"""string '\''""",
-                r'''string "\""''',
-            ],
-        ),
-        (r'"ƃuıxǝ⅂ ʇdıɹɔsɐʌɐſ\""', [r'string "ƃuıxǝ⅂ ʇdıɹɔsɐʌɐſ\""']),
-        # comments
-        ("a//b", ["id a", "linecomment //b"]),
-        (
-            "/****/a/=2//hello",
-            ["comment /****/", "id a", "punct /=", "dnum 2", "linecomment //hello"],
-        ),
-        (
-            "/*\n * Header\n */\na=1;",
-            ["comment /*\n * Header\n */", "id a", "punct =", "dnum 1", "punct ;"],
-        ),
-        # punctuation
-        ("a+++b", ["id a", "punct ++", "punct +", "id b"]),
-        # regex
-        (r"a=/a*/,1", ["id a", "punct =", "regex /a*/", "punct ,", "dnum 1"]),
-        (r"a=/a*[^/]+/,1", ["id a", "punct =", "regex /a*[^/]+/", "punct ,", "dnum 1"]),
-        (r"a=/a*\[^/,1", ["id a", "punct =", r"regex /a*\[^/", "punct ,", "dnum 1"]),
-        (r"a=/\//,1", ["id a", "punct =", r"regex /\//", "punct ,", "dnum 1"]),
-        # next two are from  # NOQA
-        (
-            'for (var x = a in foo && "</x>" || mot ? z:/x:3;x<5;y</g/i) {xyz(x++);}',
-            [
-                "keyword for",
-                "punct (",
-                "keyword var",
-                "id x",
-                "punct =",
-                "id a",
-                "keyword in",
-                "id foo",
-                "punct &&",
-                'string "</x>"',
-                "punct ||",
-                "id mot",
-                "punct ?",
-                "id z",
-                "punct :",
-                "regex /x:3;x<5;y</g",
-                "punct /",
-                "id i",
-                "punct )",
-                "punct {",
-                "id xyz",
-                "punct (",
-                "id x",
-                "punct ++",
-                "punct )",
-                "punct ;",
-                "punct }",
-            ],
-        ),
-        (
-            'for (var x = a in foo && "</x>" || mot ? z/x:3;x<5;y</g/i) {xyz(x++);}',
-            [
-                "keyword for",
-                "punct (",
-                "keyword var",
-                "id x",
-                "punct =",
-                "id a",
-                "keyword in",
-                "id foo",
-                "punct &&",
-                'string "</x>"',
-                "punct ||",
-                "id mot",
-                "punct ?",
-                "id z",
-                "punct /",
-                "id x",
-                "punct :",
-                "dnum 3",
-                "punct ;",
-                "id x",
-                "punct <",
-                "dnum 5",
-                "punct ;",
-                "id y",
-                "punct <",
-                "regex /g/i",
-                "punct )",
-                "punct {",
-                "id xyz",
-                "punct (",
-                "id x",
-                "punct ++",
-                "punct )",
-                "punct ;",
-                "punct }",
-            ],
-        ),
-        # Various "illegal" regexes that are valid according to the std.
