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Fixed #12930, #12832, #11538 -- Refactored and merged the GeoDjango documentation into the rest of the Django docs.

git-svn-id: http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk@12856 bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
Justin Bronn преди 15 години

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+.. _ref-gis-admin:
+GeoDjango's admin site
+.. module:: django.contrib.gis.admin
+   :synopsis: GeoDjango's extensions to the admin site.
+.. class:: GeoModelAdmin
+   .. attribute:: default_lon
+   The default center longitude.
+   .. attribute:: default_lat
+   The default center latitude.
+   .. attribute:: default_zoom
+   The default zoom level to use.  Defaults to 18.
+   .. attribute:: extra_js
+   Sequence of URLs to any extra JavaScript to include.
+   .. attribute:: map_template
+   Override the template used to generate the JavaScript slippy map.
+   Default is ``'gis/admin/openlayers.html'``.
+   .. attribute:: map_width
+   Width of the map, in pixels.  Defaults to 600.
+   .. attribute:: map_height
+   Height of the map, in pixels.  Defaults to 400.
+   .. attribute:: openlayers_url
+   Link to the URL of the OpenLayers JavaScript.  Defaults to
+   ``'http://openlayers.org/api/2.8/OpenLayers.js'``.
+.. class:: OSMGeoAdmin
+   A subclass of :class:`GeoModelAdmin` that uses a spherical mercator projection
+   with OpenStreetMap street data tiles.  See the :ref:`OSMGeoAdmin introduction <osmgeoadmin-intro>`
+   in the tutorial for a usage example.

+ 83 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+.. ref-geodjango-admin:
+GeoDjango Management Commands
+.. describe:: django-admin.py inspectdb
+When :mod:`django.contrib.gis` is in your :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS`, the
+:djadmin:`inspectdb` management command is overridden with one from GeoDjango.
+The overridden command is spatially-aware, and places geometry fields in the
+auto-generated model definition, where appropriate.
+ogrinspect <data_source> <model_name>
+.. django-admin:: ogrinspect
+The ``ogrinpsect`` management command will inspect the given OGR-compatible
+:class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.DataSource` (e.g., a shapefile) and will
+output a GeoDjango model with the given model name.  There's a detailed example
+of using ``ogrinspect`` :ref:`in the tutorial <ogrinspect-intro>`.
+.. django-admin-option:: --blank <blank_field(s)>
+   Use a comma separated list of OGR field names to add the ``blank=True``
+   keyword option to the field definition.  Set with ``true`` to apply
+   to all applicable fields.
+.. django-admin-option:: --decimal <decimal_field(s)>
+   Use a comma separated list of OGR float fields to generate
+   :class:`~django.db.models.DecimalField` instead of the default
+   :class:`~django.db.models.FloatField`. Set to ``true`` to apply to all
+   OGR float fields.
+.. django-admin-option:: --geom-name <name>
+   Specifies the model attribute name to use for the geometry field.
+   Defaults to ``'geom'``.
+.. django-admin-option:: --layer <layer>
+   The key for specifying which layer in the OGR
+   :class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.DataSource` source to use.
+   Defaults to 0 (the first layer). May be an integer or a string identifier
+   for the :class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.Layer`.
+.. django-admin-option:: --mapping
+   Automatically generate a mapping dictionary for use with
+   :class:`~django.contrib.gis.utils.LayerMapping`.
+.. django-admin-option:: --multi-geom
+   When generating the geometry field, treat it as a geometry collection.
+   For example, if this setting is enabled then a
+   :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.MultiPolygonField` will be placed
+   in the generated model rather than
+   :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.PolygonField`.
+.. django-admin-option:: --name-field <name_field>
+   Generates a ``__unicode__`` routine on the model that will return the
+   the given field name.
+.. django-admin-option:: --no-imports
+   Suppresses the ``from django.contrib.gis.db import models`` import statement.
+.. django-admin-option:: --null <null_field(s)>
+   Use a comma separated list of OGR field names to add the ``null=True``
+   keyword option to the field definition.  Set with ``true`` to apply to
+   all applicable fields.
+.. django-admin-option:: --srid
+   The SRID to use for the geometry field.  If not set, ``ogrinspect`` attempts
+   to automatically determine of the SRID of the data source.

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+POSTGIS_SQL_PATH=`pg_config --sharedir`
+createdb -E UTF8 template_postgis # Create the template spatial database.
+createlang -d template_postgis plpgsql # Adding PLPGSQL language support.
+psql -d postgres -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true' WHERE datname='template_postgis';"
+psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/lwpostgis.sql # Loading the PostGIS SQL routines
+psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/spatial_ref_sys.sql
+psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;" # Enabling users to alter spatial tables.
+psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;"

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+POSTGIS_SQL_PATH=`pg_config --sharedir`/contrib/postgis-1.4
+createdb -E UTF8 template_postgis # Create the template spatial database.
+createlang -d template_postgis plpgsql # Adding PLPGSQL language support.
+psql -d postgres -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true' WHERE datname='template_postgis';"
+psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/postgis.sql # Loading the PostGIS SQL routines
+psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/spatial_ref_sys.sql
+psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;" # Enabling users to alter spatial tables.
+psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;"

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+POSTGIS_SQL_PATH=`pg_config --sharedir`/contrib/postgis-1.5
+createdb -E UTF8 template_postgis # Create the template spatial database.
+createlang -d template_postgis plpgsql # Adding PLPGSQL language support.
+psql -d postgres -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true' WHERE datname='template_postgis';"
+psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/postgis.sql # Loading the PostGIS SQL routines
+psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/spatial_ref_sys.sql
+psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;" # Enabling users to alter spatial tables.
+psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;"

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+createdb -E UTF8 template_postgis # Create the template spatial database.
+createlang -d template_postgis plpgsql # Adding PLPGSQL language support.
+psql -d postgres -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true' WHERE datname='template_postgis';"
+psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/lwpostgis.sql # Loading the PostGIS SQL routines
+psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/spatial_ref_sys.sql
+psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;" # Enabling users to alter spatial tables.
+psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;"

+ 304 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+.. _ref-gis-db-api:
+GeoDjango Database API
+.. module:: django.contrib.gis.db.models
+   :synopsis: GeoDjango's database API.
+.. _spatial-backends:
+Spatial Backends
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+In Django 1.2, support for :ref:`multiple databases <topics-db-multi-db>` was
+introduced.  In order to support multiple databases, GeoDjango has segregated
+its functionality into full-fledged spatial database backends:
+* :mod:`django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis`
+* :mod:`django.contrib.gis.db.backends.mysql`
+* :mod:`django.contrib.gis.db.backends.oracle`
+* :mod:`django.contrib.gis.db.backends.spatialite`
+For those using the old database settings (e.g., the ``DATABASE_*`` settings)
+Django 1.2 will automatically use the appropriate spatial backend as long
+as :mod:`django.contrib.gis` is in your :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS`.  For
+example, if you have the following in your settings::
+    DATABASE_ENGINE='postgresql_psycopg2'
+    ...
+      ...
+      'django.contrib.gis',
+      ...
+    )
+Then, :mod:`django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis` will automatically be used as your
+spatial backend.
+Creating and Saving Geographic Models
+Here is an example of how to create a geometry object (assuming the ``Zipcode``
+    >>> from zipcode.models import Zipcode
+    >>> z = Zipcode(code=77096, poly='POLYGON(( 10 10, 10 20, 20 20, 20 15, 10 10))')
+    >>> z.save()
+:class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry` objects may also be used to save geometric models::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSGeometry
+    >>> poly = GEOSGeometry('POLYGON(( 10 10, 10 20, 20 20, 20 15, 10 10))')
+    >>> z = Zipcode(code=77096, poly=poly)
+    >>> z.save()
+Moreover, if the ``GEOSGeometry`` is in a different coordinate system (has a
+different SRID value) than that of the field, then it will be implicitly 
+transformed into the SRID of the model's field, using the spatial database's 
+transform procedure::
+    >>> poly_3084 = GEOSGeometry('POLYGON(( 10 10, 10 20, 20 20, 20 15, 10 10))', srid=3084)  # SRID 3084 is 'NAD83(HARN) / Texas Centric Lambert Conformal'
+    >>> z = Zipcode(code=78212, poly=poly_3084)
+    >>> z.save()
+    >>> from django.db import connection
+    >>> print connection.queries[-1]['sql'] # printing the last SQL statement executed (requires DEBUG=True)
+    INSERT INTO "geoapp_zipcode" ("code", "poly") VALUES (78212, ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromWKB('\\001 ... ', 3084), 4326))
+Thus, geometry parameters may be passed in using the ``GEOSGeometry`` object, WKT
+(Well Known Text [#fnwkt]_), HEXEWKB (PostGIS specific -- a WKB geometry in
+hexadecimal [#fnewkb]_), and GeoJSON [#fngeojson]_ (requires GDAL). Essentially,
+if the input is not a ``GEOSGeometry`` object, the geometry field will attempt to
+create a ``GEOSGeometry`` instance from the input.
+For more information creating :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry`
+objects, refer to the :ref:`GEOS tutorial <geos-tutorial>`.
+.. _spatial-lookups-intro:
+Spatial Lookups
+GeoDjango's lookup types may be used with any manager method like
+``filter()``, ``exclude()``, etc.  However, the lookup types unique to
+GeoDjango are only available on geometry fields.
+Filters on 'normal' fields (e.g. :class:`~django.db.models.CharField`)
+may be chained with those on geographic fields.  Thus, geographic queries
+take the following general form (assuming  the ``Zipcode`` model used in the
+    >>> qs = Zipcode.objects.filter(<field>__<lookup_type>=<parameter>)
+    >>> qs = Zipcode.objects.exclude(...)
+For example::
+    >>> qs = Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__contains=pnt)
+In this case, ``poly`` is the geographic field, :lookup:`contains <gis-contains>`
+is the spatial lookup type, and ``pnt`` is the parameter (which may be a 
+:class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry` object or a string of
+A complete reference can be found in the :ref:`spatial lookup reference 
+.. note::
+    GeoDjango constructs spatial SQL with the :class:`GeoQuerySet`, a 
+    subclass of :class:`~django.db.models.QuerySet`.  The 
+    :class:`GeoManager` instance attached to your model is what
+    enables use of :class:`GeoQuerySet`.
+.. _distance-queries:
+Distance Queries
+Distance calculations with spatial data is tricky because, unfortunately,
+the Earth is not flat.  Some distance queries with fields in a geographic
+coordinate system may have to be expressed differently because of 
+limitations in PostGIS.  Please see the :ref:`selecting-an-srid` section 
+in the :ref:`ref-gis-model-api` documentation for more details.
+.. _distance-lookups-intro:
+Distance Lookups
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, SpatiaLite
+The following distance lookups are available:
+* :lookup:`distance_lt`
+* :lookup:`distance_lte`
+* :lookup:`distance_gt`
+* :lookup:`distance_gte`
+* :lookup:`dwithin`
+.. note::
+    For *measuring*, rather than querying on distances, use the
+    :meth:`GeoQuerySet.distance` method.
+Distance lookups take a tuple parameter comprising:
+#. A geometry to base calculations from; and 
+#. A number or :class:`~django.contrib.gis.measure.Distance` object containing the distance.
+If a :class:`~django.contrib.gis.measure.Distance` object is used,
+it may be expressed in any units (the SQL generated will use units
+converted to those of the field); otherwise, numeric parameters are assumed
+to be in the units of the field.
+.. note::
+    For PostGIS users, the routine ``ST_distance_sphere`` 
+    is used by default for calculating distances on geographic coordinate systems 
+    -- which may only be called with point geometries [#fndistsphere]_.  Thus, 
+    geographic distance lookups on traditional PostGIS geometry columns are
+    only allowed on :class:`PointField` model fields using a point for the
+    geometry parameter.
+.. note::
+    PostGIS 1.5 introduced :ref:`geography columns <geography-type>`, which
+    is limited on what geometry types distance queries are performed with.  In
+    other words, if you have ``geography=True`` in your geometry field
+    definition you'll be allowed to peform arbitrary distance queries with your
+    data in geodetic units of WGS84.
+For example, let's say we have a ``SouthTexasCity`` model (from the 
+`GeoDjango distance tests`__ ) on a *projected* coordinate system valid for cities 
+in southern Texas::
+    from django.contrib.gis.db import models
+    class SouthTexasCity(models.Model):
+        name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
+        # A projected coordinate system (only valid for South Texas!) 
+        # is used, units are in meters.
+        point = models.PointField(srid=32140) 
+        objects = models.GeoManager()
+Then distance queries may be performed as follows::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import *
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.measure import D # ``D`` is a shortcut for ``Distance``
+    >>> from geoapp import SouthTexasCity 
+    # Distances will be calculated from this point, which does not have to be projected.
+    >>> pnt = fromstr('POINT(-96.876369 29.905320)', srid=4326)
+    # If numeric parameter, units of field (meters in this case) are assumed.
+    >>> qs = SouthTexasCity.objects.filter(point__distance_lte=(pnt, 7000))
+    # Find all Cities within 7 km, > 20 miles away, and > 100 chains  away (an obscure unit)
+    >>> qs = SouthTexasCity.objects.filter(point__distance_lte=(pnt, D(km=7)))
+    >>> qs = SouthTexasCity.objects.filter(point__distance_gte=(pnt, D(mi=20)))
+    >>> qs = SouthTexasCity.objects.filter(point__distance_gte=(pnt, D(chain=100)))
+__ http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/contrib/gis/tests/distapp/models.py
+.. _compatibility-table:
+Compatibility Tables
+.. _spatial-lookup-compatibility:
+Spatial Lookups
+The following table provides a summary of what spatial lookups are available
+for each spatial database backend.
+=================================  =========  ========  ============ ==========
+Lookup Type                        PostGIS    Oracle    MySQL [#]_   SpatiaLite
+=================================  =========  ========  ============ ==========
+:lookup:`bbcontains`               X                    X            X
+:lookup:`bboverlaps`               X                    X            X
+:lookup:`contained`                X                    X            X
+:lookup:`contains <gis-contains>`  X          X         X            X
+:lookup:`contains_properly`        X
+:lookup:`coveredby`                X          X
+:lookup:`covers`                   X          X
+:lookup:`crosses`                  X                                 X
+:lookup:`disjoint`                 X          X         X            X
+:lookup:`distance_gt`              X          X                      X
+:lookup:`distance_gte`             X          X                      X
+:lookup:`distance_lt`              X          X                      X
+:lookup:`distance_lte`             X          X                      X
+:lookup:`dwithin`                  X          X
+:lookup:`equals`                   X          X         X            X
+:lookup:`exact`                    X          X         X            X
+:lookup:`intersects`               X          X         X            X
+:lookup:`overlaps`                 X          X         X            X
+:lookup:`relate`                   X          X                      X
+:lookup:`same_as`                  X          X         X            X
+:lookup:`touches`                  X          X         X            X
+:lookup:`within`                   X          X         X            X
+:lookup:`left`                     X
+:lookup:`right`                    X
+:lookup:`overlaps_left`            X
+:lookup:`overlaps_right`           X
+:lookup:`overlaps_above`           X
+:lookup:`overlaps_below`           X
+:lookup:`strictly_above`           X
+:lookup:`strictly_below`           X
+=================================  =========  ========  ============ ==========
+.. _geoqueryset-method-compatibility:
+``GeoQuerySet`` Methods
+The following table provides a summary of what :class:`GeoQuerySet` methods
+are available on each spatial backend.  Please note that MySQL does not 
+support any of these methods, and is thus excluded from the table.
+====================================  =======  ======  ==========
+Method                                PostGIS  Oracle  SpatiaLite
+====================================  =======  ======  ==========
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.area`              X        X       X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.centroid`          X        X       X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.collect`           X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.difference`        X        X       X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.distance`          X        X       X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.envelope`          X                X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.extent`            X        X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.extent3d`          X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.force_rhr`         X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.geohash`           X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.geojson`           X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.gml`               X        X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.intersection`      X        X       X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.kml`               X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.length`            X        X       X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.make_line`         X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.mem_size`          X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.num_geom`          X        X       X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.num_points`        X        X       X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.perimeter`         X        X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.point_on_surface`  X        X       X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.reverse_geom`      X        X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.scale`             X                X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.snap_to_grid`      X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.svg`               X                X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.sym_difference`    X        X       X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.transform`         X        X       X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.translate`         X                X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.union`             X        X       X
+:meth:`GeoQuerySet.unionagg`          X        X       X
+====================================  =======  ======  ==========    
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#fnwkt] *See* Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc., `OpenGIS Simple Feature Specification For SQL <http://www.opengis.org/docs/99-049.pdf>`_, Document 99-049 (May 5, 1999), at  Ch. 3.2.5, p. 3-11 (SQL Textual Representation of Geometry).
+.. [#fnewkb] *See* `PostGIS EWKB, EWKT and Canonical Forms <http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-1.5/ch04.html#EWKB_EWKT>`_, PostGIS documentation at Ch. 4.1.2.
+.. [#fngeojson] *See* Howard Butler, Martin Daly, Allan Doyle, Tim Schaub, & Christopher Schmidt, `The GeoJSON Format Specification <http://geojson.org/geojson-spec.html>`_, Revision 1.0 (June 16, 2008).
+.. [#fndistsphere] *See* PostGIS 1.5 ``ST_distance_sphere`` `documentation <http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-1.5/ST_Distance_Sphere.html>`_.
+.. [#] MySQL only supports bounding box operations (known as minimum bounding rectangles, or MBR, in MySQL).  Thus, spatial lookups such as :lookup:`contains <gis-contains>` are really equivalent to :lookup:`bbcontains`.

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+Deploying GeoDjango
+.. warning::
+    GeoDjango uses the GDAL geospatial library which is
+    not thread safe at this time.  Thus, it is *highly* recommended
+    to not use threading when deploying -- in other words, use a 
+    an appropriate configuration of Apache or the prefork method
+    when using FastCGI through another web server.
+In this section there are some example ``VirtualHost`` directives for 
+when deploying using either ``mod_python`` or ``mod_wsgi``.  At this
+time, we recommend ``mod_wsgi``, as it is now officially recommended 
+way to deploy Django applications with Apache.  Moreover, if
+``mod_python`` is used, then a prefork version of Apache must also be
+used.  As long as ``mod_wsgi`` is configured correctly, it does not
+matter whether the version of Apache is prefork or worker.
+.. note::
+    The ``Alias`` and ``Directory`` configurations in the the examples
+    below use an example path to a system-wide installation folder of Django.  
+    Substitute in an appropriate location, if necessary, as it may be
+    different than the path on your system.
+    <VirtualHost *:80>
+      WSGIDaemonProcess geodjango user=geo group=geo processes=5 threads=1
+      WSGIProcessGroup geodjango
+      WSGIScriptAlias / /home/geo/geodjango/world.wsgi
+      Alias /media/ "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/"
+      <Directory "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/">
+        Order allow,deny
+        Options Indexes
+        Allow from all
+        IndexOptions FancyIndexing
+      </Directory>
+    </VirtualHost>
+.. warning::
+    If the ``WSGIDaemonProcess`` attribute ``threads`` is not set to ``1``, then
+    Apache may crash when running your GeoDjango application.  Increase the 
+    number of ``processes`` instead.
+For more information, please consult Django's
+:ref:`mod_wsgi documentation <howto-deployment-modwsgi>`.
+    <VirtualHost *:80>
+      <Location "/">
+        SetHandler mod_python
+        PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
+        SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE world.settings
+        PythonDebug On
+        PythonPath "['/var/www/apps'] + sys.path"
+      </Location>
+      Alias /media/ "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/"
+      <Location "/media">
+        SetHandler None
+      </Location>
+    </VirtualHost>
+.. warning::
+   When using ``mod_python`` you *must* be using a prefork version of Apache, or
+   else your GeoDjango application may crash Apache.
+For more information, please consult Django's
+:ref:`mod_python documentation <howto-deployment-modpython>`.

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+.. _ref-gis-feeds:
+Geographic Feeds
+.. module:: django.contrib.gis.feeds
+   :synopsis: GeoDjango's framework for generating spatial feeds.
+GeoDjango has its own :class:`Feed` subclass that may embed location information
+in RSS/Atom feeds formatted according to either the `Simple GeoRSS`__ or 
+`W3C Geo`_ standards.  Because GeoDjango's syndication API is a superset of
+Django's, please consult `Django's syndication documentation <ref-contrib-syndication>`
+for details on general usage.
+.. _W3C Geo: http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/
+__ http://georss.org/1.0#simple
+API Reference
+``Feed`` Subclass
+.. class:: Feed
+   In addition to methods provided by 
+   the :class:`django.contrib.syndication.feeds.Feed`
+   base class, GeoDjango's ``Feed`` class provides
+   the following overrides.  Note that these overrides may be done in multiple ways::
+       from django.contrib.gis.feeds import Feed
+       class MyFeed(Feed):
+            # First, as a class attribute.
+            geometry = ...
+            item_geometry = ...
+            # Also a function with no arguments
+            def geometry(self):
+                ...
+            def item_geometry(self):
+                ...
+            # And as a function with a single argument
+            def geometry(self, obj):
+                ...
+            def item_geometry(self, item):
+                ...
+   .. method:: geometry(obj)
+   Takes the object returned by ``get_object()`` and returns the *feed's*
+   geometry.  Typically this is a ``GEOSGeometry`` instance, or can be a
+   tuple to represent a point or a box.  For example::
+       class ZipcodeFeed(Feed):
+           def geometry(self, obj):
+               # Can also return: `obj.poly`, and `obj.poly.centroid`.
+               return obj.poly.extent # tuple like: (X0, Y0, X1, Y1).
+   .. method:: item_geometry(item)
+   Set this to return the geometry for each *item* in the feed.  This
+   can be a ``GEOSGeometry`` instance, or a tuple that represents a
+   point coordinate or bounding box.  For example::
+       class ZipcodeFeed(Feed):
+           def item_geometry(self, obj):
+	       # Returns the polygon.
+               return obj.poly
+``SyndicationFeed`` Subclasses
+The following :class:`django.utils.feedgenerator.SyndicationFeed` subclasses
+are available:
+.. class:: GeoRSSFeed
+.. class:: GeoAtom1Feed
+.. class:: W3CGeoFeed
+.. note::
+    `W3C Geo`_ formatted feeds only support
+    :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.PointField` geometries.

