@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ that should be called if the HTTP client has sent a request that caused an error
condition and a response with a status code of 400.
By default, this is :func:`django.views.defaults.bad_request`. If you
-implement a custom view, be sure it returns an
+implement a custom view, be sure it accepts ``request`` and ``exception``
+arguments and returns an :class:`~django.http.HttpResponseBadRequest`.
@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ that should be called if the user doesn't have the permissions required to
access a resource.
By default, this is :func:`django.views.defaults.permission_denied`. If you
-implement a custom view, be sure it returns an
+implement a custom view, be sure it accepts ``request`` and ``exception``
+arguments and returns an :class:`~django.http.HttpResponseForbidden`.
@@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ A callable, or a string representing the full Python import path to the view
that should be called if none of the URL patterns match.
By default, this is :func:`django.views.defaults.page_not_found`. If you
-implement a custom view, be sure it returns an
+implement a custom view, be sure it accepts ``request`` and ``exception``
+arguments and returns an :class:`~django.http.HttpResponseNotFound`.