@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ enabled or disabled with a setting.
* :setting:`SECURE_SSL_HOST`
@@ -241,6 +242,104 @@ If you wish to submit your site to the `browser preload list`_, set the
__ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Strict-Transport-Security
.. _browser preload list: https://hstspreload.org/
+.. _referrer-policy:
+Referrer Policy
+.. versionadded:: 3.0
+Browsers use `the Referer header`__ as a way to send information to a site
+about how users got there. When a user clicks a link, the browser will send the
+full URL of the linking page as the referrer. While this can be useful for some
+purposes -- like figuring out who's linking to your site -- it also can cause
+privacy concerns by informing one site that a user was visiting another site.
+__ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Referer
+Some browsers have the ability to accept hints about whether they should send
+the HTTP ``Referer`` header when a user clicks a link; this hint is provided
+via `the Referrer-Policy header`__. This header can suggest any of three
+behaviors to browsers:
+__ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Referrer-Policy
+* Full URL: send the entire URL in the ``Referer`` header. For example, if the
+ user is visiting ``https://example.com/page.html``, the ``Referer`` header
+ would contain ``"https://example.com/page.html"``.
+* Origin only: send only the "origin" in the referrer. The origin consists of
+ the scheme, host and (optionally) port number. For example, if the user is
+ visiting ``https://example.com/page.html``, the origin would be
+ ``https://example.com/``.
+* No referrer: do not send a ``Referer`` header at all.
+There are two types of conditions this header can tell a browser to watch out
+* Same-origin versus cross-origin: a link from ``https://example.com/1.html``
+ to ``https://example.com/2.html`` is same-origin. A link from
+ ``https://example.com/page.html`` to ``https://not.example.com/page.html`` is
+ cross-origin.
+* Protocol downgrade: a downgrade occurs if the page containing the link is
+ served via HTTPS, but the page being linked to is not served via HTTPS.
+.. warning::
+ When your site is served via HTTPS, :ref:`Django's CSRF protection system
+ <using-csrf>` requires the ``Referer`` header to be present, so completely
+ disabling the ``Referer`` header will interfere with CSRF protection. To
+ gain most of the benefits of disabling ``Referer`` headers while also
+ keeping CSRF protection, consider enabling only same-origin referrers.
+``SecurityMiddleware`` can set the ``Referrer-Policy`` header for you, based on
+the the :setting:`SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY` setting (note spelling: browsers send
+a ``Referer`` header when a user clicks a link, but the header instructing a
+browser whether to do so is spelled ``Referrer-Policy``). The valid values for
+this setting are:
+ Instructs the browser to send no referrer for links clicked on this site.
+ Instructs the browser to send a full URL as the referrer, but only when no
+ protocol downgrade occurs.
+ Instructs the browser to send only the origin, not the full URL, as the
+ referrer.
+ Instructs the browser to send the full URL as the referrer for same-origin
+ links, and only the origin for cross-origin links.
+ Instructs the browser to send a full URL, but only for same-origin links. No
+ referrer will be sent for cross-origin links.
+ Instructs the browser to send only the origin, not the full URL, and to send
+ no referrer when a protocol downgrade occurs.
+ Instructs the browser to send the full URL when the link is same-origin and
+ no protocol downgrade occurs; send only the origin when the link is
+ cross-origin and no protocol downgrade occurs; and no referrer when a
+ protocol downgrade occurs.
+ Instructs the browser to always send the full URL as the referrer.
+.. admonition:: Unknown Policy Values
+ Where a policy value is `unknown`__ by a user agent, it is possible to
+ specify multiple policy values to provide a fallback. The last specified
+ value that is understood takes precedence. To support this, an iterable or
+ comma-separated string can be used with :setting:`SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY`.
+ __ https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-referrer-policy/#unknown-policy-values
.. _x-content-type-options:
``X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff``