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Replaced docs/internals/team.txt with DSF teams page.

Tobias McNulty 8 years ago
5 changed files with 3 additions and 744 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. 0 1
  3. 0 1
  4. 2 3
  5. 0 738

+ 1 - 1

@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Who's behind this?
 Django was originally developed at World Online, the Web department of a
 newspaper in Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Django's now run by an international
-:doc:`team of volunteers </internals/team>`.
+`team of volunteers <>`_.
 Which sites use Django?

+ 0 - 1

@@ -338,7 +338,6 @@ you can contribute:
   :doc:`How to get involved <internals/contributing/index>` |
   :doc:`The release process <internals/release-process>` |
   :doc:`Team organization <internals/organization>` |
-  :doc:`Meet the team <internals/team>` |
   :doc:`The Django source code repository <internals/git>` |
   :doc:`Security policies <internals/security>` |
   :doc:`Mailing lists <internals/mailing-lists>`

+ 0 - 1

@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ you'd like to help improve Django or learn about how Django is managed.
-   team

+ 2 - 3

@@ -74,9 +74,8 @@ need them through the same process.
-The core team finds its origins with the :ref:`four people
-<original-team-list>` who created Django. It has grown to :ref:`a few dozen
-people <core-team-list>` by co-opting volunteers who demonstrate:
+`Django team members <>`_
 - a good grasp of the philosophy of the Django Project
 - a solid track record of being constructive and helpful

+ 0 - 738

@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
-Django team
-.. _original-team-list:
-The original team
-Django originally started at World Online, the Web department of the `Lawrence
-Journal-World`_ of Lawrence, Kansas, USA.
-`Adrian Holovaty`_
-    Adrian is a Web developer with a background in journalism. He's known in
-    journalism circles as one of the pioneers of "journalism via computer
-    programming", and in technical circles as "the guy who invented Django."
-    He was lead developer at World Online for 2.5 years, during which time
-    Django was developed and implemented on World Online's sites. He was the
-    leader and founder of EveryBlock_, a "news feed for your block." He now
-    develops Soundslice_.
-    Adrian lives in Chicago, USA.
-`Simon Willison`_
-    Simon is a well-respected Web developer from England. He had a one-year
-    internship at World Online, during which time he and Adrian developed Django
-    from scratch. The most enthusiastic Brit you'll ever meet, he's passionate
-    about best practices in Web development and maintains a well-read
-    `web-development blog`_.
-    Simon lives in Brighton, England.
-`Jacob Kaplan-Moss`_
-    Jacob is Director of Platform Security at Heroku_. He worked at World
-    Online for four years, where he helped open source Django and found
-    the Django Software Foundation. Jacob lives on a hobby farm outside of
-    Lawrence where he spends his weekends playing with dirt and power tools.
-`Wilson Miner`_
-    Wilson's design-fu is what makes Django look so nice. He created the design
-    that was used for nearly the first ten years on the Django Project website,
-    as well as the current design for Django's acclaimed admin interface. Wilson
-    was the designer for EveryBlock and Rdio_. He now designs for Facebook.
-    Wilson lives in San Francisco, USA.
-.. _lawrence journal-world:
-.. _adrian holovaty:
-.. _everyblock:
-.. _soundslice:
-.. _simon willison:
-.. _web-development blog: `simon willison`_
-.. _jacob kaplan-moss:
-.. _revolution systems:
-.. _wilson miner:
-.. _heroku:
-.. _Rdio:
-.. _core-team-list:
-The current team
-These are the folks who have a long history of contributions, a solid track
-record of being helpful on the mailing lists, and a proven desire to dedicate
-serious time to Django. In return, they've been invited to join the :ref:`core
-team <core-team>`.
-`Luke Plant`_
-    At University Luke studied physics and Materials Science and also
-    met `Michael Meeks`_ who introduced him to Linux and Open Source,
-    re-igniting an interest in programming.  Since then he has
-    contributed to a number of Open Source projects and worked
-    professionally as a developer.
-    Luke has contributed many excellent improvements to Django,
-    including database-level improvements, the CSRF middleware and
-    many unit tests.
