@@ -146,14 +146,14 @@ Further resources
* PDFlib_ is another PDF-generation library that has Python bindings. To
use it with Django, just use the same concepts explained in this article.
-* `Pisa XHTML2PDF`_ is yet another PDF-generation library. Pisa ships with
- an example of how to integrate Pisa with Django.
+* `XHTML2PDF`_ is yet another PDF-generation library. It ships with an example
+ of how to integrate it with Django.
* HTMLdoc_ is a command-line script that can convert HTML to PDF. It
doesn't have a Python interface, but you can escape out to the shell
using ``system`` or ``popen`` and retrieve the output in Python.
.. _PDFlib: http://www.pdflib.org/
-.. _`Pisa XHTML2PDF`: http://www.xhtml2pdf.com/
+.. _XHTML2PDF: https://github.com/xhtml2pdf/xhtml2pdf
.. _HTMLdoc: https://www.msweet.org/projects.php?Z1
Other formats