+ 1114 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1114 @@
+.. _ref-gdal:
+.. module:: django.contrib.gis.gdal
+   :synopsis: GeoDjango's high-level interface to the GDAL library.
+`GDAL`__ stands for **G**\ eospatial **D**\ ata **A**\ bstraction **L**\ ibrary,
+and is a veritable "swiss army knife" of GIS data functionality.  A subset
+of GDAL is the `OGR`__ Simple Features Library, which specializes
+in reading and writing vector geographic data in a variety of standard
+GeoDjango provides a high-level Python interface for some of the 
+capabilities of OGR, including the reading and coordinate transformation
+of vector spatial data.
+.. note::
+     Although the module is named ``gdal``, GeoDjango only supports
+     some of the capabilities of OGR.  Thus, none of GDAL's features
+     with respect to raster (image) data are supported at this time.
+__ http://www.gdal.org/
+__ http://www.gdal.org/ogr/
+Sample Data
+The GDAL/OGR tools described here are designed to help you read in
+your geospatial data, in order for most of them to be useful you have
+to have some data to work with.  If you're starting out and don't yet
+have any data of your own to use, GeoDjango comes with a number of
+simple data sets that you can use for testing.  This snippet will
+determine where these sample files are installed on your computer::
+    >>> import os
+    >>> import django.contrib.gis
+    >>> GIS_PATH = os.path.dirname(django.contrib.gis.__file__)
+    >>> CITIES_PATH = os.path.join(GIS_PATH, 'tests/data/cities/cities.shp')
+Vector Data Source Objects
+:class:`DataSource` is a wrapper for the OGR data source object that
+supports reading data from a variety of OGR-supported geospatial file
+formats and data sources using a simple, consistent interface.  Each
+data source is represented by a :class:`DataSource` object which contains
+one or more layers of data.  Each layer, represented by a :class:`Layer`
+object, contains some number of geographic features (:class:`Feature`),
+information about the type of features contained in that layer (e.g.
+points, polygons, etc.), as well as the names and types of any
+additional fields (:class:`Field`) of data that may be associated with
+each feature in that layer.
+.. class:: DataSource(ds_input)
+   The constructor for ``DataSource`` just a single parameter: the path of
+   the file you want to read.  However, OGR
+   also supports a variety of more complex data sources, including
+   databases, that may be accessed by passing a special name string instead
+   of a path.  For more information, see the `OGR Vector Formats`__
+   documentation.  The :attr:`name` property of a ``DataSource`` 
+   instance gives the OGR name of the underlying data source that it is
+   using.
+   Once you've created your ``DataSource``, you can find out how many 
+   layers of data it contains by accessing the :attr:`layer_count` property, 
+   or (equivalently) by using the ``len()`` function.  For information on 
+   accessing the layers of data themselves, see the next section::
+       >>> from django.contrib.gis.gdal import DataSource
+       >>> ds = DataSource(CITIES_PATH)
+       >>> ds.name                         # The exact filename may be different on your computer
+       '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/gis/tests/data/cities/cities.shp'
+       >>> ds.layer_count                  # This file only contains one layer
+       1
+   .. attribute:: layer_count
+   Returns the number of layers in the data source.
+   .. attribute:: name
+   Returns the name of the data source.
+__ http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_formats.html
+.. class:: Layer
+   ``Layer`` is a wrapper for a layer of data in a ``DataSource`` object.
+   You never create a ``Layer`` object directly.  Instead, you retrieve
+   them from a :class:`DataSource` object, which is essentially a standard
+   Python container of ``Layer`` objects.  For example, you can access a
+   specific layer by its index (e.g. ``ds[0]`` to access the first
+   layer), or you can iterate over all the layers in the container in a
+   ``for`` loop.  The ``Layer`` itself acts as a container for geometric 
+   features.
+   Typically, all the features in a given layer have the same geometry type.
+   The :attr:`geom_type` property of a layer is an :class:`OGRGeomType`
+   that identifies the feature type.  We can use it to print out some basic
+   information about each layer in a :class:`DataSource`::
+       >>> for layer in ds:
+       ...     print 'Layer "%s": %i %ss' % (layer.name, len(layer), layer.geom_type.name)
+       ...
+       Layer "cities": 3 Points
+   The example output is from the cities data source, loaded above, which
+   evidently contains one layer, called ``"cities"``, which contains three
+   point features.  For simplicity, the examples below assume that you've 
+   stored that layer in the variable ``layer``::
+       >>> layer = ds[0]
+   .. attribute:: name
+   Returns the name of this layer in the data source.
+       >>> layer.name
+       'cities'
+   .. attribute:: num_feat
+   Returns the number of features in the layer.  Same as ``len(layer)``::
+       >>> layer.num_feat
+       3
+   .. attribute:: geom_type
+   Returns the geometry type of the layer, as an :class:`OGRGeomType`
+   object::
+       >>> layer.geom_type.name
+       'Point'
+   .. attribute:: num_fields
+   Returns the number of fields in the layer, i.e the number of fields of
+   data associated with each feature in the layer::
+       >>> layer.num_fields
+       4
+   .. attribute:: fields
+   Returns a list of the names of each of the fields in this layer::
+       >>> layer.fields
+       ['Name', 'Population', 'Density', 'Created']
+   .. attribute field_types
+   Returns a list of the data types of each of the fields in this layer.
+   These are subclasses of ``Field``, discussed below::
+       >>> [ft.__name__ for ft in layer.field_types]
+       ['OFTString', 'OFTReal', 'OFTReal', 'OFTDate']
+   .. attribute:: field_widths
+   Returns a list of the maximum field widths for each of the fields in
+   this layer::
+      >>> layer.field_widths
+      [80, 11, 24, 10]
+   .. attribute:: field_precisions
+   Returns a list of the numeric precisions for each of the fields in
+   this layer.  This is meaningless (and set to zero) for non-numeric 
+   fields::
+       >>> layer.field_precisions
+       [0, 0, 15, 0]
+   .. attribute:: extent
+   Returns the spatial extent of this layer, as an :class:`Envelope` 
+   object::
+      >>> layer.extent.tuple
+      (-104.609252, 29.763374, -95.23506, 38.971823)
+   .. attribute:: srs
+   Property that returns the :class:`SpatialReference` associated
+   with this layer::
+       >>> print layer.srs
+       GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",
+           DATUM["WGS_1984",
+               SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],
+           PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
+           UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]]
+   If the :class:`Layer` has no spatial reference information associated
+   with it, ``None`` is returned.
+   .. attribute:: spatial_filter
+   .. versionadded:: 1.2
+   Property that may be used to retrieve or set a spatial filter for this
+   layer.  A spatial filter can only be set with an :class:`OGRGeometry`
+   instance, a 4-tuple extent, or ``None``.  When set with something 
+   other than ``None``, only features that intersect the filter will be
+   returned when iterating over the layer::
+       >>> print layer.spatial_filter
+       None
+       >>> print len(layer)
+       3
+       >>> [feat.get('Name') for feat in layer]
+       ['Pueblo', 'Lawrence', 'Houston']
+       >>> ks_extent = (-102.051, 36.99, -94.59, 40.00) # Extent for state of Kansas
+       >>> layer.spatial_filter = ks_extent
+       >>> len(layer)
+       1
+       >>> [feat.get('Name') for feat in layer]
+       ['Lawrence']
+       >>> layer.spatial_filter = None
+       >>> len(layer)
+       3
+   .. method:: get_fields()
+   A method that returns a list of the values of a given field for each
+   feature in the layer::
+      >>> layer.get_fields('Name')
+      ['Pueblo', 'Lawrence', 'Houston']
+   .. method:: get_geoms([geos=False])
+   A method that returns a list containing the geometry of each feature
+   in the layer.  If the optional argument ``geos`` is set to ``True``
+   then the geometries are converted to :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry`
+   objects. Otherwise, they are returned as :class:`OGRGeometry` objects::
+       >>> [pt.tuple for pt in layer.get_geoms()]
+       [(-104.609252, 38.255001), (-95.23506, 38.971823), (-95.363151, 29.763374)]
+   .. method:: test_capability(capability)
+   Returns a boolean indicating whether this layer supports the
+   given capability (a string).  Examples of valid capability strings
+   include: ``'RandomRead'``, ``'SequentialWrite'``, ``'RandomWrite'``,
+   ``'FastSpatialFilter'``, ``'FastFeatureCount'``, ``'FastGetExtent'``,
+   ``'CreateField'``, ``'Transactions'``, ``'DeleteFeature'``, and 
+   ``'FastSetNextByIndex'``.
+.. class:: Feature
+   ``Feature`` wraps an OGR feature.  You never create a ``Feature``
+   object directly.  Instead, you retrieve them from a :class:`Layer` object.
+   Each feature consists of a geometry and a set of fields containing
+   additional properties.  The geometry of a field is accessible via its
+   ``geom`` property, which returns an :class:`OGRGeometry` object.  A ``Feature``
+   behaves like a standard Python container for its fields, which it returns as
+   :class:`Field` objects: you can access a field directly by its index or name,
+   or you can iterate over a feature's fields, e.g. in a ``for`` loop.
+   .. attribute:: geom
+   Returns the geometry for this feature, as an ``OGRGeometry`` object::
+       >>> city.geom.tuple
+       (-104.609252, 38.255001)
+   .. attribute:: get
+   A method that returns the value of the given field (specified by name)
+   for this feature, **not** a ``Field`` wrapper object::
+       >>> city.get('Population')
+       102121
+   .. attribute:: geom_type
+   Returns the type of geometry for this feature, as an :class:`OGRGeomType`
+   object.  This will be the same for all features in a given layer, and
+   is equivalent to the :attr:`Layer.geom_type` property of the 
+   :class:`Layer`` object the feature came from.
+   .. attribute:: num_fields
+   Returns the number of fields of data associated with the feature.
+   This will be the same for all features in a given layer, and is
+   equivalent to the :attr:`Layer.num_fields` property of the 
+   :class:`Layer` object the feature came from.
+   .. attribute:: fields
+   Returns a list of the names of the fields of data associated with the
+   feature.  This will be the same for all features in a given layer, and
+   is equivalent to the :attr:`Layer.fields` property of the :class:`Layer`
+   object the feature came from.
+   .. attribute:: fid
+   Returns the feature identifier within the layer::
+       >>> city.fid
+       0
+   .. attribute:: layer_name
+   Returns the name of the :class:`Layer` that the feature came from.
+   This will be the same for all features in a given layer::
+       >>> city.layer_name
+       'cities'
+   .. attribute:: index
+   A method that returns the index of the given field name.  This will be
+   the same for all features in a given layer::
+       >>> city.index('Population')
+       1
+.. class:: Field
+   .. attribute:: name
+   Returns the name of this field::
+       >>> city['Name'].name
+       'Name'
+   .. attribute:: type
+   Returns the OGR type of this field, as an integer.  The
+   ``FIELD_CLASSES`` dictionary maps these values onto 
+   subclasses of ``Field``::
+       >>> city['Density'].type
+       2
+   .. attribute:: type_name
+   Returns a string with the name of the data type of this field::
+       >>> city['Name'].type_name
+       'String'
+   .. attribute:: value
+   Returns the value of this field.  The ``Field`` class itself 
+   returns the value as a string, but each subclass returns the 
+   value in the most appropriate form::
+       >>> city['Population'].value
+       102121
+   .. attribute:: width
+   Returns the width of this field::
+       >>> city['Name'].width
+       80
+   .. attribute:: precision
+   Returns the numeric precision of this field.  This is meaningless (and
+   set to zero) for non-numeric fields::
+       >>> city['Density'].precision
+       15
+   .. method:: as_double()
+   Returns the value of the field as a double (float)::
+       >>> city['Density'].as_double()
+       874.7
+   .. method:: as_int()
+   Returns the value of the field as an integer::
+       >>> city['Population'].as_int()
+       102121
+   .. method:: as_string()
+   Returns the value of the field as a string::
+       >>> city['Name'].as_string()
+       'Pueblo'
+   .. method:: as_datetime()
+   Returns the value of the field as a tuple of date and time components::
+       >>> city['Created'].as_datetime()
+       (c_long(1999), c_long(5), c_long(23), c_long(0), c_long(0), c_long(0), c_long(0))
+.. class:: Driver(dr_input)
+   The ``Driver`` class is used internally to wrap an OGR :class:`DataSource` driver.
+   .. attribute:: driver_count
+   Returns the number of OGR vector drivers currently registered.
+OGR Geometries
+:class:`OGRGeometry` objects share similar functionality with 
+:class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry` objects, and are thin
+wrappers around OGR's internal geometry representation.  Thus, 
+they allow for more efficient access to data when using :class:`DataSource`. 
+Unlike its GEOS counterpart, :class:`OGRGeometry` supports spatial reference
+systems and coordinate transformation::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.gdal import OGRGeometry
+    >>> polygon = OGRGeometry('POLYGON((0 0, 5 0, 5 5, 0 5))')
+.. class:: OGRGeometry(geom_input[, srs=None])
+   This object is a wrapper for the `OGR Geometry`__ class.
+   These objects are instantiated directly from the given ``geom_input`` 
+   parameter, which may be a string containing WKT or HEX, a ``buffer``
+   containing WKB data, or an :class:`OGRGeomType` object. These objects
+   are also returned from the :class:`Feature.geom` attribute, when 
+   reading vector data from :class:`Layer` (which is in turn a part of
+   a :class:`DataSource`).
+   __ http://www.gdal.org/ogr/classOGRGeometry.html
+   .. classmethod:: from_bbox(bbox)
+   .. versionadded:: 1.1
+   Constructs a :class:`Polygon` from the given bounding-box (a 4-tuple).
+   .. method:: __len__
+   Returns the number of points in a :class:`LineString`, the
+   number of rings in a :class:`Polygon`, or the number of geometries in a
+   :class:`GeometryCollection`. Not applicable to other geometry types.
+   .. method:: __iter__
+   Iterates over the points in a :class:`LineString`, the rings in a
+   :class:`Polygon`, or the geometries in a :class:`GeometryCollection`.
+   Not applicable to other geometry types.
+   .. method:: __getitem__
+   Returns the point at the specified index for a :class:`LineString`, the
+   interior ring at the specified index for a :class:`Polygon`, or the geometry
+   at the specified index in a :class:`GeometryCollection`.  Not applicable to
+   other geometry types.
+   .. attribute:: dimension
+   Returns the number of coordinated dimensions of the geometry, i.e. 0
+   for points, 1 for lines, and so forth::
+       >> polygon.dimension
+       2
+   .. attribute:: coord_dim
+   .. versionchanged:: 1.2
+   Returns or sets the coordinate dimension of this geometry.  For
+   example, the value would be 2 for two-dimensional geometries.
+   .. note::
+      Setting this property is only available in versions 1.2 and above.
+   .. attribute:: geom_count
+   Returns the number of elements in this geometry::
+       >>> polygon.geom_count
+       1
+   .. attribute:: point_count
+   Returns the number of points used to describe this geometry::
+      >>> polygon.point_count
+      4
+   .. attribute:: num_points
+   Alias for :attr:`point_count`.
+   .. attribute:: num_coords
+   Alias for :attr:`point_count`.
+   .. attribute:: geom_type
+   Returns the type of this geometry, as an :class:`OGRGeomType` object.
+   .. attribute:: geom_name
+   Returns the name of the type of this geometry::
+       >>> polygon.geom_name
+       'POLYGON'
+   .. attribute:: area
+   Returns the area of this geometry, or 0 for geometries that do not
+   contain an area::
+       >>> polygon.area
+       25.0
+   .. attribute:: envelope
+   Returns the envelope of this geometry, as an :class:`Envelope` object.
+   .. attribute:: extent
+   Returns the envelope of this geometry as a 4-tuple, instead of as an
+   :class:`Envelope` object::
+       >>> point.extent
+       (0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 5.0)
+   .. attribute:: srs
+   This property controls the spatial reference for this geometry, or
+   ``None`` if no spatial reference system has been assigned to it.
+   If assigned, accessing this property returns a :class:`SpatialReference`
+   object.  It may be set with another :class:`SpatialReference` object,
+   or any input that :class:`SpatialReference` accepts. Example::
+       >>> city.geom.srs.name
+       'GCS_WGS_1984'
+   .. attribute:: srid
+   Returns or sets the spatial reference identifier corresponding to 
+   :class:`SpatialReference` of this geometry.  Returns ``None`` if
+   there is no spatial reference information associated with this
+   geometry, or if an SRID cannot be determined.
+   .. attribute:: geos
+   Returns a :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry` object 
+   corresponding to this geometry.
+   .. attribute:: gml
+   Returns a string representation of this geometry in GML format::
+       >>> OGRGeometry('POINT(1 2)').gml
+       '<gml:Point><gml:coordinates>1,2</gml:coordinates></gml:Point>'
+   .. attribute:: hex
+   Returns a string representation of this geometry in HEX WKB format::
+       >>> OGRGeometry('POINT(1 2)').hex
+       '0101000000000000000000F03F0000000000000040'
+   .. attribute:: json
+   Returns a string representation of this geometry in JSON format::
+       >>> OGRGeometry('POINT(1 2)').json
+       '{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 1.000000, 2.000000 ] }'
+   .. attribute:: kml
+   .. versionadded:: 1.1
+   Returns a string representation of this geometry in KML format.
+   .. attribute:: wkb_size
+   Returns the size of the WKB buffer needed to hold a WKB representation
+   of this geometry::
+       >>> OGRGeometry('POINT(1 2)').wkb_size
+       21
+   .. attribute:: wkb
+   Returns a ``buffer`` containing a WKB representation of this geometry.
+   .. attribute:: wkt
+   Returns a string representation of this geometry in WKT format.
+   .. attribute:: ewkt
+   .. versionadded:: 1.2
+   Returns the EWKT representation of this geometry.
+   .. method:: clone()
+   Returns a new :class:`OGRGeometry` clone of this geometry object.
+   .. method:: close_rings()
+   If there are any rings within this geometry that have not been closed,
+   this routine will do so by adding the starting point to the end::
+       >>> triangle = OGRGeometry('LINEARRING (0 0,0 1,1 0)')
+       >>> triangle.close_rings()
+       >>> triangle.wkt
+       'LINEARRING (0 0,0 1,1 0,0 0)'
+   .. method:: transform(coord_trans, clone=False)
+   Transforms this geometry to a different spatial reference system.  May
+   take a :class:`CoordTransform` object, a :class:`SpatialReference` object,
+   or any other input accepted by :class:`SpatialReference` (including
+   spatial reference WKT and PROJ.4 strings, or an integer SRID).
+   By default nothing is returned and the geometry is transformed in-place.
+   However, if the `clone` keyword is set to ``True`` then a transformed clone
+   of this geometry is returned instead.
+   .. method:: intersects(other)
+   Returns ``True`` if this geometry intersects the other, otherwise returns
+   ``False``.
+   .. method:: equals(other)
+   Returns ``True`` if this geometry is equivalent to the other, otherwise returns
+   ``False``.
+   .. method:: disjoint(other)
+   Returns ``True`` if this geometry is spatially disjoint to (i.e. does
+   not intersect) the other, otherwise returns ``False``.
+   .. method:: touches(other)
+   Returns ``True`` if this geometry touches the other, otherwise returns
+   ``False``.
+   .. method:: crosses(other)
+   Returns ``True`` if this geometry crosses the other, otherwise returns
+   ``False``.
+   .. method:: within(other)
+   Returns ``True`` if this geometry is contained within the other, otherwise returns
+   ``False``.
+   .. method:: contains(other)
+   Returns ``True`` if this geometry contains the other, otherwise returns
+   ``False``.
+   .. method:: overlaps(other)
+   Returns ``True`` if this geometry overlaps the other, otherwise returns
+   ``False``.
+   .. method:: boundary
+   The boundary of this geometry, as a new :class:`OGRGeometry` object.
+   .. attribute:: convex_hull
+   The smallest convex polygon that contains this geometry, as a new
+   :class:`OGRGeometry` object.
+   .. method:: difference
+   Returns the region consisting of the difference of this geometry and
+   the other, as a new :class:`OGRGeometry` object.
+   .. method:: intersection
+   Returns the region consisting of the intersection of this geometry and
+   the other, as a new :class:`OGRGeometry` object.
+   .. method:: sym_difference
+   Returns the region consisting of the symmetric difference of this
+   geometry and the other, as a new :class:`OGRGeometry` object.
+   .. method:: union
+   Returns the region consisting of the union of this geometry and
+   the other, as a new :class:`OGRGeometry` object.
+   .. attribute:: tuple
+   Returns the coordinates of a point geometry as a tuple, the
+   coordinates of a line geometry as a tuple of tuples, and so forth::
+       >>> OGRGeometry('POINT (1 2)').tuple
+       (1.0, 2.0)
+       >>> OGRGeometry('LINESTRING (1 2,3 4)').tuple
+       ((1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0))
+   .. attribute:: coords
+   An alias for :attr:`tuple`.
+.. class:: Point
+   .. attribute:: x
+   Returns the X coordinate of this point::
+       >>> OGRGeometry('POINT (1 2)').x
+       1.0
+   .. attribute:: y
+   Returns the Y coordinate of this point::
+       >>> OGRGeometry('POINT (1 2)').y
+       2.0
+   .. attribute:: z
+   Returns the Z coordinate of this point, or ``None`` if the
+   the point does not have a Z coordinate::
+       >>> OGRGeometry('POINT (1 2 3)').z
+       3.0
+.. class:: LineString
+   .. attribute:: x
+   Returns a list of X coordinates in this line::
+       >>> OGRGeometry('LINESTRING (1 2,3 4)').x
+       [1.0, 3.0]
+   .. attribute:: y
+   Returns a list of Y coordinates in this line::
+       >>> OGRGeometry('LINESTRING (1 2,3 4)').y
+       [2.0, 4.0]
+   .. attribute:: z
+   Returns a list of Z coordinates in this line, or ``None`` if the 
+   line does not have Z coordinates::
+       >>> OGRGeometry('LINESTRING (1 2 3,4 5 6)').z
+       [3.0, 6.0]
+.. class:: Polygon
+   .. attribute:: shell
+   Returns the shell or exterior ring of this polygon, as a ``LinearRing``
+   geometry.
+   .. attribute:: exterior_ring
+   An alias for :attr:`shell`.
+   .. attribute:: centroid
+   Returns a :class:`Point` representing the centroid of this polygon.
+.. class:: GeometryCollection
+   .. method:: add(geom)
+   Adds a geometry to this geometry collection.  Not applicable to other
+   geometry types.
+.. class:: OGRGeomType(type_input)
+   This class allows for the representation of an OGR geometry type
+   in any of several ways::
+       >>> from django.contrib.gis.gdal import OGRGeomType
+       >>> gt1 = OGRGeomType(3)             # Using an integer for the type
+       >>> gt2 = OGRGeomType('Polygon')     # Using a string
+       >>> gt3 = OGRGeomType('POLYGON')     # It's case-insensitive
+       >>> print gt1 == 3, gt1 == 'Polygon' # Equivalence works w/non-OGRGeomType objects
+       True True
+   .. attribute:: name
+   Returns a short-hand string form of the OGR Geometry type::
+       >>> gt1.name
+       'Polygon'
+   .. attribute:: num
+   Returns the number corresponding to the OGR geometry type::
+       >>> gt1.num
+       3
+   .. attribute:: django
+   Returns the Django field type (a subclass of GeometryField) to use for
+   storing this OGR type, or ``None`` if there is no appropriate Django
+   type::
+       >>> gt1.django
+       'PolygonField'
+.. class:: Envelope(*args)
+   Represents an OGR Envelope structure that contains the
+   minimum and maximum X, Y coordinates for a rectangle bounding box.
+   The naming of the variables is compatible with the OGR Envelope
+   C structure.
+   .. attribute:: min_x
+   The value of the minimum X coordinate.
+   .. attribute:: min_y
+   The value of the maximum X coordinate.
+   .. attribute:: max_x
+   The value of the minimum Y coordinate.
+   .. attribute:: max_y
+   The value of the maximum Y coordinate.
+   .. attribute:: ur
+   The upper-right coordinate, as a tuple.
+   .. attribute:: ll
+   The lower-left coordinate, as a tuple.
+   .. attribute:: tuple
+   A tuple representing the envelope.
+   .. attribute:: wkt
+   A string representing this envelope as a polygon in WKT format.
+   .. method:: expand_to_include(self, *args)
+   .. versionadded:: 1.1
+Coordinate System Objects
+.. class:: SpatialReference(srs_input)
+   Spatial reference objects are initialized on the given ``srs_input``,
+   which may be one of the following:
+   * OGC Well Known Text (WKT) (a string)
+   * EPSG code (integer or string)
+   * PROJ.4 string
+   * A shorthand string for well-known standards (``'WGS84'``, ``'WGS72'``, ``'NAD27'``, ``'NAD83'``)
+   Example::
+       >>> wgs84 = SpatialReference('WGS84') # shorthand string
+       >>> wgs84 = SpatialReference(4326) # EPSG code
+       >>> wgs84 = SpatialReference('EPSG:4326') # EPSG string
+       >>> proj4 = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs '
+       >>> wgs84 = SpatialReference(proj4) # PROJ.4 string
+       >>> wgs84 = SpatialReference("""GEOGCS["WGS 84",
+       DATUM["WGS_1984",
+            SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
+                AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
+            AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
+        PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
+            AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
+        UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,
+            AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],
+        AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]""") # OGC WKT
+   .. method:: __getitem__(target)
+   Returns the value of the given string attribute node, ``None`` if the node
+   doesn't exist.  Can also take a tuple as a parameter, (target, child), 
+   where child is the index of the attribute in the WKT.  For example::
+       >>> wkt = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984, ... AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]')
+       >>> srs = SpatialReference(wkt) # could also use 'WGS84', or 4326
+       >>> print srs['GEOGCS']
+       WGS 84
+       >>> print srs['DATUM']
+       WGS_1984
+       >>> print srs['AUTHORITY']
+       EPSG
+       >>> print srs['AUTHORITY', 1] # The authority value
+       4326
+       >>> print srs['TOWGS84', 4] # the fourth value in this wkt
+       0
+       >>> print srs['UNIT|AUTHORITY'] # For the units authority, have to use the pipe symbole.
+       EPSG
+       >>> print srs['UNIT|AUTHORITY', 1] # The authority value for the untis
+       9122
+   .. method:: attr_value(target, index=0)
+   The attribute value for the given target node (e.g. ``'PROJCS'``).
+   The index keyword specifies an index of the child node to return.
+   .. method:: auth_name(target)
+   Returns the authority name for the given string target node.
+   .. method:: auth_code(target)
+   Returns the authority code for the given string target node.
+   .. method:: clone()
+   Returns a clone of this spatial reference object.
+   .. method:: identify_epsg()
+   This method inspects the WKT of this SpatialReference, and will
+   add EPSG authority nodes where an EPSG identifier is applicable.
+   .. method:: from_esri()
+   Morphs this SpatialReference from ESRI's format to EPSG
+   .. method:: to_esri()
+   Morphs this SpatialReference to ESRI's format.
+   .. method:: validate()
+   Checks to see if the given spatial reference is valid, if not
+   an exception will be raised.
+   .. method:: import_epsg(epsg)
+   Import spatial reference from EPSG code.
+   .. method:: import_proj(proj)
+   Import spatial reference from PROJ.4 string.
+   .. method:: import_user_input(user_input)
+   .. versionadded:: 1.1
+   .. method:: import_wkt(wkt)
+   Import spatial reference from WKT.
+   .. method:: import_xml(xml)
+   Import spatial reference from XML.
+   .. attribute:: name
+   Returns the name of this Spatial Reference.
+   .. attribute:: srid
+   Returns the SRID of top-level authority, or ``None`` if undefined.
+   .. attribute:: linear_name
+   Returns the name of the linear units.
+   .. attribute:: linear_units
+   Returns the value of the linear units.
+   .. attribute:: angular_name
+   Returns the name of the angular units."
+   .. attribute:: angular_units
+   Returns the value of the angular units.
+   .. attribute:: units
+   Returns a 2-tuple of the units value and the units name, 
+   and will automatically determines whether to return the linear
+   or angular units.
+   .. attribute:: ellisoid
+   Returns a tuple of the ellipsoid parameters for this spatial
+   reference: (semimajor axis, semiminor axis, and inverse flattening)
+   .. attribute:: semi_major
+   Returns the semi major axis of the ellipsoid for this spatial reference.
+   .. attribute:: semi_minor
+   Returns the semi minor axis of the ellipsoid for this spatial reference.
+   .. attribute:: inverse_flattening
+   Returns the inverse flattening of the ellipsoid for this spatial reference.
+   .. attribute:: geographic
+   Returns ``True`` if this spatial reference is geographic
+   (root node is ``GEOGCS``).
+   .. attribute:: local
+   Returns ``True`` if this spatial reference is local
+   (root node is ``LOCAL_CS``).
+   .. attribute:: projected
+   Returns ``True`` if this spatial reference is a projected coordinate
+   system (root node is ``PROJCS``).
+   .. attribute:: wkt
+   Returns the WKT representation of this spatial reference.
+   .. attribute:: pretty_wkt
+   Returns the 'pretty' representation of the WKT.
+   .. attribute:: proj
+   Returns the PROJ.4 representation for this spatial reference.
+   .. attribute:: proj4
+   Alias for :attr:`SpatialReference.proj`.
+   .. attribute:: xml
+   Returns the XML representation of this spatial reference.
+.. class:: CoordTransform(source, target)
+Represents a coordinate system transform.  It is initialized with two 
+:class:`SpatialReference`, representing the source and target coordinate
+systems, respectively.  These objects should be used when performing
+the same coordinate transformation repeatedly on different geometries::
+    >>> ct = CoordTransform(SpatialReference('WGS84'), SpatialReference('NAD83'))
+    >>> for feat in layer:
+    ...     geom = feat.geom # getting clone of feature geometry
+    ...     geom.transform(ct) # transforming
+.. setting:: GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH
+A string specifying the location of the GDAL library.  Typically,
+this setting is only used if the GDAL library is in a non-standard
+location (e.g., ``/home/john/lib/libgdal.so``).