-    Luke currently works for a church in Bradford, UK, and part-time
-    as a freelance developer.
-    .. _luke plant:
-    .. _michael meeks:
-`Russell Keith-Magee`_
-    Russell studied physics as an undergraduate, and studied neural networks for
-    his PhD. His first job was with a startup in the defense industry developing
-    simulation frameworks. Over time, mostly through work with Django, he's
-    become more involved in Web development.
-    Russell has helped with several major aspects of Django, including a
-    couple major internal refactorings, creation of the test system, and more.
-    Russell lives in the most isolated capital city in the world — Perth,
-    Australia.
-    .. _russell keith-magee:
-`James Bennett`_
-    James has been one of Django's release managers, and also
-    contributes to the documentation and provide the occasional
-    bugfix.
-    James came to Web development from philosophy when he discovered
-    that programmers get to argue just as much while collecting much
-    better pay. He lives in San Mateo, California and previously
-    worked at World Online and Mozilla; currently, he's part of the
-    Web engineering team at `Clover`_.
-    He `keeps a blog`_, and enjoys fine port and talking to his car.
-    .. _james bennett:
-    .. _Clover:
-    .. _keeps a blog: `james bennett`_
-Justin Bronn
-    Justin Bronn is a computer scientist and attorney specializing
-    in legal topics related to intellectual property and spatial law.
-    In 2007, Justin began developing ``django.contrib.gis`` in a branch,
-    a.k.a. GeoDjango_, which was merged in time for Django 1.0.  While
-    implementing GeoDjango, Justin obtained a deep knowledge of Django's
-    internals including the ORM, the admin, and Oracle support.
-    Justin lives in Houston, TX.
-    .. _GeoDjango:
-Karen Tracey
-    Karen has a background in distributed operating systems (graduate school),
-    communications software (industry) and crossword puzzle construction
-    (freelance).  The last of these brought her to Django, in late 2006, when
-    she set out to put a Web front-end on her crossword puzzle database.
-    That done, she stuck around in the community answering questions, debugging
-    problems, etc. -- because coding puzzles are as much fun as word puzzles.
-    Karen lives in Apex, NC, USA.
-`Jannis Leidel`_
-    Jannis graduated in media design from `Bauhaus-University Weimar`_,
-    is the author of a number of pluggable Django apps and likes to
-    contribute to Open Source projects like virtualenv_ and pip_.
-    He has worked on Django's auth, admin and staticfiles apps as well as
-    the form, core, internationalization and test systems. He currently works
-    at Mozilla_.
-    Jannis lives in Berlin, Germany.
-    .. _Jannis Leidel:
-    .. _Bauhaus-University Weimar:
-    .. _virtualenv:
-    .. _pip:
-    .. _Mozilla:
-`Andrew Godwin`_
-    Andrew is a freelance Python developer and tinkerer, and has been
-    developing against Django since 2007. He graduated from Oxford University
-    with a degree in Computer Science, and has become most well known
-    in the Django community for his work on South, the schema migrations
-    library.
-    Andrew lives in San Francisco, CA, USA.
-    .. _Andrew Godwin:
-`Carl Meyer`_
-    Carl has been a Django user since 2007 (long enough to remember
-    queryset-refactor, but not magic-removal), and builds web apps at OddBird_.
-    He became a Django contributor by accident, because fixing bugs is more
-    interesting than working around them.
-    Carl lives in Rapid City, SD, USA.
-    .. _Carl Meyer:
-    .. _OddBird:
-Ramiro Morales
-    Ramiro has been reading Django source code and submitting patches since
-    mid-2006 after researching for a Python Web tool with matching awesomeness
-    and being pointed to it by an old ninja.
-    A software developer in the electronic transactions industry, he is a
-    living proof of the fact that anyone with enough enthusiasm can contribute
-    to Django, learning a lot and having fun in the process.
-    Ramiro lives in Córdoba, Argentina.
-`Chris Beaven`_
-    Chris has been submitting patches and suggesting crazy ideas for Django
-    since early 2006. An advocate for community involvement and a long-term
-    triager, he is still often found answering questions in the `#django` IRC
-    channel.
