@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db.models import TextField, CharField, Value as V
+from django.db.models.functions import (
+ Coalesce, Concat, Lower, Upper, Length, Substr,
+from django.test import TestCase
+from django.utils import six, timezone
+from .models import Author, Article
+lorem_ipsum = """
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
+ tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."""
+class FunctionTests(TestCase):
+ def test_coalesce(self):
+ Author.objects.create(name='John Smith', alias='smithj')
+ Author.objects.create(name='Rhonda')
+ authors = Author.objects.annotate(display_name=Coalesce('alias', 'name'))
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ authors.order_by('name'), [
+ 'smithj',
+ 'Rhonda',
+ ],
+ lambda a: a.display_name
+ )
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, 'Coalesce must take at least two expressions'):
+ Author.objects.annotate(display_name=Coalesce('alias'))
+ def test_coalesce_mixed_values(self):
+ a1 = Author.objects.create(name='John Smith', alias='smithj')
+ a2 = Author.objects.create(name='Rhonda')
+ ar1 = Article.objects.create(
+ title="How to Django",
+ text=lorem_ipsum,
+ written=timezone.now(),
+ )
+ ar1.authors.add(a1)
+ ar1.authors.add(a2)
+ # mixed Text and Char
+ article = Article.objects.annotate(
+ headline=Coalesce('summary', 'text', output_field=TextField()),
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ article.order_by('title'), [
+ lorem_ipsum,
+ ],
+ lambda a: a.headline
+ )
+ def test_concat(self):
+ Author.objects.create(name='Jayden')
+ Author.objects.create(name='John Smith', alias='smithj', goes_by='John')
+ Author.objects.create(name='Margaret', goes_by='Maggie')
+ Author.objects.create(name='Rhonda', alias='adnohR')
+ authors = Author.objects.annotate(joined=Concat('alias', 'goes_by'))
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ authors.order_by('name'), [
+ '',
+ 'smithjJohn',
+ 'Maggie',
+ 'adnohR',
+ ],
+ lambda a: a.joined
+ )
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, 'Concat must take at least two expressions'):
+ Author.objects.annotate(joined=Concat('alias'))
+ def test_concat_many(self):
+ Author.objects.create(name='Jayden')
+ Author.objects.create(name='John Smith', alias='smithj', goes_by='John')
+ Author.objects.create(name='Margaret', goes_by='Maggie')
+ Author.objects.create(name='Rhonda', alias='adnohR')
+ authors = Author.objects.annotate(
+ joined=Concat('name', V(' ('), 'goes_by', V(')'), output_field=CharField()),
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ authors.order_by('name'), [
+ 'Jayden ()',
+ 'John Smith (John)',
+ 'Margaret (Maggie)',
+ 'Rhonda ()',
+ ],
+ lambda a: a.joined
+ )
+ def test_concat_mixed_char_text(self):
+ Article.objects.create(title='The Title', text=lorem_ipsum, written=timezone.now())
+ article = Article.objects.annotate(
+ title_text=Concat('title', V(' - '), 'text', output_field=TextField()),
+ ).get(title='The Title')
+ self.assertEqual(article.title + ' - ' + article.text, article.title_text)
+ # wrap the concat in something else to ensure that we're still
+ # getting text rather than bytes
+ article = Article.objects.annotate(
+ title_text=Upper(Concat('title', V(' - '), 'text', output_field=TextField())),
+ ).get(title='The Title')
+ expected = article.title + ' - ' + article.text
+ self.assertEqual(expected.upper(), article.title_text)
+ def test_lower(self):
+ Author.objects.create(name='John Smith', alias='smithj')
+ Author.objects.create(name='Rhonda')
+ authors = Author.objects.annotate(lower_name=Lower('name'))
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ authors.order_by('name'), [
+ 'john smith',
+ 'rhonda',
+ ],
+ lambda a: a.lower_name
+ )
+ Author.objects.update(name=Lower('name'))
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ authors.order_by('name'), [
+ ('john smith', 'john smith'),
+ ('rhonda', 'rhonda'),
+ ],
+ lambda a: (a.lower_name, a.name)
+ )
+ def test_upper(self):
+ Author.objects.create(name='John Smith', alias='smithj')
+ Author.objects.create(name='Rhonda')
+ authors = Author.objects.annotate(upper_name=Upper('name'))
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ authors.order_by('name'), [
+ ],
+ lambda a: a.upper_name
+ )
+ Author.objects.update(name=Upper('name'))
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ authors.order_by('name'), [
+ ],
+ lambda a: (a.upper_name, a.name)
+ )
+ def test_length(self):
+ Author.objects.create(name='John Smith', alias='smithj')
+ Author.objects.create(name='Rhonda')
+ authors = Author.objects.annotate(
+ name_length=Length('name'),
+ alias_length=Length('alias'))
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ authors.order_by('name'), [
+ (10, 6),
+ (6, None),
+ ],
+ lambda a: (a.name_length, a.alias_length)
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(authors.filter(alias_length__lte=Length('name')).count(), 1)
+ def test_substr(self):
+ Author.objects.create(name='John Smith', alias='smithj')
+ Author.objects.create(name='Rhonda')
+ authors = Author.objects.annotate(name_part=Substr('name', 5, 3))
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ authors.order_by('name'), [
+ ' Sm',
+ 'da',
+ ],
+ lambda a: a.name_part
+ )
+ authors = Author.objects.annotate(name_part=Substr('name', 2))
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ authors.order_by('name'), [
+ 'ohn Smith',
+ 'honda',
+ ],
+ lambda a: a.name_part
+ )
+ # if alias is null, set to first 5 lower characters of the name
+ Author.objects.filter(alias__isnull=True).update(
+ alias=Lower(Substr('name', 1, 5)),
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ authors.order_by('name'), [
+ 'smithj',
+ 'rhond',
+ ],
+ lambda a: a.alias
+ )
+ def test_substr_start(self):
+ Author.objects.create(name='John Smith', alias='smithj')
+ a = Author.objects.annotate(
+ name_part_1=Substr('name', 1),
+ name_part_2=Substr('name', 2),
+ ).get(alias='smithj')
+ self.assertEqual(a.name_part_1[1:], a.name_part_2)
+ with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, "'pos' must be greater than 0"):
+ Author.objects.annotate(raises=Substr('name', 0))