+ 223 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+.. _ref-geoip:
+Geolocation with GeoIP
+.. module:: django.contrib.gis.utils.geoip
+   :synopsis: High-level Python interface for MaxMind's GeoIP C library.
+.. currentmodule:: django.contrib.gis.utils
+The :class:`GeoIP` object is a ctypes wrapper for the
+`MaxMind GeoIP C API`__. [#]_  This interface is a BSD-licensed alternative
+to the GPL-licensed `Python GeoIP`__ interface provided by MaxMind.
+In order to perform IP-based geolocation, the :class:`GeoIP` object requires
+the GeoIP C libary and either the GeoIP `Country`__ or `City`__ 
+datasets in binary format (the CSV files will not work!).  These datasets may be 
+`downloaded from MaxMind`__.  Grab the ``GeoIP.dat.gz`` and ``GeoLiteCity.dat.gz``
+and unzip them in a directory corresponding to what you set 
+``GEOIP_PATH`` with in your settings.  See the example and reference below
+for more details.
+__ http://www.maxmind.com/app/c
+__ http://www.maxmind.com/app/python
+__ http://www.maxmind.com/app/country
+__ http://www.maxmind.com/app/city
+__ http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/
+Assuming you have the GeoIP C library installed, here is an example of its
+     >>> from django.contrib.gis.utils import GeoIP
+     >>> g = GeoIP()
+     >>> g.country('google.com')
+     {'country_code': 'US', 'country_name': 'United States'}
+     >>> g.city('')
+     {'area_code': 650,
+     'city': 'Mountain View',
+     'country_code': 'US',
+     'country_code3': 'USA',
+     'country_name': 'United States',
+     'dma_code': 807,
+     'latitude': 37.419200897216797,
+     'longitude': -122.05740356445312,
+     'postal_code': '94043',
+     'region': 'CA'}
+     >>> g.lat_lon('salon.com')
+     (37.789798736572266, -122.39420318603516)
+     >>> g.lon_lat('uh.edu')
+     (-95.415199279785156, 29.77549934387207) 
+     >>> g.geos('').wkt
+     'POINT (-95.2087020874023438 39.0392990112304688)'
+``GeoIP`` Settings
+.. setting:: GEOIP_PATH
+A string specifying the directory where the GeoIP data files are
+located.  This setting is *required* unless manually specified
+with ``path`` keyword when initializing the :class:`GeoIP` object.
+.. setting:: GEOIP_LIBRARY_PATH
+A string specifying the location of the GeoIP C library.  Typically,
+this setting is only used if the GeoIP C library is in a non-standard
+location (e.g., ``/home/sue/lib/libGeoIP.so``).
+.. setting:: GEOIP_COUNTRY
+The basename to use for the GeoIP country data file.
+Defaults to ``'GeoIP.dat'``.
+.. setting:: GEOIP_CITY
+The basename to use for the GeoIP city data file.
+Defaults to ``'GeoLiteCity.dat'``.
+``GeoIP`` API
+.. class:: GeoIP([path=None, cache=0, country=None, city=None])
+The ``GeoIP`` object does not require any parameters to use the default 
+settings.  However, at the very least the :setting:`GEOIP_PATH` setting
+should be set with the path of the location of your GeoIP data sets.  The 
+following intialization keywords may be used to customize any of the 
+===================  =======================================================
+Keyword Arguments    Description
+===================  =======================================================
+``path``             Base directory to where GeoIP data is located or the 
+                     full path to where the city or country data files 
+                     (.dat) are located.  Assumes that both the city and 
+                     country data sets are located in this directory; 
+                     overrides the :setting:`GEOIP_PATH` settings attribute.
+``cache``            The cache settings when opening up the GeoIP datasets,
+                     and may be an integer in (0, 1, 2, 4) corresponding to
+                     the ``GEOIP_STANDARD``, ``GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE``, 
+                     ``GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE``, and ``GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE`` 
+                     ``GeoIPOptions`` C API settings, respectively. 
+                     Defaults to 0 (``GEOIP_STANDARD``).
+``country``          The name of the GeoIP country data file.  Defaults
+                     to ``GeoIP.dat``.  Setting this keyword overrides the 
+                     :setting:`GEOIP_COUNTRY` settings attribute.
+``city``             The name of the GeoIP city data file.  Defaults to
+                     ``GeoLiteCity.dat``.  Setting this keyword overrides
+                     the :setting:`GEOIP_CITY` settings attribute.
+===================  =======================================================
+``GeoIP`` Methods
+All the following querying routines may take either a string IP address
+or a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).  For example, both 
+``''`` and ``'djangoproject.com'`` would be valid query 
+.. method:: GeoIP.city(query)
+Returns a dictionary of city information for the given query.  Some
+of the values in the dictionary may be undefined (``None``).
+.. method:: GeoIPcountry(query)
+Returns a dictionary with the country code and country for the given 
+.. method:: GeoIP.country_code(query)
+Returns only the country code corresponding to the query.
+.. method:: GeoIP.country_name(query)
+Returns only the country name corresponding to the query.
+Coordinate Retrieval
+.. method:: GeoIP.coords(query)
+Returns a coordinate tuple of (longitude, latitude).
+.. method:: GeoIP.lon_lat(query)
+Returns a coordinate tuple of (longitude, latitude).
+.. method:: GeoIP.lat_lon(query)
+Returns a coordinate tuple of (latitude, longitude),
+.. method:: GeoIP.geos(query)
+Returns a :class:`django.contrib.gis.geos.Point` object corresponding to the query.
+Database Information
+.. attribute:: GeoIP.country_info
+This property returns information about the GeoIP country database.
+.. attribute:: GeoIP.city_info
+This property returns information about the GeoIP city database.
+.. attribute:: GeoIP.info
+This property returns information about all GeoIP databases (both city
+and country).
+GeoIP-Python API compatibility methods
+These methods exist to ease compatibility with any code using MaxMind's 
+existing Python API.
+.. classmethod:: GeoIP.open(path, cache)
+This classmethod instantiates the GeoIP object from the given database path
+and given cache setting.
+.. method:: GeoIP.regioin_by_addr(query)
+.. method:: GeoIP.region_by_name(query)
+.. method:: GeoIP.record_by_addr(query)
+.. method:: GeoIP.record_by_name(query)
+.. method:: GeoIP.country_code_by_addr(query)
+.. method:: GeoIP.country_code_by_name(query)
+.. method:: GeoIP.country_name_by_addr(query)
+.. method:: GeoIP.country_name_by_name(query)
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#] GeoIP(R) is a registered trademark of MaxMind, LLC of Boston, Massachusetts.

+ 1256 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1256 @@
+.. _ref-geoquerysets:
+GeoQuerySet API Reference
+.. currentmodule:: django.contrib.gis.db.models
+.. class:: GeoQuerySet([model=None])
+.. _spatial-lookups:
+Spatial Lookups
+Just like when using the the :ref:`queryset-api`, interaction 
+with ``GeoQuerySet`` by :ref:`chaining filters <chaining-filters>`.
+Instead of the regular Django :ref:`field-lookups`, the
+spatial lookups in this section are available for :class:`GeometryField`.
+For an introduction, see the :ref:`spatial lookups introduction 
+<spatial-lookups-intro>`.  For an overview of what lookups are
+compatible with a particular spatial backend, refer to the
+:ref:`spatial lookup compatibility table <spatial-lookup-compatibility>`.
+.. fieldlookup:: bbcontains
+*Availability*: PostGIS, MySQL, SpatiaLite
+Tests if the geometry field's bounding box completely contains the lookup 
+geometry's bounding box.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__bbcontains=geom)
+==========  ==========================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ==========================
+PostGIS     ``poly ~ geom``
+MySQL       ``MBRContains(poly, geom)``
+SpatiaLite  ``MbrContains(poly, geom)``
+==========  ==========================
+.. fieldlookup:: bboverlaps
+*Availability*: PostGIS, MySQL, SpatiaLite
+Tests if the geometry field's bounding box overlaps the lookup geometry's 
+bounding box.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__bboverlaps=geom)
+==========  ==========================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ==========================
+PostGIS     ``poly && geom``
+MySQL       ``MBROverlaps(poly, geom)``
+SpatiaLite  ``MbrOverlaps(poly, geom)``
+==========  ==========================
+.. fieldlookup:: contained
+*Availability*: PostGIS, MySQL, SpatiaLite
+Tests if the geometry field's bounding box is completely contained by the
+lookup geometry's bounding box.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__contained=geom)
+==========  ==========================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ==========================
+PostGIS     ``poly @ geom``
+MySQL       ``MBRWithin(poly, geom)``
+SpatiaLite  ``MbrWithin(poly, geom)``
+==========  ==========================
+.. fieldlookup:: gis-contains
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, MySQL, SpatiaLite
+Tests if the geometry field spatially contains the lookup geometry.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__contains=geom)
+==========  ============================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ============================
+PostGIS     ``ST_Contains(poly, geom)``
+Oracle      ``SDO_CONTAINS(poly, geom)``
+MySQL       ``MBRContains(poly, geom)``
+SpatiaLite  ``Contains(poly, geom)``
+==========  ============================
+.. fieldlookup:: contains_properly
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Returns true if the lookup geometry intersects the interior of the
+geometry field, but not the boundary (or exterior). [#fncontainsproperly]_
+.. note::
+    Requires PostGIS 1.4 and above.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__contains_properly=geom)
+==========  ===================================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ===================================
+PostGIS     ``ST_ContainsProperly(poly, geom)``
+==========  ===================================
+.. fieldlookup:: coveredby
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle
+Tests if no point in the geometry field is outside the lookup geometry.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__coveredby=geom)
+==========  =============================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  =============================
+PostGIS     ``ST_CoveredBy(poly, geom)``
+Oracle      ``SDO_COVEREDBY(poly, geom)``
+==========  =============================
+.. fieldlookup:: covers
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle
+Tests if no point in the lookup geometry is outside the geometry field.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__covers=geom)
+==========  ==========================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ==========================
+PostGIS     ``ST_Covers(poly, geom)``
+Oracle      ``SDO_COVERS(poly, geom)``
+==========  ==========================
+.. fieldlookup:: crosses
+*Availability*: PostGIS, SpatiaLite
+Tests if the geometry field spatially crosses the lookup geometry.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__crosses=geom)
+==========  ==========================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ==========================
+PostGIS     ``ST_Crosses(poly, geom)``
+SpatiaLite  ``Crosses(poly, geom)``
+==========  ==========================
+.. fieldlookup:: disjoint
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, MySQL, SpatiaLite
+Tests if the geometry field is spatially disjoint from the lookup geometry.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__disjoint=geom)
+==========  =================================================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  =================================================
+PostGIS     ``ST_Disjoint(poly, geom)``
+Oracle      ``SDO_GEOM.RELATE(poly, 'DISJOINT', geom, 0.05)``
+MySQL       ``MBRDisjoint(poly, geom)``
+SpatiaLite  ``Disjoint(poly, geom)``
+==========  =================================================
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, MySQL, SpatiaLite
+.. fieldlookup:: exact
+.. fieldlookup:: same_as
+exact, same_as
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, MySQL, SpatiaLite
+.. fieldlookup:: intersects
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, MySQL, SpatiaLite
+Tests if the geometry field spatially intersects the lookup geometry.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__intersects=geom)
+==========  =================================================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  =================================================
+PostGIS     ``ST_Intersects(poly, geom)``
+Oracle      ``SDO_OVERLAPBDYINTERSECT(poly, geom)``
+MySQL       ``MBRIntersects(poly, geom)``
+SpatiaLite  ``Intersects(poly, geom)``
+==========  =================================================
+.. fieldlookup:: overlaps
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, MySQL, SpatiaLite
+.. fieldlookup:: relate
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, SpatiaLite
+Tests if the geometry field is spatially related to the the lookup geometry by
+the values given in the given pattern.  This lookup requires a tuple parameter,
+``(geom, pattern)``; the form of ``pattern`` will depend on the spatial backend:
+PostGIS & SpatiaLite
+On these spatial backends the intersection pattern is a string comprising 
+nine characters, which  define intersections between  the interior, boundary, 
+and exterior of the geometry field and the lookup geometry.  
+The intersection pattern matrix may only use the following characters:
+``1``, ``2``, ``T``, ``F``, or ``*``.  This lookup type allows users to "fine tune"
+a specific geometric relationship consistent with the DE-9IM model. [#fnde9im]_
+    # A tuple lookup parameter is used to specify the geometry and
+    # the intersection pattern (the pattern here is for 'contains').
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__relate(geom, 'T*T***FF*'))
+PostGIS SQL equivalent::
+    SELECT ... WHERE ST_Relate(poly, geom, 'T*T***FF*')
+SpatiaLite SQL equivalent::
+    SELECT ... WHERE Relate(poly, geom, 'T*T***FF*')
+Here the relation pattern is compreised at least one of the nine relation
+``EQUAL``, ``INSIDE``, ``COVEREDBY``, ``CONTAINS``, ``COVERS``, ``ON``, and
+``ANYINTERACT``.   Multiple strings may be combined with the logical Boolean
+operator OR, for example, ``'inside+touch'``. [#fnsdorelate]_  The relation
+strings are case-insensitive.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__relate(geom, 'anyinteract'))
+Oracle SQL equivalent:: 
+    SELECT ... WHERE SDO_RELATE(poly, geom, 'anyinteract')
+.. fieldlookup:: touches
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, MySQL, SpatiaLite
+Tests if the geometry field spatially touches the lookup geometry.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__touches=geom)
+==========  ==========================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ==========================
+PostGIS     ``ST_Touches(poly, geom)``
+MySQL       ``MBRTouches(poly, geom)``
+Oracle      ``SDO_TOUCH(poly, geom)``
+SpatiaLite  ``Touches(poly, geom)``
+==========  ==========================
+.. fieldlookup:: within
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, MySQL, SpatiaLite
+Tests if the geometry field is spatially within the lookup geometry.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__within=geom)
+==========  ==========================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ==========================
+PostGIS     ``ST_Within(poly, geom)``
+MySQL       ``MBRWithin(poly, geom)``
+Oracle      ``SDO_INSIDE(poly, geom)``
+SpatiaLite  ``Within(poly, geom)``
+==========  ==========================
+.. fieldlookup:: left
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Tests if the geometry field's bounding box is strictly to the left of the
+lookup geometry's bounding box.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__left=geom)
+PostGIS equivalent::
+    SELECT ... WHERE poly << geom
+.. fieldlookup:: right
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Tests if the geometry field's bounding box is strictly to the right of the
+lookup geometry's bounding box.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__right=geom)
+PostGIS equivalent::
+    SELECT ... WHERE poly >> geom
+.. fieldlookup:: overlaps_left
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Tests if the geometry field's bounding box overlaps or is to the left of the lookup 
+geometry's bounding box.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__overlaps_left=geom)
+PostGIS equivalent::
+    SELECT ... WHERE poly &< geom
+.. fieldlookup:: overlaps_right
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Tests if the geometry field's bounding box overlaps or is to the right of the lookup 
+geometry's bounding box.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__overlaps_right=geom)
+PostGIS equivalent::
+    SELECT ... WHERE poly &> geom
+.. fieldlookup:: overlaps_above
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Tests if the geometry field's bounding box overlaps or is above the lookup 
+geometry's bounding box.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__overlaps_above=geom)
+PostGIS equivalent::
+    SELECT ... WHERE poly |&> geom
+.. fieldlookup:: overlaps_below
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Tests if the geometry field's bounding box overlaps or is below the lookup 
+geometry's bounding box.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__overlaps_below=geom)
+PostGIS equivalent::
+    SELECT ... WHERE poly &<| geom
+.. fieldlookup:: strictly_above
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Tests if the geometry field's bounding box is strictly above the lookup 
+geometry's bounding box.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__strictly_above=geom)
+PostGIS equivalent::
+    SELECT ... WHERE poly |>> geom
+.. fieldlookup:: strictly_below
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Tests if the geometry field's bounding box is strictly above the lookup 
+geometry's bounding box.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__strictly_above=geom)
+PostGIS equivalent::
+    SELECT ... WHERE poly |>> geom
+.. _distance-lookups:
+Distance Lookups
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, SpatiaLite
+For an overview on performing distance queries, please refer to
+the :ref:`distance queries introduction <distance-queries>`.
+Distance lookups take the following form::
+    <field>__<distance lookup>=(<geometry>, <distance value>[, 'spheroid'])
+The value passed into a distance lookup is a tuple; the first two
+values are mandatory, and are the geometry to calculate distances to,
+and a distance value (either a number in units of the field or a
+:class:`~django.contrib.gis.measure.Distance` object).  On every
+distance lookup but :lookup:`dwithin`, an optional
+third element, ``'spheroid'``, may be included to tell GeoDjango
+to use the more accurate spheroid distance calculation functions on
+fields with a geodetic coordinate system (e.g., ``ST_Distance_Spheroid``
+would be used instead of ``ST_Distance_Sphere``).
+.. fieldlookup:: distance_gt
+Returns models where the distance to the geometry field from the lookup
+geometry is greater than the given distance value.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__distance_gt=(geom, D(m=5)))
+==========  ===============================================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ===============================================
+PostGIS     ``ST_Distance(poly, geom) > 5``
+Oracle      ``SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(poly, geom, 0.05) > 5``
+SpatiaLite  ``Distance(poly, geom) > 5``
+==========  ===============================================
+.. fieldlookup:: distance_gte
+Returns models where the distance to the geometry field from the lookup
+geometry is greater than or equal to the given distance value.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__distance_gte=(geom, D(m=5)))
+==========  ================================================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ================================================
+PostGIS     ``ST_Distance(poly, geom) >= 5``
+Oracle      ``SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(poly, geom, 0.05) >= 5``
+SpatiaLite  ``Distance(poly, geom) >= 5``
+==========  ================================================
+.. fieldlookup:: distance_lt
+Returns models where the distance to the geometry field from the lookup
+geometry is less than the given distance value.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__distance_lt=(geom, D(m=5)))
+==========  ===============================================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ===============================================
+PostGIS     ``ST_Distance(poly, geom) < 5``
+Oracle      ``SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(poly, geom, 0.05) < 5``
+SpatiaLite  ``Distance(poly, geom) < 5``
+==========  ===============================================
+.. fieldlookup:: distance_lte
+Returns models where the distance to the geometry field from the lookup
+geometry is less than or equal to the given distance value.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__distance_lte=(geom, D(m=5)))
+==========  ================================================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ================================================
+PostGIS     ``ST_Distance(poly, geom) <= 5``
+Oracle      ``SDO_GEOM.SDO_DISTANCE(poly, geom, 0.05) <= 5``
+SpatiaLite  ``Distance(poly, geom) <= 5``
+==========  ================================================
+.. fieldlookup:: dwithin
+Returns models where the distance to the geometry field from the
+lookup geometry are within the given distance from one another.
+    Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__dwithin=(geom, D(m=5)))
+==========  ======================================
+Backend     SQL Equivalent
+==========  ======================================
+PostGIS     ``ST_DWithin(poly, geom, 5)``
+Oracle      ``SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE(poly, geom, 5)``
+==========  ======================================
+.. note::
+    This lookup is not available on SpatiaLite.
+.. fieldlookup:: equals
+``GeoQuerySet`` Methods
+``GeoQuerySet`` methods specify that a spatial operation be performed
+on each patial operation on each geographic
+field in the queryset and store its output in a new attribute on the model
+(which is generally the name of the ``GeoQuerySet`` method).
+There are also aggregate ``GeoQuerySet`` methods which return a single value
+instead of a queryset.  This section will describe the API and availability
+of every ``GeoQuerySet`` method available in GeoDjango.
+.. note::
+    What methods are available depend on your spatial backend.  See
+    the :ref:`compatibility table <geoqueryset-method-compatibility>`
+    for more details.
+With a few exceptions, the following keyword arguments may be used with all
+``GeoQuerySet`` methods:
+=====================  =====================================================
+Keyword Argument       Description
+=====================  =====================================================
+``field_name``         By default, ``GeoQuerySet`` methods use the first
+                       geographic field encountered in the model.  This
+                       keyword should be used to specify another 
+                       geographic field (e.g., ``field_name='point2'``)
+                       when there are multiple geographic fields in a model.
+                       On PostGIS, the ``field_name`` keyword may also be
+                       used on geometry fields in models that are related
+                       via a ``ForeignKey`` relation (e.g.,
+                       ``field_name='related__point'``).
+``model_att``          By default, ``GeoQuerySet`` methods typically attach
+                       their output in an attribute with the same name as
+                       the ``GeoQuerySet`` method.  Setting this keyword
+                       with the desired attribute name will override this
+                       default behavior.  For example,
+                       ``qs = Zipcode.objects.centroid(model_att='c')`` will
+                       attach the centroid of the ``Zipcode`` geometry field
+                       in a ``c`` attribute on every model rather than in a
+                       ``centroid`` attribute.  
+                       This keyword is required if 
+                       a method name clashes with an existing 
+                       ``GeoQuerySet`` method -- if you wanted to use the 
+                       ``area()`` method on model with a ``PolygonField`` 
+		       named ``area``, for example.
+=====================  =====================================================
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, SpatiaLite
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.area(**kwargs)
+Returns the area of the geographic field in an ``area`` attribute on
+each element of this GeoQuerySet.
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.distance(geom, **kwargs)
+This method takes a geometry as a parameter, and attaches a ``distance`` 
+attribute to every model in the returned queryset that contains the 
+distance (as a :class:`~django.contrib.gis.measure.Distance` object) to the given geometry.
+In the following example (taken from the `GeoDjango distance tests`__), 
+the distance from the `Tasmanian`__ city of Hobart to every other 
+:class:`PointField` in the ``AustraliaCity`` queryset is calculated::
+    >>> pnt = AustraliaCity.objects.get(name='Hobart').point
+    >>> for city in AustraliaCity.objects.distance(pnt): print city.name, city.distance
+    Wollongong 990071.220408 m
+    Shellharbour 972804.613941 m
+    Thirroul 1002334.36351 m
+    Mittagong 975691.632637 m
+    Batemans Bay 834342.185561 m
+    Canberra 598140.268959 m
+    Melbourne 575337.765042 m
+    Sydney 1056978.87363 m
+    Hobart 0.0 m
+    Adelaide 1162031.83522 m
+    Hillsdale 1049200.46122 m
+.. note::
+    Because the ``distance`` attribute is a
+    :class:`~django.contrib.gis.measure.Distance` object, you can easily express
+    the value in the units of your choice.  For example, ``city.distance.mi`` is
+    the distance value in miles and ``city.distance.km`` is the distance value 
+    in kilometers.  See the :ref:`ref-measure` for usage details and the list of
+    :ref:`supported_units`.
+__ http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/contrib/gis/tests/distapp/models.py
+__ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tasmania
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.length(**kwargs)
+Returns the length of the geometry field in a ``length`` attribute
+(a :class:`~django.contrib.gis.measure.Distance` object) on each model in
+the queryset.
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.perimeter(**kwargs)
+Returns the perimeter of the geometry field in a ``perimeter`` attribute
+(a :class:`~django.contrib.gis.measure.Distance` object) on each model in
+the queryset.
+Geometry Relationships
+The following methods take no arguments, and attach geometry objects
+each element of the :class:`GeoQuerySet` that is the result of relationship
+function evaluated on the the geometry field.
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.centroid(**kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, SpatiaLite
+Returns the ``centroid`` value for the geographic field in a ``centroid``
+attribute on each element of the ``GeoQuerySet``.
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.envelope(**kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS, SpatiaLite
+Returns a geometry representing the bounding box of the geometry field in
+an ``envelope`` attribute on each element of the ``GeoQuerySet``.
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.point_on_surface(**kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, SpatiaLite
+Returns a Point geometry guaranteed to lie on the surface of the
+geometry field in a ``point_on_surface`` attribute on each element
+of the queryset; otherwise sets with None.
+Geometry Editors
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.force_rhr(**kwargs)
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Returns a modified version of the polygon/multipolygon in which all
+of the vertices follow the Right-Hand-Rule, and attaches as a
+``force_rhr`` attribute on each element of the queryset.
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.reverse_geom(**kwargs)
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle
+Reverse the coordinate order of the geometry field, and attaches as a
+``reverse`` attribute on each element of the queryset.
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.scale(x, y, z=0.0, **kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS, SpatiaLite
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.snap_to_grid(*args, **kwargs)
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+Snap all points of the input geometry to the grid.  How the
+geometry is snapped to the grid depends on how many numeric
+(either float, integer, or long) arguments are given.
+===================  =====================================================
+Number of Arguments  Description
+===================  =====================================================
+1                    A single size to snap bot the X and Y grids to.
+2                    X and Y sizes to snap the grid to.
+4                    X, Y sizes and the corresponding X, Y origins.
+===================  =====================================================
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.transform(srid=4326, **kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, SpatiaLite
+The ``transform`` method transforms the geometry field of a model to the spatial
+reference system specified by the ``srid`` parameter.  If no ``srid`` is given,
+then 4326 (WGS84) is used by default.
+.. note::
+    Unlike other ``GeoQuerySet`` methods, ``transform`` stores its output
+    "in-place".  In other words, no new attribute for the transformed
+    geometry is placed on the models.
+.. note::
+    What spatial reference system an integer SRID corresponds to may depend on 
+    the spatial database used.  In other words, the SRID numbers used for Oracle 
+    are not necessarily the same as those used by PostGIS.
+    >>> qs = Zipcode.objects.all().transform() # Transforms to WGS84
+    >>> qs = Zipcode.objects.all().transform(32140) # Transforming to "NAD83 / Texas South Central"
+    >>> print qs[0].poly.srid
+    32140
+    >>> print qs[0].poly
+    POLYGON ((234055.1698884720099159 4937796.9232223574072123 ...
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.translate(x, y, z=0.0, **kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS, SpatiaLite
+Translates the geometry field to a new location using the given numeric
+parameters as offsets.
+Geometry Operations
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, SpatiaLite
+The following methods all take a geometry as a parameter and attach a geometry
+to each element of the ``GeoQuerySet`` that is the result of the operation.
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.difference(geom)
+Returns the spatial difference of the geographic field with the given
+geometry in a ``difference`` attribute on each element of the 
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.intersection(geom)
+Returns the spatial intersection of the geographic field with the
+given geometry in an ``intersection`` attribute on each element of the 
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.sym_difference(geom)
+Returns the symmetric difference of the geographic field with the
+given geometry in a ``sym_difference`` attribute on each element of the
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.union(geom)
+Returns the union of the geographic field with the given
+geometry in an ``union`` attribute on each element of the
+Geometry Output
+The following ``GeoQuerySet`` methods will return an attribute that has the value 
+of the geometry field in each model converted to the requested output format.
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.geohash(preceision=20, **kwargs)
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+Attaches a ``geohash`` attribute to every model the the queryset
+containing the `GeoHash`__ representation of the geometry.
+__ http://geohash.org/
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.geojson(**kwargs)
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Attaches a ``geojson`` attribute to every model in the queryset that contains the
+`GeoJSON`__ representation of the geometry.
+=====================  =====================================================
+Keyword Argument       Description
+=====================  =====================================================
+``precision``          It may be used to specify the number of significant 
+                       digits for the coordinates in the GeoJSON 
+                       representation -- the default value is 8.
+``crs``                Set this to ``True`` if you want the coordinate
+                       reference system to be included in the returned
+                       GeoJSON.
+``bbox``               Set this to ``True`` if you want the bounding box
+                       to be included in the returned GeoJSON.
+=====================  =====================================================
+__ http://geojson.org/
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.gml(**kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle
+Attaches a ``gml`` attribute to every model in the queryset that contains the 
+`Geographic Markup Language (GML)`__ representation of the geometry. 
+    >>> qs = Zipcode.objects.all().gml()
+    >>> print qs[0].gml
+    <gml:Polygon srsName="EPSG:4326"><gml:OuterBoundaryIs>-147.78711,70.245363 ...  -147.78711,70.245363</gml:OuterBoundaryIs></gml:Polygon>
+=====================  =====================================================
+Keyword Argument       Description
+=====================  =====================================================
+``precision``          This keyword is for PostGIS only.  It may be used 
+                       to specify the number of significant digits for the 
+                       coordinates in the GML representation -- the default 
+                       value is 8.
+``version``            This keyword is for PostGIS only.  It may be used to
+                       specify the GML version used, and may only be values
+                       of 2 or 3.  The default value is 2.
+=====================  =====================================================
+__ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_Markup_Language
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.kml(**kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Attaches a ``kml`` attribute to every model in the queryset that contains the 
+`Keyhole Markup Language (KML)`__ representation of the geometry fields. It 
+should be noted that the contents of the KML are transformed to WGS84 if 
+    >>> qs = Zipcode.objects.all().kml()
+    >>> print qs[0].kml
+    <Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>-103.04135,36.217596,0 ... -103.04135,36.217596,0</coordinates></LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon>
+=====================  =====================================================
+Keyword Argument       Description
+=====================  =====================================================
+``precision``          This keyword may be used to specify the number of 
+                       significant digits for the coordinates in the KML 
+                       representation -- the default value is 8.
+=====================  =====================================================
+__ http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.svg(**kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS, SpatiaLite
+Attaches a ``svg`` attribute to every model in the queryset that contains
+the `Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)`__ path data of the geometry fields.
+=====================  =====================================================
+Keyword Argument       Description
+=====================  =====================================================
+``relative``           If set to ``True``, the path data will be implemented
+                       in terms of relative moves.  Defaults to ``False``, 
+		       meaning that absolute moves are used instead.
+``precision``          This keyword may be used to specify the number of 
+                       significant digits for the coordinates in the SVG 
+                       representation -- the default value is 8.
+=====================  =====================================================
+__ http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.mem_size(**kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Returns the memory size (number of bytes) that the geometry field takes
+in a ``mem_size`` attribute  on each element of the ``GeoQuerySet``.
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.num_geom(**kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, SpatiaLite
+Returns the number of geometries in a ``num_geom`` attribute on
+each element of the ``GeoQuerySet`` if the geometry field is a
+collection (e.g., a ``GEOMETRYCOLLECTION`` or ``MULTI*`` field);
+otherwise sets with ``None``.
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.num_points(**kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, SpatiaLite
+Returns the number of points in the first linestring in the
+geometry field in a ``num_points`` attribute on each element of
+the ``GeoQuerySet``; otherwise sets with ``None``.
+Spatial Aggregates
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+Aggregate Methods
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.collect(**kwargs)
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Returns a ``GEOMETRYCOLLECTION`` or a ``MULTI`` geometry object from the geometry
+column.  This is analagous to a simplified version of the :meth:`GeoQuerySet.unionagg` method,
+except it can be several orders of magnitude faster than peforming a union because
+it simply rolls up geometries into a collection or multi object, not caring about
+dissolving boundaries.
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.extent(**kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle
+Returns the extent of the ``GeoQuerySet`` as a four-tuple, comprising the 
+lower left coordinate and the upper right coordinate.
+    >>> qs = City.objects.filter(name__in=('Houston', 'Dallas'))
+    >>> print qs.extent()
+    (-96.8016128540039, 29.7633724212646, -95.3631439208984, 32.782058715820)
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.extent3d(**kwargs)
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Returns the 3D extent of the ``GeoQuerySet`` as a six-tuple, comprising
+the lower left coordinate and upper right coordinate.
+    >>> qs = City.objects.filter(name__in=('Houston', 'Dallas'))
+    >>> print qs.extent3d()
+    (-96.8016128540039, 29.7633724212646, 0, -95.3631439208984, 32.782058715820, 0)
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.make_line(**kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS
+Returns a ``LineString`` constructed from the point field geometries in the 
+``GeoQuerySet``.  Currently, ordering the queryset has no effect.
+     >>> print City.objects.filter(name__in=('Houston', 'Dallas')).make_line()
+     LINESTRING (-95.3631510000000020 29.7633739999999989, -96.8016109999999941 32.7820570000000018)
+.. method:: GeoQuerySet.unionagg(**kwargs)
+*Availability*: PostGIS, Oracle, SpatiaLite
+This method returns a :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geos.GEOSGeometry` object
+comprising the union of every geometry in the queryset.  Please note that
+use of ``unionagg`` is processor intensive and may take a significant amount
+of time on large querysets.
+.. note::
+    If the computation time for using this method is too expensive,
+    consider using :meth:`GeoQuerySet.collect` instead.
+    >>> u = Zipcode.objects.unionagg() # This may take a long time.
+    >>> u = Zipcode.objects.filter(poly__within=bbox).unionagg() # A more sensible approach.
+=====================  =====================================================
+Keyword Argument       Description
+=====================  =====================================================
+``tolerance``          This keyword is for Oracle only.  It is for the 
+                       tolerance value used by the ``SDOAGGRTYPE``
+                       procedure; the  `Oracle documentation`__ has more 
+                       details.
+=====================  =====================================================
+__ http://download.oracle.com/docs/html/B14255_01/sdo_intro.htm#sthref150 
+Aggregate Functions
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.db.models import Extent, Union
+    >>> WorldBorders.objects.aggregate(Extent('mpoly'), Union('mpoly'))
+.. class:: Collect(geo_field)
+Returns the same as the :meth:`GeoQuerySet.collect` aggregate method.
+.. class:: Extent(geo_field)
+Returns the same as the :meth:`GeoQuerySet.extent` aggregate method.
+.. class:: Extent3D(geo_field)
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+Returns the same as the :meth:`GeoQuerySet.extent3d` aggregate method.
+.. class:: MakeLine(geo_field)
+Returns the same as the :meth:`GeoQuerySet.make_line` aggregate method.
+.. class:: Union(geo_field)
+Returns the same as the :meth:`GeoQuerySet.union` aggregate method.
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#fnde9im] *See* `OpenGIS Simple Feature Specification For SQL <http://www.opengis.org/docs/99-049.pdf>`_, at Ch., p. 2-13 (The Dimensionally Extended Nine-Intersection Model).
+.. [#fnsdorelate] *See* `SDO_RELATE documentation <http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14255/sdo_operat.htm#sthref845>`_, from Ch. 11 of the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Manual.
+.. [#fncovers] For an explanation of this routine, read `Quirks of the "Contains" Spatial Predicate <http://lin-ear-th-inking.blogspot.com/2007/06/subtleties-of-ogc-covers-spatial.html>`_ by Martin Davis (a PostGIS developer).
+.. [#fncontainsproperly] Refer to the PostGIS ``ST_ContainsProperly`` `documentation <http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-1.4/ST_ContainsProperly.html>`_ for more details.

