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+ Security in Django
+This document will show you the security features of Django as well
+as give some advice about securing a Django site.
+.. _cross-site-scripting:
+Cross site scripting (XSS) protection
+.. highlightlang:: html+django
+XSS attacks allow a user to inject client side scripts into the
+browsers of other users. This is usually acheived by storing the malicious
+scripts to the database where it will be retrieved and displayed to other users
+or to get users to click a link containing variables containing scripts that
+will be rendered by the user's browser. However, XSS attacks can originate
+from any untrusted source of data such as cookies or web services.
+Using Django templates protects you against the majority of XSS attacks.
+However, it is important to understand what protections it provides
+and its limitations.
+Django templates :ref:`escape specific characters <automatic-html-escaping>`
+which are particularly dangerous to HTML. While this protects users from most
+malications input, it is not entirely foolproof. For example, it will not
+protect the following:
+.. code-block:: html+django
+ <style class={{ var }}>...</style>
+If ``var`` is set to ``'class1 onmouseover=javascript:func()'``, this can result
+in unauthorized javascript execution depending on how the browser renders
+imperfect HTML.
+It is also important to be particularly careful when using ``is_safe`` with
+custom template tags, the :ttag:`safe` template tag, :mod:`mark_safe
+<django.utils.safestring>`, and when autoescape is turned off.
+In addition, if you are using the template system to output something other
+than HTML, there may be entirely separate characters and words which require
+You should also be very careful when storing HTML to the database especially
+when that HTML will be retrieved and displayed.
+Cross site request forgery (CSRF) protection
+CSRF attacks allow a malicious user to execute actions using the credentials
+of another user without that user's knowledge or consent.
+Django has built-in protection against most types of CSRF attacks, providing you
+have :ref:`enabled and used it <using-csrf>` where appropriate. However, as with
+any mitigation technique, there are limitations. For example, it is possible to
+disable the CSRF module globally or for particular views. You should only do
+this if you know what you are doing. There are other :ref:`limitations
+<csrf-limitations>` if your site has subdomains that are outside of your
+:ref:`CSRF protection works <how-csrf-works>` by checking for a nonce in each
+POST request. This ensures that a malicious user cannot simply "replay" a form
+POST to your website and have another logged in user unwittingly submit that
+form. The malicious user would have to know the nonce, which is user specific
+(using a cookie).
+Be very careful with marking views with the ``csrf_exempt`` decorator unless
+it is absolutely necessary.
+SQL injection protection
+SQL injection is a type of attack where a malicious user is able to execute
+arbitrary SQL code on a database. This can result in records
+being deleted or data leakage.
+By using Django's querysets, the resulting SQL will be properly escaped by
+the underlying database driver. However, Django also gives developers power to
+write :ref:`raw queries <executing-raw-queries>` or execute
+:ref:`custom sql <executing-custom-sql>`. These capabilities should be used
+sparingly and you should always be careful to properly escape any parameters
+that the user can control. In addition, you should exercise caution when using
+:meth:`extra() <django.db.models.query.QuerySet.extra>`.
+Clickjacking protection
+Clickjacking is a type of attack where a malicious site wraps another site
+in a frame. This attack can result in an unsuspecting user being tricked
+into performing unintended actions on the target site.
+Django contains :ref:`clickjacking protection <clickjacking-prevention>` in
+the form of the
+:mod:`X-Frame-Options middleware <django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware>`
+which in a supporting browser can prevent a site from being rendered inside
+of a frame. It is possible to disable the protection on a per view basis
+or to configure the exact header value sent.
+The middleware is strongly recommended for any site that does not need to have
+its pages wrapped in a frame by third party sites, or only needs to allow that
+for a small section of the site.
+It is always better for security, though not always practical in all cases, to
+deploy your site behind HTTPS. Without this, it is possible for malicious
+network users to sniff authentication credentials or any other information
+transferred between client and server, and in some cases - **active** network
+attackers - to alter data that is sent in either direction.
+If you want the protection that HTTPS provides, and have enabled it on your
+server, there are some additional steps to consider to ensure that sensitive
+information is not leaked:
+* Set up redirection so that requests over HTTP are redirected to HTTPS.
+ It is possible to do this with a piece of Django middleware. However, this has
+ problems for the common case of a Django app running behind a reverse
+ proxy. Often, reverse proxies are configured to set the ``X-Forwarded-SSL``
+ header (or equivalent) if the incoming connection was HTTPS, and the absence
+ of this header could be used to detect a request that was not HTTPS. However,
+ this method usually cannot be relied on, as a client, or a malicious active
+ network attacker, could also set this header.
+ So, for the case of a reverse proxy, it is recommended that the main web
+ server should be configured to do the redirect to HTTPS, or configured to send
+ HTTP requests to an app that unconditionally redirects to HTTPS.
+* Use 'secure' cookies.
+ If a browser connects initially via HTTP, which is the default for most
+ browsers, it is possible for existing cookies to be leaked. For this reason,
+ you should set your :setting:`SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE` and
+ :setting:`CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE` settings to ``True``. This instructs the browser
+ to only send these cookies over HTTPS connections. Note that this will mean
+ that sessions will not work over HTTP, and the CSRF protection will prevent
+ any data POST data being accepted over HTTP (which will be fine if you are
+ redirecting all HTTP traffic to HTTPS).
+.. _additional-security-topics:
+Additional security topics
+While Django provides good security protection out of the box, it is still
+important to properly deploy your application and take advantage of the
+security protection of the web server, operating system and other components.
+* Make sure that your Python code is outside of the web server's root. This
+ will ensure that your Python code is not accidentally served as plain text.
+* Django does not throttle requests to authenticate users. To protect against
+ brute-force attacks against the authentication system, you may consider
+ deploying a Django plugin or web server module to throttle these requests.
+* If your site accepts file uploads, it is strongly advised that you limit
+ the these uploads in your web server configuration to a reasonable
+ size in order to prevent denial of service (DOS) attacks. In Apache, this
+ can be easily set using the LimitRequestBody_ directive.
+* Keep your :setting:`SECRET_KEY` a secret.
+* It is a good idea to limit the accessibility of your caching system and
+ database using a firewall.
+.. _LimitRequestBody: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#limitrequestbody