@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ class Query(object):
self.alias_map = {} # Maps alias to join information
self.table_map = {} # Maps table names to list of aliases.
self.join_map = {}
- self.rev_join_map = {} # Reverse of join_map.
self.quote_cache = {}
self.default_cols = True
self.default_ordering = True
@@ -244,7 +243,6 @@ class Query(object):
obj.alias_map = self.alias_map.copy()
obj.table_map = self.table_map.copy()
obj.join_map = self.join_map.copy()
- obj.rev_join_map = self.rev_join_map.copy()
obj.quote_cache = {}
obj.default_cols = self.default_cols
obj.default_ordering = self.default_ordering
@@ -463,18 +461,19 @@ class Query(object):
change_map = {}
used = set()
conjunction = (connector == AND)
+ # Add the joins in the rhs query into the new query.
first = True
for alias in rhs.tables:
if not rhs.alias_refcount[alias]:
# An unused alias.
- promote = (rhs.alias_map[alias][JOIN_TYPE] == self.LOUTER)
- lhs, table, lhs_col, col = rhs.rev_join_map[alias]
+ table, _, join_type, lhs, lhs_col, col, _ = rhs.alias_map[alias]
+ promote = join_type == self.LOUTER
# If the left side of the join was already relabeled, use the
# updated alias.
lhs = change_map.get(lhs, lhs)
new_alias = self.join((lhs, table, lhs_col, col),
- (conjunction and not first), used, promote, not conjunction)
+ conjunction and not first, used, promote, not conjunction)
change_map[alias] = new_alias
first = False
@@ -766,16 +765,12 @@ class Query(object):
# 2. Rename the alias in the internal table/alias datastructures.
+ for k, aliases in self.join_map.items():
+ aliases = tuple([change_map.get(a, a) for a in aliases])
+ self.join_map[k] = aliases
for old_alias, new_alias in change_map.iteritems():
alias_data = list(self.alias_map[old_alias])
alias_data[RHS_ALIAS] = new_alias
- t = self.rev_join_map[old_alias]
- data = list(self.join_map[t])
- data[data.index(old_alias)] = new_alias
- self.join_map[t] = tuple(data)
- self.rev_join_map[new_alias] = t
- del self.rev_join_map[old_alias]
self.alias_refcount[new_alias] = self.alias_refcount[old_alias]
del self.alias_refcount[old_alias]
self.alias_map[new_alias] = tuple(alias_data)
@@ -923,7 +918,6 @@ class Query(object):
self.join_map[t_ident] += (alias,)
self.join_map[t_ident] = (alias,)
- self.rev_join_map[alias] = t_ident
return alias
def setup_inherited_models(self):