+ 911 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,911 @@
+.. _ref-geos:
+.. module:: django.contrib.gis.geos
+   :synopsis: GeoDjango's high-level interface to the GEOS library.
+What is GEOS?
+`GEOS`__ stands for **G**\ eometry **E**\ ngine - **O**\ pen **S**\ ource,
+and is a C++ library, ported from the  `Java Topology Suite`__.  GEOS
+implements the OpenGIS `Simple Features for SQL`__ spatial predicate functions
+and spatial operators. GEOS, now an OSGeo project, was initially developed and
+maintained by `Refractions Research`__ of Victoria, Canada.
+__ http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/
+__ http://sourceforge.net/projects/jts-topo-suite/
+__ http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/sfs
+__ http://www.refractions.net/
+GeoDjango implements a high-level Python wrapper for the GEOS library, its
+features include:
+* A BSD-licensed interface to the GEOS geometry routines, implemented purely
+  in Python using ``ctypes``.
+* Loosely-coupled to GeoDjango.  For example, :class:`GEOSGeometry` objects
+  may be used outside of a django project/application.  In other words, 
+  no need to have ``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`` set or use a database, etc.
+* Mutability: :class:`GEOSGeometry` objects may be modified.
+* Cross-platform and tested; compatible with Windows, Linux, Solaris, and Mac 
+  OS X platforms.
+.. _geos-tutorial:
+This section contains a brief introduction and tutorial to using 
+:class:`GEOSGeometry` objects.
+Creating a Geometry
+:class:`GEOSGeometry` objects may be created in a few ways.  The first is
+to simply instantiate the object on some spatial input -- the following
+are examples of creating the same geometry from WKT, HEX, WKB, and GeoJSON::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSGeometry
+    >>> pnt = GEOSGeometry('POINT(5 23)') # WKT
+    >>> pnt = GEOSGeometry('010100000000000000000014400000000000003740') # HEX
+    >>> pnt = GEOSGeometry(buffer('\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x14@\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x007@'))
+    >>> pnt = GEOSGeometry('{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 5.000000, 23.000000 ] }') # GeoJSON
+Another option is to use the constructor for the specific geometry type
+that you wish to create.  For example, a :class:`Point` object may be
+created by passing in the X and Y coordinates into its constructor::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
+    >>> pnt = Point(5, 23)
+Finally, there are :func:`fromstr` and :func:`fromfile` factory methods, which
+return a :class:`GEOSGeometry` object from an input string or a file::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import fromstr, fromfile
+    >>> pnt = fromstr('POINT(5 23)')
+    >>> pnt = fromfile('/path/to/pnt.wkt')
+    >>> pnt = fromfile(open('/path/to/pnt.wkt'))
+Geometries are Pythonic 
+:class:`GEOSGeometry` objects are 'Pythonic', in other words components may
+be accessed, modified, and iterated over using standard Python conventions.
+For example, you can iterate over the coordinates in a :class:`Point`::
+    >>> pnt = Point(5, 23)
+    >>> [coord for coord in pnt]
+    [5.0, 23.0]
+With any geometry object, the :attr:`GEOSGeometry.coords` property
+may be used to get the geometry coordinates as a Python tuple::
+    >>> pnt.coords
+    (5.0, 23.0)
+You can get/set geometry components using standard Python indexing
+techniques.  However, what is returned depends on the geometry type
+of the object.  For example, indexing on a :class:`LineString`
+returns a coordinate tuple::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import LineString
+    >>> line = LineString((0, 0), (0, 50), (50, 50), (50, 0), (0, 0))
+    >>> line[0]
+    (0.0, 0.0)
+    >>> line[-2]
+    (50.0, 0.0)
+Whereas indexing on a :class:`Polygon` will return the ring
+(a :class:`LinearRing` object) corresponding to the index::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import Polygon
+    >>> poly = Polygon( ((0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 50.0), (50.0, 50.0), (50.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0)) )
+    >>> poly[0]
+    <LinearRing object at 0x1044395b0>
+    >>> poly[0][-2] # second-to-last coordinate of external ring
+    (50.0, 0.0)
+In addition, coordinates/components of the geometry may added or modified,
+just like a Python list::
+    >>> line[0] = (1.0, 1.0)
+    >>> line.pop()
+    (0.0, 0.0)
+    >>> line.append((1.0, 1.0))
+    >>> line.coords
+    ((1.0, 1.0), (0.0, 50.0), (50.0, 50.0), (50.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0))
+Geometry Objects
+.. class:: GEOSGeometry(geo_input[, srid=None])
+  :param geo_input: Geometry input value
+  :type geo_input: string or buffer
+  :param srid: spatial reference identifier
+  :type srid: integer
+This is the base class for all GEOS geometry objects.  It initializes on the
+given ``geo_input`` argument, and then assumes the proper geometry subclass
+(e.g., ``GEOSGeometry('POINT(1 1)')`` will create a :class:`Point` object).
+The following input formats, along with their corresponding Python types,
+are accepted:
+=============  ======================
+Format         Input Type
+=============  ======================
+WKT / EWKT     ``str`` or ``unicode`` 
+HEX / HEXEWKB  ``str`` or ``unicode``
+WKB / EWKB     ``buffer``
+GeoJSON        ``str`` or ``unicode``
+=============  ======================
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.coords
+Returns the coordinates of the geometry as a tuple.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.empty
+Returns whether or not the set of points in the geometry is empty. 
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.geom_type
+Returns a string corresponding to the type of geometry.  For example::
+    >>> pnt = GEOSGeometry('POINT(5 23)')
+    >>> pnt.geom_type
+    'Point'
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.geom_typeid
+Returns the GEOS geometry type identification number.  The following table
+shows the value for each geometry type:
+===========================  ========
+Geometry                     ID
+===========================  ========
+:class:`Point`               0
+:class:`LineString`          1
+:class:`LinearRing`          2
+:class:`Polygon`             3
+:class:`MultiPoint`          4
+:class:`MultiLineString`     5
+:class:`MultiPolygon`        6
+:class:`GeometryCollection`  7
+===========================  ========
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.num_coords
+Returns the number of coordinates in the geometry.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.num_geom
+Returns the number of geometries in this geometry.  In other words, will
+return 1 on anything but geometry collections.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.hasz
+Returns a boolean indicating whether the geometry is three-dimensional.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.ring
+Returns a boolean indicating whether the geometry is a ``LinearRing``.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.simple
+Returns a boolean indicating whether the geometry is 'simple'. A geometry
+is simple if and only if it does not intersect itself (except at boundary
+points).  For example, a :class:`LineString` object is not simple if it
+intersects itself. Thus, :class:`LinearRing` and :class`Polygon` objects
+are always simple because they do cannot intersect themselves, by
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.valid
+Returns a boolean indicating whether the geometry is valid.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.srid
+Property that may be used to retrieve or set the SRID associated with the
+geometry.  For example::
+    >>> pnt = Point(5, 23)
+    >>> print pnt.srid
+    None
+    >>> pnt.srid = 4326
+    >>> pnt.srid
+    4326
+Output Properties
+The properties in this section export the :class:`GEOSGeometry` object into
+a different.  This output may be in the form of a string, buffer, or even
+another object.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.ewkt
+Returns the "extended" Well-Known Text of the geometry.  This representation
+is specific to PostGIS and is a super set of the OGC WKT standard. [#fnogc]_
+Essentially the SRID is prepended to the WKT representation, for example 
+``SRID=4326;POINT(5 23)``. 
+.. note::
+   The output from this property does not include the 3dm, 3dz, and 4d 
+   information that PostGIS supports in its EWKT representations.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.hex
+Returns the WKB of this Geometry in hexadecimal form.  Please note
+that the SRID and Z values are not included in this representation
+because it is not a part of the OGC specification (use the 
+:attr:`GEOSGeometry.hexewkb` property instead).
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.hexewkb
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+Returns the EWKB of this Geometry in hexadecimal form.  This is an 
+extension of the WKB specification that includes SRID and Z values 
+that are a part of this geometry.
+.. note::
+   GEOS 3.1 is *required* if you want valid 3D HEXEWKB.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.json
+Returns the GeoJSON representation of the geometry.
+.. note::
+    Requires GDAL.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.geojson
+Alias for :attr:`GEOSGeometry.json`.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.kml
+Returns a `KML`__ (Keyhole Markup Language) representation of the
+geometry.  This should only be used for geometries with an SRID of 
+4326 (WGS84), but this restriction is not enforced.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.ogr
+Returns an :class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.OGRGeometry` object 
+correspondg to the GEOS geometry.
+.. note::
+    Requires GDAL.
+.. _wkb:
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.wkb
+Returns the WKB (Well-Known Binary) representation of this Geometry
+as a Python buffer.  SRID and Z values are not included, use the
+:attr:`GEOSGeometry.ewkb` property instead.
+.. _ewkb:
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.ewkb
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+Return the EWKB representation of this Geometry as a Python buffer.
+This is an extension of the WKB specification that includes any SRID
+and Z values that are a part of this geometry.
+.. note::
+   GEOS 3.1 is *required* if you want valid 3D EWKB.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.wkt
+Returns the Well-Known Text of the geometry (an OGC standard).
+__ http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/
+Spatial Predicate Methods
+All of the following spatial predicate methods take another
+:class:`GEOSGeometry` instance (``other``) as a parameter, and
+return a boolean.
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.contains(other)
+Returns ``True`` if :meth:`GEOSGeometry.within` is ``False``.
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.crosses(other)
+Returns ``True`` if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two Geometries
+is ``T*T******`` (for a point and a curve,a point and an area or a line 
+and an area) ``0********`` (for two curves).
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.disjoint(other)
+Returns ``True`` if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two geometries
+is ``FF*FF****``.
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.equals(other)
+Returns ``True`` if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two geometries 
+is ``T*F**FFF*``.
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.equals_exact(other, tolerance=0)
+Returns true if the two geometries are exactly equal, up to a
+specified tolerance.  The ``tolerance`` value should be a floating
+point number representing the error tolerance in the comparison, e.g.,
+``poly1.equals_exact(poly2, 0.001)`` will compare equality to within
+one thousandth of a unit.
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.intersects(other)
+Returns ``True`` if :meth:`GEOSGeometry.disjoint` is ``False``.
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.overlaps(other)
+Returns true if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two geometries
+is ``T*T***T**`` (for two points or two surfaces) ``1*T***T**``
+(for two curves).
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.relate_pattern(other, pattern)
+Returns ``True`` if the elements in the DE-9IM intersection matrix 
+for this geometry and the other matches the given ``pattern`` -- 
+a string of nine characters from the alphabet: {``T``, ``F``, ``*``, ``0``}.
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.touches(other)
+Returns ``True`` if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two geometries
+is ``FT*******``, ``F**T*****`` or ``F***T****``.
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.within(other)
+Returns ``True`` if the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two geometries
+is ``T*F**F***``.
+Topological Methods
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.buffer(width, quadsegs=8)
+Returns a :class:`GEOSGeometry` that represents all points whose distance
+from this geometry is less than or equal to the given ``width``. The optional 
+``quadsegs`` keyword sets the number of segments used to approximate a 
+quarter circle (defaults is 8).
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.difference(other)
+Returns a :class:`GEOSGeometry` representing the points making up this
+geometry that do not make up other.
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry:intersection(other)
+Returns a :class:`GEOSGeometry` representing the points shared by this
+geometry and other.
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.relate(other)
+Returns the DE-9IM intersection matrix (a string) representing the
+topological relationship between this geometry and the other.
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.simplify(tolerance=0.0, preserve_topology=False)
+Returns a new :class:`GEOSGeometry`, simplified using the Douglas-Peucker
+algorithm to the specified tolerance.  A higher tolerance value implies
+less points in the output.  If no tolerance is tolerance provided,
+it defaults to 0.
+By default, this function does not preserve topology - e.g., 
+:class:`Polygon` objects can be split, collapsed into lines or disappear.
+:class:`Polygon` holes can be created or disappear, and lines can cross.
+By specifying ``preserve_topology=True``, the result will have the same
+dimension and number of components as the input, however, this is 
+significantly slower.   
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.sym_difference(other)
+Returns a :class:`GEOSGeometry` combining the points in this geometry 
+not in other, and the points in other not in this geometry.
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.union(other)
+Returns a :class:`GEOSGeometry` representing all the points in this 
+geometry and the other.
+Topological Properties
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.boundary
+Returns the boundary as a newly allocated Geometry object.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.centroid
+Returns a :class:`Point` object representing the geometric center of
+the geometry.  The point is not guaranteed to be on the interior
+of the geometry.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.convex_hull
+Returns the smallest :class:`Polygon` that contains all the points in
+the geometry.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.envelope
+Returns a :class:`Polygon` that represents the bounding envelope of
+this geometry.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.point_on_surface
+Computes and returns a :class:`Point` guaranteed to be on the interior
+of this geometry.
+Other Properties & Methods
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.area
+This property returns the area of the Geometry.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.extent
+This property returns the extent of this geometry as a 4-tuple, 
+consisting of (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.clone()
+This method returns a :class:`GEOSGeometry` that is a clone of the original.
+.. method:: GEOSGeometry.distance(geom)
+Returns the distance between the closest points on this geometry and the given
+``geom`` (another :class:`GEOSGeometry` object).
+.. note::
+    GEOS distance calculations are  linear -- in other words, GEOS does not
+    perform a spherical calculation even if the SRID specifies a geographic 
+    coordinate system.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.length
+Returns the length of this geometry (e.g., 0 for a :class:`Point`, 
+the length of a :class:`LineString`, or the circumference of 
+a :class:`Polygon`).
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.prepared
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+.. note::
+    Support for prepared geometries requires GEOS 3.1.
+Returns a GEOS ``PreparedGeometry`` for the contents of this geometry.  
+``PreparedGeometry`` objects are optimized for the contains, intersects,
+and covers operations.  Refer to the :ref:`prepared-geometries` documentation
+for more information.
+.. attribute:: GEOSGeometry.srs
+Returns a :class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.SpatialReference` object
+corresponding to the SRID of the geometry or ``None``.
+.. note::
+    Requires GDAL.
+.. method:: transform(ct, clone=False)
+Transforms the geometry according to the given coordinate transformation paramter
+(``ct``), which may be an integer SRID, spatial reference WKT string,
+a PROJ.4 string, a :class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.SpatialReference` object, or a 
+:class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.CoordTransform` object. By default, the geometry
+is transformed in-place and nothing is returned. However if the ``clone`` keyword
+is set, then the geometry is not modified and a transformed clone of the geometry
+is returned instead.
+.. note::
+    Requires GDAL.
+.. class:: Point(x, y, z=None, srid=None)
+   ``Point`` objects are instantiated using arguments that represent
+   the component coordinates of the point or with a single sequence
+   coordinates.  For example, the following are equivalent::
+       >>> pnt = Point(5, 23)
+       >>> pnt = Point([5, 23])
+.. class:: LineString(*args, **kwargs)
+   ``LineString`` objects are instantiated using arguments that are
+   either a sequence of coordinates or :class:`Point` objects.
+   For example, the following are equivalent::
+       >>> ls = LineString((0, 0), (1, 1))
+       >>> ls = LineString(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1))
+   In addition, ``LineString`` objects may also be created by passing
+   in a single sequence of coordinate or :class:`Point` objects::
+       >>> ls = LineString( ((0, 0), (1, 1)) )
+       >>> ls = LineString( [Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)] )
+.. class:: LinearRing(*args, **kwargs)
+   ``LinearRing`` objects are constructed in the exact same way as
+   :class:`LineString` objects, however the coordinates must be
+   *closed*, in other words, the first coordinates must be the
+   same as the last coordinates.  For example::
+       >>> ls = LinearRing((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0))
+   Notice that ``(0, 0)`` is the first and last coordinate -- if
+   they were not equal, an error would be raised.
+.. class:: Polygon(*args, **kwargs)
+   ``Polygon`` objects may be instantiated by passing in one or
+   more parameters that represent the rings of the polygon.  The
+   parameters must either be :class:`LinearRing` instances, or
+   a sequence that may be used to construct a :class:`LinearRing`::
+       >>> ext_coords = ((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0))
+       >>> int_coords = ((0.4, 0.4), (0.4, 0.6), (0.6, 0.6), (0.6, 0.4), (0.4, 0.4))
+       >>> poly = Polygon(ext_coords, int_coords)
+       >>> poly = Polygon(LinearRing(ext_coords), LinearRing(int_coords))
+   .. classmethod:: from_bbox(bbox)
+   .. versionadded:: 1.1
+   Returns a polygon object from the given bounding-box, a 4-tuple
+   comprising (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
+   .. attribute:: num_interior_rings
+   Returns the number of interior rings in this geometry.
+Geometry Collections
+.. class:: MultiPoint(*args, **kwargs)
+   ``MultiPoint`` objects may be instantiated by passing in one
+   or more :class:`Point` objects as arguments, or a single
+   sequence of :class:`Point` objects::
+       >>> mp = MultiPoint(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1))
+       >>> mp = MultiPoint( (Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)) )
+.. class:: MultiLineString(*args, **kwargs)
+   ``MultiLineString`` objects may be instantiated by passing in one
+   or more :class:`LineString` objects as arguments, or a single
+   sequence of :class:`LineString` objects::
+       >>> ls1 = LineString((0, 0), (1, 1))
+       >>> ls2 = LineString((2, 2), (3, 3))
+       >>> mls = MultiLineString(ls1, ls2)
+       >>> mls = MultiLineString([ls1, ls2])
+   .. attribute:: merged
+   .. versionadded:: 1.1
+   Returns a :class:`LineString` representing the line merge of
+   all the components in this ``MultiLineString``.
+.. class:: MultiPolygon(*args, **kwargs)
+   ``MultiPolygon`` objects may be instantiated by passing one or
+   more :class:`Polygon` objects as arguments, or a single sequence
+   of :class:`Polygon` objects::
+       >>> p1 = Polygon( ((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)) )
+       >>> p2 = Polygon( ((1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2), (1, 1)) )
+       >>> mp = MultiPolygon(p1, p2)
+       >>> mp = MultiPolygon([p1, p2])
+   .. attribute:: cascaded_union
+   .. versionadded:: 1.1
+   Returns a :class:`Polygon` that is the union of all of the component
+   polygons in this collection.  The algorithm employed is significantly
+   more efficient (faster) than trying to union the geometries together
+   individually. [#fncascadedunion]_
+   .. note::
+       GEOS 3.1 is *required* to peform cascaded unions.
+.. class:: GeometryCollection(*args, **kwargs)
+   ``GeometryCollection`` objects may be instantiated by passing in
+   one or more other :class:`GEOSGeometry` as arguments, or a single
+   sequence of :class:`GEOSGeometry` objects::
+       >>> poly = Polygon( ((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)) )
+       >>> gc = GeometryCollection(Point(0, 0), MultiPoint(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)), poly)
+       >>> gc = GeometryCollection((Point(0, 0), MultiPoint(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)), poly))
+.. _prepared-geometries:
+Prepared Geometries
+.. versionadded: 1.1
+In order to obtain a prepared geometry, just access the
+:attr:`GEOSGeometry.prepared` property.  Once you have a
+``PreparedGeometry`` instance its spatial predicate methods, listed below,
+may be used with other ``GEOSGeometry`` objects.  An operation with a prepared
+geometry can be orders of magnitude faster -- the more complex the geometry 
+that is prepared, the larger the speedup in the operation.  For more information,
+please consult the `GEOS wiki page on prepared geometries <http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/wiki/PreparedGeometry>`_.
+.. note::
+   GEOS 3.1 is *required* in order to use prepared geometries.
+For example::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, Polygon
+    >>> poly = Polygon.from_bbox((0, 0, 5, 5))
+    >>> prep_poly = poly.prepared
+    >>> prep_poly.contains(Point(2.5, 2.5))
+    True
+.. class:: PreparedGeometry
+  All methods on ``PreparedGeometry`` take an ``other`` argument, which
+  must be a :class:`GEOSGeometry` instance.
+  .. method:: contains(other)
+  .. method:: contains_properly(other)
+  .. method:: covers(other)
+  .. method:: intersects(other)
+Geometry Factories
+.. function:: fromfile(file_h)
+   :param file_h: input file that contains spatial data
+   :type file_h: a Python ``file`` object or a string path to the file
+   :rtype: a :class:`GEOSGeometry` corresponding to the spatial data in the file
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import fromfile
+    >>> g = fromfile('/home/bob/geom.wkt')
+.. function:: fromstr(string, [,srid=None])
+   :param string: string that contains spatial data
+   :type string: string
+   :param srid: spatial reference identifier
+   :type srid: integer
+   :rtype: a :class:`GEOSGeometry` corresponding to the spatial data in the string
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import fromstr
+    >>> pnt = fromstr('POINT(-90.5 29.5)', srid=4326)
+I/O Objects
+.. versionadded: 1.1
+Reader Objects
+The reader I/O classes simply return a :class:`GEOSGeometry` instance from the
+WKB and/or WKT input given to their ``read(geom)`` method.
+.. class:: WKBReader
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import WKBReader
+    >>> wkb_r = WKBReader()
+    >>> wkb_r.read('0101000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F')
+    <Point object at 0x103a88910>
+.. class:: WKTReader
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import WKTReader
+    >>> wkt_r = WKTReader()
+    >>> wkt_r.read('POINT(1 1)')
+    <Point object at 0x103a88b50>
+Writer Objects
+All writer objects have a ``write(geom)`` method that returns either the
+WKB or WKT of the given geometry.  In addition, :class:`WKBWriter` objects
+also have properties that may be used to change the byte order, and or
+include the SRID and 3D values (in other words, EWKB).
+.. class:: WKBWriter
+``WKBWriter`` provides the most control over its output.  By default it
+returns OGC-compliant WKB when it's ``write`` method is called.  However, 
+it has properties that allow for the creation of EWKB, a superset of the
+WKB standard that includes additional information.
+.. method:: WKBWriter.write(geom)
+Returns the WKB of the given geometry as a Python ``buffer`` object.
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, WKBWriter
+    >>> pnt = Point(1, 1)
+    >>> wkb_w = WKBWriter()
+    >>> wkb_w.write(pnt)
+    <read-only buffer for 0x103a898f0, size -1, offset 0 at 0x103a89930>
+.. method:: WKBWriter.write_hex(geom)
+Returns WKB of the geometry in hexadecimal.  Example::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, WKBWriter
+    >>> pnt = Point(1, 1)
+    >>> wkb_w = WKBWriter()
+    >>> wkb_w.write_hex(pnt)
+    '0101000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F'
+.. attribute:: WKBWriter.byteorder
+This property may be be set to change the byte-order of the geometry
+=============== =================================================
+Byteorder Value Description
+=============== =================================================
+0               Big Endian (e.g., compatible with RISC systems)
+1               Little Endian (e.g., compatible with x86 systems)
+=============== =================================================
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, WKBWriter
+    >>> wkb_w = WKBWriter()
+    >>> pnt = Point(1, 1)
+    >>> wkb_w.write_hex(pnt)
+    '0101000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F'
+    >>> wkb_w.byteorder = 0
+    '00000000013FF00000000000003FF0000000000000'
+.. attribute:: WKBWriter.outdim
+This property may be set to change the output dimension of the geometry
+representation.  In other words, if you have a 3D geometry then set to 3
+so that the Z value is included in the WKB.
+============ ===========================
+Outdim Value Description
+============ ===========================
+2            The default, output 2D WKB.
+3            Output 3D EWKB.
+============ ===========================
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, WKBWriter
+    >>> wkb_w = WKBWriter()
+    >>> wkb_w.outdim
+    2
+    >>> pnt = Point(1, 1, 1)
+    >>> wkb_w.write_hex(pnt) # By default, no Z value included:
+    '0101000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F'
+    >>> wkb_w.outdim = 3 # Tell writer to include Z values
+    >>> wkb_w.write_hex(pnt)
+    '0101000080000000000000F03F000000000000F03F000000000000F03F'
+.. attribute:: WKBWriter.srid
+Set this property with a boolean to indicate whether the SRID of the
+geometry should be included with the WKB representation.  Example::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, WKBWriter
+    >>> wkb_w = WKBWriter()
+    >>> pnt = Point(1, 1, srid=4326)
+    >>> wkb_w.write_hex(pnt) # By default, no SRID included:
+    '0101000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F'
+    >>> wkb_w.srid = True # Tell writer to include SRID
+    >>> wkb_w.write_hex(pnt)
+    '0101000020E6100000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F'
+.. class:: WKTWriter
+.. method:: WKTWriter.write(geom)
+Returns the WKT of the given geometry. Example::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, WKTWriter
+    >>> pnt = Point(1, 1)
+    >>> wkt_w = WKTWriter()
+    >>> wkt_w.write(pnt)
+    'POINT (1.0000000000000000 1.0000000000000000)'
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#fnogc] *See* `PostGIS EWKB, EWKT and Canonical Forms <http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/ch04.html#id2591381>`_, PostGIS documentation at Ch. 4.1.2.
+.. [#fncascadedunion] For more information, read Paul Ramsey's blog post about `(Much) Faster Unions in PostGIS 1.4 <http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/2009/01/must-faster-unions-in-postgis-14.html>`_ and Martin Davis' blog post on `Fast polygon merging in JTS using Cascaded Union <http://lin-ear-th-inking.blogspot.com/2007/11/fast-polygon-merging-in-jts-using.html>`_.
+.. setting:: GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH
+A string specifying the location of the GEOS C library.  Typically,
+this setting is only used if the GEOS C library is in a non-standard
+location (e.g., ``/home/bob/lib/libgeos_c.so``).
+.. note::
+    The setting must be the *full* path to the **C** shared library; in 
+    other words you want to use ``libgeos_c.so``, not ``libgeos.so``.

