@@ -179,6 +179,19 @@ Now, go to ``/polls/1/`` in your browser and vote in the question. You should se
results page that gets updated each time you vote. If you submit the form
without having chosen a choice, you should see the error message.
+.. note::
+ The code for our ``vote()`` view does have a small problem. It first gets
+ the ``selected_choice`` object from the database, then computes the new
+ value of ``votes``, and then saves it back to the database. If two users of
+ your Web site try to vote at *exactly the same time*, this might go wrong:
+ The same value, let's say 42, will be retrieved for ``votes``. Then, for
+ both users the new value of 43 is computed and saved, but 44 would be the
+ expected value.
+ This is called a *race condition*. If you are interested, you can read
+ :ref:`avoiding-race-conditions-using-f` to learn how you can solve this
+ issue.
Use generic views: Less code is better