-        (
-            r"""/????/, /++++/, /[----]/ """,
-            ["regex /????/", "punct ,", "regex /++++/", "punct ,", "regex /[----]/"],
-        ),
-        # Stress cases from  # NOQA
-        (r"""/\[/""", [r"""regex /\[/"""]),
-        (r"""/[i]/""", [r"""regex /[i]/"""]),
-        (r"""/[\]]/""", [r"""regex /[\]]/"""]),
-        (r"""/a[\]]/""", [r"""regex /a[\]]/"""]),
-        (r"""/a[\]]b/""", [r"""regex /a[\]]b/"""]),
-        (r"""/[\]/]/gi""", [r"""regex /[\]/]/gi"""]),
-        (r"""/\[[^\]]+\]/gi""", [r"""regex /\[[^\]]+\]/gi"""]),
-        (
-            r"""
-       = {
-                NAME: /^(?![0-9])(?:\w)+|^"(?:[^"]|"")+"/,
-                UNQUOTED_LITERAL: /^@(?:(?![0-9])(?:\w|\:)+|^"(?:[^"]|"")+")\[[^\]]+\]/,
-                QUOTED_LITERAL: /^'(?:[^']|'')*'/,
-                NUMERIC_LITERAL: /^[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*(?:[eE][-+][0-9]+)?)?/,
-                SYMBOL: /^(?:==|=|<>|<=|<|>=|>|!~~|!~|~~|~|!==|!=|!~=|!~|!|&|\||\.|\:|,|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\?|\:|;|@|\^|\/\+|\/|\*|\+|-)/
-                };
-            """,  # NOQA
-            [
-                "id rexl",
-                "punct .",
-                "id re",
-                "punct =",
-                "punct {",
-                "id NAME",
-                "punct :",
-                r"""regex /^(?![0-9])(?:\w)+|^"(?:[^"]|"")+"/""",
-                "punct ,",
-                "id UNQUOTED_LITERAL",
-                "punct :",
-                r"""regex /^@(?:(?![0-9])(?:\w|\:)+|^"(?:[^"]|"")+")\[[^\]]+\]/""",
-                "punct ,",
-                "id QUOTED_LITERAL",
-                "punct :",
-                r"""regex /^'(?:[^']|'')*'/""",
-                "punct ,",
-                "id NUMERIC_LITERAL",
-                "punct :",
-                r"""regex /^[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*(?:[eE][-+][0-9]+)?)?/""",
-                "punct ,",
-                "id SYMBOL",
-                "punct :",
-                r"""regex /^(?:==|=|<>|<=|<|>=|>|!~~|!~|~~|~|!==|!=|!~=|!~|!|&|\||\.|\:|,|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\?|\:|;|@|\^|\/\+|\/|\*|\+|-)/""",  # NOQA
-                "punct }",
-                "punct ;",
-            ],
-        ),
-        (
-            r"""
-       = {
-                NAME: /^(?![0-9])(?:\w)+|^"(?:[^"]|"")+"/,
-                UNQUOTED_LITERAL: /^@(?:(?![0-9])(?:\w|\:)+|^"(?:[^"]|"")+")\[[^\]]+\]/,
-                QUOTED_LITERAL: /^'(?:[^']|'')*'/,
-                NUMERIC_LITERAL: /^[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*(?:[eE][-+][0-9]+)?)?/,
-                SYMBOL: /^(?:==|=|<>|<=|<|>=|>|!~~|!~|~~|~|!==|!=|!~=|!~|!|&|\||\.|\:|,|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\?|\:|;|@|\^|\/\+|\/|\*|\+|-)/
-                };
-                str = '"';
-            """,  # NOQA
-            [
-                "id rexl",
-                "punct .",
-                "id re",
-                "punct =",
-                "punct {",
-                "id NAME",
-                "punct :",
-                r"""regex /^(?![0-9])(?:\w)+|^"(?:[^"]|"")+"/""",
-                "punct ,",
-                "id UNQUOTED_LITERAL",
-                "punct :",
-                r"""regex /^@(?:(?![0-9])(?:\w|\:)+|^"(?:[^"]|"")+")\[[^\]]+\]/""",
-                "punct ,",
-                "id QUOTED_LITERAL",
-                "punct :",
-                r"""regex /^'(?:[^']|'')*'/""",
-                "punct ,",
-                "id NUMERIC_LITERAL",
-                "punct :",
-                r"""regex /^[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*(?:[eE][-+][0-9]+)?)?/""",
-                "punct ,",
-                "id SYMBOL",
-                "punct :",
-                r"""regex /^(?:==|=|<>|<=|<|>=|>|!~~|!~|~~|~|!==|!=|!~=|!~|!|&|\||\.|\:|,|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\?|\:|;|@|\^|\/\+|\/|\*|\+|-)/""",  # NOQA
-                "punct }",
-                "punct ;",
-                "id str",