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+.. _ref-contrib-gis:
+.. versionadded:: 1.0
+.. module:: django.contrib.gis
+   :synopsis: Geographic Information System (GIS) extensions for Django
+GeoDjango intends to be a world-class geographic web framework. Its goal is to
+make it as easy as possible to build GIS web applications and harness the power
+of spatially enabled data.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   tutorial
+   install
+   model-api
+   db-api
+   geoquerysets
+   measure
+   geos
+   gdal
+   utils
+   commands
+   admin
+   feeds
+   sitemaps
+   testing
+   deployment

+ 1190 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1190 @@
+.. _ref-gis-install:
+GeoDjango Installation
+In general, GeoDjango installation requires:
+1. :ref:`python24` and :ref:`django`
+2. :ref:`spatial_database`
+3. :ref:`geospatial_libs`
+Details for each of the requirements and installation instructions
+are provided in the sections below.   In addition, platform-specific 
+instructions are available for:
+* :ref:`macosx`
+* :ref:`ubuntudebian`
+* :ref:`windows`
+.. admonition:: Use the Source
+    Because GeoDjango takes advantage of the latest in the open source geospatial
+    software technology, recent versions of the libraries are necessary.  
+    If binary packages aren't available for your platform,
+    :ref:`installation from source <build_from_source>`
+    may be required. When compiling the libraries from source, please follow the 
+    directions closely, especially if you're a beginner.
+.. _python24:
+Python 2.4+
+Because of heavy use of the decorator syntax, Python 2.4 is minimum
+version supported by GeoDjango. Python 2.5+ is recommended because the 
+`ctypes`__ module comes included; otherwise, 2.4 users will need to 
+`download and install ctypes`__.
+__ http://docs.python.org/lib/module-ctypes.html
+__ http://sourceforge.net/projects/ctypes/files/
+.. _django:
+Because GeoDjango is included with Django, please refer to Django's
+:ref:`installation instructions <intro-install>` for details on how to install.
+.. _spatial_database:
+Spatial Database
+PostgreSQL (with PostGIS), MySQL, Oracle, and SQLite (with SpatiaLite) are 
+the spatial databases currently supported.
+.. note::
+    PostGIS is recommended, because it is the most mature and feature-rich 
+    open source spatial database.
+The geospatial libraries required for a GeoDjango installation depends
+on the spatial database used.  The following lists the library requirements,
+supported versions, and any notes for each of the supported database backends:
+==================  ==============================  ==================  ==========================================================
+Database            Library Requirements            Supported Versions  Notes
+==================  ==============================  ==================  ==========================================================
+PostgreSQL          GEOS, PROJ.4, PostGIS           8.1+                Requires PostGIS.
+MySQL               GEOS                            5.x                 Not OGC-compliant; limited functionality.
+Oracle              GEOS                            10.2, 11            XE not supported; not tested with 9.
+SQLite              GEOS, GDAL, PROJ.4, SpatiaLite  3.6.+               Requires SpatiaLite 2.3+, pysqlite2 2.5+, and Django 1.1.
+==================  ==============================  ==================  ==========================================================
+.. _geospatial_libs:
+Geospatial Libraries
+GeoDjango uses and/or provides interfaces for the the following open source 
+geospatial libraries:
+========================  ====================================  ================================  ==========================
+Program                   Description                           Required                          Supported Versions
+========================  ====================================  ================================  ==========================
+:ref:`GEOS <ref-geos>`    Geometry Engine Open Source           Yes                               3.2, 3.1, 3.0
+`PROJ.4`_                 Cartographic Projections library      Yes (PostgreSQL and SQLite only)  4.7, 4.6, 4.5, 4.4
+:ref:`GDAL <ref-gdal>`    Geospatial Data Abstraction Library   No (but, required for SQLite)     1.6, 1.5, 1.4
+:ref:`GeoIP <ref-geoip>`  IP-based geolocation library          No                                1.4
+`PostGIS`__               Spatial extensions for PostgreSQL     Yes (PostgreSQL only)             1.5, 1.4, 1.3
+`SpatiaLite`__            Spatial extensions for SQLite         Yes (SQLite only)                 2.4, 2.3
+========================  ====================================  ================================  ==========================
+.. admonition::  Install GDAL
+    While :ref:`gdalbuild` is technically not required, it is *recommended*.
+    Some features of GeoDjango (including the :ref:`ref-layermapping` and the geographic
+    admin) depend on its functionality.
+.. note::
+    The GeoDjango interfaces to GEOS, GDAL, and GeoIP may be used
+    independently of Django.  In other words, no database or settings file
+    required -- just import them as normal from :mod:`django.contrib.gis`.
+.. _PROJ.4: http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/
+__ http://postgis.refractions.net/
+__ http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/index.html
+.. _build_from_source:
+Building from Source
+When installing from source on UNIX and GNU/Linux systems, please follow
+the installation instructions carefully, and install the libraries in the 
+given order.  If using MySQL or Oracle as the spatial database, only GEOS
+is required.
+.. note::
+   On Linux platforms, it may be necessarry to run the ``ldconfig``
+   command after installing each library.  For example::
+       $ sudo make install
+       $ sudo ldconfig
+.. note::
+    OS X users are required to install `Apple Developer Tools`_ in order
+    to compile software from source.  This is typically included on your
+    OS X installation DVDs.
+.. _Apple Developer Tools: http://developer.apple.com/tools/xcode/
+.. _geosbuild:
+GEOS is a C++ library for performing geometric operations, and is the default
+internal geometry representation used by GeoDjango (it's behind the "lazy"
+geometries).  Specifically, the C API library is called (e.g., ``libgeos_c.so``)
+directly from Python using ctypes.
+First, download GEOS 3.2 from the refractions website and untar the source 
+    $ wget http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.2.0.tar.bz2
+    $ tar xjf geos-3.2.0.tar.bz2
+Next, change into the directory where GEOS was unpacked, run the configure 
+script, compile, and install::
+    $ cd geos-3.2.0
+    $ ./configure
+    $ make
+    $ sudo make install
+    $ cd ..
+Can't find GEOS Library
+When GeoDjango can't find GEOS, this error is raised::
+    ImportError: Could not find the GEOS library (tried "geos_c"). Try setting GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH in your settings.
+The most common solution is to properly configure your :ref:`libsettings` *or* set 
+:ref:`geoslibrarypath` in your settings.
+If using a binary package of GEOS (e.g., on Ubuntu 8.10), you may need to :ref:`binutils`.
+.. _geoslibrarypath:
+If your GEOS library is in a non-standard location, or you don't want to
+modify the system's library path then the :setting:`GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH`  setting
+may be added to your Django settings file with the full path to the GEOS
+C library.  For example::
+    GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH = '/home/bob/local/lib/libgeos_c.so'
+.. note::
+    The setting must be the *full* path to the **C** shared library; in 
+    other words you want to use ``libgeos_c.so``, not ``libgeos.so``.
+.. _proj4:
+`PROJ.4`_ is a library for converting geospatial data to different coordinate 
+reference systems.
+First, download the PROJ.4 source code and datum shifting files [#]_::
+    $ wget http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-4.7.0.tar.gz
+    $ wget http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-datumgrid-1.5.zip
+Next, untar the source code archive, and extract the datum shifting files in the
+``nad`` subdirectory.  This must be done *prior* to configuration::
+    $ tar xzf proj-4.7.0.tar.gz
+    $ cd proj-4.7.0/nad
+    $ unzip ../../proj-datumgrid-1.5.zip
+    $ cd ..
+Finally, configure, make and install PROJ.4::
+    $ ./configure
+    $ make
+    $ sudo make install
+    $ cd ..
+.. _postgis:
+`PostGIS`__ adds geographic object support to PostgreSQL, turning it
+into a spatial database. :ref:`geosbuild` and :ref:`proj4` should be 
+installed prior to building PostGIS.
+.. note::
+    The `psycopg2`_ module is required for use as the database adaptor 
+    when using GeoDjango with PostGIS.
+.. _psycopg2: http://initd.org/projects/psycopg2
+First download the source archive, and extract::
+    $ wget http://postgis.refractions.net/download/postgis-1.5.1.tar.gz
+    $ tar xzf postgis-1.5.1.tar.gz
+    $ cd postgis-1.5.1
+Next, configure, make and install PostGIS::
+    $ ./configure
+Finally, make and install::
+    $ make
+    $ sudo make install
+    $ cd ..
+.. note::
+    GeoDjango does not automatically create a spatial database.  Please 
+    consult the section on :ref:`spatialdb_template` for more information.
+__ http://postgis.refractions.net/
+.. _gdalbuild:
+`GDAL`__ is an excellent open source geospatial library that has support for
+reading most vector and raster spatial data formats.  Currently, GeoDjango only 
+supports :ref:`GDAL's vector data <ref-gdal>` capabilities [#]_.
+:ref:`geosbuild` and :ref:`proj4` should be installed prior to building GDAL.
+First download the latest GDAL release version and untar the archive::
+    $ wget http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/gdal-1.7.1.tar.gz
+    $ tar xzf gdal-1.7.1.tar.gz
+    $ cd gdal-1.7.1
+Configure, make and install::
+    $ ./configure
+    $ make # Go get some coffee, this takes a while.
+    $ sudo make install
+    $ cd ..
+.. note::
+   Because GeoDjango has it's own Python interface, the preceding instructions
+   do not build GDAL's own Python bindings.  The bindings may be built by 
+   adding the ``--with-python`` flag when running ``configure``.  See
+   `GDAL/OGR In Python`__ for more information on GDAL's bindings. 
+If you have any problems, please see the troubleshooting section below for 
+suggestions and solutions.
+__ http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/
+__ http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/GdalOgrInPython
+.. _gdaltrouble:
+Can't find GDAL Library
+When GeoDjango can't find the GDAL library, the ``HAS_GDAL`` flag
+will be false::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis import gdal
+    >>> gdal.HAS_GDAL
+    False
+The solution is to properly configure your :ref:`libsettings` *or* set 
+:ref:`gdallibrarypath` in your settings.
+.. _gdallibrarypath:
+If your GDAL library is in a non-standard location, or you don't want to
+modify the system's library path then the :setting:`GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH`
+setting may be added to your Django settings file with the full path to
+the GDAL library.  For example::
+    GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH = '/home/sue/local/lib/libgdal.so'
+.. _gdaldata:
+Can't find GDAL data files (``GDAL_DATA``)
+When installed from source, GDAL versions 1.5.1 and below have an autoconf bug 
+that places data in the wrong location. [#]_   This can lead to error messages 
+like this::
+    ERROR 4: Unable to open EPSG support file gcs.csv.
+    ...
+    OGRException: OGR failure.
+The solution is to set the ``GDAL_DATA`` environment variable to the location of the 
+GDAL data files before invoking Python  (typically ``/usr/local/share``; use 
+``gdal-config --datadir`` to find out). For example::
+    $ export GDAL_DATA=`gdal-config --datadir`
+    $ python manage.py shell
+If using Apache, you may need to add this environment variable to your configuration 
+    SetEnv GDAL_DATA /usr/local/share
+.. _spatialite:
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+.. note::
+   Mac OS X users should follow the instructions in the :ref:`kyngchaos` section,
+   as it is much easier than building from source.
+`SpatiaLite`__ adds spatial support to SQLite, turning it into a full-featured 
+spatial database.  Because SpatiaLite has special requirements, it typically
+requires SQLite and pysqlite2 (the Python SQLite DB-API adaptor) to be built from 
+source.  :ref:`geosbuild` and :ref:`proj4` should be installed prior to building
+After installation is complete, don't forget to read the post-installation 
+docs on :ref:`create_spatialite_db`.
+__ http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/index.html
+.. _sqlite:
+Typically, SQLite packages are not compiled to include the `R*Tree module`__ --
+thus it must be compiled from source.  First download the latest amalgamation 
+source archive from the `SQLite download page`__, and extract::
+    $ wget http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-amalgamation-3.6.22.tar.gz
+    $ tar xzf sqlite-amalgamation-3.6.22.tar.gz
+    $ cd sqlite-3.6.22
+Next, run the ``configure`` script -- however the ``CFLAGS`` environment variable
+needs to be customized so that SQLite knows to build the R*Tree module::
+    $ CFLAGS="-DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE=1" ./configure
+    $ make
+    $ sudo make install
+    $ cd ..
+.. note::
+    If using Ubuntu, installing a newer SQLite from source can be very difficult
+    because it links to the existing ``libsqlite3.so`` in ``/usr/lib`` which 
+    many other packages depend on.  Unfortunately, the best solution at this time
+    is to overwrite the existing library by adding ``--prefix=/usr`` to the
+    ``configure`` command.
+__ http://www.sqlite.org/rtree.html
+__ http://www.sqlite.org/download.html
+.. _spatialitebuild :
+SpatiaLite Library (``libspatialite``) and Tools (``spatialite``)
+After SQLite has been built with the R*Tree module enabled, get the latest
+SpatiaLite library source and tools bundle from the `download page`__::
+    $ wget http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/libspatialite-amalgamation-2.3.1.tar.gz
+    $ wget http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/spatialite-tools-2.3.1.tar.gz
+    $ tar xzf libspatialite-amalgamation-2.3.1.tar.gz
+    $ tar xzf spatialite-tools-2.3.1.tar.gz
+Prior to attempting to build, please read the important notes below to see if
+customization of the ``configure`` command is necessary.  If not, then run the 
+``configure`` script, make, and install for the SpatiaLite library::
+    $ cd libspatialite-amalgamation-2.3.1
+    $ ./configure # May need to modified, see notes below.
+    $ make
+    $ sudo make install
+    $ cd ..
+Finally, do the same for the SpatiaLite tools::
+    $ cd spatialite-tools-2.3.1   
+    $ ./configure # May need to modified, see notes below.
+    $ make
+    $ sudo make install
+    $ cd ..
+.. note::
+    If you've installed GEOS and PROJ.4 from binary packages, you will have to specify
+    their paths when running the ``configure`` scripts for *both* the library and the 
+    tools (the configure scripts look, by default, in ``/usr/local``).  For example, 
+    on Debian/Ubuntu distributions that have GEOS and PROJ.4 packages, the command would be::
+       $ ./configure --with-proj-include=/usr/include --with-proj-lib=/usr/lib --with-geos-include=/usr/include --with-geos-lib=/usr/lib
+.. note::
+    For Mac OS X users building from source, the SpatiaLite library *and* tools 
+    need to be linked into the existing ``iconv`` library. While this happens 
+    automatically on Linux, the ``configure`` scripts need to know about the 
+    specific location on Mac OS X (via modification of the ``CFLAGS`` and 
+    ``LDFLAGS`` environment variables prior to configuration)::
+        $ CFLAGS=-I/usr/include LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib -liconv" ./configure
+__ http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/sources.html
+.. _pysqlite2:
+Because SpatiaLite must be loaded as an external extension, it requires the
+``enable_load_extension`` method, which is only available in versions 2.5+.
+Thus, download pysqlite2 2.5, and untar::
+    $ wget http://pysqlite.googlecode.com/files/pysqlite-2.5.6.tar.gz
+    $ tar xzf pysqlite-2.5.6.tar.gz
+    $ cd pysqlite-2.5.6
+Next, use a text editor (e.g., ``emacs`` or ``vi``) to edit the ``setup.cfg`` file
+to look like the following::
+    [build_ext]
+    #define=
+    include_dirs=/usr/local/include
+    library_dirs=/usr/local/lib
+    libraries=sqlite3
+.. note::
+    The important thing here is to make sure you comment out the the
+    ``define=SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION`` flag and that the ``include_dirs``
+    and ``library_dirs`` settings are uncommented and set to the appropriate
+    path if the SQLite header files and libraries are not in ``/usr/include``
+    and ``/usr/lib``, respectively.   
+After modifying ``setup.cfg`` appropriately, then run the ``setup.py`` script
+to build and install::
+    $ sudo python setup.py install
+.. _spatialdb_template:
+Creating a Spatial Database Template for PostGIS
+Creating a spatial database with PostGIS is different than normal because
+additional SQL must be loaded to enable spatial functionality.  Because of 
+the steps in this process, it's better to create a database template that
+can be reused later.
+First, you need to be able to execute the commands as a privileged database
+user.  For example, you can use the following to become the ``postgres`` user::
+    $ sudo su - postgres
+.. note::
+   The location *and* name of the PostGIS SQL files (e.g., from
+   ``POSTGIS_SQL_PATH`` below) depends on the version of PostGIS.
+   PostGIS versions 1.3 and below use ``<sharedir>/contrib/lwpostgis.sql``, whereas
+   versions 1.4 and 1.5 use ``<sharedir>/contrib/postgis-1.4/postgis.sql`` and
+   ``<sharedir>/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql``, respectively.
+   The example below assumes 1.5, thus you may need to modify
+   ``POSTGIS_SQL_PATH`` and the name of the SQL file for the specific 
+   version of PostGIS you are using.
+Once you're a database super user, then you may execute the following commands
+to create a PostGIS spatial database template.  If running Ubuntu :ref:`ibex`
+or Debian :ref:`lenny`, please refer to their specific documentation for
+modifications to these commands::
+    $ POSTGIS_SQL_PATH=`pg_config --sharedir`/contrib/postgis-1.5
+    # Creating the template spatial database.
+    $ createdb -E UTF8 template_postgis
+    $ createlang -d template_postgis plpgsql # Adding PLPGSQL language support.
+    # Allows non-superusers the ability to create from this template
+    $ psql -d postgres -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true' WHERE datname='template_postgis';"
+    # Loading the PostGIS SQL routines
+    $ psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/postgis.sql
+    $ psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/spatial_ref_sys.sql
+    # Enabling users to alter spatial tables.
+    $ psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;"
+    $ psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;"
+These commands may be placed in a shell script for later use; for convenience
+the following scripts are available:
+===============  ==========================================
+PostGIS Version  Shell Script
+===============  ==========================================
+1.3              :download:`create_template_postgis-1.3.sh`
+1.4              :download:`create_template_postgis-1.4.sh`
+1.5              :download:`create_template_postgis-1.5.sh`
+===============  ==========================================
+Afterwards, you may create a spatial database by simply specifying
+``template_postgis`` as the template to use (via the ``-T`` option)::
+    $ createdb -T template_postgis <db name>
+.. note::
+    While the ``createdb`` command does not require database super-user privileges,
+    it must be executed by a database user that has permissions to create databases.
+    You can create such a user with the following command::
+        $ createuser --createdb <user>
+.. _create_spatialite_db:
+Creating a Spatial Database for SpatiaLite
+After the SpatiaLite library and tools have been installed, it is now possible
+to create spatial database for use with GeoDjango.  In order to do this, download
+the spatial database initialization SQL from the `SpatiaLite Resources`__ page::
+   $ wget http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/init_spatialite-2.3.sql.gz
+   $ gunzip init_spatialite-2.3.sql.gz
+Now, the ``spatialite`` command can be used to initialize a spatial database::
+   $ spatialite geodjango.db < init_spatialite-2.3.sql
+.. note::
+    The parameter ``geodjango.db`` is the *filename* of the SQLite database
+    you want to use.  Use the same in the :setting:`DATABASE_NAME`
+    inside your ``settings.py``.