-    Chris lives in Napier, New Zealand (adding to the pool of Oceanic core
-    developers). He works remotely as a developer for `Lincoln Loop`_.
-    .. _Chris Beaven:
-    .. _Lincoln Loop:
-Honza Král
-    Honza first discovered Django in 2006 and started using it right away,
-    first for school and personal projects and later in his full-time job. He
-    contributed various patches and fixes mostly to the newforms library,
-    newforms admin and, through participation in the Google Summer of Code
-    project, assisted in creating the :ref:`model validation
-    <validating-objects>` functionality.
-    He is currently working for `Whiskey Media`_ in San Francisco developing
-    awesome sites running on pure Django.
-    .. _Whiskey Media:
-Tim Graham
-    When exploring Web frameworks for an independent study project in the fall
-    of 2008, Tim discovered Django and was lured to it by the documentation.
-    He enjoys contributing to the docs because they're awesome.
-    Tim works as a software engineer and lives in Philadelphia, PA, USA.
-Paul McMillan
-    Paul found Django in 2008 while looking for a more
-    structured approach to web programming. He stuck around after
-    figuring out that the developers of Django had already invented
-    many of the wheels he needed. His passion for breaking (and then
-    fixing) things led to his current role working to maintain and
-    improve the security of Django.
-`Julien Phalip`_
-    Julien has a background in software engineering and human-computer
-    interaction. As a Web developer, he enjoys tinkering with the backend as
-    much as designing and coding user interfaces. Julien discovered Django in
-    2007 while doing his PhD in Computing Sciences. Since then he has
-    contributed patches to various components of the framework, in particular
-    the admin. Julien was a co-founder of the `Interaction Consortium`_. He
-    now works at Odopod_, a digital agency based in San Francisco, CA, USA.
-    .. _Julien Phalip:
-    .. _Interaction Consortium:
-    .. _Odopod:
-`Aymeric Augustin`_
-    Aymeric is an engineer with a background in mathematics and computer
-    science. He chose Django because he believes that software should be simple,
-    explicit and tested. His perfectionist tendencies quickly led him to triage
-    tickets and contribute patches.
-    Aymeric has a pragmatic approach to software engineering, can't live without
-    a continuous integration server, and likes proving that Django is a good
-    choice for enterprise software.
-    .. _Aymeric Augustin:
-`Claude Paroz`_
-    Claude is a former teacher who fell in love with free software at the
-    beginning of the 21st century. He's now working as freelancer in Web
-    development in his native Switzerland. He has found in Django a perfect
-    match for his needs of a stable, clean, documented and well-maintained Web
-    framework.
-    He's also helping the GNOME Translation Project as maintainer of the
-    Django-based ``_.
-    .. _Claude Paroz:
-    ..
-Anssi Kääriäinen
-    Anssi works as a Senior Backend Developer at `Holvi`, a Finnish financial
-    technology company building digital banking solutions for freelancers and
-    small businesses. What makes `Holvi` an exciting challenge for Anssi is
-    using technology to create something real people care for and actually want
-    to use. In his daily work, he's building a full stack bank with Django.
-    Anssi works mostly on ORM related issues and enjoys making the ORM solve
-    complex query problems.
-Florian Apolloner
-    Florian is currently studying Physics at the `Graz University of Technology`_.
-    Soon after he started using Django he joined the `Ubuntuusers webteam`_ to
-    work on *Inyoka*, the software powering the whole Ubuntuusers site.
-    For the time being he lives in Graz, Austria (not Australia ;)).
-    .. _Graz University of Technology:
-    .. _Ubuntuusers webteam:
-Jeremy Dunck
-    Jeremy was rescued from corporate IT drudgery by Free Software and, in part,
-    Django.  Many of Jeremy's interests center around access to information.
-    Jeremy was the lead developer of Pegasus News, one of the first uses of
-    Django outside World Online, and has since joined Votizen, a startup intent
-    on reducing the influence of money in politics.
-    He serves as DSF Secretary, organizes and helps organize sprints, cares
-    about the health and equity of the Django community.  He has gone an
-    embarrassingly long time without a working blog.