-                "punct =",
-                """string '"'""",
-                "punct ;",
-            ],
-        ),
-        (
-            r' this._js = "e.str(\"" + this.value.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")'
-            r'.replace(/"/g, "\\\"") + "\")"; ',
-            [
-                "keyword this",
-                "punct .",
-                "id _js",
-                "punct =",
-                r'''string "e.str(\""''',
-                "punct +",
-                "keyword this",
-                "punct .",
-                "id value",
-                "punct .",
-                "id replace",
-                "punct (",
-                r"regex /\\/g",
-                "punct ,",
-                r'string "\\\\"',
-                "punct )",
-                "punct .",
-                "id replace",
-                "punct (",
-                r'regex /"/g',
-                "punct ,",
-                r'string "\\\""',
-                "punct )",
-                "punct +",
-                r'string "\")"',
-                "punct ;",
-            ],
-        ),
-    ]
-def make_function(input, toks):
-    def test_func(self):
-        lexer = JsLexer()
-        result = [
-            "%s %s" % (name, tok) for name, tok in lexer.lex(input) if name != "ws"
-        ]
-        self.assertEqual(result, toks)
-    return test_func
-for i, (input, toks) in enumerate(JsTokensTest.LEX_CASES):
-    setattr(JsTokensTest, "test_case_%d" % i, make_function(input, toks))
-    (
-        r"""
-            a = 1; /* /[0-9]+/ */
-            b = 0x2a0b / 1; // /[0-9]+/
-            c = 3;
-        """,
-        r"""
-            a = 1; /* /[0-9]+/ */
-            b = 0x2a0b / 1; // /[0-9]+/
-            c = 3;
-        """,
-    ),
-    (
-        r"""
-            a = 1.234e-5;
-            /*
-             * /[0-9+/
-             */
-            b = .0123;
-        """,
-        r"""
-            a = 1.234e-5;
-            /*
-             * /[0-9+/
-             */
-            b = .0123;
-        """,
-    ),
-    (
-        r"""
-            x = y / z;
-            alert(gettext("hello"));
-            x /= 3;
-        """,
-        r"""
-            x = y / z;
-            alert(gettext("hello"));
-            x /= 3;
-        """,
-    ),
-    (
-        r"""
-            s = "Hello \"th/foo/ere\"";
-            s = 'He\x23llo \'th/foo/ere\'';
-            s = 'slash quote \", just quote "';
-        """,
-        r"""
-            s = "Hello \"th/foo/ere\"";
-            s = "He\x23llo \'th/foo/ere\'";
-            s = "slash quote \", just quote \"";
-        """,
-    ),
-    (
-        r"""
-            s = "Line continuation\
-            continued /hello/ still the string";/hello/;
-        """,
-        r"""
-            s = "Line continuation\
-            continued /hello/ still the string";"REGEX";
-        """,
-    ),
-    (
-        r"""
-            var regex = /pattern/;
-            var regex2 = /matter/gm;
-            var regex3 = /[*/]+/"hey");
-        """,
-        r"""
-            var regex = "REGEX";
-            var regex2 = "REGEX";
-            var regex3 = "REGEX".foo("hey");
-        """,
-    ),
-    (
-        r"""
-            for (var x = a in foo && "</x>" || mot ? z:/x:3;x<5;y</g/i) {xyz(x++);}
-            for (var x = a in foo && "</x>" || mot ? z/x:3;x<5;y</g/i) {xyz(x++);}
-        """,
-        r"""
-            for (var x = a in foo && "</x>" || mot ? z:"REGEX"/i) {xyz(x++);}
-            for (var x = a in foo && "</x>" || mot ? z/x:3;x<5;y<"REGEX") {xyz(x++);}
-        """,
-    ),
-    (
-        """
-            \\u1234xyz = gettext('Hello there');
-        """,
-        r"""
-            Uu1234xyz = gettext("Hello there");
-        """,
-    ),
-class JsToCForGettextTest(SimpleTestCase):
-    pass
-def make_function(js, c):
-    def test_func(self):
-        self.assertEqual(prepare_js_for_gettext(js), c)
-    return test_func
-for i, pair in enumerate(GETTEXT_CASES):
-    setattr(JsToCForGettextTest, "test_case_%d" % i, make_function(*pair))