@@ -36,3 +36,43 @@ QUnit.test('dismissRelatedLookupPopup removes window from relatedWindows array',
window.dismissRelatedLookupPopup(mockWin, '123');
assert.equal(window.relatedWindows.indexOf(mockWin), -1, 'Window should be removed from relatedWindows array');
+QUnit.test('dismissRelatedLookupPopup triggers change event for single value field', function(assert) {
+ assert.timeout(1000);
+ const done = assert.async();
+ const $ = django.jQuery;
+ const testId = 'test_id';
+ const newValue = '123';
+ const mockWin = {
+ name: testId,
+ close: function() {}
+ };
+ let changeTriggered = false;
+ $('#test_id').on('change', function() {
+ changeTriggered = true;
+ assert.equal(this.value, newValue, 'Value should be updated');
+ done();
+ });
+ window.dismissRelatedLookupPopup(mockWin, newValue);
+ assert.true(changeTriggered, 'Change event should be triggered');
+QUnit.test('dismissRelatedLookupPopup triggers change event for many-to-many field', function(assert) {
+ assert.timeout(1000);
+ const $ = django.jQuery;
+ const testId = 'many_test_id';
+ const existingValue = '1,2';
+ const newValue = '3';
+ $('#many_test_id').val(existingValue);
+ const mockWin = {
+ name: testId,
+ close: function() {}
+ };
+ let changeTriggered = false;
+ $('#many_test_id').on('change', function() {
+ changeTriggered = true;
+ assert.equal(this.value, existingValue + ',' + newValue, 'Value should be appended for many-to-many fields');
+ });
+ window.dismissRelatedLookupPopup(mockWin, newValue);
+ assert.true(changeTriggered, 'Change event should be triggered');