+__ http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/resources.html
+Add ``django.contrib.gis`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS``
+Like other Django contrib applications, you will *only* need to add 
+:mod:`django.contrib.gis` to :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS` in your settings.
+This is the so that ``gis`` templates can be located -- if not done, then
+features such as the geographic admin or KML sitemaps will not function properly.
+.. _addgoogleprojection:
+Add Google Projection to ``spatial_ref_sys`` table
+.. versionchanged:: 1.2
+.. note::
+    If running PostGIS 1.4 and above, the entry is already included in the
+    default ``spatial_ref_sys`` table.  You can skip this step.
+In order to conduct database transformations to the so-called "Google"
+projection (a spherical mercator projection used by Google Maps),
+an entry must be added to your spatial database's ``spatial_ref_sys`` table.
+Invoke the Django shell from your project and execute the
+``add_srs_entry`` function::
+    $ python manage shell
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.utils import add_srs_entry
+    >>> add_srs_entry(900913)
+.. note::
+    In Django 1.1 the name of this function is ``add_postgis_srs``.
+This adds an entry for the 900913 SRID to the ``spatial_ref_sys`` (or equivalent)
+table, making it possible for the spatial database to transform coordinates in 
+this projection.  You only need to execute this command *once* per spatial database.
+If you can't find the solution to your problem here then participate in the
+community!  You can:
+* Join the ``#geodjango`` IRC channel on FreeNode (may be accessed on the
+  web via `Mibbit`__).  Please be patient and polite -- while you may not 
+  get an immediate response, someone will attempt to answer your question 
+  as soon as they see it.
+* Ask your question on the `GeoDjango`__ mailing list.
+* File a ticket on the `Django trac`__ if you think there's a bug.  Make
+  sure to provide a complete description of the problem, versions used,
+  and specify the component as "GIS".
+__ http://www.mibbit.com/?server=irc.freenode.net&channel=%23geodjango
+__ http://groups.google.com/group/geodjango
+__ http://code.djangoproject.com/simpleticket
+.. _libsettings:
+Library Environment Settings
+By far, the most common problem when installing GeoDjango is that the
+external shared libraries (e.g., for GEOS and GDAL) cannot be located. [#]_
+Typically, the cause of this problem is that the operating system isn't aware 
+of the directory where the libraries built from source were installed.
+In general, the library path may be set on a per-user basis by setting
+an environment variable, or by configuring the library path for the entire
+``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` environment variable
+A user may set this environment variable to customize the library paths
+they want to use.  The typical library directory for software 
+built from source is ``/usr/local/lib``.  Thus, ``/usr/local/lib`` needs
+to be included in the ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` variable.  For example, the user 
+could place the following in their bash profile::
+    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
+Setting System Library Path
+On GNU/Linux systems, there is typically a file in ``/etc/ld.so.conf``, which may include
+additional paths from files in another directory, such as ``/etc/ld.so.conf.d``.
+As the root user, add the custom library path (like ``/usr/local/lib``) on a  
+new line in ``ld.so.conf``.  This is *one* example of how to do so::
+    $ sudo echo /usr/local/lib >> /etc/ld.so.conf
+    $ sudo ldconfig
+For OpenSolaris users, the system library path may be modified using the
+``crle`` utility.  Run ``crle`` with no options to see the current configuration
+and use ``crle -l`` to set with the new library path.  Be *very* careful when
+modifying the system library path::
+    # crle -l $OLD_PATH:/usr/local/lib
+.. _binutils:
+Install ``binutils``
+GeoDjango uses the ``find_library`` function (from the ``ctypes.util`` Python
+module) to discover libraries.  The ``find_library`` routine uses a program
+called ``objdump`` (part of the ``binutils`` package) to verify a shared 
+library on GNU/Linux systems.  Thus, if ``binutils`` is not installed on your
+Linux system then Python's ctypes may not be able to find your library even if 
+your library path is set correctly and geospatial libraries were built perfectly.
+The ``binutils`` package may be installed on Debian and Ubuntu systems using the
+following command::
+    $ sudo apt-get install binutils
+Similarly, on Red Hat and CentOS systems::
+    $ sudo yum install binutils
+Platform Specific Instructions
+.. _macosx:
+Mac OS X
+Because of the variety of packaging systems available for OS X, users have
+several different options for installing GeoDjango.  These options are:
+* :ref:`kyngchaos`
+* :ref:`fink`
+* :ref:`macports`
+* :ref:`build_from_source`
+.. note::
+    Currently, the easiest and recommended approach for installing GeoDjango
+    on OS X is to use the KyngChaos packages.  
+This section also includes instructions for installing an upgraded version 
+of :ref:`macosx_python` from packages provided by the Python Software 
+Foundation, however, this is not required.
+.. _macosx_python:
+Although OS X comes with Python installed, users can use framework
+installers (`2.5`__ and `2.6`__ are available) provided by 
+the Python Software Foundation.  An advantage to using the installer is 
+that OS X's Python will remain "pristine" for internal operating system
+__ http://python.org/ftp/python/2.5.4/python-2.5.4-macosx.dmg
+__ http://python.org/ftp/python/2.6.2/python-2.6.2-macosx2009-04-16.dmg
+.. note::
+    You will need to modify the ``PATH`` environment variable in your
+    ``.profile`` file so that the new version of Python is used when
+    ``python`` is entered at the command-line::
+        export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:$PATH
+.. _kyngchaos:
+KyngChaos Packages
+William Kyngesburye provides a number of `geospatial library binary packages`__ 
+that make it simple to get GeoDjango installed on OS X without compiling 
+them from source.  However, the `Apple Developer Tools`_ are still necessary
+for compiling the Python database adapters :ref:`psycopg2_kyngchaos` (for PostGIS)
+and :ref:`pysqlite2_kyngchaos` (for SpatiaLite).  
+.. note::
+    SpatiaLite users should consult the :ref:`spatialite_kyngchaos` section 
+    after installing the packages for additional instructions.
+Download the framework packages for:
+* UnixImageIO
+* SQLite3 (includes the SpatiaLite library)
+Install the packages in the order they are listed above, as the GDAL and SQLite
+packages require the packages listed before them.  Afterwards, you can also
+install the KyngChaos binary packages for `PostgreSQL and PostGIS`__.
+After installing the binary packages, you'll want to add the following to
+your ``.profile`` to be able to run the package programs from the command-line::
+    export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/UnixImageIO.framework/Programs:$PATH
+    export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/Programs:$PATH
+    export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/GEOS.framework/Programs:$PATH
+    export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/SQLite3.framework/Programs:$PATH
+    export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Programs:$PATH
+    export PATH=/usr/local/pgsql/bin:$PATH
+__ http://www.kyngchaos.com/wiki/software:frameworks
+__ http://www.kyngchaos.com/wiki/software:postgres
+.. note::
+    Use of these binaries requires Django 1.0.3 and above.  If you are
+    using a previous version of Django (like 1.0.2), then you will have
+    to add the the following in your settings::
+        GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH='/Library/Frameworks/GEOS.framework/GEOS'
+        GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH='/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/GDAL'
+.. _psycopg2_kyngchaos:
+After you've installed the KyngChaos binaries and modified your ``PATH``, as
+described above, ``psycopg2`` may be installed using the following command::
+    $ sudo python easy_install psycopg2
+.. note::
+   To use ``easy_install`` you'll need to install Python's `setuptools`_.
+.. _setuptools: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools
+.. _pysqlite2_kyngchaos:
+Follow the :ref:`pysqlite2` source install instructions, however, 
+when editing the ``setup.cfg`` use the following instead::
+    [build_ext]
+    #define=
+    include_dirs=/Library/Frameworks/SQLite3.framework/unix/include
+    library_dirs=/Library/Frameworks/SQLite3.framework/unix/lib
+    libraries=sqlite3
+.. _spatialite_kyngchaos:
+When :ref:`create_spatialite_db`, the ``spatialite`` program is required.
+However, instead of attempting to compile the SpatiaLite tools from source,
+download the `SpatiaLite Binaries`__ for OS X, and install ``spatialite`` in a 
+location available in your ``PATH``.  For example::
+    $ curl -O http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/spatialite-tools-osx-x86-2.3.1.tar.gz
+    $ tar xzf spatialite-tools-osx-x86-2.3.1.tar.gz
+    $ cd spatialite-tools-osx-x86-2.3.1/bin
+    $ sudo cp spatialite /Library/Frameworks/SQLite3.framework/Programs
+Finally, for GeoDjango to be able to find the KyngChaos SpatiaLite library,
+add the following to your ``settings.py``::
+    SPATIALITE_LIBRARY_PATH='/Library/Frameworks/SQLite3.framework/SQLite3'
+__ http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/binaries.html
+.. _fink:
+`Kurt Schwehr`__ has been gracious enough to create GeoDjango packages for users
+of the `Fink`__ package system.  The following packages are available, depending
+on which version of Python you want to use:
+* ``django-gis-py26``
+* ``django-gis-py25``
+* ``django-gis-py24``
+__ http://schwehr.org/blog/
+__ http://www.finkproject.org/
+.. _macports:
+`MacPorts`__ may be used to install GeoDjango prerequisites on Macintosh 
+computers running OS X.  Because MacPorts still builds the software from source,
+the `Apple Developer Tools`_ are required. 
+    $ sudo port install postgresql83-server
+    $ sudo port install geos
+    $ sudo port install proj
+    $ sudo port install postgis
+    $ sudo port install gdal
+    $ sudo port install libgeoip  
+.. note::
+    You will also have to modify the ``PATH`` in your ``.profile`` so
+    that the MacPorts programs are accessible from the command-line::
+        export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/lib/postgresql83/bin
+    In addition, add the ``FALLBACK_DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH`` setting so that
+    the libraries can be found by Python::
+        export FALLBACK_DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/lib:/opt/local/lib/postgresql83
+__ http://www.macports.org/
+.. _ubuntudebian:
+Ubuntu & Debian GNU/Linux
+.. _ubuntu:
+.. _heron:
+8.04 and lower
+The 8.04 (and lower) versions of Ubuntu use GEOS v2.2.3 in their binary packages, 
+which is incompatible with GeoDjango.  Thus, do *not* use the binary packages 
+for GEOS or PostGIS and build some prerequisites from source, per the instructions 
+in this document; however, it is okay to use the PostgreSQL binary packages.
+For more details, please see the Debian instructions for :ref:`etch` below.
+.. _ibex:
+Use the synaptic package manager to install the following packages::
+    $ sudo apt-get install binutils libgdal1-1.5.0 postgresql-8.3-postgis postgresql-server-dev-8.3 python-psycopg2 python-setuptools
+Afterwards, you may install Django with Python's ``easy_install`` script (the
+Ubuntu package ``python-django`` uses an older version missing several
+important bug fixes for GeoDjango)::
+    $ sudo easy_install Django
+That's it!  For the curious, the required binary prerequisites packages are:
+* ``binutils``: for ctypes to find libraries
+* ``postgresql-8.3``
+* ``postgresql-server-dev-8.3``: for ``pg_config``
+* ``postgresql-8.3-postgis``: for PostGIS 1.3.3
+* ``libgeos-3.0.0``, and ``libgeos-c1``: for GEOS 3.0.0
+* ``libgdal1-1.5.0``: for GDAL 1.5.0 library
+* ``proj``: for PROJ 4.6.0 -- but no datum shifting files, see note below
+* ``python-psycopg2``
+* ``python-setuptools``: for ``easy_install``
+Optional packages to consider:
+* ``libgeoip1``: for :ref:`GeoIP <ref-geoip>` support
+* ``gdal-bin``: for GDAL command line programs like ``ogr2ogr``
+* ``python-gdal`` for GDAL's own Python bindings -- includes interfaces for raster manipulation
+.. note::
+    The Ubuntu ``proj`` package does not come with the datum shifting files
+    installed, which will cause problems with the geographic admin because 
+    the ``null`` datum grid is not available for transforming geometries to the
+    spherical mercator projection. A solution is to download the 
+    datum-shifting files, create the grid file, and install it yourself::
+        $ wget http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-datumgrid-1.4.tar.gz
+        $ mkdir nad
+        $ cd nad
+        $ tar xzf ../proj-datumgrid-1.4.tar.gz
+        $ nad2bin null < null.lla
+        $ sudo cp null /usr/share/proj
+    Otherwise, the Ubuntu ``proj`` package is fine for general use as long as you
+    do not plan on doing any database transformation of geometries to the 
+    Google projection (900913).
+.. note::
+    The PostGIS SQL files are not placed the PostgreSQL share directory in the
+    Ubuntu packages.  Use the :download:`create_template_postgis-debian.sh` script
+    instead when :ref:`spatialdb_template`.
+.. _debian:
+.. _etch:
+4.0 (Etch)
+The situation here is the same as that of Ubuntu :ref:`heron` -- in other words,
+some packages must be built from source to work properly with GeoDjango.
+Binary Packages
+The following command will install acceptable binary packages, as well as
+the development tools necessary to build the rest of the requirements::
+    $ sudo apt-get install binutils bzip2 gcc g++ flex make postgresql-8.1 postgresql-server-dev-8.1 python-ctypes python-psycopg2 python-setuptools
+Required package information:
+* ``binutils``: for ctypes to find libraries
+* ``bzip2``: for decompressing the source packages
+* ``gcc``, ``g++``, ``make``: GNU developer tools used to compile the libraries
+* ``flex``: required to build PostGIS
+* ``postgresql-8.1``
+* ``postgresql-server-dev-8.1``: for ``pg_config``
+* ``python-ctypes``: Python 2.4 needs to have ctypes installed separately
+* ``python-psycopg2``
+* ``python-setuptools``: for ``easy_install``
+Optional packages:
+* ``libgeoip``: for :ref:`GeoIP <ref-geoip>` support
+Source Packages
+You will still have to install :ref:`geosbuild`, :ref:`proj4`,
+:ref:`postgis`, and :ref:`gdalbuild` from source.  Please follow the 
+directions carefully.
+.. _lenny:
+5.0 (Lenny)
+This version is comparable to Ubuntu :ref:`ibex`, so the command 
+is very similar::
+    $ sudo apt-get install binutils libgdal1-1.5.0 postgresql-8.3 postgresql-8.3-postgis postgresql-server-dev-8.3 python-psycopg2 python-setuptools
+This assumes that you are using PostgreSQL version 8.3. Else, replace ``8.3``
+in the above command with the appropriate PostgreSQL version.
+.. note::
+   Please read the note in the Ubuntu :ref:`ibex` install documentation
+   about the ``proj`` package -- it also applies here because the package does
+   not include the datum shifting files.
+.. _post_install:
+Post-installation Notes
+If the PostgreSQL database cluster was not initiated after installing, then it
+can be created (and started) with the following command::
+    $ sudo pg_createcluster --start 8.3 main
+Afterwards, the ``/etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3`` script should be used to manage
+the starting and stopping of PostgreSQL.
+In addition, the SQL files for PostGIS are placed in a different location on
+Debian 5.0 . Thus when :ref:`spatialdb_template` either:
+* Create a symbolic link to these files::
+    $ sudo ln -s /usr/share/postgresql-8.3-postgis/{lwpostgis,spatial_ref_sys}.sql /usr/share/postgresql/8.3
+  If not running PostgreSQL 8.3, then  replace ``8.3`` in the command above with the correct version.
+* Or use the :download:`create_template_postgis-debian.sh` to create the spatial database.
+.. _windows:
+Windows XP
+First, download the `Python 2.6 installer`__ from the Python website.  Next,
+execute the installer and use defaults, e.g., keep 'Install for all users' 
+checked and the installation path set as ``C:\Python26``.
+.. note::
+    You may already have a version of Python installed in ``C:\python`` as ESRI
+    products sometimes install a copy there.  *You should still install a 
+    fresh version of Python 2.6.*
+__ http://python.org/ftp/python/2.6.2/python-2.6.2.msi
+First, select a mirror and download the latest `PostgreSQL 8.3 installer`__ from
+the EnterpriseDB website.
+.. note::
+   PostgreSQL 8.3 is required because PostGIS is not available yet for 8.4.
+After downloading, simply click on the installer, follow the 
+on-screen directions, and keep the default options (e.g., keep the installation 
+path as ``C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3``).
+.. note::
+    This PostgreSQL installation process will create both a new windows user to be the 
+    'postgres service account' and a special 'postgres superuser' to own the database 
+    cluster. You will be prompted to set a password for both users (make sure to write 
+    them down!). To see basic details on the 'service user' account right click on 
+    'My Computer' and select 'Manage' or go to: Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> 
+    Computer Management -> System Tools -> Local Users and Groups.
+If installed successfully, the PostgreSQL server will run in the background each time 
+the system as started as a Windows service.  When finished, the installer should launch 
+the Application Stack Builder (ASB) -- use this to install PostGIS, see instructions
+below for more details.  A 'PostgreSQL 8.3' start menu group should be created that
+contains shortcuts for the ASB and 'Command Prompt', which launches a terminal window
+in the PostgreSQL directory.
+__ http://www.enterprisedb.com/products/pgdownload.do#windows
+From the Application Stack Builder (Programs -> PostgreSQL 8.3), select 
+'PostgreSQL Database Server 8.3 on port 5432' from the drop down menu.  Next, 
+select 'PostGIS 1.3.6 for PostgreSQL 8.3' from the 'Spatial Extensions' tree
+in the list.  Select only the default options during install (do not uncheck 
+the option to create a default PostGIS database).
+.. note::
+    You will be prompted to enter your 'postgres superuser' password in the 
+    'Database Connection Information' dialog.
+The ``psycopg2`` Python module provides the interface between Python and the
+PostgreSQL database.  Download the `Windows installer`__ (v2.0.10) and run 
+using the default settings. [#]_
+__ http://www.stickpeople.com/projects/python/win-psycopg/psycopg2-2.0.10.win32-py2.6-pg8.3.7-release.exe
+GeoDjango Installer
+Download the `GeoDjango Installer`__; this was created [#]_ to simplify the rest
+of the process for installing GeoDjango on Windows platforms.  The installer
+automatically installs Django 1.1, GDAL 1.6.0, PROJ 4.6.1 (including datum grid
+files), and configures the necessary environment variables.
+Once the installer has completed, log out and log back in so that the 
+modifications to the system environment variables take effect, and you
+should be good to go.
+.. note::
+    The installer modifies the system ``Path`` environment variable to
+    include ``C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\bin`` and 
+    ``C:\Program Files\GeoDjango\bin``.  This is required so that Python
+    may find the GEOS DLL provided by PostGIS and the GDAL DLL provided
+    by the installer. The installer also sets the ``GDAL_DATA`` and 
+    ``PROJ_LIB`` environment variables.
+__ http://geodjango.org/windows/GeoDjango_Installer.exe
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#] The datum shifting files are needed for converting data to and from certain projections.
+       For example, the PROJ.4 string for the `Google projection (900913) <http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/900913/proj4>`_ 
+       requires the ``null`` grid file only included in the extra datum shifting files.  
+       It is easier to install the shifting files now, then to have debug a problem caused by their absence later.
+.. [#] Specifically, GeoDjango provides support for the `OGR <http://gdal.org/ogr>`_ library, a component of GDAL.
+.. [#] See `GDAL ticket #2382 <http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/2382>`_.
+.. [#] GeoDjango uses the `find_library <http://docs.python.org/library/ctypes.html#finding-shared-libraries>`_
+       routine from ``ctypes.util`` to locate shared libraries. 
+.. [#] The ``psycopg2`` Windows installers are packaged and maintained by 
+       `Jason Erickson <http://www.stickpeople.com/projects/python/win-psycopg/>`_. 
+.. [#] The source code for the installer is available in the `nsis_installer <http://geodjango.org/hg/nsis_installer/>`_ 
+       GeoDjango mercurial repository.