-    Jeremy lives in Mountain View, CA, USA.
-`Bryan Veloso`_
-    Bryan found Django 0.96 through a fellow designer who was evangelizing
-    its use. It was his first foray outside of the land that was PHP-based
-    templating. Although he has only ever used Django for personal projects,
-    it is the very reason he considers himself a designer/developer
-    hybrid and is working to further design within the Django community.
-    Bryan works as a designer at GitHub by day, and masquerades as a `vlogger`_
-    and `shoutcaster`_ in the after-hours. Bryan lives in Los Angeles, CA, USA.
-    .. _bryan veloso:
-    .. _vlogger:
-    .. _shoutcaster:
-`Simon Charette`_
-    Simon is a mathematics student who discovered Django while searching for a
-    replacement framework to an in-house PHP entity. Since that faithful day
-    Django has been a big part of his life. So far, he's been involved in some
-    ORM and forms API fixes.
-    Apart from contributing to multiple open source projects he spends most of
-    his spare-time playing `Ultimate Frisbee`_ and working part-time
-    at this awesome place called `Reptiletech`_.
-    Simon lives in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
-    .. _Simon Charette:
-    .. _Ultimate Frisbee:
-    .. _Reptiletech:
-Donald Stufft
-    Donald found Python and Django in 2007 while trying to find a language,
-    and web framework that he really enjoyed using after many years of PHP. He
-    fell in love with the beauty of Python and the way Django made tasks simple
-    and easy. His contributions to Django focus primarily on ensuring that it
-    is and remains a secure web framework.
-    Donald currently works at `Nebula Inc`_ as a Software Engineer for their
-    security team and lives in the Greater Philadelphia Area.
-    .. _Nebula Inc:
-Marc Tamlyn
-    Marc started life on the web using Django 1.2 back in 2010, and has never
-    looked back. He was involved with rewriting the class-based view
-    documentation at DjangoCon EU 2012, and also helped to develop `CCBV`_, an
-    additional class-based view reference tool.
-    Marc is currently a full-time parent, part-time developer, and lives in
-    Oxford, UK.
-    .. _CCBV:
-Shai Berger
-    Shai started working with Python back in 1998, and with Django just
-    before 1.0. He is a Free Software enthusiast, but life happens, and
-    he was driven by consulting gigs to contribute to the Oracle and
-    SQL Server backends of South, and then the Oracle backend of Django
-    itself. Finally, he joined core to help maintain the Oracle backend.
-    Shai works for `Platonix`_, a small consulting company he started
-    with a few friends in 1996, and lives near Tel Aviv, Israel.
-    .. _Platonix:
-Baptiste Mispelon
-    Baptiste discovered Django around the 1.2 version and promptly switched away
-    from his homegrown PHP framework. He started getting more involved in the
-    project after attending DjangoCon EU 2012, mostly by triaging tickets and
-    submitting small patches.
-    Baptiste currently lives in Budapest, Hungary and works for `M2BPO`_,
-    a small French company providing services to architects.
-    .. _M2BPO:
-Daniele Procida
-    Daniele unexpectedly became a Django developer on 29th April 2009. Since
-    then he has relied daily on Django's documentation, which has been a
-    constant companion to him. More recently he has been able to contribute
-    back to the project by helping improve the documentation itself.
-    He is the author of `Arkestra`_ and `Don't be afraid to commit`_. He lives
-    in Cardiff, Wales, and works for `Divio`_.
-    .. _Divio:
-    .. _Arkestra:
-    .. _Don\'t be afraid to commit:
-`Erik Romijn`_
-    Erik started using Django in the days of 1.2. His largest contribution to Django was
-    ``GenericIPAddressField``, and he has worked on all sorts of patches since.
-    While developing with Django, he always keeps a little list of even the slightest
-    Django frustrations, to tackle them at a later time and prevent other developers
-    from having to deal with the same issues.
