@@ -498,6 +498,72 @@ class CreatesuperuserManagementCommandTestCase(TestCase):
+ def test_validation_mismatched_passwords(self):
+ """
+ Creation should fail if the user enters mismatched passwords.
+ """
+ new_io = six.StringIO()
+ # The first two passwords do not match, but the second two do match and
+ # are valid.
+ entered_passwords = ["password", "not password", "password2", "password2"]
+ def mismatched_passwords_then_matched():
+ return entered_passwords.pop(0)
+ @mock_inputs({
+ 'password': mismatched_passwords_then_matched,
+ 'username': 'joe1234567890',
+ })
+ def test(self):
+ call_command(
+ "createsuperuser",
+ interactive=True,
+ stdin=MockTTY(),
+ stdout=new_io,
+ stderr=new_io,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ new_io.getvalue().strip(),
+ "Error: Your passwords didn't match.\n"
+ "Superuser created successfully."
+ )
+ test(self)
+ def test_validation_blank_password_entered(self):
+ """
+ Creation should fail if the user enters blank passwords.
+ """
+ new_io = six.StringIO()
+ # The first two passwords are empty strings, but the second two are
+ # valid.
+ entered_passwords = ["", "", "password2", "password2"]
+ def blank_passwords_then_valid():
+ return entered_passwords.pop(0)
+ @mock_inputs({
+ 'password': blank_passwords_then_valid,
+ 'username': 'joe1234567890',
+ })
+ def test(self):
+ call_command(
+ "createsuperuser",
+ interactive=True,
+ stdin=MockTTY(),
+ stdout=new_io,
+ stderr=new_io,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ new_io.getvalue().strip(),
+ "Error: Blank passwords aren't allowed.\n"
+ "Superuser created successfully."
+ )
+ test(self)
class CustomUserModelValidationTestCase(SimpleTestCase):