+ 219 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+.. _ref-layermapping:
+``LayerMapping`` data import utility
+.. module:: django.contrib.gis.utils.layermapping
+   :synopsis: Spatial data import utility for GeoDjango models.
+.. currentmodule:: django.contrib.gis.utils
+The :class:`LayerMapping` class provides a way to map the contents of
+vector spatial data files (e.g. shapefiles) intoto GeoDjango models.
+This utility grew out of the author's personal needs to eliminate
+the code repetition that went into pulling geometries and fields out of
+a vector layer, converting to another coordinate system (e.g. WGS84), and 
+then inserting into a GeoDjango model.
+.. note::
+    Use of :class:`LayerMapping` requires GDAL.
+.. warning ::
+    GIS data sources, like shapefiles, may be very large.  If you find
+    that :class:`LayerMapping` is using too much memory, set
+    ``DEBUG=False`` in your settings.  When ``DEBUG=True`` Django automatically
+    logs *every* SQL query -- thus, when SQL statements contain geometries, it is 
+    easy to consume more memory than usual.
+1. You need a GDAL-supported data source, like a shapefile (here we're using
+   a simple polygon shapefile, ``test_poly.shp``, with three features)::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.gdal import DataSource
+    >>> ds = DataSource('test_poly.shp')
+    >>> layer = ds[0]
+    >>> print layer.fields # Exploring the fields in the layer, we only want the 'str' field.
+    ['float', 'int', 'str']
+    >>> print len(layer) # getting the number of features in the layer (should be 3)
+    3
+    >>> print layer.geom_type # Should be 'Polygon'
+    Polygon
+    >>> print layer.srs # WGS84 in WKT
+    GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",
+        DATUM["WGS_1984",
+            SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],
+        PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
+        UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]]    
+2. Now we define our corresponding Django model (make sure to use ``syncdb``)::
+    from django.contrib.gis.db import models
+    class TestGeo(models.Model):
+        name = models.CharField(max_length=25) # corresponds to the 'str' field
+        poly = models.PolygonField(srid=4269) # we want our model in a different SRID
+        objects = models.GeoManager()
+        def __unicode__(self):
+            return 'Name: %s' % self.name
+3. Use :class:`LayerMapping` to extract all the features and place them in the
+   database::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.utils import LayerMapping
+    >>> from geoapp.models import TestGeo
+    >>> mapping = {'name' : 'str', # The 'name' model field maps to the 'str' layer field.
+                   'poly' : 'POLYGON', # For geometry fields use OGC name.
+                   } # The mapping is a dictionary
+    >>> lm = LayerMapping(TestGeo, 'test_poly.shp', mapping) 
+    >>> lm.save(verbose=True) # Save the layermap, imports the data. 
+    Saved: Name: 1
+    Saved: Name: 2
+    Saved: Name: 3
+Here, :class:`LayerMapping` just transformed the three geometries from the
+shapefile in their original spatial reference system (WGS84) to the spatial
+reference system of the GeoDjango model (NAD83).  If no spatial reference 
+system is defined for the layer, use the ``source_srs`` keyword with a 
+:class:`django.contrib.gis.gdal.SpatialReference` object to specify one.
+``LayerMapping`` API
+.. class:: LayerMapping(model, data_source, mapping[, layer=0, source_srs=None, encoding=None, transaction_mode='commit_on_success', transform=True, unique=True, using='default'])
+The following are the arguments and keywords that may be used during
+instantiation of ``LayerMapping`` objects.
+=================  =========================================================
+Argument           Description
+=================  =========================================================
+``model``          The geographic model, *not* an instance.
+``data_source``    The path to the OGR-supported data source file
+                   (e.g., a shapefile).  Also accepts
+                   :class:`django.contrib.gis.gdal.DataSource` instances.
+``mapping``        A dictionary: keys are strings corresponding to
+                   the model field, and values correspond to
+                   string field names for the OGR feature, or if the
+                   model field is a geographic then it should
+                   correspond to the OGR geometry type,
+                   e.g., ``'POINT'``, ``'LINESTRING'``, ``'POLYGON'``.
+=================  =========================================================  
+=====================  =====================================================
+Keyword Arguments
+=====================  =====================================================  
+``layer``              The index of the layer to use from the Data Source 
+                       (defaults to 0)
+``source_srs``         Use this to specify the source SRS manually (for 
+                       example, some shapefiles don't come with a '.prj' 
+                       file).  An integer SRID, WKT or PROJ.4 strings, and 
+                       :class:`django.contrib.gis.gdal.SpatialReference` 
+                       objects are accepted.
+``encoding``           Specifies the character set encoding of the strings 
+                       in the OGR data source.  For example, ``'latin-1'``, 
+                       ``'utf-8'``, and ``'cp437'`` are all valid encoding 
+                       parameters.
+``transaction_mode``   May be ``'commit_on_success'`` (default) or 
+                       ``'autocommit'``.
+``transform``          Setting this to False will disable coordinate 
+                       transformations.  In other words, geometries will
+                       be inserted into the database unmodified from their
+                       original state in the data source.
+``unique``             Setting this to the name, or a tuple of names,
+                       from the given  model will create models unique
+                       only to the given name(s). Geometries will from 
+                       each feature will be added into the collection 
+                       associated with the unique model.  Forces 
+                       the transaction mode to be ``'autocommit'``.
+``using``              New in version 1.2.  Sets the database to use when
+                       importing spatial data.  Default is ``'default'``
+=====================  =====================================================  
+``save()`` Keyword Arguments
+.. method:: LayerMapping.save([verbose=False, fid_range=False, step=False, progress=False, silent=False, stream=sys.stdout, strict=False])
+The ``save()`` method also accepts keywords.  These keywords are
+used for controlling output logging, error handling, and for importing
+specific feature ranges.
+===========================  =================================================
+Save Keyword Arguments       Description
+===========================  =================================================
+``fid_range``                May be set with a slice or tuple of 
+                             (begin, end) feature ID's to map from 
+                             the data source.  In other words, this
+                             keyword enables the user to selectively 
+                             import a subset range of features in the
+                             geographic data source.
+``progress``                 When this keyword is set, status information
+                             will be printed giving the number of features 
+                             processed and successfully saved.  By default, 
+                             progress information will be printed every 1000
+                             features processed, however, this default may 
+                             be overridden by setting this keyword with an 
+                             integer for the desired interval.
+``silent``                   By default, non-fatal error notifications are 
+                             printed to ``sys.stdout``, but this keyword may 
+                             be set to disable these notifications.
+``step``                     If set with an integer, transactions will 
+                             occur at every step interval. For example, if 
+                             ``step=1000``, a commit would occur after the 
+                             1,000th feature, the 2,000th feature etc.
+``stream``                   Status information will be written to this file 
+                             handle.  Defaults to using ``sys.stdout``, but 
+                             any object with a ``write`` method is supported.
+``strict``                   Execution of the model mapping will cease upon 
+                             the first error encountered.  The default value
+                             (``False``)
+                             behavior is to attempt to continue.
+``verbose``                  If set, information will be printed 
+                             subsequent to each model save 
+                             executed on the database.
+===========================  =================================================
+Running out of memory
+As noted in the warning at the top of this section, Django stores all SQL
+queries when ``DEBUG=True``.  Set ``DEBUG=False`` in your settings, and this
+should stop excessive memory use when running ``LayerMapping`` scripts.
+MySQL: ``max_allowed_packet`` error
+If you encounter the following error when using ``LayerMapping`` and MySQL::
+    OperationalError: (1153, "Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes")
+Then the solution is to increase the value of the ``max_allowed_packet``
+setting in your MySQL configuration.  For example, the default value may 
+be something low like one megabyte -- the setting may be modified in MySQL's
+configuration file (``my.cnf``) in the ``[mysqld]`` section::
+    max_allowed_packet = 10M

+ 180 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+.. _ref-measure:
+Measurement Objects
+.. module:: django.contrib.gis.measure
+   :synopsis: GeoDjango's distance and area measurment objects.
+The :mod:`django.contrib.gis.measure` module contains objects that allow 
+for convenient representation of distance and area units of measure. [#]_ 
+Specifically, it implements two objects, :class:`Distance` and 
+:class:`Area` -- both of which may be accessed via the 
+:class:`D` and :class:`A` convenience aliases, respectively.
+:class:`Distance` objects may be instantiated using a keyword argument indicating the 
+context of the units.  In the example below, two different distance objects are 
+instantiated in units of kilometers (``km``) and miles (``mi``)::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.measure import Distance, D
+    >>> d1 = Distance(km=5)
+    >>> print d1
+    5.0 km
+    >>> d2 = D(mi=5) # `D` is an alias for `Distance`
+    >>> print d2
+    5.0 mi
+Conversions are easy, just access the preferred unit attribute to get a
+converted distance quantity::
+    >>> print d1.mi # Converting 5 kilometers to miles
+    3.10685596119
+    >>> print d2.km # Converting 5 miles to kilometers
+    8.04672
+Moreover, arithmetic operations may be performed between the distance
+    >>> print d1 + d2 # Adding 5 miles to 5 kilometers
+    13.04672 km    
+    >>> print d2 - d1 # Subtracting 5 kilometers from 5 miles
+    1.89314403881 mi
+Two :class:`Distance` objects multiplied together will yield an :class:`Area`
+object, which uses squared units of measure::
+    >>> a = d1 * d2 # Returns an Area object.
+    >>> print a
+    40.2336 sq_km
+To determine what the attribute abbreviation of a unit is, the ``unit_attname``
+class method may be used::
+    >>> print Distance.unit_attname('US Survey Foot')
+    survey_ft
+    >>> print Distance.unit_attname('centimeter')
+    cm
+.. _supported_units:
+Supported units
+=================================  ========================================
+Unit Attribute                     Full name or alias(es)
+=================================  ========================================
+``km``                             Kilometre, Kilometer   
+``mi``                             Mile
+``m``                              Meter, Metre
+``yd``                             Yard
+``ft``                             Foot, Foot (International)
+``survey_ft``                      U.S. Foot, US survey foot
+``inch``                           Inches
+``cm``                             Centimeter
+``mm``                             Millimetre, Millimeter
+``um``                             Micrometer, Micrometre
+``british_ft``                     British foot (Sears 1922)
+``british_yd``                     British yard (Sears 1922)
+``british_chain_sears``            British chain (Sears 1922)
+``indian_yd``                      Indian yard, Yard (Indian)
+``sears_yd``                       Yard (Sears)
+``clarke_ft``                      Clarke's Foot
+``chain``                          Chain
+``chain_benoit``                   Chain (Benoit)
+``chain_sears``                    Chain (Sears)
+``british_chain_benoit``           British chain (Benoit 1895 B)
+``british_chain_sears_truncated``  British chain (Sears 1922 truncated)
+``gold_coast_ft``                  Gold Coast foot
+``link``                           Link
+``link_benoit``                    Link (Benoit)
+``link_sears``                     Link (Sears)
+``clarke_link``                    Clarke's link
+``fathom``                         Fathom
+``rod``                            Rod
+``nm``                             Nautical Mile
+``nm_uk``                          Nautical Mile (UK)
+``german_m``                       German legal metre
+=================================  ========================================
+.. note::
+    :class:`Area` attributes are the same as :class:`Distance` attributes,
+    except they are prefixed with ``sq_`` (area units are square in nature).
+    For example, ``Area(sq_m=2)`` creates an :class:`Area` object
+    representing two square meters.
+Measurement API
+.. class:: Distance(**kwargs)
+   To initialize a distance object, pass in a keyword corresponding to
+   the desired :ref:`unit attribute name <supported_units>` set with
+   desired value.  For example, the following creates a distance
+   object representing 5 miles::
+       >>> dist = Distance(mi=5)
+   .. method:: __getattr__(unit_att)
+   Returns the distance value in units corresponding to the given unit
+   attribute.  For example::
+       >>> print dist.km
+       8.04672
+   .. classmethod:: unit_attname(unit_name)
+   Returns the distance unit attribute name for the given full unit name.
+   For example::
+       >>> Distance.unit_attname('Mile')
+       'mi'
+.. class:: D
+   Alias for :class:`Distance` class.
+.. class:: Area(**kwargs)
+   To initialize a distance object, pass in a keyword corresponding to
+   the desired :ref:`unit attribute name <supported_units>` set with
+   desired value.  For example, the following creates a distance
+   object representing 5 square miles::
+       >>> a = Area(sq_mi=5)
+   .. method:: __getattr__(unit_att)
+   Returns the area value in units corresponding to the given unit
+   attribute.  For example::
+       >>> print a.sq_km
+       12.949940551680001
+   .. classmethod:: unit_attname(unit_name)
+   Returns the area unit attribute name for the given full unit name.
+   For example::
+        >>> Area.unit_attname('Kilometer')
+        'sq_km'
+.. class:: A
+   Alias for :class:`Area` class.
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#] `Robert Coup <http://koordinates.com/>`_ is the initial author of the measure objects, 
+       and was inspired by Brian Beck's work in `geopy <http://code.google.com/p/geopy/>`_ 
+       and Geoff Biggs' PhD work on dimensioned units for robotics.

+ 266 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+.. _ref-gis-model-api:
+GeoDjango Model API
+.. module:: django.contrib.gis.db.models
+   :synopsis: GeoDjango model and field API.
+This document explores the details of the GeoDjango Model API.  Throughout this
+section, we'll be using the following geographic model of a `ZIP code`__ as our 
+    from django.contrib.gis.db import models
+    class Zipcode(models.Model):
+        code = models.CharField(max_length=5)
+        poly = models.PolygonField()
+        objects = models.GeoManager()
+__ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_code
+Geometry Field Types
+Each of the following geometry field types correspond with the 
+OpenGIS Simple Features specification [#fnogc]_.
+.. class:: GeometryField
+.. class:: PointField
+.. class:: LineStringField
+.. class:: PolygonField
+.. class:: MultiPointField
+.. class:: MultiLineStringField
+.. class:: MultiPolygonField
+.. class:: GeometryCollectionField
+.. _geometry-field-options:
+Geometry Field Options
+In addition to the regular :ref:`common-model-field-options` available for
+Django model fields, geometry fields have the following additional options.
+All are optional.
+.. attribute:: GeometryField.srid
+Sets the SRID [#fnogcsrid]_ (Spatial Reference System Identity) of the geometry field to
+the given value. Defaults to 4326 (also known as `WGS84`__, units are in degrees
+of longitude and latitude).
+__ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WGS84
+.. _selecting-an-srid:
+Selecting an SRID
+Choosing an appropriate SRID for your model is an important decision that the
+developer should consider carefully.  The SRID is an integer specifier that 
+corresponds to the projection system that will be used to interpret the data
+in the spatial database. [#fnsrid]_  Projection systems give the context to the
+coordinates that specify a location.  Although the details of `geodesy`__ are
+beyond the scope of this documentation, the general problem is that the earth
+is spherical and representations of the earth (e.g., paper maps, web maps)
+are not.
+Most people are familiar with using latitude and longitude to reference a
+location on the earth's surface.  However, latitude and longitude are angles,
+not distances. [#fnharvard]_  In other words, while the shortest path between two points on
+a flat surface is a straight line, the shortest path between two points on a curved
+surface (such as the earth) is an *arc* of a `great circle`__. [#fnthematic]_  Thus,
+additional computation is required to obtain distances in planar units (e.g., 
+kilometers and miles).  Using a geographic coordinate system may introduce
+complications for the developer later on.  For example, PostGIS does not
+have the capability to perform distance calculations between non-point
+geometries using geographic coordinate systems, e.g., constructing a query to 
+find all points within 5 miles of a county boundary stored as WGS84. [#fndist]_
+Portions of the earth's surface may projected onto a two-dimensional, or 
+Cartesian, plane.  Projected coordinate systems are especially convenient
+for region-specific applications, e.g., if you know that your database will
+only cover geometries in `North Kansas`__, then you may consider using projection 
+system specific to that region.  Moreover, projected coordinate systems are 
+defined in Cartesian units (such as meters or feet), easing distance 
+.. note::
+    If you wish to peform arbitrary distance queries using non-point
+    geometries, consider using PostGIS 1.5 and enabling the
+    :attr:`GeometryField.geography` keyword to use the
+    :ref:`geography database type <geography-type>` instead.
+Additional Resources:
+* `spatialreference.org`__: A Django-powered database of spatial reference 
+  systems.
+* `The State Plane Coordinate System`__: A website covering the various
+  projection systems used in the United States.  Much of the U.S. spatial
+  data encountered will be in one of these coordinate systems rather than
+  in a geographic coordinate system such as WGS84.
+__ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodesy
+__ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_circle
+__ http://www.spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/2796/
+__ http://spatialreference.org/
+__ http://welcome.warnercnr.colostate.edu/class_info/nr502/lg3/datums_coordinates/spcs.html
+.. attribute:: GeometryField.spatial_index
+Defaults to ``True``.  Creates a spatial index for the given geometry
+.. note::
+    This is different from the ``db_index`` field option because spatial
+    indexes are created in a different manner than regular database
+    indexes.  Specifically, spatial indexes are typically created using
+    a variant of the R-Tree, while regular database indexes typically
+    use B-Trees.
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+.. attribute:: GeometryField.dim
+This option may be used for customizing the coordinate dimension of the
+geometry field.  By default, it is set to 2, for representing two-dimensional
+geometries.  For spatial backends that support it, it may be set to 3 for
+three-dimensonal support.
+.. note::
+    At this time 3D support requires that GEOS 3.1 be installed, and is
+    limited only to the PostGIS spatial backend.
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+.. attribute:: GeometryField.geography
+If set to ``True``, this option will use create a database column of
+type geography, rather than geometry.  Please refer to the 
+:ref:`geography type <geography-type>` section below for more
+.. note::
+    Geography support is limited only to PostGIS 1.5+, and will
+    force the SRID to be 4326.
+.. _geography-type:
+Geography Type
+In PostGIS 1.5, the geography type was introduced -- it provides
+provides native support for spatial features represented with geographic
+coordinates (e.g., WGS84 longitude/latitude). [#fngeography]_
+Unlike the plane used by a geometry type, the geography type uses a spherical
+representation of its data.  Distance and measurement operations
+performed on a geography column automatically employ great circle arc
+calculations and return linear units.  In other words, when ``ST_Distance``
+is called on two geographies, a value in meters is returned (as opposed
+to degrees if called on a geometry column in WGS84).
+Because geography calculations involve more mathematics, only a subset of the
+PostGIS spatial lookups are available for the geography type. Practically,
+this means that in addition to the :ref:`distance lookups <distance-lookups>`
+only the following additional :ref:`spatial lookups <spatial-lookups>` are 
+available for geography columns:
+* :lookup:`bboverlaps`
+* :lookup:`exact`, and :lookup:`same_as`
+* :lookup:`coveredby`
+* :lookup:`covers`
+* :lookup:`intersects`
+For more information, the PostGIS documentation contains a helpful section on
+determining `when to use geography data type over geometry data type
+.. currentmodule:: django.contrib.gis.db.models
+.. class:: GeoManager
+In order to conduct geographic queries, each geographic model requires 
+a ``GeoManager`` model manager.  This manager allows for the proper SQL
+construction for geographic queries; thus, without it, all geographic filters 
+will fail.  It should also be noted that ``GeoManager`` is required even if the
+model does not have a geographic field itself, e.g., in the case of a 
+``ForeignKey`` relation to a model with a geographic field.  For example, 
+if we had an ``Address`` model with a ``ForeignKey`` to our ``Zipcode`` 
+    from django.contrib.gis.db import models
+    from django.contrib.localflavor.us.models import USStateField
+    class Address(models.Model):
+        num = models.IntegerField()
+        street = models.CharField(max_length=100)
+        city = models.CharField(max_length=100)
+        state = USStateField()
+        zipcode = models.ForeignKey(Zipcode)
+        objects = models.GeoManager()
+The geographic manager is needed to do spatial queries on related ``Zipcode`` objects, 
+for example::
+    qs = Address.objects.filter(zipcode__poly__contains='POINT(-104.590948 38.319914)')
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#fnogc] OpenGIS Consortium, Inc., `Simple Feature Specification For SQL <http://www.opengis.org/docs/99-049.pdf>`_, Document 99-049 (May 5, 1999).
+.. [#fnogcsrid] *See id.* at Ch. 2.3.8, p. 39 (Geometry Values and Spatial Reference Systems).
+.. [#fnsrid] Typically, SRID integer corresponds to an EPSG (`European Petroleum Survey Group <http://www.epsg.org>`_) identifier.  However, it may also be associated with custom projections defined in spatial database's spatial reference systems table.
+.. [#fnharvard] Harvard Graduate School of Design, `An Overview of Geodesy and Geographic Referencing Systems <http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/gis/manual/projections/fundamentals/>`_.  This is an excellent resource for an overview of principles relating to geographic and Cartesian coordinate systems. 
+.. [#fnthematic] Terry A. Slocum, Robert B. McMaster, Fritz C. Kessler, & Hugh H. Howard, *Thematic Cartography and Geographic Visualization* (Prentice Hall, 2nd edition), at Ch. 7.1.3.
+.. [#fndist] This isn't impossible using GeoDjango; you could for example, take a known point in a projected coordinate system, buffer it to the appropriate radius, and then perform an intersection operation with the buffer transformed to the geographic coordinate system.
+.. [#fngeography] Please refer to the `PostGIS Geography Type <http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-1.5/ch04.html#PostGIS_Geography>`_ documentation for more details.

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+.. _ref-ogrinspect:
+OGR Inspection
+.. module:: django.contrib.gis.utils.ogrinspect
+   :synopsis: Utilities for inspecting OGR data sources.
+.. currentmodule:: django.contrib.gis.utils
+.. function:: ogrinspect(data_source, model_name[, **kwargs])
+.. function:: mapping(data_source, [geom_name='geom', layer_key=0, multi_geom=False])

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Geographic Sitemaps
+Google's sitemap protocol has been recently extended to support geospatial
+content. [#]_   This includes the addition of the ``<url>`` child element
+``<geo:geo>``, which tells Google that the content located at the URL is
+geographic in nature. [#]_ 
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#] Google, Inc., `What is a Geo Sitemap? <http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=94554>`_.
+.. [#] Google, Inc., `Submit Your Geo Content to Google <http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kmlSearch.html>`_.

+ 181 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+Testing GeoDjango Apps
+.. versionchanged:: 1.2
+In Django 1.2, the addition of :ref:`spatial-backends`
+simplified the process of testing GeoDjango applications.  Specifically, testing
+GeoDjango applications is now the same as :ref:`topics-testing`.
+Included in this documentation are some additional notes and settings
+for :ref:`testing-postgis` and :ref:`testing-spatialite` users.
+.. note::
+    Django 1.1 users are still required to use a custom :setting:`TEST_RUNNER`.
+    See the :ref:`testing-1.1` section for more details.
+.. _testing-postgis:
+.. note::
+    The settings below have sensible defaults, and shouldn't require manual setting.
+.. setting:: POSTGIS_TEMPLATE
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+.. versionchanged:: 1.2
+This setting may be used to customize the name of the PostGIS template
+database to use.  In Django versions 1.2 and above, it automatically
+defaults to ``'template_postgis'`` (the same name used in the
+:ref:`installation documentation <spatialdb_template>`).
+.. note::
+    Django 1.1 users will still have to define the :setting:`POSTGIS_TEMPLATE`
+    with a value, for example::
+        POSTGIS_TEMPLATE='template_postgis'
+.. setting:: POSTGIS_VERSION
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+When GeoDjango's spatial backend initializes on PostGIS, it has to perform
+a SQL query to determine the version.  Setting the version manually
+prevents this query to the database::
+    POSTGIS_VERSION=('1.3.6', 1, 3, 6)
+Obtaining Sufficient Privileges
+Depending on your configuration, this section describes several methods to
+configure a database user with sufficient privileges to run tests for
+GeoDjango applications on PostgreSQL.  If your
+:ref:`spatial database template <spatialdb_template>`
+was created like in the instructions, then your testing database user
+only needs to have the ability to create databases.  In other configurations,
+you may be required to use a database superuser.
+Create Database User
+To make database user with the ability to create databases, use the
+following command::
+    $ createuser --createdb -R -S <user_name>
+The ``-R -S`` flags indicate that we do not want the user to have the ability
+to create additional users (roles) or to be a superuser, respectively.
+Alternatively, you may alter an existing user's role from the SQL shell
+(assuming this is done from an existing superuser account)::
+Create Database Superuser
+This may be done at the time the user is created, for example::
+    $ createuser --superuser <user_name>
+Or you may alter the user's role from the SQL shell (assuming this
+is done from an existing superuser account)::
+    postgres# ALTER ROLE <user_name> SUPERUSER;
+Create Local PostgreSQL Database
+1. Initialize database: ``initdb -D /path/to/user/db``
+2. If there's already a Postgres instance on the machine, it will need
+   to use a different TCP port than 5432. Edit ``postgresql.conf`` (in
+   ``/path/to/user/db``) to change the database port (e.g. ``port = 5433``).
+3. Start this database ``pg_ctl -D /path/to/user/db start``
+On Windows platforms the pgAdmin III utility may also be used as
+a simple way to add superuser privileges to your database user.
+By default, the PostGIS installer on Windows includes a template
+spatial database entitled ``template_postgis``.
+.. _testing-spatialite:
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+You will need to download the `initialization SQL`__ script for SpatiaLite::
+    $ wget http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/init_spatialite-2.3.zip
+    $ unzip init_spatialite-2.3.zip
+If ``init_spatialite-2.3.sql`` is in the same path as your project's ``manage.py``,
+then all you have to do is::
+    $ python manage.py test 
+.. setting:: SPATIALITE_SQL
+.. versionadded:: 1.1
+By default, the GeoDjango test runner looks for the SpatiaLite SQL in the
+same directory where it was invoked (by default the same directory where
+``manage.py`` is located).  If you want to use a different location, then
+you may add the following to your settings::
+    SPATIALITE_SQL='/path/to/init_spatialite-2.3.sql'
+__ http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite/init_spatialite-2.3.zip
+.. _testing-1.1:
+Testing GeoDjango Applications in 1.1
+In Django 1.1, to accommodate the extra steps required to scaffalod a
+spatial database automatically, a test runner customized for GeoDjango
+must be used.  To use this runner, configure :setting:`TEST_RUNNER` as follows::
+    TEST_RUNNER='django.contrib.gis.tests.run_tests'
+.. note::
+    In order to create a spatial database, the :setting:`DATABASE_USER` setting
+    (or :setting:`TEST_DATABASE_USER`, if optionally defined on Oracle) requires
+    elevated privileges.  When using PostGIS or MySQL, the database user 
+    must have at least the ability to create databases.  When testing on Oracle,
+    the user should be a superuser.
+GeoDjango Test Suite
+To run GeoDjango's own internal test suite, configure the
+:setting:`TEST_RUNNER` setting as follows::
+    TEST_RUNNER='django.contrib.gis.tests.run_gis_tests'