-    Erik is an independent app maker, mostly developing web and mobile apps, as
-    `Solid Links`_. He also enjoys helping ordinary developers to build safer web apps,
-    for which Django is already a great start, and developed `Erik's Pony Checkup`_ with
-    that goal in mind. Erik lives in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
-    .. _Erik Romijn:
-    .. _Solid Links:
-    .. _Erik's Pony Checkup:
-`Loïc Bistuer`_
-    Loïc studied telecommunications engineering and works as an independent
-    software developer and consultant.
-    He discovered Django in 2008 shortly before the 1.0 release and has been
-    hooked ever since. He contributes mostly to Django's ORM and Form
-    components. His main contributions include advanced query prefetching,
-    streamlining QuerySet and Manager to improve query reusability, and a
-    significant refactor of forms error handling.
-    Loïc is originally from the South of France and currently lives in
-    Bangkok, Thailand.
-    .. _Loïc Bistuer:
-`Michael Manfre`_
-    Michael started running Django on Windows against a Microsoft SQL Server
-    (MSSQL) database in 2008. He quickly became the maintainer of the
-    ``django-mssql`` database backend. Much of his involvement with Django
-    relates to the ORM, the private 3rd party database API, and using Django on
-    Windows.
-    Michael lives in Cary, NC, USA.
-    .. _Michael Manfre:
-`Collin Anderson`_
-    Collin found Django in November 2006. He was in awe of the admin and ORM
-    and was amazed that the documentation was teaching him best web practices
-    like redirecting after a successful POST request. Why had he never learned
-    this before? No one knows to this day.
-    He enjoys helping people on the |django-users| mailing list and making
-    Django simple and easy for newcomers.
-    Collin lives in South Bend, IN, USA where he uses Django to `increase
-    unity`_.
-    .. _Collin Anderson:
-    .. _increase unity:
-`Tom Christie`_
-    Tom has background in speech recognition, networking, and web development.
-    He has a particular interest in Web API design and is the original author
-    of `Django REST framework`_.
-    Tom lives in the seaside city of Brighton, UK.
-    .. _Tom Christie:
-    .. _Django REST framework:
-`Curtis Maloney`_
-    Curtis is a self-taught programmer from Melbourne, Australia, who eschews
-    specialization.  Upon finding Django when it was first open sourced, he
-    realized it was possible to enjoy web development.
-    He spends a lot of time helping people on the `#django` IRC channel, and
-    has authored and released a number of `smaller Django apps`_.
-    .. _Curtis Maloney:
-    .. _smaller Django apps:
-`Markus Holtermann`_
-    Markus is a senior backend developer at `LaterPay`_ in Munich. He studied
-    Computer Science at the `Technical University of Berlin`_. He started
-    working with Django in 2010 when he joined the ``_ web team
-    to work on *Inyoka*. Markus made his first contribution to the Django
-    project during DjangoCon Europe 2013 in Warsaw. He was the web team leader
-    for the `EuroPython 2014 website`_ and started regular contributions to
-    Django after that.
-    Markus lives in Berlin, Germany.
-    .. _Markus Holtermann:
-    .. _LaterPay:
-    .. _Technical University of Berlin:
-    ..
-    .. _EuroPython 2014 website:
-`Josh Smeaton`_
-    Josh was given the opportunity to work on a new Django app around version
-    1.1 after working with a homegrown PHP reporting framework. The simplicity
-    of the ORM and the power of the Admin were extremely liberating.
-    Still being involved with custom reporting applications, he decided to try
-    his hand at improving the ORM support for analytics. His contributions
-    focus on giving more power to users of the ORM.
-    Josh lives in Melbourne, Australia where he heads up development for a SaaS
-    telecommunications company.
-    .. _Josh Smeaton:
-`Preston Timmons`_
-    Preston is a software developer with a background in mathematics. He enjoys
-    Django because it enables consistent, simple, and tested systems to be
-    built that even new programmers can quickly dive into. Preston lives in
-    Dallas, TX.
-    .. _Preston Timmons:
-`Tomek Paczkowski`_
-    Tomek started using Django in 2007 as a tool for quickly dealing with
-    university projects. Since then, he worked with various technologies
-    like Ruby on Rails, JavaScript and Android but always returned to
-    Python and Django.
