@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@ from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.test import TestCase, override_settings
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils import translation
+from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango60Warning
from django.utils.html import escape
-from .models import Article, ArticleProxy, Car, Site
+from .models import Article, ArticleProxy, Car, InheritedLogEntryManager, Site
@@ -26,14 +27,22 @@ class LogEntryTests(TestCase):
created=datetime(2008, 3, 12, 11, 54),
- content_type_pk = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Article).pk
- LogEntry.objects.log_action(
+ cls.a2 = Article.objects.create(
+ site=cls.site,
+ title="Title 2",
+ created=datetime(2009, 3, 12, 11, 54),
+ )
+ cls.a3 = Article.objects.create(
+ site=cls.site,
+ title="Title 3",
+ created=datetime(2010, 3, 12, 11, 54),
+ )
+ LogEntry.objects.log_actions(
- content_type_pk,
- cls.a1.pk,
- repr(cls.a1),
+ [cls.a1],
change_message="Changed something",
+ single_object=True,
def setUp(self):
@@ -227,18 +236,95 @@ class LogEntryTests(TestCase):
logentry = LogEntry.objects.first()
self.assertEqual(repr(logentry), str(logentry.action_time))
def test_log_action(self):
- content_type_pk = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Article).pk
- log_entry = LogEntry.objects.log_action(
- self.user.pk,
- content_type_pk,
- self.a1.pk,
- repr(self.a1),
- change_message="Changed something else",
- )
+ msg = "LogEntryManager.log_action() is deprecated. Use log_actions() instead."
+ content_type_val = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Article).pk
+ with self.assertWarnsMessage(RemovedInDjango60Warning, msg):
+ log_entry = LogEntry.objects.log_action(
+ self.user.pk,
+ content_type_val,
+ self.a1.pk,
+ repr(self.a1),
+ change_message="Changed something else",
+ )
self.assertEqual(log_entry, LogEntry.objects.latest("id"))
+ def test_log_actions(self):
+ queryset = Article.objects.all().order_by("-id")
+ msg = "Deleted Something"
+ content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.a1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(queryset), 3)
+ with self.assertNumQueries(1):
+ LogEntry.objects.log_actions(
+ self.user.pk,
+ queryset,
+ change_message=msg,
+ )
+ logs = (
+ LogEntry.objects.filter(action_flag=DELETION)
+ .order_by("id")
+ .values_list(
+ "user",
+ "content_type",
+ "object_id",
+ "object_repr",
+ "action_flag",
+ "change_message",
+ )
+ )
+ expected_log_values = [
+ (
+ self.user.pk,
+ content_type.id,
+ str(obj.pk),
+ str(obj),
+ msg,
+ )
+ for obj in queryset
+ ]
+ self.assertSequenceEqual(logs, expected_log_values)
+ def test_log_action_fallback(self):
+ LogEntry.objects2 = InheritedLogEntryManager()
+ queryset = Article.objects.all().order_by("-id")
+ content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.a1)
+ self.assertEqual(len(queryset), 3)
+ msg = (
+ "The usage of log_action() is deprecated. Implement log_actions() instead."
+ )
+ with self.assertNumQueries(3):
+ with self.assertWarnsMessage(RemovedInDjango60Warning, msg):
+ LogEntry.objects2.log_actions(self.user.pk, queryset, DELETION)
+ log_values = (
+ LogEntry.objects.filter(action_flag=DELETION)
+ .order_by("id")
+ .values_list(
+ "user",
+ "content_type",
+ "object_id",
+ "object_repr",
+ "action_flag",
+ "change_message",
+ )
+ )
+ expected_log_values = [
+ (
+ self.user.pk,
+ content_type.id,
+ str(obj.pk),
+ "Test Repr",
+ "",
+ )
+ for obj in queryset
+ ]
+ self.assertSequenceEqual(log_values, expected_log_values)
def test_recentactions_without_content_type(self):
If a LogEntry is missing content_type it will not display it in span
@@ -248,7 +334,7 @@ class LogEntryTests(TestCase):
link = reverse("admin:admin_utils_article_change", args=(quote(self.a1.pk),))
should_contain = """<a href="%s">%s</a>""" % (
- escape(repr(self.a1)),
+ escape(str(self.a1)),
self.assertContains(response, should_contain)
should_contain = "Article"
@@ -320,28 +406,29 @@ class LogEntryTests(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(log.get_action_flag_display(), display_name)
def test_hook_get_log_entries(self):
- LogEntry.objects.log_action(
+ LogEntry.objects.log_actions(
- ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Article).pk,
- self.a1.pk,
- "Article changed",
+ [self.a1],
change_message="Article changed message",
+ single_object=True,
c1 = Car.objects.create()
- LogEntry.objects.log_action(
+ LogEntry.objects.log_actions(
- ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Car).pk,
- c1.pk,
- "Car created",
+ [c1],
change_message="Car created message",
+ single_object=True,
+ exp_str_article = escape(str(self.a1))
+ exp_str_car = escape(str(c1))
response = self.client.get(reverse("admin:index"))
- self.assertContains(response, "Article changed")
- self.assertContains(response, "Car created")
+ self.assertContains(response, exp_str_article)
+ self.assertContains(response, exp_str_car)
response = self.client.get(reverse("custom_admin:index"))
- self.assertContains(response, "Article changed")
- self.assertNotContains(response, "Car created")
+ self.assertContains(response, exp_str_article)
+ self.assertNotContains(response, exp_str_car)