+ 758 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+GeoDjango Tutorial
+GeoDjango is an add-on for Django that turns it into a world-class geographic
+web framework.  GeoDjango strives to make at as simple as possible to create
+geographic web applications, like location-based services.  Some features include:
+* Django model fields for `OGC`_ geometries.
+* Extensions to Django's ORM for the querying and manipulation of spatial data.
+* Loosely-coupled, high-level Python interfaces for GIS geometry operations and
+  data formats.
+* Editing of geometry fields inside the admin.
+This tutorial assumes a familiarity with Django; thus, if you're brand new to 
+Django please read through the :ref:`regular tutorial <intro-tutorial01>` to introduce
+yourself with basic Django concepts.
+.. note::
+    GeoDjango has special prerequisites overwhat is required by Django --
+    please consult the :ref:`installation documentation <ref-gis-install>`
+    for more details.
+This tutorial is going to guide you through guide the user through the creation
+of a geographic web application for viewing the `world borders`_. [#]_  Some of
+the code used in this tutorial is taken from and/or inspired by the 
+`GeoDjango basic apps`_ project. [#]_
+.. note::
+    Proceed through the tutorial sections sequentially for step-by-step 
+    instructions.
+.. _OGC: http://www.opengeospatial.org/
+.. _world borders: http://thematicmapping.org/downloads/world_borders.php
+.. _GeoDjango basic apps: http://code.google.com/p/geodjango-basic-apps/
+Setting Up
+Create a Spatial Database
+.. note::
+    MySQL and Oracle users can skip this section because spatial types
+    are already built into the database.
+First, a spatial database needs to be created for our project.  If using
+PostgreSQL and PostGIS, then the following commands will 
+create the database from a :ref:`spatial database template <spatialdb_template>`::
+    $ createdb -T template_postgis geodjango
+.. note::
+    This command must be issued by a database user that has permissions to
+    create a database.  Here is an example set of commands to create such
+    a user::
+        $ sudo su - postgres
+        $ createuser --createdb geo
+        $ exit
+    Replace ``geo`` to correspond to the system login user name will be
+    connecting to the database.  For example, ``johndoe`` if that is the 
+    system user that will be running GeoDjango.
+Users of SQLite and SpatiaLite should consult the instructions on how
+to create a :ref:`SpatiaLite database <create_spatialite_db>`.
+Create GeoDjango Project
+Use the ``django-admin.py`` script like normal to create a ``geodjango`` project::
+    $ django-admin.py startproject geodjango
+With the project initialized, now create a ``world`` Django application within
+the ``geodjango`` project::
+    $ cd geodjango
+    $ python manage.py startapp world
+Configure ``settings.py``
+The ``geodjango`` project settings are stored in the ``settings.py`` file.  Edit
+the database connection settings appropriately::
+    DATABASES = { 
+        'default': {
+             'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis',
+             'NAME': 'geodjango',
+             'USER': 'geo',
+         }
+    }
+.. note::
+    These database settings are for Django 1.2 and above.
+In addition, modify the :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS` setting to include 
+:mod:`django.contrib.admin`, :mod:`django.contrib.gis`,
+and ``world`` (our newly created application)::
+        'django.contrib.auth',
+        'django.contrib.contenttypes',
+        'django.contrib.sessions',
+        'django.contrib.sites',
+        'django.contrib.admin',
+        'django.contrib.gis',
+        'world'
+    )
+Geographic Data
+.. _worldborders:
+World Borders
+The world borders data is available in this `zip file`__.  Create a data directory
+in the ``world`` application, download the world borders data, and unzip.
+On GNU/Linux platforms the following commands should do it::
+    $ mkdir world/data
+    $ cd world/data
+    $ wget http://thematicmapping.org/downloads/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.zip
+    $ unzip TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.zip
+    $ cd ../..
+The world borders ZIP file contains a set of data files collectively known as
+an `ESRI Shapefile`__, one of the most popular geospatial data formats.  When
+unzipped the world borders data set includes files with the following extensions:
+* ``.shp``: Holds the vector data for the world borders geometries.
+* ``.shx``: Spatial index file for geometries stored in the ``.shp``.
+* ``.dbf``: Database file for holding non-geometric attribute data 
+  (e.g., integer and character fields). 
+* ``.prj``: Contains the spatial reference information for the geographic
+  data stored in the shapefile.
+__ http://thematicmapping.org/downloads/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.zip
+__ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapefile
+Use ``ogrinfo`` to examine spatial data
+The GDAL ``ogrinfo`` utility is excellent for examining metadata about 
+shapefiles (or other vector data sources)::
+    $ ogrinfo world/data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp
+    INFO: Open of `world/data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp'
+          using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
+    1: TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3 (Polygon)
+Here ``ogrinfo`` is telling us that the shapefile has one layer, and that
+layer contains polygon data.  To find out more we'll specify the layer name
+and use the ``-so`` option to get only important summary information::
+    $ ogrinfo -so world/data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3
+    INFO: Open of `world/data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp'
+          using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
+    Layer name: TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3
+    Geometry: Polygon
+    Feature Count: 246
+    Extent: (-180.000000, -90.000000) - (180.000000, 83.623596)
+    Layer SRS WKT:
+    GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",
+        DATUM["WGS_1984",
+            SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],
+        PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],
+        UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]
+    FIPS: String (2.0)
+    ISO2: String (2.0)
+    ISO3: String (3.0)
+    UN: Integer (3.0)
+    NAME: String (50.0)
+    AREA: Integer (7.0)
+    POP2005: Integer (10.0)
+    REGION: Integer (3.0)
+    SUBREGION: Integer (3.0)
+    LON: Real (8.3)
+    LAT: Real (7.3)
+This detailed summary information tells us the number of features in the layer
+(246), the geographical extent, the spatial reference system ("SRS WKT"), 
+as well as detailed information for each attribute field.  For example,
+``FIPS: String (2.0)`` indicates that there's a ``FIPS`` character field
+with a maximum length of 2; similarly, ``LON: Real (8.3)`` is a floating-point
+field that holds a maximum of 8 digits up to three decimal places.  Although
+this information may be found right on the `world borders`_ website, this shows
+you how to determine this information yourself when such metadata is not 
+Geographic Models
+Defining a Geographic Model
+Now that we've examined our world borders data set using ``ogrinfo``, we can
+create a GeoDjango model to represent this data::
+    from django.contrib.gis.db import models
+    class WorldBorders(models.Model):
+        # Regular Django fields corresponding to the attributes in the 
+	# world borders shapefile.
+        name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
+        area = models.IntegerField()
+        pop2005 = models.IntegerField('Population 2005')
+        fips = models.CharField('FIPS Code', max_length=2)
+        iso2 = models.CharField('2 Digit ISO', max_length=2)
+        iso3 = models.CharField('3 Digit ISO', max_length=3)
+        un = models.IntegerField('United Nations Code')
+        region = models.IntegerField('Region Code')
+        subregion = models.IntegerField('Sub-Region Code')
+    	lon = models.FloatField()
+    	lat = models.FloatField()
+	# GeoDjango-specific: a geometry field (MultiPolygonField), and 
+        # overriding the default manager with a GeoManager instance.
+	mpoly = models.MultiPolygonField()
+	objects = models.GeoManager()
+        # So the model is pluralized correctly in the admin.
+        class Meta:
+            verbose_name_plural = "World Borders"
+        # Returns the string representation of the model.       
+        def __unicode__(self):
+            return self.name
+Two important things to note:
+1. The ``models`` module is imported from :mod:`django.contrib.gis.db`.
+2. The model overrides its default manager with 
+   :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.GeoManager`; this is *required*
+   to perform spatial queries.  
+When declaring a geometry field on your model the default spatial reference system
+is WGS84 (meaning the `SRID`__ is 4326) -- in other words, the field coordinates are in
+longitude/latitude pairs in units of degrees.  If you want the coordinate system to be
+different, then SRID of the geometry field may be customized by setting the ``srid``
+with an integer corresponding to the coordinate system of your choice. 
+__ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SRID
+Run ``syncdb``
+After you've defined your model, it needs to be synced with the spatial database.
+First, let's look at the SQL that will generate the table for the ``WorldBorders`` 
+    $ python manage.py sqlall world
+This management command should produce the following output::
+    BEGIN;
+    CREATE TABLE "world_worldborders" (
+        "id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
+        "name" varchar(50) NOT NULL,
+        "area" integer NOT NULL,
+        "pop2005" integer NOT NULL,
+        "fips" varchar(2) NOT NULL,
+        "iso2" varchar(2) NOT NULL,
+        "iso3" varchar(3) NOT NULL,
+        "un" integer NOT NULL,
+        "region" integer NOT NULL,
+        "subregion" integer NOT NULL,
+        "lon" double precision NOT NULL,
+        "lat" double precision NOT NULL
+    )
+    ;
+    SELECT AddGeometryColumn('world_worldborders', 'mpoly', 4326, 'MULTIPOLYGON', 2);
+    ALTER TABLE "world_worldborders" ALTER "mpoly" SET NOT NULL;
+    CREATE INDEX "world_worldborders_mpoly_id" ON "world_worldborders" USING GIST ( "mpoly" GIST_GEOMETRY_OPS );
+    COMMIT;
+If satisfied, you may then create this table in the database by running the
+``syncdb`` management command::
+    $ python manage.py syncdb
+    Creating table world_worldborders
+    Installing custom SQL for world.WorldBorders model
+The ``syncdb`` command may also prompt you to create an admin user; go ahead and
+do so (not required now, may be done at any point in the future using the 
+``createsuperuser`` management command).
+Importing Spatial Data
+This section will show you how to take the data from the world borders
+shapefile and import it into GeoDjango models using the :ref:`ref-layermapping`.
+There are many different different ways to import data in to a 
+spatial database -- besides the tools included within GeoDjango, you
+may also use the following to populate your spatial database:
+* `ogr2ogr`_: Command-line utility, included with GDAL, that 
+  supports loading a multitude of vector data formats into
+  the PostGIS, MySQL, and Oracle spatial databases.
+* `shp2pgsql`_: This utility is included with PostGIS and only supports
+  ESRI shapefiles.
+.. _ogr2ogr: http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr2ogr.html
+.. _shp2pgsql: http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-1.5/ch04.html#shp2pgsql_usage
+.. _gdalinterface:
+GDAL Interface
+Earlier we used the the ``ogrinfo`` to explore the contents of the world borders
+shapefile.  Included within GeoDjango is an interface to GDAL's powerful OGR
+library -- in other words, you'll be able explore all the vector data sources
+that OGR supports via a Pythonic API.
+First, invoke the Django shell::
+    $ python manage.py shell
+If the :ref:`worldborders` data was downloaded like earlier in the
+tutorial, then we can determine the path using Python's built-in
+``os`` module::
+    >>> import os
+    >>> from geodjango import world
+    >>> world_shp = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(world.__file__),
+    ...                             'data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp'))
+Now, the world borders shapefile may be opened using GeoDjango's 
+:class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.DataSource` interface::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.gdal import *
+    >>> ds = DataSource(world_shp)
+    >>> print ds
+    / ... /geodjango/world/data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp (ESRI Shapefile)
+Data source objects can have different layers of geospatial features; however, 
+shapefiles are only allowed to have one layer::
+    >>> print len(ds)
+    1
+    >>> lyr = ds[0]
+    >>> print lyr
+You can see what the geometry type of the layer is and how many features it
+    >>> print lyr.geom_type
+    Polygon
+    >>> print len(lyr)
+    246
+.. note::
+    Unfortunately the shapefile data format does not allow for greater
+    specificity with regards to geometry types.  This shapefile, like 
+    many others, actually includes ``MultiPolygon`` geometries in its
+    features.  You need to watch out for this when creating your models
+    as a GeoDjango ``PolygonField`` will not accept a ``MultiPolygon`` 
+    type geometry -- thus a ``MultiPolygonField`` is used in our model's
+    definition instead.
+The :class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.Layer` may also have a spatial reference
+system associated with it -- if it does, the ``srs`` attribute will return a
+:class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.SpatialReference` object::
+    >>> srs = lyr.srs
+    >>> print srs
+    GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",
+        DATUM["WGS_1984",
+            SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],
+        PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],
+        UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]
+    >>> srs.proj4 # PROJ.4 representation
+    '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs '
+Here we've noticed that the shapefile is in the popular WGS84 spatial reference
+system -- in other words, the data uses units of degrees longitude and latitude.
+In addition, shapefiles also support attribute fields that may contain 
+additional data.  Here are the fields on the World Borders layer:
+    >>> print lyr.fields
+    ['FIPS', 'ISO2', 'ISO3', 'UN', 'NAME', 'AREA', 'POP2005', 'REGION', 'SUBREGION', 'LON', 'LAT']
+Here we are examining the OGR types (e.g., whether a field is an integer or
+a string) associated with each of the fields:
+    >>> [fld.__name__ for fld in lyr.field_types]
+    ['OFTString', 'OFTString', 'OFTString', 'OFTInteger', 'OFTString', 'OFTInteger', 'OFTInteger', 'OFTInteger', 'OFTInteger', 'OFTReal', 'OFTReal']
+You can iterate over each feature in the layer and extract information from both 
+the feature's geometry (accessed via the ``geom`` attribute) as well as the 
+feature's attribute fields (whose **values** are accessed via ``get()``
+    >>> for feat in lyr:
+    ...    print feat.get('NAME'), feat.geom.num_points
+    ...
+    Guernsey 18
+    Jersey 26
+    South Georgia South Sandwich Islands 338
+    Taiwan 363
+:class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.Layer` objects may be sliced::
+    >>> lyr[0:2]
+    [<django.contrib.gis.gdal.feature.Feature object at 0x2f47690>, <django.contrib.gis.gdal.feature.Feature object at 0x2f47650>]
+And individual features may be retrieved by their feature ID::
+    >>> feat = lyr[234]
+    >>> print feat.get('NAME')
+    San Marino
+Here the boundary geometry for San Marino is extracted and looking 
+exported to WKT and GeoJSON::
+    >>> geom = feat.geom
+    >>> print geom.wkt
+    POLYGON ((12.415798 43.957954,12.450554 ...
+    >>> print geom.json
+    { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 12.415798, 43.957954 ], [ 12.450554, 43.979721 ], ...
+We're going to dive right in -- create a file called ``load.py`` inside the
+``world`` application, and insert the following::
+    import os
+    from django.contrib.gis.utils import LayerMapping
+    from models import WorldBorders
+    world_mapping = {
+        'fips' : 'FIPS',
+        'iso2' : 'ISO2',
+        'iso3' : 'ISO3',
+        'un' : 'UN',
+        'name' : 'NAME',
+        'area' : 'AREA',
+        'pop2005' : 'POP2005',
+        'region' : 'REGION',
+        'subregion' : 'SUBREGION',
+        'lon' : 'LON',
+        'lat' : 'LAT',
+        'mpoly' : 'MULTIPOLYGON',
+    }
+    world_shp = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp'))
+    def run(verbose=True):
+        lm = LayerMapping(WorldBorders, world_shp, world_mapping, 
+                          transform=False, encoding='iso-8859-1')
+        lm.save(strict=True, verbose=verbose)
+A few notes about what's going on:
+* Each key in the ``world_mapping`` dictionary corresponds to a field in the
+  ``WorldBorders`` model, and the value is the name of the shapefile field 
+  that data will be loaded from. 
+* The key ``mpoly`` for the geometry field is ``MULTIPOLYGON``, the
+  geometry type we wish to import as.  Even if simple polygons are encountered
+  in the shapefile they will automatically be converted into collections prior
+  to insertion into the database.
+* The path to the shapefile is not absolute -- in other words, if you move the
+  ``world`` application (with ``data`` subdirectory) to a different location,
+  then the script will still work.
+* The ``transform`` keyword is set to ``False`` because the data in the
+  shapefile does not need to be converted -- it's already in WGS84 (SRID=4326).
+* The ``encoding`` keyword is set to the character encoding of string values in
+  the shapefile. This ensures that string values are read and saved correctly
+  from their original encoding system.
+Afterwards, invoke the Django shell from the ``geodjango`` project directory::
+   $ python manage.py shell
+Next, import the ``load`` module, call the ``run`` routine, and watch ``LayerMapping``
+do the work::
+   >>> from world import load
+   >>> load.run()
+.. _ogrinspect-intro:
+Try ``ogrinspect``
+Now that you've seen how to define geographic models and import data with the 
+:ref:`ref-layermapping`, it's possible to further automate this process with
+use of the :djadmin:`ogrinspect` management command.  The :djadmin:`ogrinspect`
+command  introspects a GDAL-supported vector data source (e.g., a shapefile) and 
+generates a model definition and ``LayerMapping`` dictionary automatically.
+The general usage of the command goes as follows::
+    $ python manage.py ogrinspect [options] <data_source> <model_name> [options]
+Where ``data_source`` is the path to the GDAL-supported data source and
+``model_name`` is the name to use for the model.  Command-line options may
+be used to further define how the model is generated.
+For example, the following command nearly reproduces the ``WorldBorders`` model
+and mapping dictionary created above, automatically::
+    $ python manage.py ogrinspect world/data/TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp WorldBorders --srid=4326 --mapping --multi
+A few notes about the command-line options given above:
+* The ``--srid=4326`` option sets the SRID for the geographic field.
+* The ``--mapping`` option tells ``ogrinspect`` to also generate a 
+  mapping dictionary for use with :class:`~django.contrib.gis.utils.LayerMapping`.
+* The ``--multi`` option is specified so that the geographic field is a
+  :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.MultiPolygonField` instead of just a
+  :class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.PolygonField`.
+The command produces the following output, which may be copied 
+directly into the ``models.py`` of a GeoDjango application::
+    # This is an auto-generated Django model module created by ogrinspect.
+    from django.contrib.gis.db import models
+    class WorldBorders(models.Model):
+        fips = models.CharField(max_length=2)
+        iso2 = models.CharField(max_length=2)
+        iso3 = models.CharField(max_length=3)
+        un = models.IntegerField()
+        name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
+        area = models.IntegerField()
+        pop2005 = models.IntegerField()
+        region = models.IntegerField()
+        subregion = models.IntegerField()
+        lon = models.FloatField()
+        lat = models.FloatField()
+        geom = models.MultiPolygonField(srid=4326)
+        objects = models.GeoManager()
+    # Auto-generated `LayerMapping` dictionary for WorldBorders model
+    worldborders_mapping = {
+        'fips' : 'FIPS',
+        'iso2' : 'ISO2',
+        'iso3' : 'ISO3',
+        'un' : 'UN',
+        'name' : 'NAME',
+        'area' : 'AREA',
+        'pop2005' : 'POP2005',
+        'region' : 'REGION',
+        'subregion' : 'SUBREGION',
+        'lon' : 'LON',
+        'lat' : 'LAT',
+        'geom' : 'MULTIPOLYGON',
+    }
+Spatial Queries
+Spatial Lookups
+GeoDjango extends the Django ORM and allows the use of spatial lookups.
+Let's do an example where we find the ``WorldBorder`` model that contains
+a point.  First, fire up the management shell::
+    $ python manage.py shell
+Now, define a point of interest [#]_::
+    >>> pnt_wkt = 'POINT(-95.3385 29.7245)'
+The ``pnt_wkt`` string represents the point at -95.3385 degrees longitude,
+and 29.7245 degrees latitude.  The geometry is in a format known as 
+Well Known Text (WKT), an open standard issued by the Open Geospatial
+Consortium (OGC). [#]_  Import the ``WorldBorders`` model, and perform
+a ``contains`` lookup using the ``pnt_wkt`` as the parameter::
+    >>> from world.models import WorldBorders
+    >>> qs = WorldBorders.objects.filter(mpoly__contains=pnt_wkt)
+    >>> qs
+    [<WorldBorders: United States>]
+Here we retrieved a ``GeoQuerySet`` that has only one model: the one
+for the United States (which is what we would expect).  Similarly,
+a :ref:`GEOS geometry object <ref-geos>` may also be used -- here the ``intersects``
+spatial lookup is combined with the ``get`` method to retrieve
+only the ``WorldBorders`` instance for San Marino instead of a queryset::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
+    >>> pnt = Point(12.4604, 43.9420)
+    >>> sm = WorldBorders.objects.get(mpoly__intersects=pnt)
+    >>> sm
+    <WorldBorders: San Marino>
+The ``contains`` and ``intersects`` lookups are just a subset of what's
+available -- the :ref:`ref-gis-db-api` documentation has more.
+Automatic Spatial Transformations
+When querying the spatial database GeoDjango automatically transforms 
+geometries if they're in a different coordinate system.  In the following
+example, the coordinate will be expressed in terms of `EPSG SRID 32140`__,
+a coordinate system specific to south Texas **only** and in units of
+**meters** and not degrees::
+    >>> from django.contrib.gis.geos import *
+    >>> pnt = Point(954158.1, 4215137.1, srid=32140)
+Note that ``pnt`` may also constructed with EWKT, an "extended" form of
+WKT that includes the SRID::
+    >>> pnt = GEOSGeometry('SRID=32140;POINT(954158.1 4215137.1)')
+When using GeoDjango's ORM, it will automatically wrap geometry values
+in transformation SQL, allowing the developer to work at a higher level
+of abstraction::
+    >>> qs = WorldBorders.objects.filter(mpoly__intersects=pnt)
+    >>> qs.query.as_sql() # Generating the SQL
+    ('SELECT "world_worldborders"."id", "world_worldborders"."name", "world_worldborders"."area",
+    "world_worldborders"."pop2005", "world_worldborders"."fips", "world_worldborders"."iso2",
+    "world_worldborders"."iso3", "world_worldborders"."un", "world_worldborders"."region",
+    "world_worldborders"."subregion", "world_worldborders"."lon", "world_worldborders"."lat", 
+    "world_worldborders"."mpoly" FROM "world_worldborders" 
+    WHERE ST_Intersects("world_worldborders"."mpoly", ST_Transform(%s, 4326))',
+    (<django.contrib.gis.db.backend.postgis.adaptor.PostGISAdaptor object at 0x25641b0>,))
+    >>> qs # printing evaluates the queryset
+    [<WorldBorders: United States>]   
+__ http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/32140/
+Lazy Geometries
+Geometries come to GeoDjango in a standardized textual representation.  Upon
+access of the geometry field, GeoDjango creates a `GEOS geometry object <ref-geos>`, 
+exposing powerful functionality, such as serialization properties for 
+popular geospatial formats::
+    >>> sm = WorldBorders.objects.get(name='San Marino')
+    >>> sm.mpoly
+    <MultiPolygon object at 0x24c6798>
+    >>> sm.mpoly.wkt # WKT 
+    MULTIPOLYGON (((12.4157980000000006 43.9579540000000009, 12.4505540000000003 43.9797209999999978, ...
+    >>> sm.mpoly.wkb # WKB (as Python binary buffer)
+    <read-only buffer for 0x1fe2c70, size -1, offset 0 at 0x2564c40>
+    >>> sm.mpoly.geojson # GeoJSON (requires GDAL)
+    '{ "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 12.415798, 43.957954 ], [ 12.450554, 43.979721 ], ...
+This includes access to all of the advanced geometric operations provided by
+the GEOS library::
+    >>> pnt = Point(12.4604, 43.9420)
+    >>> sm.mpoly.contains(pnt)
+    True
+    >>> pnt.contains(sm.mpoly)
+    False
+``GeoQuerySet`` Methods
+Putting your data on the map
+Geographic Admin
+GeoDjango extends :ref:`Django's admin application <ref-contrib-admin>` to
+enable support for editing geometry fields.
+GeoDjango also supplements the Django admin by allowing users to create 
+and modify geometries on a JavaScript slippy map (powered by `OpenLayers`_).
+Let's dive in again -- create a file called ``admin.py`` inside the 
+``world`` application, and insert the following::
+    from django.contrib.gis import admin
+    from models import WorldBorders
+    admin.site.register(WorldBorders, admin.GeoModelAdmin)
+Next, edit your ``urls.py`` in the ``geodjango`` project folder to look
+as follows::
+    from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+    from django.contrib.gis import admin
+    admin.autodiscover()
+    urlpatterns = patterns('',
+                           (r'^admin/(.*)', include(admin.site.urls)),
+                           )
+Start up the Django development server::
+    $ python manage.py runserver
+Finally, browse to ``http://localhost:8000/admin/``, and log in with the admin
+user created after running ``syncdb``.  Browse to any of the ``WorldBorders``
+entries -- the borders may be edited by clicking on a polygon and dragging
+the vertexes to the desired position.
+.. _OpenLayers: http://openlayers.org/
+.. _Open Street Map: http://openstreetmap.org/
+.. _Vector Map Level 0: http://earth-info.nga.mil/publications/vmap0.html
+.. _Metacarta: http://metacarta.com
+.. _osmgeoadmin-intro:
+With the :class:`~django.contrib.gis.admin.OSMGeoAdmin`, GeoDjango uses
+a `Open Street Map`_ layer in the admin.
+This provides more context (including street and thoroughfare details) than
+available with the :class:`~django.contrib.gis.admin.GeoModelAdmin`
+(which uses the `Vector Map Level 0`_ WMS data set hosted at `Metacarta`_).
+First, there are some important requirements and limitations:
+* :class:`~django.contrib.gis.admin.OSMGeoAdmin` requires that the
+  :ref:`spherical mercator projection be added <addgoogleprojection>`
+  to the to be added to the ``spatial_ref_sys`` table (PostGIS 1.3 and
+  below, only).
+* The PROJ.4 datum shifting files must be installed (see the
+  :ref:`PROJ.4 installation instructions <proj4>` for more details).
+If you meet these requirements, then just substitute in the ``OSMGeoAdmin``
+option class in your ``admin.py`` file::
+    admin.site.register(WorldBorders, admin.OSMGeoAdmin)
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#] Special thanks to Bjørn Sandvik of `thematicmapping.org <http://thematicmapping.org>`_ for providing and maintaining this data set.
+.. [#] GeoDjango basic apps was written by Dane Springmeyer, Josh Livni, and Christopher Schmidt.
+.. [#] Here the point is for the `University of Houston Law Center <http://www.law.uh.edu/>`_ .
+.. [#] Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc., `OpenGIS Simple Feature Specification For SQL <http://www.opengis.org/docs/99-049.pdf>`_, Document 99-049.

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+.. _ref-gis-utils:
+GeoDjango Utilities
+.. module:: django.contrib.gis.utils
+   :synopsis: GeoDjango's collection of utilities.
+The :mod:`django.contrib.gis.utils` module contains various utilities that are
+useful in creating geospatial web applications.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   geoip
+   layermapping
+   ogrinspect
+Interface to the MaxMind GeoIP library for performing IP-based geolocation
+from GeoDjango.  See :ref:`GeoIP reference <ref-geoip>` documentation for
+more information.
+The :class:`~django.contrib.gis.utils.LayerMapping` simplifies the process
+of importing spatial data and attributes into your GeoDjango models.

+ 9 - 0

@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ those packages have.
+   gis/index
@@ -111,6 +112,14 @@ Splits forms across multiple Web pages.
 See the :ref:`form wizard documentation <ref-contrib-formtools-form-wizard>`.
+A world-class geospatial framework built on top of Django, that enables
+storage, manipulation and display of spatial data.
+See the :ref:`ref-contrib-gis` documentation for more. 

+ 6 - 5

@@ -296,11 +296,12 @@ manager that Django creates for you -- either as a default manager on a model
 with no managers, or to use temporarily when accessing related objects.
 Sometimes this default class won't be the right choice. One example is in the
-`django.contrib.gis` application that ships with Django itself. All `gis`
-models must use a special manager class (``GeoManager``) because they need a
-special queryset (``GeoQuerySet``) to be used for interacting with the
-database.  It turns out that models which require a special manager like this
-need to use the same manager class wherever an automatic manager is created.
+:mod:`django.contrib.gis` application that ships with Django itself. All ``gis``
+models must use a special manager class (:class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.GeoManager`)
+because they need a special queryset (:class:`~django.contrib.gis.db.models.GeoQuerySet`)
+to be used for interacting with the database.  It turns out that models which require
+a special manager like this need to use the same manager class wherever an automatic
+manager is created.
 Django provides a way for custom manager developers to say that their manager
 class should be used for automatic managers whenever it is the default manager