-    Tomek loves the Django community. He organized multiple Django
-    sprints, co-organized `DjangoCon Europe 2013`_ and has mentored at many
-    `Django Girls`_ events.
-    Originally from Poland, Tomek currently lives in London, where he
-    works at Squirrel_.
-    .. _Tomek Paczkowski:
-    .. _DjangoCon Europe 2013:
-    .. _Django Girls:
-    .. _Squirrel:
-`Ola Sitarska`_
-    Ola started working with Django in 2009, when she discovered the power of
-    the Django admin and quickly fell in love with the beauty of Python.
-    She co-organized `DjangoCon Europe 2013`_ in Warsaw and co-authored the
-    `Django Girls Tutorial`_, the most beginner friendly Django tutorial out
-    there. Together with Ola Sendecka, she started `Django Girls`_, a community
-    and series of Django workshops for women who've never programmed before.
-    In 2015, she became a Django Software Foundation board member. Ola was also
-    a part of the team responsible for shipping the redesign.
-    Originally from Poland, Ola currently lives in London, where she
-    works with friends at `Potato`_.
-    .. _Ola Sitarska:
-    .. _DjangoCon Europe 2013:
-    .. _Django Girls Tutorial:
-    .. _Django Girls:
-    .. _Potato:
-`Ola Sendecka`_
-    Ola started her adventure with Django when writing a university project in
-    2009. After that she attended her first DjangoCon Europe which
-    defined her future life as a Django professional.
-    Since then she has been an active community member. Ola co-organized a number of
-    Django sprints and conferences including:
-    `DjangoCon Europe 2013`_, `Django Under the Hood 2015`_ and
-    `DjangoCon Europe 2016`_. Together with Ola Sitarska she founded
-    `Django Girls`_, co-authored the `Django Girls Tutorial`_ and
-    is a member of the Django Girls Foundation. She is also an author of
-    the `Coding is for Girls`_ YouTube series teaching programming and Django
-    to beginners.
-    Originally from Poland, Ola currently lives in London, where she works for `Potato`_.
-    .. _Ola Sendecka:
-    .. _DjangoCon Europe 2013:
-    .. _Django Under the Hood 2015:
-    .. _DjangoCon Europe 2016:
-    .. _Django Girls:
-    .. _Django Girls Tutorial:
-    .. _Coding is for Girls:
-    .. _Potato:
-`Adam Johnson`_
-    Adam started working with Django in 2012 on his first non-PHP website and
-    has never looked back. He has since been pushing for it to be more friendly
-    with MySQL / MariaDB, and now helps organize the London Django Meetup.
-    Adam hails from Cheltenham, UK and currently resides in London where he
-    works for `Time Out`_.
-    .. _Adam Johnson:
-    .. _Time Out:
-`Lucie Daeye`_
-    Lucie studied Geography and Korean Studies at university. She discovered
-    Django during the very first `Django Girls`_ in 2014: she coded her first
-    first web app for her PhD research, loved it, and decided to switch career
-    to programming.
-    Since then, she's organized two `Django Girls workshops in Paris`_ and
-    coached at numerous events. She started working for Django Girls in
-    September 2015 and is now their `Awesomeness Ambassador`_.
-    .. _Lucie Daeye:
-    .. _Django Girls workshops in Paris:
-    .. _Awesomeness Ambassador:
-Past team members
-Georg "Hugo" Bauer
-    Georg created Django's internationalization system, managed i18n
-    contributions and made a ton of excellent tweaks, feature additions and bug
-    fixes.
-Robert Wittams
-    Robert was responsible for the *first* refactoring of Django's admin
-    application to allow for easier reuse and has made a ton of
-    excellent tweaks, feature additions and bug fixes.
-`Alex Gaynor`_
-    Alex was involved in many parts of Django, he contributed to the ORM,
-    forms, admin, amongst others; he is most known for his work on
-    multiple-database support in Django.
-    Alex lives in Washington, DC, USA.
-    .. _Alex Gaynor:
-`Simon Meers`_
-    Simon discovered Django 0.96 during his Computer Science PhD research and
-    has been developing with it full-time ever since. His core code
-    contributions are mostly in Django's admin application.
