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Removed duplicate words in docs.

Maxime Lorant 6 лет назад

+ 1 - 1

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Python style
   This makes better use of space and avoids having to realign strings if the
   length of the first line changes.
-* Use single quotes for strings, or a double quote if the the string contains a
+* Use single quotes for strings, or a double quote if the string contains a
   single quote. Don't waste time doing unrelated refactoring of existing code
   to conform to this style.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1337,7 +1337,7 @@ blue.
         The only parameter that is set differently from the source raster is the
-        name. The default value of the the raster name is the name of the source
+        name. The default value of the raster name is the name of the source
         raster appended with ``'_copy' + source_driver_name``. For file-based
         rasters it is recommended to provide the file path of the target raster.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -551,4 +551,4 @@ Why might a user encounter a CSRF validation failure after logging in?
 For security reasons, CSRF tokens are rotated each time a user logs in. Any
 page with a form generated before a login will have an old, invalid CSRF token
 and need to be reloaded. This might happen if a user uses the back button after
-a login or if they log in in a different browser tab.
+a login or if they log in a different browser tab.

+ 3 - 3

@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ Minor features
 * The OpenLayers-based form widgets now use ``OpenLayers.js`` from
   ``https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com`` which is more suitable for production use
-  than the the old ``http://openlayers.org`` source. They are also updated to
-  use OpenLayers 3.
+  than the old ``http://openlayers.org`` source. They are also updated to use
+  OpenLayers 3.
 * PostGIS migrations can now change field dimensions.
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ backends.
   default value is ``True`` and the ``DatabaseIntrospection.get_constraints()``
   method should include an ``'orders'`` key in each of the returned
   dictionaries with a list of ``'ASC'`` and/or ``'DESC'`` values corresponding
-  to the the ordering of each column in the index.
+  to the ordering of each column in the index.
 * :djadmin:`inspectdb` no longer calls ``DatabaseIntrospection.get_indexes()``
   which is deprecated. Custom database backends should ensure all types of

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ Miscellaneous
   If you wish to customize that error message, :ref:`override it on the form
   <modelforms-overriding-default-fields>` using the ``'unique'`` key in
   ``Meta.error_messages['username']`` or, if you have a custom form field for
-  ``'username'``, using the the ``'unique'`` key in its
+  ``'username'``, using the ``'unique'`` key in its
   :attr:`~django.forms.Field.error_messages` argument.
 * The block ``usertools`` in the ``base.html`` template of

+ 1 - 1

@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ followed by a call to ``add()``. This caused needlessly large data changes and
 prevented using the :data:`~django.db.models.signals.m2m_changed` signal to
 track individual changes in many-to-many relations.
-Direct assignment now relies on the the new
+Direct assignment now relies on the new
 :meth:`~django.db.models.fields.related.RelatedManager.set` method on related
 managers which by default only processes changes between the existing related
 set and the one that's newly assigned. The previous behavior can be restored by

+ 1 - 1

@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Minor features
 * The new :meth:`.ModelAdmin.delete_queryset` method allows customizing the
   deletion process of the "delete selected objects" action.
-* You can now :ref:`override the the default admin site
+* You can now :ref:`override the default admin site
 * The new :attr:`.ModelAdmin.sortable_by` attribute and

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ provides several built-in forms located in :mod:`django.contrib.auth.forms`:
         (In this case, you'll also need to use an authentication backend that
-        allows inactive users, such as as
+        allows inactive users, such as
         Or to allow only some active users to log in::