-    Simon works as a freelance developer based in Wollongong, Australia.
-    .. _Simon Meers:
-`Gabriel Hurley`_
-    Gabriel has been working with Django since 2008, shortly after the 1.0
-    release. Convinced by his business partner that Python and Django were the
-    right direction for the company, he couldn't have been more happy with the
-    decision. His contributions range across many areas in Django, but years of
-    copy-editing and an eye for detail lead him to be particularly at home
-    while working on Django's documentation.
-    Gabriel works as a developer in the SF Bay Area, CA, USA.
-    .. _gabriel hurley:
-Malcolm Tredinnick
-    Malcolm originally wanted to be a mathematician and somehow ended up a
-    software developer. He contributed to many Open Source projects, served on
-    the board of the GNOME foundation, and was a great chess player.
-    Malcolm was deeply involved in many part of Django - most notably, the
-    ORM, but many other internals bear his fingerprints. Django’s support for
-    unicode and autoescaping in templates can both be almost entirely
-    attributed to Malcolm.
-    He was an International Man of Mystery and lived in Sydney, Australia.
-    *Malcolm passed away on March 17, 2013.*
-`Preston Holmes`_
-    Preston is a recovering neuroscientist who originally discovered Django as
-    part of a sweeping move to Python from a grab bag of half a dozen
-    languages. He was drawn to Django's balance of practical batteries included
-    philosophy, care and thought in code design, and strong open source
-    community. Currently working in the rent-your-infra space (aka Cloud), he
-    is always looking for opportunities to volunteer for community oriented
-    education projects, such as for kids and scientists (e.g. Software
-    Carpentry).
-    Preston lives with his family and animal menagerie in Santa Barbara, CA, USA.
-    .. _Preston Holmes:
-`Idan Gazit`_
-    As a self-professed design geek, Idan was initially attracted to Django
-    sometime between magic-removal and queryset-refactor. Formally trained
-    as a software engineer, Idan straddles the worlds of design and code,
-    jack of two trades and master of none. He is passionate about usability
-    and finding novel ways to extract meaning from data, and is a longtime
-    photographer_.
-    Idan is currently hacking on all things data and visualization at Heroku_.
-    .. _Idan Gazit:
-    .. _photographer:
-Matt Boersma
-    Matt helped with Django's Oracle support.
-Ian Kelly
-    Ian also helped with Oracle support.
-Joseph Kocherhans
-    Joseph was the director of lead development at EveryBlock and previously
-    developed at the Lawrence Journal-World. He often disappears for several
-    days into the woods, attempts to teach himself computational linguistics,
-    and annoys his neighbors with his Charango_ playing.
-    Joseph's first contribution to Django was a series of improvements to the
-    authorization system leading up to support for pluggable authorization.
-    Since then, he's worked on the new forms system, its use in the admin, and
-    many other smaller improvements.
-    Joseph lives in Chicago, USA.
-    .. _charango:
-`Gary Wilson`_
-    Gary starting contributing patches to Django in 2006 while developing Web
-    applications for `The University of Texas`_ (UT).  Since, he has made
-    contributions to the email and forms systems, as well as many other
-    improvements and code cleanups throughout the code base.
-    Gary lives in Austin, Texas, USA.
-    .. _Gary Wilson:
-    .. _The University of Texas:
-`Brian Rosner`_
-    Brian enjoys learning more about programming languages and system
-    architectures and contributing to open source projects.
-    He helped immensely in getting Django's "newforms-admin" branch finished
-    in time for Django 1.0.
-    Brian lives in Denver, Colorado, USA.
-    .. _brian rosner:
-`James Tauber`_
-    James is the lead developer of Pinax_ and the CEO and founder of
-    Eldarion_. He has been doing open source software since 1993, Python
-    since 1998 and Django since 2006. He serves on the board of the Python
-    Software Foundation and is currently on a leave of absence from a PhD in
-    linguistics.
-    James currently lives in Boston, MA, USA but originally hails from
-    Perth, Western Australia where he attended the same high school as
-    Russell Keith-Magee.
-    .. _James Tauber:
-    .. _eldarion:
-    .. _pinax: